Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 22 Oct 1959, p. 7

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IMM, ~ ~ ye ssleld ALETEti" ent Case L.oma Most Famous The ¢C"aiar ,Cýa.mpIi ntufsday, Oct. -22, 1959 1957 by James Ross, Who lIves BR1EFS PROLAMTIO E#E BROR. Canada's Castles Serve Useful Purposes &tnl js lrebuse. a it=ao onMClummvd=nta Reverting to 398 Main St. Mackintosh of Glasgow laid lis, the new hospital from hie temr- . Milton, Ont. By Jean MacLean catle is French baronic in theme,- and mnahogany, held by mahogany iles. ·founidations in 1853 and Joseph iary cquarters in the town hall thiis STA DAD IM Ofie hoe R -972 InOnaro ydo New crtainu twers, and wings betray pegs and dovetails and laid oiver un During World War II, the stables Doyle completed 'it four yearswek I hereby reepectfully request Home Phone TR 8-9360 Castles-in-Spain may be built on Scottish, English, Italian and 18 inch concetie base. and cairriage bouse served as head. Iater. thait Il citizens of the Town of dreams, but casties in Canada are Rhenish origins. .A Canadien. theme prevails in quarters for assembly of sunice First Castle --Miltion high school students' Burlington revert to Standard constructed on more substantial The building itself, not counting the marble lined observatory. The equipment used by ships to detect Canada'a first castle, built at council is working on a Plan to sell br25,t1959, by settin unacto a Yl Of founadations. And for . a nation the furnishing, cost $3,500,000. It's south wall has a horizontal grain U-boats. In his plans for Casa Le- Quebec on a precipice overlooking mi n hclt iki h stoce one hour. 51 acres, hall clear, rolling hills, which has made little use of castl- valuied todlay at $15,000,000. represient-ing the Atlantic Ocean ma, provision was made for ulti- the St. Lawrence River, was the School during noon hours, bush and pond, on good road es for military defence, Canada Sir Henry combined the usat and the north wall a vertical grain mate conversion to a military and residence fNwFanesscn J.te A.Lckat.MYO. o e $7.town Suwth rc son has a surprising number of them, castle features-towers, dungeons, representing thle Rockies. hiAstorical museum. After the death governor. AI] that remains of the, -Teayunteribs aree d stilein GOD SAVE THE QUEEN able dlown payment. Most falmous, perhaps, is Toron- sliding panrels and wecret stair- Large enough to) accommodate oft Lady Pellatt in 1924, Sir Henryloriginal Chateau Frontenac is the bsblutltisweed ot c-23 to's Ca:a Lama, Sir Hienry Pellatt's cae- ihthe trappings of mod-, 100.000 books, thle library boasted sold the contents aond moved to hisi Malta Stone. allegedly :nved fromn ball s in full swing, golfers are still --.-- -- O d r o e idej o a direau, hom er" e"-o rori ete by 30, 'Ir finol indirect lightng ýystcmý >ontry estate near King, Ont. Fori anl early J, rI orto Malta. Il ; and hockey hias started. P.F.E. 3240-59 O l e Hyoar-ild Ilieury entered ba ..hro .ms. 5" telephoe. elvt on thec North Amnean continent' 12 years, the cale stood desolate, T ,d , il"nI th, 1me Townworme are( busier than 6 large rons ad odforon is athe's brokerage firm, he, hadi ora. an immense swimiming po, when Casa Lomao was bluilt. Sir' andi empty. During ti, period it, commericial caistle- with the. samn( ever these days, clean,ing up faill bipp R alnvlo t e , -o four am iin:t ra h oth' an indoor iffle range, three bowl-' Henry, incidentally, organized the was taken over by thre city orf Tor,- nme jobs before the snow flies. ly 1,500. down Ameri can one-mile running record; mng alleys and a hrottclyTrnoElectric Light Company, onto. toi become a millionaire; tocm1otoldsemhaigpat and was initially responsible for In 1937 the Kiwanis Club of West 10 ACRE ma nd the Queen's Own RiflesReg- Oddt Fl.rbinin electricity from Niagara Toronto leased Casa Loma by spe- Buidi Lt met which he haidrecently1 join- Th Get Hall, 80 by 0fe. Falls to Toronto. cial agreement with the City and Building Lot elas a private; and toi bulild hils. has a flooar of eighit inch traki planks Underground Passage restored it as a tourial attraction. ONTARIO Ideal for, home. 10 beautiful acres own atl.laid in parquet Style. The floor ofý Connected tri the castle by an 800 Dd M a y $2,20w. mietsco. Made His Goal 'fthe 60 by 70 foot dining mroom is in foot underground passage are the One Ciadirin cais seu which has -IN The Ontario Two years later, in"' 187, b ""o herringb"ne patter". The 200 font stablcs and carriage house Stalls, become a. Museum is Dondun Fo et teNorth American one-mile run- 1mig main corridor, al copy of bruilt of Spana-h mahogany with Casle at Hamilton. Sir Allan Mac- Muicpa Board "l'il e "s alt"°"g" bc Wi"d ...C..'. Peacock Wa"k °lors herri"gbo"nd tr" protect the Nab. Laird of -Dundurn, never vis--- M ncplBad New 3-bedroom homne, 2 miles didn't break the record. At 30 he has alternaite planks, two and a hor-ses' hooves, are now used t tdhsacsrlhm nLc IN 1lmE MATIFER OF Sections 66 town, modern with fireplace- was a millionaire. He was Officer-' hall rnches thick, of Burmnese tak display several antique antomob- Er nSolnbti 82b and 61 of The Ontario Municipal $115. month. in-Comimand oft the Queen's Owný ul Earnn c stl bun a832 hce-------- Board Act (11.8.O.21950, e. 262L. c-23 Rifles Regiment fromn 1901 to 1921..ulDndrCateoa21cr--- - and -site similair to the original onre.- IN THE MAITER OF an applicat- ----- --- --. And in 1913 he mnoved into his 98- ýmam.,Ushers were Etalo Gaeton and- ion of the Coporto of heoo ca:tle. Kunneth Campbell. Also (on the property is Casqtle Townof Mltonfor: FOR SERVICE AND SATI.SFACT- Bh,,ieprints for- the castle were J • •-- The matron of honoer aond brides- en iituecsl ae (al authority tdispense with drw pb .JLno n11 \/ .aller the first supervisar of Dun- - avote of the eletors with res- ION CONSULT fhw rom i) h Ed Jf setche Si 1n91d wNenclaen rig durl. It is now a private homne, as - pe tt apooedcptle-on s G. Sque Rigo c werv fihe girl of the bril>i anotheir caste known var,(tl penditure of $33.2011 for the con- Br R l EST " 'arta m'IdI on t.,"l ta Eu. :ntie low-el gil' wore :1rnaýMcLaren Castle. Castle Gani struction of asphlait pavmn on IA oET,'pe.A eutaog h Ontario SnreetAbetween the BasF also) a bride 's gift. The beAt mani and and Ba-hnagowan. near Bfouintam -- Line and Highway Number 25,1 REAL ESTATE AND GENERAL - - shers wore lie Clips andi euff links in Peut County. It wasý renovated in and the lsue of debentures' NUAC u ayo tr hrh i-gvnte ytegom . . therefore In an amount net ex- ANUAC Ti-t>i ahrv Mil ge -ieab tegom ceedingr $l1600, repayable over 310 Main St. Milton /-\ IO SAL /-\ :n He ;Ila decraited with, Milton Reception a terre of twenty years. __bwite poms, on Saturday morning,i The noon, reception was held (blin anepprlfthsaid nduer- Of Modern Furniture Etc. October 17 for the maririage of for 100 guests at the agricultur'al©* takPIN N and caitleendiue BARGAIN BA RGAIN Bet ty Jean Hil1son and Guida hall in Milton. Mrs,. V. Jaico,S sister WINTE R APOITEN FRHERIGTh, undersigned havel received (Squeek, Kenneth Rigo. Rev. Faith- of the, bride, receivedl for her in a BOA DONTARIO M Ie 750 ULPIE instt«tct: assfi"RODHRs il J. 1). Lardie perf"rmed thec ceire- rival bine velvet d'es, with silver TIME TABLE R IHAH A IHY U A the 3rd day of November, 1959, ai 3-bedroom solid brick hos ih To sell by public auction ait thle mony and Sister Emmanuella was accsso ian a corsage of yellow, the hour of Ten o'clock in the livmng. roulm, dining rom i-Agiculturial Hall, Fair Grounds, or-ganis.t, r oses. Th, grIoom's mother ass.isted Effective October 25th forenoon (local timie), at the Coun. chen. 'bathroom. hit wmevr heat- lton, on R P IS cil Chambers in the Town of Mil- Ing Isystem. centrally locted mn SATU"RDAY, OCTOBERt 31, 1959 1The bride is the daughter of Il- an a dusty rose lace dress with mral- ton for the hearing of all interest- InMilton. Owner will take back ai At 2 )*(clock, thle felowmg: ch"1Ing aces oris n a pink roseIT N eoeyudrv nte ml rigy u a edi persons in support of or in op.. $5.500. first mortgagc at1 -; LIVING ROOM - Square end anc Hllsonl and lat,, Mrs.ý H1ibn ofcrseLEVMtTNBfryodivanhrmle...bngyucr postion to the said application. FuIlldown payment $2.000ý chstr ld wh fý amn rubber, Milton Hie,-hts. and thne groomi o oo r t ou•T OOT in to Ai.LAN CLEMENTS & SON for a tune-up job. DATED AT TORONTO this tth t hlo fM.:dNr .IioOtro h rd eafrtn t's the smart way to avoid the possibility ofà day of October. 195CHAMAN rhi ", ",',i sw" IvulnslwH re ecs .0a.rx.Sn.adHl breakdown and 'finish ahead'. Our expert me. c-22-2 Secretairy. Owner open to offer. on full pricel fer- talble, hatacký tifiht floori Brocaded Gown series and a vyellow rose'osa. chanics will assure you of complete satisfaction, and terms listed at $12.750,. 31- unp; '2 chester end ftabl'. A whie br".dgrwrm-T Il 1,v, ,n Milton Hegt. 4.10 p.m.-Saturday only whatever the make or model of your car . . . and wi t t lcedelarab ick a want t ,(kat c r go bl meInd with suled pea l atthe V Many Guests 8.40 p.m.-Sundays and Ho..retm te r RE Real Estate homes sold for. $1.5000, vacn e bi " ,1;aI ,ý bok nlecklin andi ,l thle ful enrgth Cousis present caefrom Trn possession. Located , n W oodl- BE ROM sni ri ! ave, as lhnb he, bid. lo. HiamHton, Litw l uelph, TNADTM NEED A TRANSMISSION OVERHAUL? 1-d w.h book he-adbordj, S ly T eb f:itl rlngth skIrt hado Oaktille. Oweni Sound. Arton. Mil- - spingmattres amd S1l lbo thr, bw fmhbakfthe to.MloeghsadCmb LET GEORGE DO ITI Two Good Lots Building Lots pr do de-whla H nrp ow helid vill ,I"sue mr and' -ra e tall- Just below Campbellville, on Couintry building lots r.e frlom b th- s sta. te ', al ostnw amd t)ý1 ;.,a ' foin heoIiarm a d Guelph fine, 100 ft. x 2 16 fi.1 $1.100- vacant land ol n N. .5 a very exp,-nsiv,, ma.k,-; onunn fi ,diIl anThew r ata do'it andi information :it Owner anxious to seL. This is a SieIdad6hline. Eus- al !,wI b,-ds with haoards and per ek.llader ivRd L RN L M E T omn e. nc r opur sela tu om$30.pe acr nd itbt10 oxm rp e and stpgtscmh-e Traynor's Variety Store __ EM N T & no fiable parties ait nothing down, IoNtSUdaer; eerlbe esmbe $25. a month includmng principal m ss bahe les. and Restaurant P lou R/ENDOLY RAMBLER S&NOC0 DartkZV and interest. UL 4-2505. ror Rent KIT'CHEN AND"GARDEN-lur- Mr,.Brbr Zanatta ýf Miton Established Agenc .eaios •WE 8OV-AY69WC92OLE Parkwi Drv, ney electieo 24 inch automatic was matron of honor anric f- HtosvlYTlphn R868 Farm~so, with©an gl"ss sf av tlo SO u RONTE ST S. ITN•fkýo Ra60 Fammonthly. 24 In. by 36 mI. and 2 cha Irs to MElton and NIIr Dawn oreu U mâles north-wet Caountly ae Meadcowbrook Drive. 3-Rd.o tab eaFOteRreu AtD eebidsad llwr 41cloverleaf, about 5b miles spilt-level homte, vacant 2nd er; chomo lawn and vurandah street lengt go 9wns of e erl from Hamilton. 6 room rough. Noebr19.mnhy chair-- lounige with mattress;2a-gensottfeawt atha MLOOT s oo r g n 2 i e b.barn. Georgeý Strceet 2-family homer fýnor '" te chairs; n ste a nees o l d caroed homiu'ts of acres working flnd. Priced fr reint. 2 ktchenls. 2 bahr o -a w" dhed wse odn yellýow chrysanthemum± Flowcer gulek sale. $15.500. UL 4-25. vantpseio-bre: lmm2-rnrcm r was Nancy, Schm nwof Phone TRiangle 8-6357 g;p Ieni basketýs and thermos. h r m.nahm gr ntfea For Rent 1 FIRE - FIRE - FIRE Edu ä " iandh cl"t"w pi, boy"1 "1 . .. ..... 9roumi Stone house on town line gi 'sae;wn onrh n os near Milton Canadian Meter C..o ARE YOU PROTECTED? moc od ish odd Ilse ..nd 1 av agtrAa hot water heating with oil, - o e oking t,-nsIl..e D uherA a liece bath. Only $90. Monhl ULi With the winter fire hazard here PLUMBERS' EQUIPMENT M.10ngvehsduhr 4-250.5. tl agam,. check your FIre- Plicy PJLumberi- furnace and] lead pý,: . I:a 1u 1 l.. it still efetvIf n-?. w quantity of plumber*ý elhows "l 1m w o Lnld, Zanatta was bes't w tuld be leae ' ýI qu you mpples ut'.; chromne s:nk and b:nmî ra . tes and dis uss yur Geea :at'. ute phomber, test p ga 3 . Insuanceprobemsin. and 4 mn; assortmrent of brass O L TiWG Sfttmgs; electricexteI,,nm cords; 5 A C L N ' GO LDSYour ofi, iI,,pen unýtil 1 pm. gal. gas, can and nIany ,ther , nailî on Frufayý. artie!los fouInd ia...rou d tho h, o srr REAL ESTATE BROKER mc a harynyman's collection. Campbellville, Ontario. For further information call AutoersNote: T i, an of- 1f,.r:ng ,f extra go d qualtv. ab, - Phnne ter T-8921 BRIAN BEST or JIM SEEDS eanndwlcidfr c-23 TEIfRMS: Cashl settlement withE R A TR 8-6292 or 6731 e, erý u 8.3 the prirl- strl OF Buying or Se||ing? C.3 ia" " "IDE A"ND ELLOTT 1 well Tile 0 Septic Tanh, LIST WITH --c-2.3 h-24 Aucinnuets, 'Il Bulldoting 0 Trenching S T R op o A9 A. E. LePAGE PRIVATE SALE E l A Sand 0 Gravel 99 Fill LO VLEWINTER COATS IN NASSAGAWEYA TOWNSHIIP REALTORS LIMITED IN MILTON'S ONLY ED A O D NExciting new fashions in luxury Members or ~Of RegisItered and Grade Holstein ED A O D NWith euCh $10.00 order a fbis icuig lnýte Onaro e Esota o BardCtiDiyEuimnFdet Ph. TR 8-6258 R.R. 3, Milton 5 lb. bag of Granulated Frnh elSiCnlHa, CRescen 8-5273R 1 ZO L The undersigned has re-ceived Campbeliville Sideri dua adWvnIrs weW instructions from a ra$grHn-oe rs weWo TOM BRADLEY (FRS RV) To "'I b anotC tu Kfarm, orBoucle, French Cul Mohair. ---- -llt 31, con 3 :. N assagalweya town-I A oenbuglwwith lot- mlu et ofEc nill d od 1 EWith a $5.00 order a 30 TOP FASHION FALL SHADES IN Splendid Home audd,1 gre, SATURDAY, OCTOBERt 24, 1959 In ~ ~ ~ tce doubleo garage ai3ovnr spacious mCommenceing at 2.00 o'clock oz. bottle of Niagara Dry PLAIN OR EXCITING MIXTURES. InPaero wthal oneics. shar fithe followinfir uni het. Full prlee $10,900.e, bedrooms anid malny extras meclud- R G. AN GRADE HOST0 Gingrae third down or best offeir. ing a naitural stone firepla,-ce wall CATTLE -Ormsby, Raog Apple Jean Atm rws egAaao Duchess, bourna July 10. 1957, dure Rich Red. Roýal and s atBlack. 18 Acres bar Fub b12d.o 195e bu ee,., Sinm dit%,ndun $10.000. half cah, on Highway 25, rd Sept. 20; Maughlin Bet SPECIALS n sefine, balance 5EXECUTIVE TYPE HIOME ON AI agý1,bu uy1;-I Yer b, i 0 in m 1 LL AT"HRUIHE \'ancy, bornOt 7. 1956, milking -v'ell.brdAug. 22;' Mercina Re- -eCtinarky, born Ju ne 25, 1959; Twihom overeign -Nanete, born Ian 2. 95; Mn nie, ro'n co1w, l'f Dec. 9; Princess. HlsIFtein cow. resf-h Aug. 19; Blackie, Holstein I;Eshe. osteiîn c, milking well, hred Juliy 20; L-ocy. bl;ele f rlti ow, fresh Sept. 30, with leifer calf iat floot; Cr e Girl ,;:tigcw. fresh Aug4. 19; Bet4ty H otin c wdui- bfioesalv day; -Mac,. black Hollstin. milking well. oredi May 26; urne cw, dueý NJov.ý 18; Hols.tein heifer, due Dec. 19; Hlolstein heifer. bred Jan, 9; 'f,,]t,,in hei'er. rrady toi bre-ed: 2 Rosenh-frborn in Auig., 19M:; roan yearlinig heijfer; 3i yount;, helf e cves Hrd sire: Royal Prince Lad, b'orn Juily 26, 1957; sir(e. Trailynd Ro)yal Prince; dam, Hlas ecn Emprest T'his isl a choice, home bred herd. vaccinated, and selling in a Bruc- losand T:B. free arela. Posit- vily norerv as the owneýr is PAR QUIpM TTC.-- Hrinnam 2-uinit milking machine. co)mplete with eump and ips8o 18 cows: Jem enn i cor l'a " ailsaldaiy 1ip et;Idozen milk cans; Cockshutt N. 4 spread- er, mn real good conditio)n; 15 It. of ofswanS. A s it clek on da, If you are in n eed of good milk cows. do not fail t. attend, WM. A. GIlBSON, Auoctiouneer, Phone Guelph TA 4-'14'78. Don McMillan, Clerk. b-16-2 Builing ite EAUTIFUL LOT 2 acres;. on base lin, at $1,000. per Inspection by appointmenIt plienso acre J. R. BECKETT TR 8-6843 BROKER c-2:' Pal ermo Phone- VAIley 7-2341 c-32 AUCTION SALES CLEARING October Special A C INS L 2-bedroom home, 3 years old, full OF FURNITURE ETC. basement wlth oil furnace, Wilb ,là 4 r!ýR. breezeway, garage, on quiet Acton. on WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 4th street in Milton. At 2 p.m. Full particularF. next week's paper ALL FOR $8,500. MR AND MRS. E. W. BOCIC Proprietors. HINDLEY AND ELLIOTT. b-23 Auctioneers. Contact - - Walter C. Eves @ f REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE O R. R. 4. Milton- TR 8-6408 Ask a Oour convenient layawa«y plan and budget charge accou.nts 35c• M1 TO ISIVE----------

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