CHRISTMAS TREES FOR SALE SCOTCH PINE, SPRUCE, BALSAM SHERWOOD HUME )41 BULL STREET TR 8-2621 FRE DEIIVERY IN TOWN Bots, as i wes 3i i N walks onuair' with attochments. culyCmg ol lgtyEta A*fraF E t wo <isoners in on.!ClmxgTaihometyxtaA.k f lo F Ce.HARDWARE.$95 T8-6011 Don Merritt, Denier Milton, Ont. thaitic aatonlîrî sitis tir,-abe ni rri;aige? tDrop iii and 1 etie li-l)c ycu deebue. Wcvecpastel babY biacîketa, cuiîcanfrnl designis fuie 1ce-Ieelco, the hwvlcest of lfSiier niradec fotr ailtilto, rhecks fan drui anrdrassi, Just ask fan KENOcumDa 200 MAIN ST. TK 8-9261 In The Heart of Halion" --ý- 1 f -, -ý, ,* 14 The Canadien Champion, Thors., Novmber 26th, 1 959 From Darkeàt 4f ric 7<.m~e P~CTeacher Audrey Lawrence Home0Sm le Audrey Lawrence ot Miltn lias lif le teachtn French, tihe ieans beets carroUo sor a squash- koog III for flve or six men at a Td _______________________________________1_ eurned franc a three year tay nsci agag tr gncia . leeea ntireir gardiens and tasse.,lTiremens est ssparately fro lthe doris, primitive central Afrca This may take a year or more tss et ntive fýondoorh aa orangea, lire wonren, and gulp down o thir Souths Americu prreIdes a grsi wlh oooy ,tcrting roperirorro procure, ilion airewill ditain s re- lananas grapefruit. toemons, mon- fond by dr-ppiog Inco tingero in sarchallenge to 1he Bible Society, R I H R O I I H )~ Et ellairuot ier lie'smission. senced viesa ad spcnd asoutirer tues, Psw-pv .sort galas, as meli gourd isowl. I ttere. ltes te deisk muni b eing met in part by tise RIGH AROUNDHOME jW ýReodees ssoy reraîl sire let Mi- three years in Aines before hier aa one vegletairle resenctling a pu- -soandiirey love il very monh - issue reeenlly nf 50,ptt copies ot a- i ri ton in Novembre, 1956, tu teacirtire neolt urlouali. tetu. lire men drink tronc glasses. Wc- nenc revisian in Brailian 'Prto- by Shirley chirn ofol ncroonarreoin lire Su- (On lier first trip talire dark Natives Asint en, miro est tater, use in c ons le gre. Tise pisting ut an additinal A k UidMoin Cieio ie ooryon-tLnhtcnoits Aout35 or 40 nlire mission thir idrinlis. 12t,000 copies io n iraod. rauni thir rvos oto,, ad riec roisîrd aid cI(ir e Frenchilive in a separate comopotiraiattre Therenconcyirave as masn iv- Tireroutirn Baplist Convention seailevegetuires. Yetirov ai n y oY ptataco, ty the lay, artic ladîd a ind unin iotîit, the î îîloîliîîîvii3biliF- flceatAtia r titirraiin itah I alîi lcm vtisaI.)trnCtil ciiicldclc atîh tsceu of usausi mît and munir iiem itir vtaiAirut tiry du nt iilaiflaeori.-lit as desitirtoliiloîEiiatloil Ateica iiitirrRriuir- GT - -TwLanas ta to titaîeat ieotcIl,- furtheoio en dattl acpnudciîccsbiipc witisut any tiroaglit tu ms me iave'tire vitaniCor nemn ta ire aof etam, metteceiic leo Cad.iGoernaentsciath fîa icstuotosetoodats ieua.Mesmut i tii he rGoîspeofJioninoSpaniss. cnutd fin tirem up ne change lirem? fondin wmute patatues. istats PfaitBoy 4t Wives ire espiaino, are overcrumded and sil. oand tireir hirido ensistsofaIItIe In lth-e cty ut Sun Paulo in Bra- Te finiterror meihaveoaltmade Tirrese eipm aomine nid and Yie:tdob6îiseet' I uetud pictreyoareltîinlie United Missionsupprted ry A New Testamcent Bible pains- foutloffblackeiraoeurlarge al,mwirciriasa population ofrver in pepain poltues is in leting nec idras freprepaeaag ptatuosa t mediumnc iard lîtalara peied a tamunIof5,1543 mire eirmess Eogtund, Narmay, Austratia, Nem- lakigly transltîd inothie native X on tire sckaI tir niait. Wonc- tireer million, tescic mas sus- al tieir vilamin C and iras g diftrrent ay. Oethird cip (ui iilktiOib îîîhave asncany as 40 iestaundlasd, Anerican and Canari- tangue isquite populormwitirthesenmrethe tradtonualrp-ar-pended inonncofuthlie contrat domn tie drin. A ruait mira Bsry-Up Potatos 2 ttailspîionu btter ai' mrgil- lishoa i reaogt ora$40 te laded ianAeicanuresr- runs80 Ngaussosais, ire said. Tirey are raid ladskit ad trainonepicelo quaaeres he msnin odr thsa peets tirera and smaSs tire n w a- 4 unpecled, chirîtid palataus inefo . aiwee itîilsota iutciurci sciants tirroagioul lire Su- car tise eqaivalentaf tt censia nd clatir. Homrvee, mimaultaumeae lurerBible Sussday Rully, orgas- er, drains tirenc and tires paes tir Iaspon sait t1 trupupiogratcditîunio1,ut.iiuthai .ita tincr"l delaced dan ditrit.Thesnativesaetaugirt sooneincrnatvs tiadeîincirieli- Wetenrltirs misen tire are ied birchlotcal ausiliacirs ot more mater re tirent ielre bil- Bliacirpepee tînreycbapîedii i re 1 2 u tise cîu'lîirk, wmirerft by aneangetist, ursstmaoyeaes cens on tbe bookrs. Treres aimao a Ciristiaized. tire Bible Society, cauld laie place, isg tirr n sd, tîolty, dseards tire Sirerd polalces and pace in air t teipuion takirng piidt>e liaitnsiinait sticadîb Icuane ta in native Ngancia, tlin Frenchi. maitisg int agd tire ibles raie levstes Ber LiteOSuggested nible Rradings mater is muer tiey wme c euked ounef, irated casserote. Add at Fem gins teereOciîîisemisec e wiste unitirave Most ceiîdres sent tu tire mission soapped up as sonaus îirryauer Despîte ailthtie ditfiîeatie en- Suoday, Ados 7: 44-60; Mnnday. ru ditserdn aiturIe vaine. ad ppprand bak 7ite 0mi- '- oapuntye bcnkwi o u hoedu choscm IotCrstaie rie.elire Binnes uer prîmi-nîPterd 822 Tesa 2Peer3 Tiere are secreatrite in i tireriats. Ptatuen nay 'c ire ne r[ rd acuIp tbidded cieuei lp fi'e tipaint. miererfoad amiles. soMs a rnei ut a-11;W dedy on 4 -1 inarvnc it iveCoe adcokpoaoc i s îoelsieclmt liie shipped Miss Lamrence ias nin misso- Eslsdtrbioîo ias tisae ruf a rant rec and i ookting Tirurîdue, Psalos 14: 1-21; Fni- froni Nw York and whre thearies' hildre in lir own Eglueh-ardsstsofi-tacoînandSSu-ayîaîdrntiseSh daaidlPeuaimoPlairos 1 -7: -20; tucduyay wiîeiravoidtlosing food values. idoaIs1 mofralpepaior ptataresîall urnearotth bitlttî slet)a a aldb h od t oto cs8 -3 Tirerare siloaendieun psibililien mien tire ueeoilin1usoe (Servn es -unticitendîr. Grenseai 6- p salureirfeuirai il tbey speaking sciait, and deuisllite paiers andlitrature r e tuened chrad as eie t dvie in thiricooking wich errp keep, 4tu 6). caerole Prleait'eiii i3,'do,- itleiîdm1,1 icelî pli oniliriesnatves. tiltiketeacrisg outerigirtithre.eîtîl. adic aepae oi the cck isrersted inireubtetMj sdOussLseoeOert mciaitlel. Di*;iMiiLan'eces'ipaositina ruratcouliin Canada.sireex- sresAit He miiylfredttinMitn and'cotinertu asifrtieraeeess i Barb a quantity aI paitatuies. skinon,3trapumaslîrd ptaticet ihuecîtcîly andîldry li,, lui iiltt.teb1 d 1iccc lccnplains, mîtir abldreen gradesuone, SireneveeCuti lueor piiOilitec,î lb remi ieeatpact III onan ad areeiîlyuerairired. Daol curp wCipiiOO ree'm Uaîugp ptatoita shiier ouii cti',iic 11lîi lo,'irhcclticere balready t t em, ite and rigirt. Atla Miss Lamwrncer expn s asntpas- dsrc etil ih le elII diypae notaoeecoîklthemand dCrem iteatpuccopepee cuieeitiitiili'li.lciitiliti i'cocite eilit-rmarda'ihieis abinirlieraharera Fenc oyiofusage tuandlctim Alcicalaleaoa- wel ere teluingnte fcIg- otsatit ;ias hortccitly. Griilii.ilhiiin Iih-r lteOnifci-,-etudelts. 15tand te ngisirldcrstissed cdrp tbe MissionsandlriensOin ealue.Aler drannuoffthbe wat- 12cup grateddehes ariiiiiiii ileceitinolhk tici icl it icts17>'e.e -ated bp amce irtitirumirm are taiingCanadaiietpoutmwitl mocpyand , et, put tire ptroivuee tirebirrer Ilad 'tlhgo.ciilii dîic lccelc lA-,acopîdeeaec 1u:reuialsE1s1ltPiterue ocia nd oss irke it igrauly oacre Placec ptatîces ins a ssoe.îund geaird olirc. titinkcîîhefiîciîtdîceicieatie gel- mcîmrands. in Milton,îs. m hcccibe mricinc- le mrduncreamiba lavocure. iTiresould ire mathrd util hakîîîg tîîcd'.îeie celci ililiiiutii esuttrllemiibot er and loughtirn ti-ire audar - 1,# 1 Tien teltirhe pt stand in a arc eulurpmtuî dding btirnic.Bri paiccîcsi. clt citic." rid u iiMite antl nis, tirr ler a taner taur OiREt tnums eeunîs ,f~~j~ peeanaaddepteegiltcil stuneBatitis ebhre'lori placeostîtatt..Isli iraoevaPuemilirlo-,cBeamsile and Taor( cidt crated. andsule andlold in iceac.t ptead sm.tirtherciîiedclîeeac B ranI"andone-iral. thr ptlesnIe etigeatar cre putuesanud akeire sa 30 hotellý iv e- utît pilled ti oli eSiaisbr<bsss ss tGsroupaaia paeiy fliesupport~ insaplastie container wmîhthier-deceoleamcitis;htt îilla.l f Clohmeccua Atca aWmie sieaiandeesîand tire Tbe natives, nueere.are sultie (Ilîerîîcegîleecceî uov-stcr forniaiMabom-unbtuc30cnesdmtinutese-SU heylcon bire ree-d Cir suci ii 611KiES LitGA il,.îtloe Ifclietsi ht lller uçer ltui ire cautd l ieso caw-i- nh torai at. en( etli, lIii a let on. and this ilthe mostnut- FufttePutf Mcyînitîiiilili ici ti wo 11 Mý.BIsecit lîîcîf . rUrqi1oe' ence e lbr odflena tuciang agroi iciidmtisirtadit.eliaitie ll - rîtiao u e ay ta euttitema. Bufft i midser inieiltiiti s 1i' h .,1 111'one, sluccliiiterth oowil ObasaCIAireLhweit IL int mcrd p t nes a sd e n iroed oaru doi ; he i lutte scît hi, i 1 front, etir tirint and wocedrilie îîîîetoccinsi 'îlict e ta.înmaLeaweul-,utlyrgrssvc mint. l aaaie mii ie att irit is taacetiiliiIliciligcîiea.rcîccdu, niradtivre eh e. uctîltiecn- atîo testire c.îîn oyaiie . 1 MAF OA re l"Idmofiad1,w l' cmii iii liai, lired ervct iattiti-c-'tenioniniou'sai .....chtuilitmolis ab u n ir ,c hiSut 1,mn Feeace ti M e ay. c otins i sth mc a i -yndtht tau. SU,,,eeadeeomîs y w e I fapl ate siu mu at ai e îbîclteîîafi i ri.finef cvrad (8i lure rati ciîiî cn mcr tre d. d c d . or td tal e ca1 nîp e luîle dîrsc 1 h A Id 1 Ilcio toiv a o11,11.uniii' lic tre M, b s e n a te e .and F ac e i s the aivesCac,îd' ' i O t îs Puro- uoh, a, .%.v 1.,. lr, o o ,-, rc iuire seill Cl e nastiral f ibsreendr , nd vacs"teeutinlthe re T c eîu o re ga , rm te lail esc"fi ""r u erhetinia e l d i a m e r s a t i;pt t e s c n tp e a i y i n r o . A c % n Y I s ll e as, r o n u e t o O t r b r a d i - e y l o k Cr ar en r A c P m i o e ,d u tIl, t-, ar i liraai ta ,Supr .. ii1- aie. Ici lie- rallie ceasîo. iltirugh CIIîu c îl tee lcire îcîleta loii ibe pin at- "er(i mng tem rir h eaerer lfylgtart hsptt 1.1.1 ca ca c'u, i ain fom the middeeof theugaineIIeYii ei. theeîc.plnt mus,., acuemii' a siguil abu ien. iiltsunnye lirgaisn e tlie iiYcca2cia i, lu n dnmtoso toth îue ab t ci n in ceedressî licaens O lyfre restec l ic t r ,y. Alie a tieydco'*tth-ae tu a lt a teînd .s oc a teu o i 1 c liets rena Oly aîc. octcdytavril for24iniiacotirhe cr - birr 2isk1 i rtia u uill tire mord hardi-or Onr Meat - Sergtdcalup rabi lsfrso W i rpice ire $2 lai a melîo, Natives tahîtl i Ii l i ea cr-t a m nocai . Is aymcstlaoodil icicrtei i,,,Ne. dae ,lîîcîlîîeThieiccieii Yokbeyingli)wve. Isn't Easyîe tkig ujs jr_ gene lettace, lramaue a dithres.pal iiig veale mîitlctore wmîcn ,EpLE-CiEESE-HUI i NASrREAD byNnyClearer (orPatîsnirhsonOeeuprrii wine cmam etisee.' ut adfltwahe ordnnrotrdner artYtamnuesan 1upwlldai ute p'ei ICOME! SEEC HEARI le1rM>oi ads'dO cm m miss-issuiur irargnt 'n, it Iccud haeii't eu hicure ii - 'se. cd h rt Ser pise-I ae o cs a f le dd n i er i rc cgît tuî g u e at d\ .~ aais ei,p cis iieeetc' li e ir eplo a i m i n u u ou ceredcîW. e a a gesc- c îe. ire ,îeguiegL u15 itb 2isrires--We r-ici iai cili T tiane Ci chet!DEM B Eilstll eut, 195 word sie said - Tom mtîctcîied macma 4 rgto hyn.Mte ees eoir e,uete drIc on nigternueatalEsg Fiay 8 p.m. Vts neto tRh Tî o m n , r isn i r v ie m n T LI e o c ccu y'c mtime Ssndays il arn. 7 pem- om y trsalit.H los u, e n-I t hentAk cîhle cie when moher cals a thid tVmeOIdtTeibedGospelartPreachings a-- efanty,-N! ti tti ianth repctu-ot miii 11011yd S rit T m smutrd lte gr an c m tn ie 1 hre c i, ogticcl >e'ie elly ire' clta tmataîaeu on imhaLidccfuadCmctla eanam mnd ccîeian c11 ou amhuraine rey dtc br e't-11 I beeaîidaention beist)i mailigN. iTusa ho ghI .Vitr466 gopedcnenshrneaccodhesr mîllheplîîîBtlice ageioudy 1 ..7pm A îmoteerfa e nstictiammng ut ymoiitasceue ellie"t FOLLOW THE nROWDS b r a o j s c nex. e ciac'dL u .A ld i ghcid ad i e o p e P e ch pruece tbec cne uicrtlertucaiedmayaskMiat-h us u sllYarejGOPLC U H ois sea ctceilon-cdiruthe difcuer tuc lhmynI e r,îeiîlVîi-rtinlMui t hSevc aehiid'u"Nty ayn"HN!brait ec Mir cteecaauuuuudr, u ilpceo meetandsît elcatlaa--y? îmmu eulîoiai irputîconacu TEACHER tarerd mîctîreary, LamISere retaceFORGBWAY crîldu ptaceTie mîed te an o- Nu"' CA cLise rnn kmii utcifr u c oags cmcaeAîNDai sls gar am siwa a oer W RAkof El - FO THE N Ighwayte w lt mm Idece o hue peecdrui amnd t e .yandsec ce u ua" i tactac rheaeseclupd i is ibelsruus LoWnOM cmarative ;c n fouîrmst itrsia uiuctticrliuccct roie. rmccaiiuiaier is Paits shcl'Ideeeuid FutileHE meWD orecteuc itncot.Eirci hue tutvi lc m tii n tumccîsel - iu'ce------------î'-- --------- raclg e gotge i e xp tic ag t he ici ci- i li ltuace.t tv i li ch1îî---i-- --c---i Exl's - o er ta H sansest ecîon îa i cida uueul rîu -. ccc 1hMn pa"ent ettasci ru'en., liti dirtt eenc ,itg tay u ri t dtniitu niMt TNutuH R une m siA yAu ry a re certun 4 _ W XIIII.Ii u Ifiatsmodran ttucaismtr dil ccicttnteci.eiu fi iie c oereelyale he easo lc akcninn IH YG SE HrC i macot chutciiemneram hseiit ticie, Aiîppruîiîîres orcîc. in N' whr se lagtcid n ofm bon is.W h hrs MIeTOicta roi 'itiN l'emi. i Tegniset a 'er er- arcd rii err nîe îc uoa nai,,-No lueadwa -rudsitdslydb irn eM r o lIthun o n ricldi datu a"o- itpesccelieliusnta a c ie yo rmun.M-sLwec odsaNabitas tr a i-ce aefretons aiciatirseau N ind ii,'iiisucemhit-iihic ino h NwTsaetishrhnwile artK E N W O O D iants tmmieris otchiccanBuis t ie.tmci'uttuotir irir i,' inltnii - ELOM nuireg t atie ua moiontdluencar eumPa] mcii ift culie kactly ii a setanedegtcee(of ideeece. b tuuas- .A"Y e t,mcI- î~~'A L W O L N P ienagonaure Bal- itîu- cîi.tu-luitrue vcuiraon uu îuucu'im - tain things in aalrsa's cenlayrou rty or . hoculvrr riches a coin