Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 1 Oct 1959, p. 3

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THE DRIVER DIED uchen ihia cor smoshod henni-uv vIn o lieu mu Murlin SI. tale Soîurday ofîni rodil. Deani la Guy Hnghes McCuvkey, 20, uf Tcruvîu uvil o possenger, Couic M. Brome, 21, c Niagara Fous a iv o Humillun hospilol wiîh face nuls ovni o luroken Olin. Pulice sou Ihe sonlh buanni cor îwerued uf f lice coal aide uf Ihe rooni ard hîl lice Irne, wcenkivg Ihe oulo. 5 , '"c, cil .cc ,~- n THIS CAR WAS WRECKED eucîy Sunday muriuy mcm-niv ccci aooig teli clioitlIaccof, nIhe Bae ine ual icavloniEsquc.' a iydio pou and anuerol feul ni mire leneavd puai .The cliii ens ac.d a laceraleni inrehenni avd îroivedn enk, bal luckily ecac lO7th Milton faiU l-Fuir Record-Breaking Event c. tic-, . l ic - lt1 hi Il, ý IL ;î, Hn - ili P - t- 'I- , 1 Sckm..al"Snl bu,-Il. G, S ,lI - TiIý M1 GIJA N ELYCAPO 1 iMaiiagv' ec-'ior.Jîvi Dcli. c.c.bm rnC IclclîyIMc, O.i M-il i - -ll Sm l f .. ,Ge)qeo r lAFod ichrstrpyC. Nae Stan Rowe The Mover HAMILTON, LTD. MR. JACK MOUNTAIN tI Mainalitret MSILTON.,<ONTARIO Fo lic k- ccv ci Long cItitasre OiioaC lachcî Cesig, Sîssage Ao. w i.. Allîci Vw iii cii J' Soper CIl.an Hold.s Annual R eunion OzIanCamin P 0 ±Rev. Stanley E Jay o Wit CotetsSuper Dancing Thanksgiving Guest t The Saper clan hail a lavely day Mra. Joe Heveran of Alîcalon. David Howdcn, Milton; lunch, Mrs. Harvesti Thanhonîving Servicesc for their annual reunian held at Grab 21«g Race Win. Merecdith. Anh. Carrechcld in St. Georges Anglicant Brnokville Hall, Mnxnday, Septem. A grah hag race for ail clildren peetal Peines Chur h, Liaville. on Sundaey ithis ber 7 . Mrî hda.ospo was helcl Ihal amnused ailtrnho Special pc-ces were wso by the c counic o l ereaI 10 ar. s Richard Mri ii prspo walchcd as iscîl as Ihose laking fnillncing: travelling the locîhent, Tlia, oring set-vice nias con- gram Ihal enleelained young and parI. Mr. and Mrs. Van Tuyl, Detroit; lctd bythe Rectcr.Rev. R. P. E 0Id ilaurihg the ofleenoon. Hnseshne pitchers hadl a mot noltgentlemaun, Piineas Finlay, J, îcrcs, Race Winoers enloyable iane eatecially chen il Guelcis Jonction;o; ndea lady, Mca A hcnnlnsevc cr t The folînaing rces anre held; grean dark an lhcy finishcd. Win- Hannah Wilsocn,. HR.2'Rc-Ath vngsuviee.Sa- girl* unning. I lii5, Chcryl Bay- ocra mccc Ray Super. Ccdînr ii-id. y'.gungc.iu ibur. Munit lc.y E. Ju, BHA, LTh.iof Si. cicîc, Kim Mrtin;di6c o.9,Patty Edgr Hîccdc.-aMilon; J.tieIl- f'îcîîccc -niiicIMr andiiMi, loy chueinii dor- h Mere.ditlh, Ludu Hcnc10 u I11I, crani, Allistî.n, Cli;cliic Marinî, Dv- Ilon r.gu- sici Snsan Van Tuyl, Dona Hevcran. thuit, Jînu Teuii, Ccdnrill itll nî M.,t cec-iuly mu, -ii ,Mr.uand Tl,,,,, vs aiiicudîd atcdn Shirley McKcnna; 12 10 14, Eonnoie Snper, Ccdacville. Mcc. Ricd Mirtin, DcrInti111iii Loh srces.cc Wnnsds, Laura ocden, Dncnlhy Mes Claude Van Tuyl, Dctruit, thiiscii unhs ycac mnccicd* Icngrîl Hevean, Beveely Woods. mardhccheMrecanddaes.end d.uhen-nHcitds Mc.BandeMus By runin, 1 n5, Kevin Van arangnghe fndinhbuffctlstylceicccyMiltons; luchy gara hcc boneokBbru Tuyl, Kevin Baynln; lnn , Laryand sccvnnacuîfeccand les. cHe nverîy Woods, Miltun; spotldance, l weekherHchsf Si. GenrgcOsAf- Baynon, Dacyl Bayoliso; S9Itu1,Icceun 60 and 7f suit dnwn lu enjny Siharîo Reiciscri cfiltoln, David'ttiio WA. gulhered furanul Lary Marin, Luse Martin; 12 ta thcappclîeingnalada. mealu, ceg- 5-lcduif Milton. 'ehi-tthelhomeccofaMri.' 14, Wayne Clnmdrn, Kcccy Van thcadccripclsn -- PlansNecl Reaalsss iarr it:cclcidsun. Tuyl; 15 la 16, David Howden. lishes. pies, cahes, tora, .ccica Merdiiesccilrd tic havi the nmcl Girlsnhuttantoun shue, I10tu5. andlfraits, whitecjclhes, allcyand "citravicic dlEcuiaille Hallibt huec Lu Cheryl Bayotoîs, Kimo Mactis; 6 tu challer flncc fruont c-aip tn grauli Sa lîrduy hrturc Luisci yin 9. Lînda Huccdcn, Peliy Meredith; Ne flea 'teud utfconiLaisbo aysd) îpi în lu to11, Shley MeKenna, Suans Aftiesuîpcc uand dihcs wmcc c ut l aen in plac f Van Tl'yl; 12 lu 14. Lauca Howdcn, dune, a meeting was edtgi occk Dcuthy Hcvecan. reuortsandcelcctcîum fces.W l- Musc uo.acnas oiP idc.d Bnys'hall unuon shccc1 .l c5K- net-Fryer of Aclu prsdnt yMr.Win.WodsinIi van A! vinVan TuylKevin Boyntun; 6-8.1 rtcd as charmuiand MrsEda MeLovo .and WaltercNe. Lacry Baynn, Daryl Baynlîîn; 9li, HawdcnofutMiluon %aacmu se-mri ajo lf Miluon 11, Tumnsy Mactin. Luery Muari; relay-teeasnrrr. Bcts ftehun qae 12 10 14, Kerey Van Tayl, Wayne Necly lecîr fies l" eakd fuit hut leil.cy uf cn- Huccden. prerndenWilliam Merdt ruh 1n n. etad allccw'aind Wumenu races: hnc hîching. I ied cvicr-p ridrol, Mr .F,.cdncn ateplkashu îtic liai, MisasIEda Fcyer uf Arco, Mca. Mc-Kenna, -Puiccli; seeay gn.t s upsad schclsishe. Perry Woud ut Feellun; ncvrlly ticuner , Edgar Hum nMilýn rcae. MrsDich Martinof Droiut, prgcut. JachC'ryci. Atn prs 14 KILBRIDE Bride-to-be- Showered Readings Given ut W.A. If somoone Aecî,cellinntua hunc. ma cldîsilicisid Studyith il IfMr. DouclasrWaimson for Mcss lcndîd Mlion Sal Fait*i DON'T liT 1 Oc.m 0 h riet-er iýM ie, i iMichgn.ad irad Mi.oingCAR Ri ('Il riuuylicly gifts aller lc onMnu fAledlM A friendv callhy the sit h iîihd eneine. Peccl Sîînday il M..dn M- * WclcomeWagon o Hnnea Dont settle for a second-c Luncrh ias rvcli y Mes. Jeanii fiallowumtd. wll help thrmtfe.eat EMNS& Owhr tic ccgl. Mca Ducco Orcnund. Mis * home. * CEET Owe J-a uitlcaind Misa Wilncu Watson, Coingratiulat ins golic Mr. icid* parla and accssoriea ana ,fi*,.Alais s i ii lic ,I.bic Iii .,f'And as for yaar transmi T, W.A. Muctin ..,hH t c;, iigitîacr ;icd c.c Mrcaid lMc-iGeorge do iti Came ie N cli c -ccHan.-IMis Wî Mîclh.lInc'ciiih- yaar car problems. Vou'li AiF ccl îccduaMichel oi d.clgliici .lui inla rrying o a iea LMNS g;u~îi.,,- UC cniivotcnil. Ticc * emmcntya cruditiccisu - - ee~~~~!irit ofhnseciualilr. Tell (ID CIAE AD f I... - --- --, -1lcosl"Wu.n leRESIAESAEF char c1cc". ivv cIl, ir, CONCRETE n tiisphucu Fil,-,. MsMciIîc tîcur McTILE 1 fftIc ruad and slId 200 feenl hauc icîand Mii (c.c W.îl e AI fo Il uic t ansyiiii c 5iîvg sFcI fhLine. Ilnlippvduof thlicliic.icil[iherInrceiuuMivH ut- calcertan adcîcitcvc;pic- vr, Robert Ronsomno iltn, 1,d hidi nnlciiiirland itccii lcli,cled aidruulha acnd pnc.sriousîiijury. în ly Mca. Fui W.asn. Lunch palm. Tocp ulily, Iciccri A.,crced hy aise hou cecbasssterlc cir ~ ~ i h M, Hcîardaîd Mc.Wclcn. ERIN TILE WORKS 1 r.c J.lc.i 1 l.i cy Thelicivh'rmmi5rrOri~ ra Dual lii -.1 IcI l'îîîîcîc - aeaaelsg mli hi Mcc Ciel: - PHONE 34r23 ý,I-vtcjlit i, vI iit d Mi RbhCuvede. Ites of Interest Dance End, iairc \ r dc-îcc,cccrirn "a iiîc-cccg ;il th( A N",ClffFlz 'th20lawS vNGRAT 0- salppv ti(, .11J. M.IF -F fIl -Iv IIi nonSaiiiida.icLAZY PAT FAI -~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h -'il ii,îlîcî-C-iîiii eddiig FOR THEIR WINNtNG C i , Zîîvî-cî cc liiicd Clîcîcc l ci bih, dcc GUERNSEY JUNIOR M, aird Mii Ccr ce avd liciily M , andcciiM, 1Cli i ,z I M i ccI Iil i lcîiNîil ;ci-ci îîd l.iii.c. c ;.Il of Wi.,ici iiidKEN ELLA spn1. liii 1h Mr ad Mi. O Ci .ccd M,.,.Ficc Iiclii i FRTHIRoNNN T it pent ccc I ti -îi , cihMcO H I INN 1 ciiMi,ili iîliiiciil JERSEY PROGENY t rMc aicdiMIS Gordon i ll and l.iiiily cilNimi,,ikit cii ti,-MILTC ciiici clMiivndM'S. Mcli ili, -aiJ, I-c 1hcli -M,. S u Mdil iiie w Mf..J-duc C.tii a i Carlise uCO. 1ccl ie MiloniFailt Fair, Mrs. F. ýrc.c.-tre, icîcives tIce Geccral cl lîy tine Ca3iiduiv Champion. hikievhl lIe loply whîln fair RLalled IoI Ior) Ia le B. Contribute Now - Insure Benetuts When yaa cantrbate taotIhe Canadian National Insitafe for the Blind yaa buy inseance ta prenent Isindness and if bindcd, an assurance af continaed asefaîness and happines MILTON CAMPAIGN - OCT. 5 - 10 I. 0 Tulip Bulbs naneand.addeaaf fais.oyo hsnaa avio aremoviag cc i.Uii i ýULATIONS >IGOTT RMS, PALERMO OF THE MILTON MILLING GET 0F SIRE TROPNY o lu AND SONS DRNBY G THE MILTON MILLING OF DAM TROPHY AT ON FAtR. Milling *LTD. tn, Ont. ULTURE SINCE 1820 0 Hyacinths 1* Daffodils *No. 1 Bulbs 0 5Crocus IPLANT SPRING BEAUTY *Any BuIbs TH IS FALL i Bone Meal any type 1 ~ & Fertilizer R. S. ADAMS STORES LTD. 264 Main St. E. Milton, Ont. y;Octobnr laI, 1959 A HORRIBLE DEATH Deoth hy tire is a hnrrihle ccuy foucasynne tudie and the scviv- orare pvi-masently scared in mind ne body. Il is dvuhly tragie thut sn Miarly vîctîmas are lîtîle childrcn misa are unucile lu Pro- tedt liescmalrm and isha had relird on gcicmn-ups tu pienerve their saultyý FOR SALE 1959 FORD tope, ci.1 ,501)il ,cuil ucilc. TùtIcil cm 1ricc S$4,141à OUR PRICE $2,295. HALTON MOTOR CAR 459 Main St. TR 8-2401 HOOKED ON REPAIRS! rate job! Corne ta ALAN e yosîil get top qsolity id îap-natch worhmanship. salon overtiaul . . . let 10W ta taîti oser any of 1aways find coueles ser- DFR . .ANDl WEL BE GLAD TO ARRANGE A CHARGE ACCOUNT FOR YOU. TH-IS WEEKS SPECIALS 1953 FORD FORDOR in perfect condition. 1955 NASH STATESMAN, completely equipped bargain. ALLWNLEMENTI& o qZ/o PFSIENDLY SAMOLER a& SUNOCO Va&atE Wl SOLVE ANS' SERVICE PROBLEM SRONE Sr S -MlLroN.7e0ok R5a 0402 LIBBYS WHOLE KERNEL CORN 2 SAVE 15 on. Tins 2 c la LYNN VALLEY GREEN BEANS 20 Z licV Tin 6c GOOD LUCK MARGARINE 1 SAVE POUNDO 2 c 4c FOOD MARKET q v ri leý p R( ..i; 11 Lu-

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