Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 26 Nov 1959, p. 9

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Glimmer of Hope Plight of as they g to itfl. y ",,t,d 'tt tht, atre tsfh b , l t -,ds of d ,tt thc Doa s .A t. Bt ýt' t'.d sticrsathe t, tv.Ii'y ,, Bil a ,Itty. b, aas hy int,, ,altht a s,t , t the utas' ofsotet ad t, t t t n, vatn, t snude as. tt,, vag,,'. fiAsd thtý . ,ttttt ýt," t Rev. Chrîstensen conducts workstsop jos Retarded Child (if ,td h atts. I tac d to a epl f*,n tou. a d r*,;lý;I Lit, t ,,u0 t 155) uhtca uses aend rtech ,,ta ythe , n t. t,; cOlt,. c, 1 d htattuth thtue Tbte's' att' e- ziinp c ,,'t utu,n, iti t.tttad ttttdtt'tn .5 ~ ~ ~ ~ 'upr lt tadd btlttas ,,5 ttt 't tt t,-tttt tt .thi ai C sudu 151 ttt,,atu uook ipih (i ,sv t.dt astu tni ttul 1,800 put,,tt t e c-du lic i crsn h sts fnpc idv 't,,t,g n frt.stt y a.iet st,tit.ssl 15,,,. tnd,,,,' , ai t5 b t ic ht inub ned t u tttt"e . , vjý if' iv 'n. m -% "There but for the of GOD go Volume 100.-No, 27. lIu fdtbîoa <k0pi MILTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 26th, 1959 - - - - - - - - - - 1 --- - - - - - - - Retarded Chldrens Sho Gives Pupils Chance to Learn- A gottttt 'tttttptt, tf tht, sutes,, Susetitte Stc t ,,,,usuttd ,ttt,'the putttttt;ttaittttttttttttttPar- ttt',ard, Mes. Ftzgeatd fefttfuset ttttg tthteved s,,th etarded a meetingof parensansdtsttereslted c.tLstand ftends bytfeestttttanad Mrs. Jean ftdbersaemwasen- tf ta tttis snrtghf hete ie Miltone dtrictl etiens inteFbra- wat they lhaitl but,,,earnisu ten guged la instract the ebtîdres te utotes HultotsCouaefy, sehete aey, 1956, mies a eammttee euts schootroutitnt. They opentd sith lisir daify macisa clauses, Mss. t tthe Mlosn ttd Dsrict Associatttte fttesed ltugasine a sehuol. Sept- 1,tay, e etaesi tht, days oIfishe Pal MeGralh ot ,Speystde und fat- pi fur Reýta'dett Childt'eslis duîsg as etsbet, 21 sus, tht, apeetsg tof Ihe sceuk, sang Gud Save tht, Qaesn, a er Atse, lfomKed sier.,t atitttsthteattob oaldaity trtttetsoewmetasst.tt,,ntehter of tehym tada Chritmas sttsgand sentdaBuilding pt and caet, ftfr10 sentafly retarded Mtf tte ttnshall, wth fhtee papits. de'a,,s,ttl tabttuesaes. Thef957 sfficees ai thse assocet-af t ehttttetsThet Sunshtne Schtsattte Their feaches' mas Mis. Pat File- Eatty is 19561tht, schut in-a'iontsse fcerdmtth inereaseden- pi BtrowncsSt.tppsite Mlus Aresa, geclaatîd's esr.K e et',ttd lutttethte t ,sis paptîs, iol,,ftsseana tht, eeed, oscesagate,w ttslttveMitttnt, lit :tAefuoue tff, ssis ,edsucbttytt"s ,tt'.Pe. tKa.em Mtes.Anesflfaut,, T,'alilutattad ,nte Etqestsaelatd- At Chistmastmt,, a shot lth,'et te btsemetatof EmmaeuleGptttttusse buildingasn BrownsSt., Mil- st eals. moths frot aetei sallhbe0tslte,chut-ehtinNember. Sltutly af-tol ais useneltd and place mere di -maie tt eqif the bildisg. Afler a bsy saimmerethe exeeutte baia fraeelt,,sed Ili tel weelassraomu, l a mut hshtf, a itehes eed -buEh 1 Y. rum, caspeteewitlh piaeo, deshs i, btaehobards, shelves aed a tnmbl- S ieg mst. e. Mr. Ch ettensee uffered hie lerics oras httau eaeh meek t t teaeh the bttys haedieeafls ilh i sa, ammer and planensTht, Kie- ett, Ctub of Mitotn sffeted lu eqate ted maietate the, kttehes fa Juse af Ihat year. tht, pete-w etealu assstaet, Mrs. G. Jeffures, t mus peaseoted ta prtecipal and Mts. t JcenMitchell. ataa af Campbsell-n eile aseed assaat. Mes.r RobettBuseheet, of Attss aieoaus. sit,'ivgteegheu ime watihaul e- C la trlin teelesttul the, papils s in muic ad tteemeel. s Fuil Day Classes It eus dutea thtts yeae tisai stvtiapte h eame toI age tuata- i sifultl day clasats.t Suete falit f 1958, samethies t ew , bheus uddtd ta the paptîs'v inLu,,o.Ose mrestg a'eek., thy arc ts un n haurs free, ete tir tteMltoe Aueea, ta fat,- tht,, tht-su piystual deselttpmest bu slae hestdeets a,,me heultti- Fo ceto.At they hue asien -1 ne idhud user d,,eeithea t tttduts bei, t. Nuwsixst arr shuttea -Thy wîiI be done in Earfh as it s in Heavun". ,,,, us,,' snan ud tht, pragrese of tht' theet ta a saarcecon astaet 1 atat ,tthtputrets aed feu- .,' Fuas, Sparts Activiues - t Aetttbeu htthltisht af thetr ite- "' i ,'tetts sua ttp tu, tht, fatm aI mectfsthieu'seact, e mesees, ahettht, pupla exprrssetf seaeb ,teestssnthe aemalsansdthecsi'e b g r a ie t these. Tbry tthn sparts, su Il Wishitue Bity Wasonaepsuai aWit * . ~ tot v,'sehtttl aed pasd fer picta * * * th thtebidu*en. Last yeae oee of the, girls ui- 'a. tusard Camp Brîmasi, tht, Gaelphs ditt t e1us aie camp lue retard- id ubtdrees This sommer aee of the, htys ettyrd a happy hattday j B.tfaetod. Thuy etsited a dstry ted tht, itte haIt, aed uppeseed an tht, Kitchener TV statioe. LasI feseumbranceDay, the, These words of gratitude con be utterrd by nny father or mother with a normal youtigster.lise fact is, a mnstally rctardcd clild can be born f0 anynne.; rcg.rdless of econiie status, educational background, race, colour or religio>n.I lisre are at lcast 70 known or uspccted reasons for this condition that cao ocur hnfsre or d urnug lsrth-sr in carly childhond. In Canada alone, 34 menntally returdcd chljdren arc horo every day. Give thanks that y<.ur child is normsal by lilping a great cause. mentally retarded children CAN be hoIpodl VOLUNTEER VISITORS 0F THE KINSMEN CLUB 0F MILTON WILL BE CALLING AT YOUR DOOR DECEMBER 3 and 4 Wfies fthe vsiteor asks for your dottation,,tu f1,1', vet Y uot ttswf ic cause, pisas gtue eeelotu y.Yoar qtff wtlI farth,'r te cri, cf tefilat, .tnd DLtlici Absociastorfor Rtirdcd Chldcn te Norîfs Halton Cauffty aitd atttcwil fietfo assisfte the, Natiol re- search af the Ontarto and Cavadtanats tottctlios. "DON'T LET A RETARDED CHILD BECOME A DISCARDED CHILD" Milton and District Association for Retarded Children An Investment in People" Uoo a'ýL oý' Ih, Il is lso a p ieg,ltbefthePeaideit ,.l ,N,, ttt,.t,,,tt.,.ttt,t'.lfatte iyssuueeeduCiaatethi t t,,, 'o t.lA , L,, .-s't-ttttttseftif yosvstthe tSuishie bio% i, Mtttt.T'ILL,, tasku'ehave useituaiionstt h;ýlt , i or i , ,ttttitt,tety thai il cue be honestly nfafud al miua, i trtttdnt!toi*the ,setaltty etariddisnlise lasldesade tttt'%-ýno l,,- stt'dt andya 1.titth normssal in- titttt L , ,, i,tsttttts tsttIF YOU AND t DONT Ht) ' "t 5 'tthi ,*I ,t fi'in oiibtsup ig t b i t,,,, 'ltvotnLd;toi. httt',tuiy ttts yeat sweewstsstatilisn liýo ri -ai yut, ttppttttunisty lautstest in peple. Da yau Il,, t, t,tlltatdud Ctsttda'ris Cati13leHeipei and We G'11t fiels,'t,, G. G.AlDISON,' A chair helps with skating lessons. ,bildtec paid s eteit ta lise Cees- tapis euth ie seheal misere tisey utemed tise monament, learnsed ehy il mac ereceei.and suid -a erayer fer the mur deai, Thele annuel Christmcas parItes, misen parents and frtends are iceilsi fsr i istief prefiams sresesfed isy tise pupils, te acotier nautid e tivlty tehen tise studectu get a chasse.ts tsom sff1 tieir iscomiedge nf the@ simple thicgs tisey are capable ai daine. Stisu sgu a jay ta tise pussits, and ace a mesis Mss. GenreEl- litait cuies tu play tise iatnsfor aras's sg-sng of tise hymen uni tise favorite fuses they lave se meli. Tise meeiiy mnrbchnp tes- sonu are also tas fas tise citiden, miss taibs suris pnide te belsg nable ta f inishs a simepte choetaftheisa et- tisacteiolhiser tesehers Nous Coald Rend Rteading ta a prentesfer camne, bal easy fisc athers. If lisey begin classes 5aiuts esriy age (fieiss-te emtnimuam tisey leurs, mueis easier tsas if tsey isegie lainer, neerdica fa the pricipal. One student is nom msrhing os tise grade tms rentder, misile nîhers are ut grade use and pre-primer level. None ceatd read mises tiey eclered tise seissss i, iseding oneisoy miss apef fiee yesrs tn grade one ai pahie seisnol. fseasuricg. tnittcg fime, tdentify- teg samisers. esactica, dressing Iheseselves, siegicu, fasmliig. paitinge, memsry mers, isondi- mnrh, csahsng, leurnisa beaitis esies uni msey atier simei thines are drillei asd re-irtiled. ose isoy laves ta tligieis misut lime it is. Ofisers use mnrk- tsg as flash eatds te us effart fa gel fhem resding essier. Oe loves sddisf and ssnbtracfieg, acofiser sth s miufsrmei bond deiighfs sn lying ibsis onsse laes. Msenerize Psaban Ose litIle girl eouid neyer dress berseif, bftfcse seleaceica, One isoy ras drive bis futher's eue and trrttr and erks incagrgeson meebeeda. Ose telisse souldn'f apesis sederstasduisly, but csm han nots rouble raseersing. Sonae have memarised four psnieus. LTheir rhsythmseasti mevesent . casses are iselpisf mils en-erdun- tatos cif *body mývemêI5t% andien- centration. Tisey do* ont cnpefe mifis nîhere, but are given sépar- Lie insfruction ta tise varnas phasesuof elssrs Ont, bey, mhinu 23 bat bas tise fmind tof a chili, sec ta pusblie neheai for several yearc bot didn'f eveshcesno nysnusbercmisen he jied fise Nansime Seienl. Yet bits iandimers is besotiful Feissi Accidents KEis ose basisees fautigta give isis oms came and addresc and tise name ai tiseir isarents. Tisey cisseiy flttasthe, morkot tise Junior Red Cross and dramatise tiraI aid rules hy isavisa a stapil feten as accid- caltmisile bis asaocssles cure fer is. Here, in tise mords off fheir pris- ctpal.ts thsecase of jantoneofthtie 10 cladenfa, "We sec a ciid of 10 yrarsofai gtin 1f55. afarling netsaur Sanuhise Sehoal. Henlied neyer iseents hoal sa bc hadn*t a psti- ai r a boksi.'Ht, isd greaf dittie- uity snesabtef even bts fsesiiy isna' misaI he said. He mas a chili s hicinbislittie mssrid. HSemas trese and drem itfaiseîia greal deal, sa mas diffiruif fa teacis, Laves Muais "This chtld is us s crm erratume tsdsy. He o rrlased and very bnp- pyhbeconfals mifsacyone and bc utsdersfasid, ise bas ieursed ts t rad for kùbs cave protection 'and infortmation, be rue dts simple eeattngsandseeasuig, andiell ltune. Ht, ias leurced aisoautishe petuple uni tbbsgs tn bis ncrns- tistiy, anidise bas leurced ts use ise iasis its mshing fisaof pop- ut, irathr a ni plastic. la tise mnrhshap be s ncisng a bammer and drill and nas. e, loesmanie ted rhsyltm and thrtsacb liese bhiefs bau guinconftsidenuce and self cetfol ta tise entent ise scn shute aisse affar tIa sns nf practire. "Learctng ta ds simple iboase- a',stb as maie btm s helper in tise hosme. Learsicg scal beisavior unidseaneers taniselpisa bise taiti itls is home uni eomseucify tifs. "Han f 'iseen martistet" tWrii, il bas been morthwciie, Maey niso sus tise Sunsisine Stisatigens, teosetissesshy pupils fa tise peraref sersimeef oi happy f etenda mili vottrisfor tise valus ef lise tbainifisgry s aerecet vine. Expect Mars Tise prîsieun nom, t is aI an in- ceesed ecrlesiset in expected. Tise ecafive kissoo f sny smnre refaried en'Miltan, Atts, Genre- taown unitise surrnding ton- ships. Tishesssi ruannst approncis patents1taecol lhiser cisildeen, but Illas epelitis aI moesstudeefa miii ibc vsonlarily enroUadintatise sens futore. Josf ose insance s tise case ofi a fosc-yc-oii serts Berlinglon boy misos parents are sa entisus lisey bae aiceady maie appsilcat- ion ta ecrai hlm in tise seisnnl, IN mut be annepîs on bis 1111h irtisday cent Marcis, Consilnait on Pue Thte«s Secon d Soclo n.

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