14 Canadian -Champilon, thitraday, Ocober Qth, 1959 wilH URUCa HOOR A DOUB5LE PLAT la the seventt nna a f a igame tint mas hated twmce on accaunt of cain was the final effant Saturday ta give Multtan Red Sax thne tittc. A grrcad ta Ban Shannan mhîch hie relayed ta Gient Dance cîneing second banc. wain ta ia made il îortic getlhidi i ,th tii 1ingi a c 01Ai tis-t ii sidcd for ail bittac ia. icicite it gaine. h11at a wlin Zkbaicch came ft tea hhd ta t ie e uii late i hea rn Daag Hyat hadl ta bang attt a hame i-anlita in the tilti. After matting thte ttttmile trip an the Sattirday prciausan nd bciag cincdnaut,thcihbys mcerecectaiaty anaiousta gelt henseries an tastnay. Sattarda,* thty atcivedt thoec ta mact the sane conditions fur the second accck ia a rani, the anme haviaa ta tt c nled at the ead af the third and agala a inte tîfth. l'i ny ft saenain- alaga lananstlarkacaa mat tetting ia ea-tc allcr the rnin. The clubtarriaecdback ttnnta Satacdayaniglt aboutttlnocnct witlt att cana comitqg la tagettner. Athangla a feni peapte had tcicd ta -gel a reneptian ta Mtttnaia the tat ten ycacsanad thec tntB" tittca1ct3. ittaailtinnvaiana ltnecd thecpeope ahahave the aay ia maticra af thla ttad tahece nat ia the i-eccptitcmaadi. Na ýhaca hanhing tant thc acdec aI thc day ftraciltcana nn the canan tahich ttaant ast andaeen cact. They naccc cet ty thetloalctnataaayatthtcdaof taicawth the odt-. Hamcncc tenîght tandaautita bc a secessasciLenStî. Marie, Ineident of te hatt ctaub hated te cnticc tt af pkiancc n d thcic mats ia aahindig ai ha hanse. With inning thas titte antd haing anew annitand i the taic- gcaad, thcncniaîad crtanyhnnamorecntcnc.iiinthc gannix yearc Satacday night thc cub la holding ita annal dancea aithe Legian Hall ta cetcbcatc the biîg ictacy at ahich tinic thc niat naînabte ptaycc tatît lic decidcd by lhc ptaycca af thc tcam. Local inancanne agenatBab Mnçaaig han dnnaicd a icnptny tita beîccacnicd ta the MVP. tac the tii-t timc thia ycac. TUE BALL SEASON havnag ahanai cime ta oanad ta tama han st theastagelfocthe hockey ternita gct idccnaay.The ccahaatd ttc ccadij fac tataing Satacday nigtiah ith the clabs bing ablec ta latte teic blttes ot af tacagc ti aciethîn accchnnd anWeil. Nathiing tta yt heca donc aboutiminiranhocttcy talat. With the cest cf the teagîtea ina-n asa udt ai the minai- panktaiccinailier tatansailttset iîpceady ta go.,ltiiaa iloksasi c baya had betîe gci cckingttaciadttetntaiinîthevhd adtancacahichttcptthte aotcng date aett hactt. TheMet-chansare anîngitahbehusan tîh theTicciac. Ocahi-n 2f gamne tlieyhan-c chndiiicd a-iithc -Tîgî-c Cîtha tilcitan a-hi aaayA pna.tbtalinie-titnNiî-ntbcc-thas bn naigaciit tith the prccnds ta gn ta the hîiapiiat tfond but nîthîîîa detîtîtti han ttena cniabithed. Thc Oattnilnniar cubh ha., bienaintiiincd anste oppaositiona tacthe gan .Menwithilete hlagite mîtl pciiabtc gtaundccmway diîingithuiencfaitnang thiîindiameinîgbian- nxtMnnday night wIl ti aop aachednîctfia-theiee ea op Athtbcndnuttc laganca aetbunyagaain-vih anmectingaîhn- hetd tant ight ta detecuin ctnîea and ihev wnul îînnhahiy b li itit tyaeat w-nnttThcSport and Cclc îttn'nicnshctttuth-,uni«-nania- tional met foi- thet.59-60aan2'iicîdaynighand artc looinîi i anathea tnp tee terna thin ynan. Thny area fdcciig champs inth(, tiaptitan Tri-Cointn Jîtannîta bockey tcagîîc SPORTOPICS The Natianal Haocy Icagîten arnned thcîn aclindaî tant nhi mtich endsa nmetîme ib hemimddle at Marcca --The Leufs tai t theinacait4naat home Satiiday ninhiin thcici sia lcît whbn inlach. MattanihOitaadnd ciapny iioîpen aihinin athectîci af 24 Salaaday nînhit iaîîccaai thIe garden Mllentreal Canadiens ancentithc saniepna-anhatiennad tit iîhî-y dminiîathiiuclu-aa agai hi yeacmih thieRichardsanad DaagHarveyctttinaathe pan-e Detroit han madenseanahnaup ahananst taadd ta Garde Hiimi. Biluton ta abotthelicaniea îith on Siiiimnicand Hnî y Lîtîtieli bttntttg fac the aalca tjob -hlc in New Ynrk h ibadditîin it Ian Canshernn and BScan Catien ta thc Biaetitih an s lti-fod tlii tmeea Ted Lndsay an ithel ian d Eddie Linahcî anc icght ing and a-ih Bita Maph hach u in tîinion c tîtîtiiii-tIdatible idcied h:mlaat wînicc. .An early cbîicntccm th,, cornnrftc thesixamtatfinish haa Catadwisais, iNe%,- YikChic-ago. Detroiand Bustoin a hat acden. BRillDnbbYn a hockey Piaynt- tha tait an nyn ptayîng tan Bufaloc tat ycac and nminettilable ta plat,-itaCanada an the J.SA.ias i rentiof thenhandicap hanslitadthcPnnhintand siîa aicn Bitaia fan the naming icasnn. .-.-The NH.L.er Plia nananai ait intt eekforttfahe 1irs lime thia ycan iih Satandiy and Simd-m niaha the main canine ...Don Cucree ad uta Fnahcn mm eFridliy aight ta attend the Tîaac Caha tcaintng camp in Hamiltoan ., The Red tan hud a lnaup frot JuniornIatebutt day n latiîn Satacday mith Dance, Shannon and Ha anani and a Campbclltîîti janiac prdan t.anPlulipa. Hilaonapttcbing madie a fîfth anndaci tamirornal]hait - Babh rena, tîîr maay *caastcannaofhockey- clattia Miltoanlhant daaatnd the tcapttnin hliii nane hich iaivn ta the mant aenîiemaaty pin ycc an the taThLi ii-iphv mas finit ltianmnmbnnaofthe Mennhantanclub . . routetiion thnhotndg of makingthrec champtnîa Haîîaon Couîanaagn nes hny paît ap thaîn ana thny iii mist out ta jiintng Campbciîvittnaad Miltonî . . . They lmt Sandu.1 at home ta Caindania ta gian Catcdoina a 2-ttnad in anatesaitn athatet iveînîici. .Buqet for shîatd tlttc dnyiag tameini ta then Bah Kanttii--cîachnd hîah ahoitliot- hatînna fan thcîc -la n en Atan hnr u-cTînday aficnnnn .- .The tamewas na mn ade cy wt-Inidtionsan a îtapPy icild. GREATEST THILL IN, SPORT: Waynec Ifîtanathe tait ciaht handcî taho hui t teed maty eifhait thît ycan tan the Red San. aing a fasthalta gadaavau.nit aannthis mnnh Wynhaccdna terrifie hait gamne ia Zurich Satanday that gavaeHMaonthe ahampîannhip and ftan Wayne tialis t hand tlic livtcnihat lbe came thnaaah. Wm-ae ita a tindat o il Mtant miaîîn hanchbalit icacmanad ai- thaagh lbe basnni itaayi hec a ptcenchn i an thectait iti hnnming n top munadatana tan then tain Onîgînatin Wayan ne a a i anchen and then ttc ment ita the atfietd tith thetjunirshefoLanina tb maundaffof tI he Smx. LawrneanHitaona Waynaca athen iaid ita an Sitandny marnin that if lhe dnrencthe itahinga nanirnttta at h -btitrenand lhcan daman and haetaaaid cmcthnaagh. Apipaanntyty bat n tahat lhe dîd tteaaaeenCamenihniiîhtithfiYtaiing cr na bigblod rn II0W ABOUT THAT: HOME-A milcnn mhnî-ca maiaricialitaintido an ttc Picas ifihc ta abichciînn SEASON OPENING PUBLIC SKATING MILTON ARENA 5uturdoy A lioao adfivening Milton'Intermediates, 'Campbellvifle Majors Victorious-' Both Teams Capture Ontario Tities in Straight Games HMlon Sparks Milon ina Iurkh Seturduy Cage y J. Roe ts Pitches Fia. 5.11 Ea&M Thc MiltoanBcd Rat esnptnced the Ban Shannoncastnad oa inagle. Ruit Beautiful Donuble Play Cataphettautte wmatihe Inieemed- Hamiltnn hani-stap uni a annuag cd ih anc oat. Baitey thea Ontario BanchalitAnaciatini tInt. rPbistrniiple antI an cnnnhy luit i lMtona pullcd oafIl ti antandnl tain *Ai Maine ttle hy dcîeattag I ita dama. bnaned n doubhle play hait ta B~~~~~ ~~~ Bîcut hn piali aZ ilicietP.Man uit iti t damac ci ibleit- t Ic occnd n chic Rin ta H uiîitn Red Scia ihrcnn iiaight. j Tliechampionmade t 2O a Pncc. anht tucpprd ici Drenge. -bat bmulmiilc utditmiut n-tiittii-i nnînhTciiieîc dIiîmîcîccîc uuctutciic-c cci bm (dtii îcc-li ilni.y1nc mFiIm[iciiiliiiuiuu u-tiinhu t cli- mmml lai- îmhu Cautlclmmu st ha imm n es.d he Sfine pli h e- itocalum i n- glen nd. cnii fiai deHt- la nintYo im mtnngl rtui score a n di aa tInanTe un fln fruiata m nth i da.A ma be luai aing ott xt ma n c bt a n antes'b iomnanc aI Wamnae Hlaonathe Snanaon muuit r li cîpenutihe itutuuuut. cutt t atI theSwhc i anl ud liccattolita.mac ad ansBRueesficlded the bail, battmftahIie ialh tabea Peine ,uuniucd aut n total tf 13 btae hanha Shanne amagglc anmud Dimuma lymtt's muined outthibm pncnicuitaSaîarnmy The naacy BRobertsn litmai ade Pneastnppnd and satcd bantt ta apened Camapbelivillenshnlf taitt a nfi Zuch nti ui-y rg a bncdncArna ta-a cuitdoubenvath hiu bin liftermtnthrccinnnq ihnught ibm-y icm mmtahin. liai bath wmccconia- the Pinte at a ndas ntea chancd ingle andastal eaconad.Beaden- Mnyc i nie HitaumaIn imiutI thc m ei ninga. mden athtrii p mcin laaii. Ry tsalndl the hi- nflna a i ta ec en a adran. t bih nutedthe m tnbald rWiage Luitbet' Kunas tn fine hîta BRitaPhittipa asia-lcd ta ttutihentiriBnîn a h uanflRti ead eabniainfui hI haa I (.I.hinn.Rg lse ige Ait Play Wel tn i ec bci t amia tuim ama Tled Ia ForIs him cfomia home cn, makbung the Our i- Rl lU o ea tm bt an iaa iidnan In tathcn ir.ccun atch thcena- doublenandatiri open the amth, be Io demaiaca a S-i0game umtit the 'ani"*n 5-S fume Cattihniiamte. Shannon, the hittilia ofna!the tr l,*nd Mye tn t hilima cumoîtthîedcut -mdedtntc rovdoeIn Sbon "c h o o h fut we eewl- Cotnte nPaeFr ganta lac M Ittnnncme thnmnmhfia h wîlh - 1he nx w n d b ti. Tbcn nidline(ITlst il7gbuanad Sud Sciathti r cm iicidh il i thcen bghit. anc nI ihcaî a efcennPunt i Hann blmudiluccfZaunuinch a lith fn man. _______________________________ cicnnighuuaceaa îttt ma cmaln li.liîîîîîin amith the Scx ia idadit immil-ianiaimmodlta d ia claing hmn t itn- ie ath t i a tesnn th clinac.nil Tit- mmim tîîm B Thlcd tai-lIseh a isur teTihuebilnThnnuuariuelh2 nitnvcýr.S anan muta ahaet- Tusqsien trke Sci a lms uctdt i in aula nen hRi vt he alluma t f h -mt ,ci nu um RcîPtilp itmp amt riple uman t lin îith biîunh t FIlucnb u ta-m- fMmuh umitinicntli,,,gextramc il.HI. aaid toad tukM ILTON RED SOX autan Bdd Sut hit H ,nuit t it cl-he angro IhuîC . n ami)1- , n mu pnaci n a nuD o t îJoy e, nîubfuu iîîn ttu a ca iaWdauN .1nd Rnl;unîtch la Ai du1,t ,,R ia i n i li f i ib-ua.ni alidWanetiuu l,tnhciitnnnnnnLi tliit F, i î1,1cth FIl Ii mm-dii- - icy i, mîcîc ild i dell'nt I T R Y D A rtan Icllr ncb< iTheiibig lune ad-1 qý i ,ttc Sat., O du,. 10the zdI Cmmttcnmcianc nîngimlit bui, imyMilton I ic iiti-uu. ct, iu aut mia iI ei ad au ts.n lnZ 'Ia he, ae ouh n(,r dfý1u- eiIli z nîan fan hî,I,îîmîîî c mcclu otniiicnt hniA uiiitt l- i ilt Hon t im n h aîuu I suprsy îta rteurh 1thamoB u mi i-cii mcmi icsn a rdai încil]-an -i N ucînl ci. îîîînîîîîmenmîîaaîî i ii-a uîc roiîuîm cc-C n din L go n lie il mbr.linia bal. ,trim hi, ltirltciriicli l 1 l fi clia u t ti-I, lin naiticiaui ici tlintliiihiit liacula icitti.w , ecact nhuciuimis1at i MUi H 115 A caciDni«Biiti to ILIitelV1' ut ied t', i Mml, -41 19hc-c t iî attid ulumn.Bîtii iD n eiTE C lontoesrdths, Dnginpelayr, tecnfP, -iget hse dii fc c -niile B.c l-al I Iý, A tl inalofst rn h sve Sho w ildliac, lnhn, li ,olots.l,îci Ilk, tht n-i c itii i $.0 CO P E - iE R S E T ,st oi ., wth par (I Uilies Iý so ý,,rIIk ,lt eght MUSC B ut Tht ccli Vulun uti-ni t miM t' mmlei ,-- aatindîîc i î.a1tTnningnaiaHonteOta iii l, uiu 'clii tiltbria tioulvi t tubhMua vkuc.Ic-!,m tccîiuluit i ni -i h- ici1 M D N TE S ni clii ciltht O~iuitiiiti i i tutc, ci-ci 'ItI c iii ln thn, iii u i the uccîi tîcuad a wmii N I G 9 1 - E E V N E C M Rt nauti mcii l intu mi A yi glt Cha s ne In miî- 1i l c- Ii cla cl Emti and iuhl uî nîcuud atîcîd th lut-ui Th itiucit1,~11c~ î1n îcui.îîtîîn lii cîîîîîîmu dýcîîcct n iuinign a' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ f( niaiuc!th s-i-nan$2.00uct,- - - - - -i tOUPhnLE________-________________________________ t intuKaccWeternci Horsemm'c Shouw-c-)llt.uu t I-1ii i : ucuîtccal.tnhcunc n.unauuauianIIIduIlu nîc- K1u.1itu At i liii ducîIl-:naiFButant bain liforitSirat -simctîucîguinuntmaim-muîmcn.i on.Fi lion. rOui 1 tutu ________,__ F_________1hI 1 'Ii --d th tFctici utuuin tililutindioi h Tîn u-cauou,mlc ie eatnc t ntc it tîdfin( ii-vhmcînt cura93 c lIbl- arem y - ocd h fo si i c mofliiRobma nnurccm ct t li lii IIii uimatinudt ,in heruatbn unt ui Mcm init- n iitc t~e t f H O E S IT Rntuh, slo.Irtnt i in il tt pua wau cmau hy .vGaca llîcuintanmati thenncata d hn Liada Hunda. Huai-iL , htl,-*,tcn b lhorseî'Dam a.1, tutui hm uînng'Vainii luun nniuîgnaîicomu,ncduaang uca[- M,> Fli,cilAuckland naitc,- mmd clinuanhà mmlhlita o n t af-tic 11,I)Andeuiaon if RBiumiiaztut uni ecd as lîîdnn matIJuin Henrym mua nails ni athe aliernntnni-c'ata cailt ram Hamilton,î.St. Catî,- Dort Scores mimitl h, iilta udmma,.ut Dm1 taaucntnaie arn tuaoup ittu 24 pucntu MliisIclicit. 20; Huma- n l hamve 1b. But Rîmnutac a u-- theli h.nntadui 4. Buîtcis 2cati tadingt dam- t n mdl acta îu.cucd 1ltuai iii a Hornby Edges Washington 5-4 Ja b eOCnno a batitt ,rnah h bi 1q hape S tI aywhn bu-y tcumb a 5-4 nuntncy indu hidi -.ciii,' Wasitontut quand. Tht- ala'tas nthc final if ti' ncuinaî AinlaýiumttuututebmAmnum an Leau lild ittdlu-ae a piaicn iy- t, ucaîi h hir hunl n he b nu llmud titanyann ta mtainiWah- iaittcm1tai t ani hi aut OSP. Sideswipe Damaemmm a lit600mhena mc nan -jm'ulu mmmcd tua Fat-utint Firsi Une mt theNBit. 25 ndenund -n San- tuy afienann. Cotîtt. Wm. Scnci, Cncuata Turna ner 8Bucunîn- St. Milton, and Caîmu-m Pauw,64 Mmai t., An- ton, Ru inuies wmccc nported. " Wall Tii. * Saptc Tanks " Buldozing 0 Tenching " Sand * Gravai O Film EDGAR HOWDEN Ph. TR "4258 R.R. 3, Milton Campbo"IllI. Sider.ad il~ àv,îlc ,cn' d la-c J-chutRu 1,. Jan ni ttî uia. 13i1 l-1iu1. Oci Hcnimlt. .c in , îhîh.o u-cia c . H iietit cml,- n amiu . Wtt- 1,. mlii. Jiloi -na-Iom.Go' 11 lu mciltit- - ii c n Bn ta lîcumîca1 initn1 1cia mu to.T -ý.Itunîn neii i n n iln li, Sn utuil a-' tutu unirilac-. 1hu, cmiidal. li mua-munduuim tda M.. N al ,J INSURANCE Esîabliîaed Ageaay Rn R. FORD MILTON, ONT. Phone TRiangle 8-6357 ai -W IA N SiaIaaLESSOR lPIhI 1 - ý- ffili dac t i iiclcui.i.~a I l- c -vni dulhîl l hui --aîîil.cc l îîc .lcit1, c l îcîct litiiiilliîiîlied 'c ldIi- l. - - I lc i-i - ild-Wlc kîca ii il tlî-i l lti--i 5i-Indue n-nttlnled nsleping pacatea. sînlichallait cxta omiis lnte eai- ta acî,nnnsdate Imare aleepeca - . .- amninînancenmn fine ndnilionaa ventilatian and inert penn- tectîca .. . aternt part cînta an lin penaide cci ana tar slileîa ni e change ai t(lnhn. Titalatte la adaptable ta ail itaadacd statin iaa f a i s n s taîlcîl ucttly andcasilla la anmatter nit311) catata. ai l luI. lic lcIli I l-,lIllcli ch"ic Iii cci ;' ' al lii, l ic i-cid-lA ii- ii , l 'JI', MOORL 1H "', 1l ___and____il mam a a a ..... ilium .......... .mmîmlMUUMMIltM M AM T Car Contest e i e à JOIN IN THIE FUN. CHILD- Content ta b. divide< REN ROM GES 0 TO two acaups - ~ SU FSO AGS 10TO (1) Customs Suilt Cacs. go MAY ENTER. (2) Stock Caca. KITS $1.98 and UModels must b. purchased and completed be M Octobee 10 and Octobee 31. Yoai- eeceipt fi-rn *Sports and Cycle is your entry ticket. Modelsava nom et n-oE S. PRIZES 1 sT - OAS MOTOS FdR $225 MODEL AIRPLANE. VALUE $600e eten 2N0 - OAS MODEL AIS. ilton PLANE KIT.~ nailableVALUE $5.00 Milton, Sports & Cycle 201 MAIN ST. 9 m 1LTYO0N TR "-75' o I. 1U Notice of Sittings of Revising Off icer TAKE NOTICE that sittings of thse Revising Off icer for the purpose of hearing complaints or appeals with regard to the voterai lists to be used at tise voting on October 2lst, 1959 under Thse Liquor Licence Act, in tise municipality of thse Town of Burlington wiIl be iseld et tise following time and places set forth in the scisedule iserein- after set out: Date of Sittings, October 9tis, 1959; Place of Sittings, Police Building, Elgin St.; Time of Sit- tings, 4 to 5 and 7.30 to 8.30 Dayligist Saving Time; Revising Officer, W. N. Robinson; Clark of Revising Officer, Alex. S. Cooke. Judge W. N. Robinson will be tisa Revising Officer and Alex. S. Cooke is iCerk. AND TAKE NOTICE THAT tise lista to be so revised are tise original lista for eacis polling sub- division (Nos. 1 to 38 Burlington (Halton) and 1 to 18 Burlington (Wentworth) as prepared and certif ied by tise enumerators for tiese aid polis. 1. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that any voter wiso desires to complain tisat is name or tise names of any person or persons entitled to be entered on tise said list have been omitted from tise same, or that tise names of any person or persona who are not entitled to be votera have been entered tisereon, may on or before tise 9tis day of October, 1959 apply, complain or appeal to have is name or tise namea of any otiser per- son or persona entered on, or removed from tise liat. Complainta may be made on tise f irst day of tise above Sittinga to tise Reviaing Officer. 2. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE tisat sucis appeals must be by notice in writing in tise pre-. acribed form, signed by tise complainant in dup- licate and given to lise Clerk of tise Revising Of- f icer or Ieft for iim at isis office at Town Offices, Brant Street, Burlington. 3. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE tisat at any time prior to tis ittinga of tise Reviaing Off icer, any voter whos. name is omitted f rom tise liat as prepared by tise enumerators, or any person who isas knowledge of tise fact tisat tise name or names of any otiser voter or votera have been s0 omittad, may so inform tise Returning Officer in writing, atating tise namea and addresses of tise voter or votera so omitted. ALEX. S. COOKE, W. N. ROBINSON, Clark of the Revising Officer Chai-mas of Ith. Election Bourd for the Cously of Halito. Daled this l9th day of September, 1959.