Rc nRol Polp Cannon ........ 2 t3 Roc 'n Rol Dt Crp5 10 t Nov. lI-Jies trimrmed Doma willle WilsonO0 7 1V 1eata 7t10 , Mrp Cals ots Be Bopa 5 10 2. Dos South homîrd a Haton Co-Op n'ce trre gamnes of 22-100-263- Nov. 20 W,,or iîgh osingle.. 243 734 ta top tbe men. Peggy MePb.o1 .and ,.omerso iolsaverage 509,S led tbhe ladies ilh a seat tarer ere botb tobro hy Wilm. ilson..h gaines f 24-259-2à8-711. Mess igh single and average for Pins W PIS. the ighl, mre both takes by ClifI Jivers ...............2264 7 4 Miller. 229 and 529. Nice coing Hep Cti ............3269 5 3t Wlmna msd 01181. brep il sp. Roy Down Beata . 238 06332 d a good sight, andmweleel sure Be Bop ........... 3M462 14 t is hatlitlle danceehcdoelshat Miltn Rtepaere lps. Yoo ill have tuleh the Nov 17-The Cssons had a sifhl PinsWPU out tais eeb mth Bill rollinf oP Ca-Op Borbetu .....2663 7 41 a 669and a 280 oltasehigh single C-Op Torpedors ..213 0 29 and triple and Elle> lahîog tae 0 tadies high single mith 219, alI fr Pin Dusters lbe Ragimers ebo botss even Nos. 20-Tmo Bî.ooms col ve points off tae Wareîors and bouse- 266 Iis eet. Peggy Wbite wmîhh cd iotalbh. tp sot. Wariors, mhs 231 hkgb single aod Joao Ambroiset !huse bers t top for Irer meeksss. 80555e op mth 222 also os igb were lta Ie ilbh orbrts for triple ihbaoscorer o513. The Mopo secosd place. Boseers sloetelsed have lobes a hetiso tIs > erh 09e gale at 09e hallom, mth the mtb Boi.ssitma 200 gaines. bnlp o Kay Legg, oho had 53 for Pnso W tt..1 the ladies high trple. Brooms .......... 321 7 39 Pins W P5. Msps ....... 3130 0 31 Ratgimers........ 3124 7 43 Warriors .............2663 0 39 al Bid Rackets................3045 5 39 Nov.2-Wll it>looks lse Sadie1 Thonderbîrds . 3022 2 31 Thomas bas mode tb.> beodlins Aces .................2749 5 30 ibis weets agais. by malieg off Kingu ................2030 2 29 wilthebcbhsingle 272 asmwetls Booncers .............3131 5 23 the higb triple 630 (195-163-272) for Hotsbots ............ 2587 2 10 09e momes. The hîgh sngle for the ms mas Ladies Special won hy Miltosn<loiso mbh a 258 Nos. 19 - Hîgh sngle, Normo single osd a 650 triple.(224-258-168). MeMrphy 255; hgh triple, Edre i le Al Whtmîidr mas 1001 off Dason 51. Theremwere 1 grls hislaitlmith a253ssingle anda 49 ilh oser 200 sc0oreslodîso Ed- triple, (166-230-253). Asyooe m.ob- rie Damsoss 231 and Evelys Ma- ins ta iois the 90cluontratill isi 23. Prooght. Elmood GulotI,. or Jîm Pins W Pts. MCtllasd. or yoou ld try Ma.y Oatss 2796 7 40 Wbtesîde if 700 0,888 îtrrstrd Maples ....... 2563 7 38 is the 60 clam. Willoms .......... 273 7 008 Pins W Pta. Poplars ............... 2391 0 31 Srihers ......... 2822 5 40 Figs .......... 2303 0 29 Bomerro . 2732 5 30 Chestnuts ......... 2444 0 28 Pickpocertas 2714 2 36 P. L Robertson Girls LgooLs ..29751 234 Nov. 19 Higb aingle. Margaret Driftrrs ............... 675 2 271 Blinco. 310; hah triple Lil Ks- zpebi, 722 (22-211-2861. Big 1,se: Lowville Lit Kaszyebi 722, YonssTraucdle Nos. 20 Ladies hig). snge asd 644, Dona Greshe 617. Mole triple. Pal Golasd 246. t.ipie 513 Murray 604 Margrt Biso 597. )4132-246-19). Me's, higb ,,trasd Margarc Blino bas made tbe300 triple. Hrold Gomlasd, 308. triple bro8tet ibis mee. 663 194-161-308). Ho8h.isd and pins W pis, silo malked off milh lI thr hosors Kath Cooles ....... 5 17 ibis ee. Donna Geenhe ........ 7 17 Pns W Pla. Alice Beosh ........ 5 16 Hoards . 16.71 2 48 Lil Kaszcrbi....... 2 16 Harolda ....... 1924 5 36 Gertîr Moustan 2 16 (These 2 18069m or short os THIS SUNDAY'S CHURCH CALENDAR IMMNUEL BAPTIST CHURCN BOSTON AND MG Commercial St., Mlo PRESSYTERIAN CI4URCHES Pastar: Rer. K. L. CamupbellA PO. Bon 816, Milton, TE 8-220 iniMstOer: Bev. B. A. Nevis, B.A Study TR 8-2071 Telephose TR 8-9926 esaitant Pastor, M. Fronts Sinnon- TR 8-6929 SUNI3AY, NOVEMBEOt 298. 195.9 -10.00 a.m.-66,01a57 Woshîp 91.- SUNDAY. NOVEMBM 829th. 1969 vice. 9.56 a.m.-Family Bible Bous. 11.15 .m.-Bîotos Sosday Sho.i 11.00 a.m-Fanily Wosuip Hou. 1015 a.m. Omagb: Sosday 5db,,1. .50 so-Evaogelism. 11.30 a.m.--Omagh; Worroip Soel. Wednesday, 7.45 p.m. - Hsuri o 2.30 p.m.-Communi,.0510' Class, Power, Praper, Praise, Bie Knsos obaooh hall. Milto.. Study.________________ Friday, O p.m.-Yoosg PeoOlos. ST. PAUL'S UNITED CNURCH Mis and James St.. KNOX PRESSYTERIAN CNURCH Milon REV. E ORUBORN, MEnîistar Ministero Res. J. Lrss Gralia,os Ms R, Wright, A.T.C.M. BA, -.,CD Organist and Choie Master SUNDAY. NOVEMBFR 11h. 19.5) .Come towitb usand we ill 9.45 am.-Sosday Sehost for aIt do thee amd' Nombres 10. 29. posc people 9 peurs of age 1100 a.m-Morsing W,rip. Ser- SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 2th, 1509 monsusbot, -Poltisg os 1.00 a.m.-Srsior Shssl. Chrsto." 11,00.m.-Norsryoand Kîsdor- 11.00 am.-.Narserp Drparîmesl mll moolinsohaoh house. garbon, Jaunio Sco,,,. 1100 a m-Al hboys and girls wl 11.00 a.m.-Mos.s0 W,rsbî p. atesdechuech mith their r- Thome."A SabbahbDay mth e sland*prsreed t> the -o Jesus:' day Shmt rooma tt 11.15a Toeodoy, Dccmber 1- Masal.> 7. 06 p.,.-Evesis Wîrshiti. Bs.. orooing. o,î Is . aThra Pur- Thsrsdap, Deorobrr3. 2.30 )1 ...- gotoa.y>Thsr mll ho a xr Mal e af Gs,,a1. 14olo, .d f oosgegat.î.sl hyr Mos. Rot MoDmll. Talo.acilo 1,8.1e 5 1, 015 Friday, Dccmhr 4--Ssoo ut i sharp-Esosisg Aas,,ory wi p.6. merl at thebeofh.., 1M. ____________________ George Syoî. James SI. LOWVILLE - NASSAGAWIEYA Ail Are Wrtrome (ANGLICAN) IGHWAY GOSPEL CHURCH Recor: Bes. R. P. E. Jelfares, Campbellvilte flI.tr 42577 Affiited with the PENTECOSTAL ASSEMBLIES - 0F CANADA SUNDAY. NOV62MBM. 29th, 11(55l Corser Wakfietd and 25 1ihm03 ADVEOIT SUNDAY Pasor Se.. M. Cbistrsro St. Geoge's Cbuoob , LomolI,.SI2NDAY. NDVP2MBO7II201h. 1959 1100 anso-Mallins Sermon and Sosday Sbsol. 10.00 a..-Sunday Sool. Classes S.Joihn's Chrh, Naoagamoya Ilor .a as. 11.00SIo.-.Mornirsg W,îîoiho. 2.00 .m.-Eoo>sion, Srmon and .66p...EogIoi oo Sosdy Soool.Tues.say. Deoetsb.r 1-13< - Sînoil GOSPEL HALL 08>1015 8,11)1 Internati,.oal Er. arigrl Fl,>iJLlyd Smith.I 296GOtarioiSStN. Mltons 07 tms Gopel pr,aobsg. In- TR 8-50819 oî,ratiol muscrut rarh se, v c.Nîl)îly Tleodîy lsgli SUPPDAY, NOVEMf4EJO29t1, M -7 Fidospm.Suarr l 7.00 p.m.-GhOspel Srvice. B...- Wdsday, 8 p.m. -Prayora aid Drt. Bible aludy. Wr preach christ cruoilîod, 070e,Frida85i,m. -Young epl and rumin agn,- a nsereAServ ire. icagn osaisu o evr hurh oh ,c sahoilyouorne.m rasging goar orai. rse AIl elesme Tbrsa josme., l p.à>i- Ifar*5sf rlr , Iryer sd a GRACI CNURCH eeogepfro.a .Gsn sd. NGIA Sobjeet: Fell.sehp b.h .hsodBeRcil m 6e Mitons, Ontario Losut Chuech? ectar, Rev. D. A. Pnweli Tbursday, Decembere, 8 pas. - tSU4A IN DV T message froua Goda Word. SIfNDAY, NOV2M.BER 29th, 199 iSublec* Fllowip, Part 1f, 9.00 a.m-Advrof, Corporata Com- Maintenance eat kelpathr munio. Lords peapi e tagether. 9.45 a.mn.-Ssnday Scboot as, To these services, att are welsome. Bible Ctass. Corne, brins pour Bibles. 11.00 a.m.-Mattim and Sermon. BStsarse.Irae. No collection, 7.60 p.m.-Evenaong. homierul. Fr n ................ 2337 2 28 do...e î.e.............2397 5 20 Mr. and Mrs. Club 81.....6581. 1..r. 9,k Gl,.o 629; hidh singler ors, Perey Baro 244. ladies, Thelma Bsus.lield 248. Pis W Pts. Htappyp an ......... 285 239 Gasst60se Gang . 3120 536 Firellirs .........2742 5 20 Whirlyhîrds........ 2570 2 25 24 Club Hîgh single Ibis meeb mas Olive Cannon mtb a 22M. Olive Smitb had boh triple mth 564 (188-213- 163>. Phil Bosherry hod a 207-213. Merfl C. 213, Florence MeCaso 205, Mrs. C. had o 94 and Mos. P. bod a 95. Thore mere more lom> thas b.ghs. Pins. W F18. Hearts . 2£18 4 35 Sî,ades 2862. 3 Jokes.... 2M)1 5 31 Diamons 2670 3 26 48 Alley Rockers Noo 23-Higb triple. Bath T.s 6316 (195-168-273). High singles, Donnîa Clemesîs 290, Jo.. Frt, 245. Faye Thomas 241. J..chy Max>- moll 240, H.al Cbestr 237. Anne H.Ut Shoti Hread Pins> Kng Pns p,i n5Head, F.,,, Pns Pns WPto. 25.73 7 44 Z505 5 42 2.7186 5 41 2.67 7 4 1 2410 2 39 25311 2 36 21.,9 O 35 CAMPRUILLLE Women of the Bible Topic rT At Blair Evening ,AuxiliaryL Mrs. Donatd Martin waa tsontess egbnlng wth MarIas>. mho wasaa 10 the Blair Eeening Auxiiary as> moman Inspiraid hp the moed af Wcdnedap evesalag. The preident, Cod, the Queenofa Sheha, Dehorab, rs. t8 aon, opened the meetang Ether ' etc. mith a short poem, Wteee Hymn Ms. Robertaon gave the serre- 541, Stand op, stand up for Jesua, trys report, atmo a report of the mas sosc floedmwith ps.yerby Prnhpteeial meeting beld in the presideot. The Wripture readiof Guelph. The ismocial report as lobes (roi.> 51h ehapler o Esther given hy Mru. D. 00011. er ,arad by MrsoJ. W.oerton. A noiatlingommittee was afi- .hil Ms. J1H. McPl.ail olierrd prayer. pos>rd for,,fflrolr 1960. Thr ,h,,r The .t..pir .oas gi,..,,by M84.J. 7.rlicid , >00 .as tiooo r ,oe of i, Walace. oho gave s sery inîrres- the mr.obers. T'he roîl cal a 1>1900 lk ohe Wmes of the Bible ansmered hy 15 lodiro repeat.>f the - 0 O ast thirlero hooka af the ld Tes- N rS The gond thoocht mou gises hy IDRARYNO E Mos. More mhotlohk orlber sohi- lerI Exodo> 13-3, My 9preoroor shal ByT. J.S. Anderson gowih Thee andt1mill give-ther -rou, a promise ises tu Moses. "Teonly acceptable ebi5 mhioh FHymn 559, Tahe or Tby Cross the boys ans dosatonis bard inleller- Savior sid. mos sansg. This mer. tual effort." ing was losedmlth prayerhy Mrs. Inclis. ooo... has made theremards A social period lollomed wbioh of sntellertuloaoromplishament sa mas enjoyed hy cIl. atractive Ihatliher ehildeen are The travelling hashrt mas empti- m.rhsg exrrmely bard lo keep up rd. "ho i..i.d i o >difloront fr, ,,sy ottior parI of the body. Il de- irror,tsmwhsslos'losedlfor il> praprr pirpoo-lo >iii.' -fîo.. Admital Roovrs "Eduaaios and Freco66O. "Gs isîe a book o!ofls> lha> a haodrrd pagrs .îhh no mords hos- i..g more Obo> 18,0 syllables, and ,,.18 oabîrsl matter Ibot cas ho bryrd9 a baohmard les yeas A booah ofthIs descriptiîo s pro- i.,.tts o use'Thrr s* m,,thior,,the. da.t j,îohrt ohich I ry.r;îî (,-ýge erqorot fo-top- Ileinayreadngmatm;ial. Commercial N,- 17 11818 1iips i ,. b8 h. ry 762 ,1-9-7) . Mt. 736. L Wills V24; hIlhlos . Rock 'n Rol M. L 1,..s 297. Baby Sti...y 292. The N,. 19: Do.. s r80e tas- G r le ,- tro1ihig thvr wto'.>.,d by lBRps iby a 70 oast ssg .strak .Thl-y ,y k -o ,,, ndJivri.s lob Hel) Cato 5-2. pulit .ff 1h, .Mtro ,ilga;.this 0 F,,,,b B;.,ipy h.d a er.y me >6,, t. 81..y in tp s-1.1 in heo iglit ia..th an 8 13 tt,îiffe.. 307-2116- hit .î,1h .lre.,,, pint %%, ovadi es witoîb h r,. < am.17.7 the Jet. Pins> W 1Pts. Pns W Pl,> 1,0.,. .2965 5 46 G, 2946 7 -À) Il..î.(';i., 2913 2 40 Flyr.s 3016 :3 41 1,.. lra.. 2313 O0 3 84ll,7.8...... 3034 2 40 B,. B..j, 3W09 7 21 MWts. .... 2694 0 31 ________ M.,, P- îh I07a 1 7 8 Jets. 2767 8 36 N,. t(,,,od!.,sd. .otl. n ia Raioblers o 2934 4 35 I.î2,()0) *Ijail es~ i,Ir.ha apopul- Ban s ........... 3201 9066ii tf43 ,M /TERRY~ /~Machin.ry Company Ltd. the appointment of MILTON MILLING CO. LTD. MILTON, ONTARIO PHONE TR 8-9508 AS AUTHORIZED SALES AND SERVICE DEALER H OMELITE CHAIN SAWS ýs Homelite Chain Saws are worid famous for performance, dependabiiity and service. This can be surnmed up in one word Ouality. * Homelite Quality at lts hast le found In the high.performing, economicolly.opert.d Homelite gasoline angines. They are the resuit of over 30 yeurs' experience In designing and d producing ightweight, compact angines. Thir precision construction and abitity to stand up under the roughest wother or physicai con- ditions have mode Homelite Chain Saws the leaders In the field. McIeyCompany MI. o 1240 LAURENTIEN BLVO., MONTRIAL 9, P. Twa (tailla Os ýWdnsday allero,,,,>tb Ladies' Aid nt t tebots,. of the presidil. 848. Edgar Cirnsoand qolted lwo qotît> l.r tbe Acsagb A sooial lime overthetboIa rapo mas esiayed. ADD THAT GARAGE NOW Eojoy the csnvenienrr and eue protectios olléerd by an adeqoate garage os yor basse. Gel qootaliums froua Ray lan taday. " Industila nd Cammercial Buildings " New Homtes 0 Tle loars " Ateratlens " Kitchen Cabinets RAY OLAN Building Contractore Limited UL 4-2263 BOX 569 MILTON ips onlour Pasa. up that extra 1tttiSo dumnpling andplece af pie if *ii want tou tay awake whild r,>- And 7onl r ousl t00 heavily on col- tabkeep you awaffke hrauue. .8e i1 m'y tîmolale you or a ri tiro,,yor physical rrtot. ma0 i 1 c ,.oqo.okerr han,> The Cinadlan Champ on; Thurs., November 26th, 1959 i oedinarity thought. evenaut the expense of aight dia- Estles te Fslitsw comfort due b> 0the .weather. The haut way ta stay out of (4) Adjust the car suat carefutty. trouble le t> avoid driving when There la more danger ot dozing you tact steepy-but if pou must lromn fatigue caused Ibya bad sat drive in spta of a tcndency to than there is 0f being luttai, ta drowsinesu, folow these few rulea, atumber by a g008 0ne. (l) Eat ightly and cul down on (5) Gise yoor eyes a breats wlth liquida. Eut Juat enough ta avoid un occaulanat glance ta he aide of hunger. the road. (2> Go éusy on stimutanta. Grogs, 1help beep poo amabe, but they aise, slow reactian ime. tf pou SLOW DOWN rally ned a short ilt, try a mhiff Aller durit, and osn other ocras- ,.ofmelling sals-good fraoutolos shedriigodiios are ,7 61.5>nuts. o, '*lo do.» o sa shortsu- 3 3) Keop the crr o nt stlated, geston .>that may îo8an o loag 1fr. eg Let the ennee oyurtrvg car tree and caret rosi meby train and arrive relaxed, rot reshed. t se L HECoivair CHEVROLET WITH ENGINE IN'THE REAR pII9II ~I. E R E IT BELON S -'~ IN A COMPACT CAR We L'neor Corvairs engins had Io go in t he rear if w.> wanîed a coin- pacf car with big car ride, big cor room, big car performance - and maximumn efficiency. And tha: called for the most drastic reeolu- lion in auto design and manufac- furing Canada has cs.er seen. Whla does a rear engine mean Io yoB as driper or passenger? MORE SPACE- The floor t> virtuatty Blat. The short "oppossd six" engins takes up test spocs, Isaves mors for possengers. PAR SETTER RIDE-Essry missel con '10 Bp a bump withoaut fclting any other,. So the ride is for softer-ond the .>heels dling 60 the pavemsent better. GREATER TRACTION-Try a Corsar on mud, or snom, you'll be stosndsd by the differcace in road-grip and 'ontrol. SETTER BRAKINO - Corsair j> de- signed to pst an ainst eqool brake load on sssry mheet; thcecar end muintaiets sotid, suce traction for >msoth, straightinc stops la virlu- oIly any situation. LESS NOISE, LESS HEAT - Engins noise, hcat, funmes ors belied the passengers; carried amay by the wind strcamn as you drive. LESS MAINTENANCE-Corvair's air- -csoled engins neyer nseds antifreeze, nsssr boit.,in the hottest wether. It marsos up quioker la cotd weathsr, so theresu much les> cold-tart mear, SETTER HANDLING-Corvair's "fat" caginc and tomer tloor gets the cnre of gravity 'way domn; it rides rock- sotid through the tightsst turns. Steer- ing t> light as o fsather, Wli nee nesd pomer assistance, LES$ NEEDLESS WEIGHT - Corsair's power plant i.. mostty ataminunu, And iVs air-coted - no nced for a iradiator, watsr pttmp, bossu or even the weight of the mter it>etf. And theres an added plus bers; me de- signed o gas-tred sur heatera that gises .>armth otmost instantly. Engins, transmission, and rear axie are att bolted together into one sotid pomer tunit. Wesasve titeratly buit- dreds of pounds, and thot makes a whopping big difference in perform- once and la gosoline economy. THE RIGNT ANSWER - 16 took a terrific amount of engineering and Chevrotets tremendous resourceo <o design, test and set up production on a prscedent-shattering cor like Cor- vair. But the firot ime you get bshind the mheel-you'll agreseil wus wosth svery penny and every hour! 5Optoobu aioextra oi. Conair DY OHEVROLET Mea)aopiwt driving acompact sar See Your Local Authorized Chevrolet Dealerr ts BELL BROS. Sales and Service 'l 1 Milton, Ont, Phone TR 8-6380