sas-s-e s I - s' r'a"aaa %.RIGHT AROUND HOJ by Shirley Ose of the nace tbings abouit Plots as a lorge saoot hning lte end of saamimer aits hboat af i als. eut side domo. Pose in %1 tîrua aad -egatahio-s tat the maie- ianis boutasg matir. Baite in a pre- iset. A favorite ln o'r bose tis iatotd htt oea 425 dagreesi 30 iitsofyear issquaosh iall a-s inuates r ti aaost daeRe- istirs. Wc csjoy pepîser sqasha, stars- tram aria. Tsars sqas uti stutird oara oqaao and hbbas'd sale ap. squoashhbutaourifavritehais'bot'- Sîsa'aaesuasa'hmwitoamixatur'e nsatash. tf islt. gaadhblackp'ppr anad Tia butoilta' sqall'i i, lîsAîl 'laîlma'. Ms' rea'aa.laaag sl.a' l ,' l's 'a, .. a T'ho 'Il s-as' a", a saîl '-l,'s l a v.s a")%1d ' s ali 1w,'- oa ,,a ilj"îîîîî.a'aaî oi ai- a-il i all' -, 'i sal as h lî pals, ', asti bhisî ias'ilia.'Tis i,îala'aiaaas '_e" ti'il"t'1'allraats's'. ta ltîît- litsraI.alle sercandî loy. tielsal. aci 'claIe (3-50 ategîrs-al and bahe 35i a ilirl btaitrtisatias, if taera la sasattar uttl sqaisist aicdea o ny teit. tsa'lsi i '.o'rt'atas. Here ors wxc cecaps mhiab * ms hops mil bceo ai atereat. live rs aas-thrr aissitiot ecule Bahed Stefted Acrm Squsash ahana la deiciass .serrrd in ia- 3 mediumoîornqash (abouat!sl aai'. qasasîa lacn, ge Vt, paandaaShaa qîsaso ai nchb hailig matir is babiaf AitL eeds baa, hersa rimas-rd, psan babe ]t_ a itoboa'd squash oatil N eaopooa sait teasate h-ail aiata 'ire anad tamo 4s ts'o'asa geaaaaad blackt peppr itlillî, retrlaa ta theaves anda as teaspsaogasasadsalsîmeg 1,-,k,,stas 25'eto30lminuates, t paaaad saa.e mas-'a, îaaahcd Str and lmSt iffisig 1tcolasitb'red runaa 2 c'aliaa.'aashl'i- iÀz up dacedaosaon 'tcp îý es laariefta'a hast Wanh sqash,.u ins sas of iîngth-1 1.s no mie-c and renose s-rda and fibiares 2 sitîas. releci SEPTEMBER VOWS ms-esa sid t Knoa Peshyteriso Chuîah, Miltas-, os- Staeday, Saptembot t2, hy Joaa Mulsas-, laghiee of Me. and Mes. Arthur Misn,,ainets i.Miltas, and Dos Milis. ai Jacksaonvile, Ficeada, sas ai Me. as-d Mss. Thaîvas Mils of MiII St., Mitona. They miii tsar in Fiteida. 2 tahiesposuts cttsptsd pigiste i connsoeiserosss soap Ssii and pepper Boise squash as ln abuse recipe, Seseun mii asati ansdpe5sper. STUPlINO Saute uni u n d celery in butter unti tender but a h roma Add diced hatsi pcie anadanatwssoomssup. Seing toaa basi, odaiag a lite mathi erres- 1u S,ici.acaaaaha'a ivcaî'andtataa Fltacentres of coohed squash mth susling. Speinaise tap mth gaasid citeese. Ploce on bloing laceet. Boise utai 0degrees fur abattt 20 ta 25 miatitisi. Squasssh aaoes sed ninmakii -Bsarrsl'lt drliaios pieand costard. 'ihey HMLO RAGIESmta soPebir roao haove o stghtiy difiereni fiaar HMLO RAGIESmta nxPebtra hr ia'am isOmîshia. omaseuaplte lise i Milton, last meek for tise annoal Giders' Nigbî Multan Dis- hetie. WHes a srecipe poIs trict CommissioneMes. E. Joyace, igil melcomed gocats Mes. sinih keta îry. E. C . Reed, Houasn Diaisional Commissione feot Novasi, and Sqush Pie Mes. W. iler. Hamilton Acea Commisssoeef rom Anoalsier, i u csassagase long mth 200 oiber gocass 1 ttaaspocirsîsrmos 200 at Guiders' Nught 1t a aspoant n assg tesponince As Milton Womnen ot Sa-gt TheMiston Guiders lasd won o i h, i1elle hcavy eca-s osniepsa tird ata a ha adaa d Ga da s o ieAr; Pin'iasao try Mataîs. Tuetalyof ailact ac'w fs ht aaieisist hicoan the tesmned s qams h anditisCll' asaaai Gutîda-sa' Nsght liaus' tsianisdt11oera'lia"aaslaaaaa'.la i 1ijolaii sl alaalt.acoo ina rapa sassa .Ai'c.sCassaaasaasassaa"M,,. W. Fitsilasîaa.a~lisis îsîîsaîîas iiall'aihîsta'y aîd chi. Ta th-alIs aoa snatr las ost ta sithe mais ith .. le. uai la' FatlMaiaa itra.aad sqaash.add ftsgor. soit aslthaye ' N i.ait h.aaasPie- (Caipalalysdl'aaaalieCl.siaasa ad 'pacsad s-sas thaacaagbiplh.striatChurscisT'laa. à, ia.i lc 'aaCîgasi Beatabhecggs. ad aroansd mas icoaitlaattchadiaxîtaaaaha'.hasaias'ta's milhsquaiaash. Paolir ts a. A literaasdaai-caoaaedaoa id î.a at 1h'. ilsIassi ltSiý.uil lins'ciPaît and babeinaoeray hui.Msltas tta'aa'îî'î aaiA.salalaaI> NIalt h'a'alttliss aa aas-sn ai 450 degrees iaor 10 mnsa'a aid Aaani.ay meiase-esMi al'is i s" N, , i la a l'1a a te'î, edsa' a' lit t350 da ,ea.aapladthea.aslaa-îa.v iaa , a'll,.ass.saa a',la 'î" sal baba'tase401 oîasîîi'. iaaa"aal'aaaî lires' ( iad " asA ts las ., at î,d. "5 - i. las is' I Make is"sîa' eî~ -iscia tIh, p.,-,s iss h sl" ili'a sa Africa's People 'Mrs. W. Wolfe Auxiliary Study New President Mi's Si Bady, Mary St..apos-si las'o aleta4 ia saesbs aasl fdsal ,stfah,'Estt-ag AaîsIiaî*yatlm sic Festival T lai V Iatl.Idta is, A i nt', aia'e. i'. - lif Atl'a Nias b"as .1 bs ' ' , a' asalaa', -- ies -tteaA. il'd' sas ls it MOss,. a iîaa' aaa ouli g aotf a at aasa tath'. f:s'a.,,, il 1-aslt a, ,'t ' ah, 1 1,'.11, 'al s'as lias",, 'a'.', 1 S1111 Nerd strissa. ' lo -Id ai .a ' NtI ah' Fat-a i eataos ,i. Ti MatasaIlo8n i iîGîq W Ian"ss' >I '. mos rad by saelsrt.aay Mes . i Ie 5 1sate. t's' Niaisas, Cat.thaniag tSe grasap ifr dato sn atsat ne'alot -ta e, -'. rt n aîrd gaadâ *Lc.NJ ai, 'aaia; ' Nfia'. K rt., atti t a ai tha- messlsrslMa' iFF 1. i,îa Il ("ssstatCtl. hi, a daths ii1lasa iss a aa 'las 'ig ls., N i I.s ail' d nyloai n rss rtotara'dbaotha ttsslas Na i it., , A -. t Couple W ed Saturaay siossaasata.iaata:aa:thesîda a W iII Live in Florida bttti ag.dneypluatd Aaaim oi:spaiemnitfd a iM- h ,)i, Milli . ri',aai Ia'aaator'laaga. the moarag of Eia JaaWisntwi) lis, ,ad aasanod taaas al and Donald Aodara Misin Kn Gus-s Reeted iaiaaaaa a9800.0w.5 Pa'sohtcaeaa h. Milla, so Tha ,oa.,giaaay -aaaae'ina Rtoedoy. ha'ptiaaas'2 a-,4 î,îi. haaîuoiay tiasa r, i i f asathlae. Retissa nofTrips Noms and giads n toit ahsdcs dec- riaaeasla Th iaa'had5'othabrrchaase'The Pa'ageom rossisard (fansins oadth-ccuh anhd therSasdoyl rao aasantngshcath ibmth tael tervtAingret iwofthreisghtaghts laahoaaicl'aam mhs'arthercepto'adanadhaaouecaiaaed cssr ail)ta'apth West Coast es. f.iiamrd.aa-a'. mth a crsageof aULetes isyed hY Mass b. Fied. Aftrvtis- BevrnRast Qsh.nors icasid. ) itsl ,-AsssThaeaaamo mstherr itasg elaivaes as Edmntsos and mth Mc. Raari id Wraght paitiysasoaa fi"th, ilia'55tsion a na5'y hloc Vaor.he tauof theUnited the araaaTht aooaa'iMes stan- I oS rass aoothasy a iorissaa a ites aaaeded ts illeasrofiSes ald Rupert. sng OPra tîLaarandsalissrsaiofBriaoeliiiroses Farasra,LosAgles and Chi- and Tha'sugh therYa' s Aibsot120Ogisrot'aaemairmrd rola Empire Silhouete ta aam hSajïioa. Cananassar, Colo- The mertisng eosed mth the The bridce e a laa'a'y ga'nt1 'sasg. 6.aia. Auaaau , TarantoaaFaat asogofathytsand the.05a.atH aih "t dsa o-tata ta.saaliîg aa -fsa iltsaosllsas tsasiaogaatlsaaag- igoraithe Ma.tpah hssrdaraaan, AI Empiaesalhoibuette w a'.lhaGsaslaasei 'aaaiialaia.Aslsaa ad Mi- aamal alSiih.u o iafimad mthrta'- lachsadacThasboufataa la'iit ý. tacamctssera'edhp Mit. A. shapaad khrt le n h'iaaa ism Aniîîst htm mas Mca jainraMuîNalaand Mass M.Fid. aonprrsacd pirots. P5a'a heodd'asas: Wi'.saî. Ms ilsaa, ganadmaihcr ai mo a Jalifapop airoaaacPtaiaahh -,a .and lMa'aiames Me. holiag osanilusontv ci.She1cr-Ca'saay, Miaaton earableaairtaa hr rird acas.cade of TamoyGoidresaaseati wtbawhtaste hats. ReaReud eleras Be- Stan RM er Hec mad of hosora'a'. btr ss- Caoaatailaîy ia.'igrams mers hradssmads mece Mes. Doalod Ma- assdoa, nc i the brade, ad Th o e Rchers, sistereai the glsala, anat iasm Mr.. aod MasWilliaom Brau- HAMILTON, LTD. Mss IrsBca rincd. dryNewmYoark, tsaaien i ibte Mias MareGogh,a ouaaasi 100 îaia' .Represessativein Miltaon the bride, mas fiomee gai. 1Thes coupias ltaioaaethear nets Bronzesis e Memu ombasae ,ay af Nagara Faits.1MR. JACKC MOUJNTAIN - They more carmerhionde ai They r liaaag ai Catherieses 4 Main IStae ogn astvre tafteto iathaanedl CaouritTor. ApIt. .2.3-102. 8l4 Ced- MILTON, ONTARIO mth Em pire hsdcs'oaiiae and a as.-ka"f;nvie, Floisaîsi hell shaped shitsacl .alca'ld îac tsaasa t ha' slpi sal, he'icda' Foar'Frac Rtamates saat haah droaoon. They wtasac e sraa 'an li sa'aibsusi mth Long Distancre Mssi,gParinlg, matrhatg aia' asw ata iaa'naoa alachaîsg plasahsdotal ia;isscaai Ceising, siseoage therchaaa.Th(> atcodatt.a.'acas.a'aasaaasaa..of,aa'.iage wa. Agntifar AtliadVansLtns casraden stfgolda idrohranaa.masmý,iof stîaaa ia' iaohaaaa mth 'tatd'. i vy and rabbaat.j mbir the ticawercgi's,ku rantassaît i.asada' t icsn,a'caaa Thebr î da'ma'.as at n ai' . a hy be atah,'a. s GrcaalsmaomwaaoJ'kb laraeo asd ta'ha', missttasaa'ald Me Tahe ieîa'stic istrha' t M .N O W S0 groaam, and tacSkiiassas as,,,st insoaithe bide, ThelCanad,-ian h ampieon r and Maa Aalhaa Wis'nsa i Saatý,a~ WHY NOT ORDER YOUR MitaoThe groaomt, ia'a a orkso WINIER SUPPLY NOW rata',Fia alsas isesa s, McOAND ENJOY THE PRE-SEASON PRICE ____________________HAT APPLIES NOW BEFORE OUR BUSY The anaden hampon EASON. TOP GRADE COAI. FOR NEXT 191 MaitS t. WINIER. DON'T LET TODAY'S HEAT ROB MILTON YOU OF WARMTH NEXT WINTER. uoaiaan aaaaaa'can SAVE DOLLARS styiisds iseasssîs s PHONE TR 8-4484 as Pr ... p and order yoar supply of coal from a R. S. Adams Stores Ltd. 1elJ 264 MAIN ST. E. miLIN The a.tis " la' aî a. l' ' h, ta S ij: t l sss, Il a sac lia aia', iataa'a ia i 'ld sas t ai a's, iasi , ai'u'1"' ,imS A ta:as1s-1 i a art .sas ' as aasaltaa'a daei î 't, Ili, 'laa, t h r ap edn s,, sas a" i c'a s ai55 .t .. as 5 i , 'l AasKlsla 5 '5.a1 ,1 5 " ' las 'la' l5 a 0's V. 1.55551 0a' a . a a' i ll 55 '5, "5 ". 5 I ss i"asa, a. '.aaîa .asaa ss ssa a,., 'lla,, .'. . la' 1,5d EiL'E's'a, 0 L U X ; lais, ls ',aî'a Ifîs i~~~~~~~ 1.lsal.a ." 51, ia sasa1I,'.- ,55aI n I i ai n SALTES X e, SALES 5il~aaîa' f'a leh .a IîaatîIlî'tî.itî ad VACUUM CLEANERS AND at1haasa a, î.îIdi han bismie POLISHERS ho"a.' .:Itly 1,,ia's~sea ELECTRO(Lnaa)Xt.. VI 5-2281 ZENITH 22000 TV and RADIO TUBES TESTED F RE E WHY TAKE A CHANCE ON DO-IT-YOURSELF TESTING? ALL TUBES SOLO OVER THE COUNTER 15?o DISCOUNT AIl Tubes Guaranteed 90 DAYS BAILEY BROS. APPLIANCES TR 8.9741 178 Main St. Rloiu Only yŽllwill ko it' nt fomyour own oven Ysis'il tac lhappy saccsistg Jarksom'sj tas.passar gs-ss. "ie lîran-otr, fttssliasestaandiaoaesi goattaeass m55' "~' essasad picase tshe insrt catît. ilsatss eclaade c s t h lias st i ingreilients ... anA taise tliasme cars- Sial pou do in your own "literra s of.itiory.madr" tasîr to jacsctaa'n B.stcd Gooatt 1 A feîe .troto/a/sfrom ithe iconoerful jackson select ion. "maOO5lO'a5s. . .i...".a..M. .t.l.aa . .'.e.". . hass.'.a.5.ta..a .'l"j . .a5~a55 ~a'4 5 % WE HAVE IT THE NEWEST AND LATEST HAIR STYLES FOR FAL MAKE AN APPOINTMENT NOW CALL TR 8-9931 Gruhumi s Huir Stylists 95 MAIN st. MILN COME TO THE FAIR! MILTON AGRICULTURAL GROUNDS SEPTEMBER 25 & 26 ËCý. 4-H CALF CLUB 0 RACES PARADE 0 HORSE SHOW 0 CATILE SHOW 0 ENTERTAINMEHT 0 EXHIBITS S MIDWAY LORNE SCOTS PIPE BAND IN ATTENDANCE EXHIBIT HALL AND MIDWAY, OPEN FRIDAY EVENING Admision - - - 25c FAIR NIGHT DANCE SATURDAY NIGHT MILTON TOWN HALL - GOOD ORCHESTRA ADMISSION- - - 50c Secretary, Mrs. G. E. Readhsad 1 1 il famiiy ochere parents work and !hpion and play tother mliiihte For PrentsOnIyrhiidr-a. boa'oaand girls tire tare- 1o,.,d for odulthoodi mArs tiey wtil How a Father Helps have homes ai their oms. His Children by Nancy Clesser ta Iliae- aty1har aosamiiboy teers inte choira of thitrr Alfe aiprecis ur e aaa thon his tather morh-proriding father realizes ri tahi g lime ta do tia issmth bits? titis isodriuo syos Civing hlm ptayhngs oearamst ae frhrî imself orhesel s paigfi a tasat ait tha macico Chitdreesored bath parenots.vice ntn.(f h oL a*ýsbstiltîc ra r they lIse a tather hy deaithord-ofio isha-aa-ss si(vestasa,.' Wilh haais vo'a'alh.y areapt tas ba- lalll - l,, lit ' 1 'lila'I.a11 a 1'. l- il h groamasman t. aa fiaihar roanmoat- lt tis' ot' witlas- aampletely 0outaifha'eaih. Rracty me visiejida ilomefr a o l!iaaaasi)aaaal tala bsafaariais ilays andmweiaaged so fr hppiea. 0 alid ta aaae'iîallata asnbatiS iooa'e tiaysaaheraai a, base paaaagstaialac lm plnun ina awhite. Nom ai ihettram braaheahomes. Ote thea-y aluinat abate orraasioaaaliy5 had bacs as aivala ao enfartas fwosi Wlaat aaaoy raaahea adie.rece he hoames, Notaeaif Sa-m haad hnw w laaX-"aa iimth tise gang"- tha' affctiaaonand stahiility mbh i'.lla'a' mill ot haaveea'lsamema* laaid bhc eca'hid'tiiathraghi1 al.a'a a'iisaitamctm iliiaoî Thte rhaid'a'sa hoarae atadaasiadj ..l<Go Aisng" ' uaflatlaohap iaie, ia'aaîaaa't finy A graaaiaaail'îsil a aa ailsbvs ereai.- latl'iaa's'î' isathas' and aaalte l.;, ia'd la.. ld hi a al a iaad acta .sîad lsaîsl 'î ' lsamat as tlaaa ha, lal- 'd Osai ta nO la' uaaa. v ',y illa.jasaa.1aaslailaaa il ( v al, ha Ila,, i d raiaaiaaa'alsal'maon-a a îsaa'laa a a'la'y L.aiveîa. Ina ,