MILTON RED SOX Itermedi ar thse Ontario championnttfp thisj Dominion Lifr Ansurancr Co. tri tOe Legi on ,Saturday evrcicg.) eam, proodis- dfsplayfcg thef c i front, Don Joy-ce, Ken Riddrll, E t'nemosnrOlie-00 Speaker's Jesis Wow Jackets, Ci Toke a cbampfonrbîp basebaîf tra,un flic members' iver and gii friendn. a roupie of lophiro,ex ecutivs, a ons- bref dinner. a dance hall and a forai paber o-ho tell prtty tuns- lober . . and poO'Ve 0010 ford roîpe tr a bongap iight of fu. Tliat's fot wabltbheMlton lRed foo did on Saturday ifbi at the Legion Htol. mben the term gaib- ererd to giron tbe official borora for winoiitgDontarîr's roorîrd In- termediate "0" rbmpîoiioip 10:0 past sommer. Tbry brogbl lof Iliir btter bal fs and lady friend, sat domntOr a big meal aipped up by the ladies othebe Ogion Auxîf- fary, Obro danced fnt tbe o-or small boaro after ecrbmembr ofo ther Oam bad bren ufabOly lon- ored for is part in brîififg barb the Dominion itfe Asurance troplis. Jcata Wssm Gocato GurnI spakereof the nîgbl 1000 Lileî Jim Mllmno a puble rela- ions type from a London ýBrraiery. Ne mrmed bîo audienre101h f rolo about Oam members aiid rorco- tivro and plased a bot piano. marb Or the delibi of al the gorsia. Mayor Cbldo conaratalated tbe eami for brinfîng the O.B.A rliampioiosbip 10 Miton and o presidrot, Lri tef. Mare ad il mas rnly bard airOsand 10010 spirit whhbir herft tbe air. "Teaam effort and ro-.perai,,o! liane bren lbobina. bol air ati I bars hm s-ar.' raid the perdro. $100 For Hospital Jim Blackti,:rt ie-presfdent of the Halton romolîre., prained thse Mlton teamas o one of tbe Daki- vile clatis brit ompOet0itort. Hr asnoaoerd hal 0he HCBA.ex- ecrtine liad, Oat afternoon. decid- cd to donafe $1005 b the Mlfon District Hoptal for use ar the liopilal sers fiPrIe itritrlco, prcaîdet I hth the O.B.A and HC.B.A., paised the moveor ofhlb recrative as a tine feroore. Milfoinsorance agent Bob Mo Cuaig presentrd the Most 0 ouoabît ployer trrphy tb DîogNs-aIl. star catcher op from Sarnia. Douf waa JACK HALL CONCREETECUIDER, SLAG BLOCKS J. COOKE (Concrets Btocks) LTD. NE 4-7163 L. J. ZANATTA *Commercial and Reidentil building *Cupbelrds * R..mlodilltng For r. Estîmoies TR 8-9983 ThUs.~gr~fh .- .: . Ltti L agu rs Basebali Executive h Have Hey Day il-tanks Ail Helpers , Dear sir:u At Big Bunifeed Moay aie, tberexrroblve ofMitnb Over 1f25 yoong boit ptos-ers ýfrom LittlreîLague Bsebsîl Associati on, c the Miton Ltte Leagur Baseballthtroufb the ageofro thia paperra Assocatoaftendrd a wind-up laibe tbisopoportrity Or thooli oil brio fred brOu at thr Coordiat of b otheoplewbo betprd ioOy a Leglon boll Tboroday igbt. wry do of Obhe past umnmer ta0a ~~five tbr boysrin ibis t10100 e i Films werrr oown ood trophier rimrop. i prrsntrd Or tbe two ir 10000:10 spor frms ino cinrnatiin fhe yoiiofrrt Ilistlmost imosiibetatlist the N-tiotal ageaid tiorohr in nann as Ibrir airer su mary. o- the Ami rîran L.rofîlî"lTh, 011uîîdn,b o.d îîrîroffl h, i,ît wis ,ur ,,,nt a ralirao,,fi,,,- îi nony fir'îL l S o fl w o 1fî,.-prîf ,on aibro the bboys aire rîoifhot îlafslri.otîîrrfir-sor ,iiy do and pop preprd by the othirjoflib 0010cameUp tiat Kiorfîr rlub of Miton. orrded a bard. To aff of Obýe poplrwr oy tbankyr:îand wr M...Awards cerlafols- bopr Itha exo mme,. ArfMrlaiioclocal sportsorOlr- Yo 'll bouita giea hari brity intIrotb the boorbai ad oncrragaf, as wrlfasmany mort, hockbry mors, 100 Or or ad and tbr s-on prrah orn ta r aVP air. 11 T:, the Kînrîte Club of Mffton. rtrabfol1f"uo fOlOl i utnboldOfandoOpplyfng Cnrinnati atoo rcefordfbreGuy thbrmuglrd and îeis, taMurray Brsbierorial tropy as lraforliîd Catrfg for srroîg tbr boor ith o'tirnbs-rCrlO'lrtedrinks; taJohnBel.flbrholobrd Dr. Fred Babcocbkrrririf ard fierro:pplyfofrrocoplerofio'oovir for Obrîrir ag oc 111frTbr Guy for fbr oildrrr; ta Obe Canodiao Brrîb tropby 1000 dotrd by Hrrb Higgsoio 1910 for bit camp- -~Prolo ris onoîftedbte Rotrak ry clbin Pollock and 'B" bosebaif tramaihich 1won 1 Marie, coptafo Art Mefannson, coach Bracer Seraffof, mascot 19M. pot suttiert, aias awarded the Wayne Tf ibef s, Murray MOhister and Wayne Hîfson: ro, Roo Itight Direction Campbell ophy t a banquet and dance in Gervafs, Gien Dance, Jiai Learmont, Ron POuflips, Roc Shannon, The trofuconiperdinî' il , c1 ap- Manfatrrr of Members and rorcutifer'of the r Don South, mont vrlabte pfayrr Douf Hyatt, Sto Hannont, Jimai OOîy as a basrehati asociratio foi- irai jackets and the trophs-, arr: Kniglut nd Nip Gervais. Primo Rigo wasa absent, Mftoin forr trol s- er- lhio pas HIGH GRADE MEMORIALS mdaiît o: îrf f 1,01 MEMOROAL ENGRAVING ilme Honby prsi entLenSte, oibbk, 1000 ororrîtîro ssîrfI 62 Water St., North, GALT p I ini tbrrifbl dirtio.Tbr aso,- TELEPIIONE f048 fation 100100 lobight foma _______________ Guests unicodotactprr wecwr h wioîri n nt o io man l ad 0 cr .p - motvla a npionclsvt hip T rn o phy TsbalAsoia ribu e S hI iteaoaif.g b--' M O N EY ? Loal prsfieDo Gny Evlois a îst-ong oneand -wc bolOOýal. H.CBA. srreiaiy-trraaîri'r WCS oas a o ad t*g 'b u te ,'.hc-n ai:rienter eO.BA.tî,,m.,m Wafde andseond roitoor h b uejcktsad H s aai 1H lto hreait brio prîllt ien îrît iladel. Dl,' Johnson J.A. ILLIOTT MONTHLY PAYMENT cd bhe a ýmplic o ubtsof'it j l unooofr Orn lheyer rain :,1947 î'intinbrliofitheb OB.A. and IlfC. Licns.d Auctionseer PLAN pyrs inoecrtn then -1h tlu199. prrsidrrt MeMlfr er- BA.anld AicbieCarsofthe ril- bh bakts pflol td. 22 of tbe Ontario, Champ,- tnlî uivrrlt.andiphone us &bout if Tb f pc ar d i ob:hps rcamr ta Haflor Co:îly REAL ISTA'TETR892 ch O b.A rehane teThis yeaî, Halon bad la,,hiba - Io Jane ut 195. CaraduanTR 8-Po95TRS-23 i puo b nd a rOcer.upinlîlî' pa. " pad ln Iv..Phone Tfc8-92' In ec- u.1d, iaonlhlîîîfhy E. Bl'LEMENT fi rt ollor theO.DcA .'sîrp--. 'oCotinlîr Bob Reid pîio,,,l rte,0019M.E .CLME T on f 9305nd ord ' iiîbaaoloni w:alfolbr temero c ti :-IINSURANCE 947 al er a, cflore leres u th Fort, oa :ll î,t 1he t11,.oan -h t225 Main Street Mltoni Ere. Ibrai .1u0011 in 190f. 11 HALTON RURAL SOFTBALL LEAGUE 11 --aifl photo OSBA. PRESIDENT aod prerodeot of the Halton Coacty Basebaif Association, Poete Mctoaf fr cof Milton awarddihe Ontario foeromeitfae "B' cbampooshîp tropby to Milton Rd Soo on Satordas- nîght ait he banquet and dancr honooîog 00e champs. Presidrot ton Ste. Marie and captain Art Metanson accept the cooeted amard, aich retocrnd ta Milton ater a f2 yertabsence. CAR REPAIRS FROM CLEMENTS RING THE BELL! Ye, th fine niechanics t ALLAN CLIMINTS AND SON iii take cars of at your car repirs . . . uet your car Oni perfect running orderi Stop in this week end let us tok it orer and ive you FREE, honesf .nttmatea. W'lt assure 5ou of highty-nkilted workmanahlp . . . and we'tt arrange ESny Budget Terms for you. SPECIAL NEW BRAKE LININOS INSTALLED . . . att mokas endi models FOR ONLY $19.95. 9571 RAISOLER. t CYLINONIR, Radia, Auoaill, Cusilani sharp if,00 oi lmesm ser. 1952 CIOEV, ecal rdcanwitttradia. L AN LEMENTI & ON ya oiAca M aacR OD 99ON17Egr. S. -MiL TON .7atrîiti R8.2328 HALTON LADIES' RURAL SOFTBALL LEAGUE are holding their ANNUAL EUCHRE AND DANCE PALERMO HALL FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1959 Ecrrtfromf8 p.m. to 10p.m. Dancing10tp.m t1a.m. PRESENTATION 0F TROPHI ES GOOD PRIZES GOOD MUSIC Forrycce Wrlcome ADMISSION 75c NOVEMBER SPECIALS ý WndshieId REGULAR Washer $795 Anti-Froozo eI $55 99C BERNZ.O..MATIC PERMA-PLUG 4 in 1 OVTLET (Brown) 79c O'CEDAR PLASTIC FLOOR BROOM Reg $229 $179 Reg. $225 Genoral Purpose SHOVEi. $1.98 Ct4tHARDWARE AshrndDeaer, Dan Mrdut, Owssm TU 86011 136 MAIN ST. MILTON eT Engine in the rear? Why, of course! Americasi andi Eropeon automobile boit oves ia numme noonufoctarcrs hoave nom odoptcd 0the inier. No oati-fr îound principir of foc reor-mounted rodiotor problems. engi'oe. Something once corsidcred The engine is ingeri tinorhodox is nom recognized as la nom onnd mognesiun engineering common ocnsc. light and pomerfu You ire, Volkswogen's reor enie oaghest 198 ho.S given direct drive to ther ahecis, soving I sbatflym weight and power. It is tOur most efficient fitio o ifol- m und economicol design. And thc reor friin oaii engine gives your rcor mherls belter ail between chon, traction, In mud, sond, ice, sn0m, mherr foot top and crais other cors skid, you go. saime. Yoar Volkso Whot is more, the Vokswogrn engine n.p.h. oit day wit is air-cooled, o decided odvortogeonahonest39milers when you thsnk obout if. No mter f0 gas-regulor druv SVOLKSWAGEN CANA Dstrlbutors antd dealers (rom coaet ta coant ir, or f0 freri e in freeze needesi. No niosy cont of atumi. 11n otoyýs ond is very fi; ondoubtedly fflu .foing. ichined for minimum probobs- neyer neesi ies. And so efficient sing npeeds are the iwages mili run ot 70 rthout stroin. Yoa got fa othe galla (regalar iing). &DA LTD). t51- W. F. CROSS. SALES AND SERVICE R.R. 1, Milton Tel.: TR 8-6201 -1 L. OFl-m.I 'Legion for 9th. e tse.10e,11 lfor the banquet; we soy tbaok you aodlA e â>R ti la (il if oot for yoo peaoie c t woOtld flot A co U d r a hove beeo posblé ta- bpld such A Ctn U d r anoeveniof for the yooogstrrs. aaaundergbW* To the Uni ted Steelmitrkero f1ra og w c.e. ood borseY -f00 unfoo Local 497f of the P. L. Ro- would be ln for qaffe a fooprigb berton Company wtio dooafed tfoe if they vfsffcd ths pot at the preâ. creos for the two wiooiog feomoroset time. and Orophfro for thr M.V..awardo, Boordo oroood thlic ie oorfM« walo dd"tbooks and 001 sfocrrc havr bero rmovrd eroposing f159 apprrciatioo for addiog a littîr srotig srctioos. Wortmsntet aoirthiog extra to thr Associa- an ooforrsreo prDblemn wheo tliey tioobt worlo.lnthefo n ity. e0moieced wor onoshorilOgou The Eorrotive. thr nortb mati. DUSTLESS . CONCRETE FLOORS MACHINE TROWELLED CONCRETE DRIVEWAYS A.MCARTHY -- TR 8-6167