Higla in Resuits, I.ow In Coat, You Can't. Seat a Champion Want Ad FOR SALE (Centnuad) FOR Si-loes lotaIlrc- C LA SSI1FI1E D casions. Henry (Iorer. KilIride. WAN1FD-tihvntîllog, b re Phone TIH 8-6213. Mlon. c-nflbie idle percane oSo twil dtt FOR SALE-Feigeîeîceeecge- 6C"10- ec. 0C0 il.tI$k0- A -00.49. -12-927 - WÀkNTED -Ride - winle-d lu FOIR SALE-MuteceHaisu c hn- MintlDenoie. ariing 7.30 ontl -îiO tel- leut-Itet buhtl430, ta el of t Septl- RATES 't-p'd titî îti enbI .ue011 -e l-t-(Nl TII 1-6292. c-I2-937 -tIi t-Si .1i ,- - -WANTED -- laioen I-'eîtly Pro- lIIt î le rs n ied Oc-I andegol. ul Rt leu. 87e etttu. Ot-lIeu t"', -I1 -ý11(11 itlleng. Phone- Milon. TR 8-4401. tai .,Iplls 10, pet-eli,ît FOR S.E-Seottu, tteeetl WANTED--aOoe f-tolte2 ehild- cenuin tht-te ceenhumet, S mies fotr coen t. A e Iu itesnale. lîtîtîertu c îk lîttîei Pte-u -ltenMiltttn. Cetîttdeun Chonlti, rtl. ee.c t-e.-e pMt ainetetg. (tIRay Ceuy. 132 0I t- Btl,, 1 -1-2 lit ec.-3 a w rd. ort- lote R,111 -IIl -2150. v-8-12-60 B x 8.-2-2 nettt etle50e Bil leet 75e. Betex WNTO W-hork tlt-î Net e(et t Li lefie-25'et, lele tîtitet I F010 SALE -Teueuto tires,. OttO. leTete eeu nt ih n helt.he-ce-ýî Cetntingeiet-t7eîeinimum Lest-cd uil lett'etcet. aIs e luutesOl oeo smte' epr hr Iteelee llîee.uehedeee eîtel cletdtî. Mltn TieeS 1 c-l'l eheld eeeldbe'ie eletme.Line-in. firt fie, l51e11 SI TII 11-2711. vie-3-91 THS 0-147. c-12-915 lire le. C.td teo titthnks 751efotee- - S. R 821.-_ _-c3 forefi-.tee5. lno. t-udt ddtuonal FOR SALE -Pure ebe-d SStel- WANITED-50 a cresnut mure. Mil- lete- Ioc Aceouetls are- et-dercd stltIse 2 ie-e lutlediteAtutitt12 t'en distrit. haltI eleureet net huîld- Meniletu lelîieittis eîncte ut ueO Seititi îler, 7. eu.a el- e gilet itO. $2.0010. dettn let- oe IItlttet Feoril. '1 8-6:017. -12-!)'; i teiheutîlle AT 0-84110 ete-ningsn LATIIOT INSERTION TIME c-1 1-2-872 F010 SALE--Site ind tiotlee 12.00 P.M. WEDNESDAY bit,elu,. h-t. rchd -îl te -eri WANTED lve nuellîy; geeose- ,1,,ek,:l tiiltgh 1ITeteil îitd dockh ituheent leoteer teho Cit ttitît Ie , îîîeeee I ti. v- let- nlîhe t pie s. Wite etl. Weile- PHONE TR 8-2341 e aneg td SîîîU.e -12-9.32 Mette-t Zenet.18 Ceeeden Reod. lient. Rttsst-Il 2 "e:M3lor tI l FOR1 SALE01Titi- ntil tlA1011TIe-til -tf-642 Il rol, iti Ita itu Cl-e --te ,1-' it tIl- e--.111 It IWANTEI3 FOR SAlle IltetO , e dIte 1953 Dodge Engagements n'a, -'. soo. uel Oîtelolte SUBURBAN Mr.uand Met Roteuld Chaceles lîte i2hI.tttt hi, 111 t111 l~itt 459 IL t in su TH0-'2401 gen rit of Ihete dee-ghe. Zelie e-ORSASLE -lCiri*ti. 1,otci2 fiene Maceucet. 1'Me. G:iietl brickhl1, 1j 1 , l -htel Giovaunni Bonite. tan of Mh ".'0'ueid ht late ige-le ,.-ilt Mee.ir Tohfltet ýiaI M lll11"B 4 i l7te.1..k i vtle-rî1 2-f (tee- on Stittitlety.Autl29. If.Tend er s Married . St. It(!u-ilMe-!,et St e-i M lt.e CIJILION TIMRER.S -At Me Il ýfý iI' - 11. 4012 le.S-tt'T il nnu l , n J,, Ile, t.1959. et IlIe-e -I'eIîll ret I Il ti-e i it l tln. tt l 11 Bev. Fa Iher eieB T liipn. DT-. A,,gt 14.l'elle Born tilt-i!1-7 on F.,HELP WANTED I7FENEY-Peitl ao-tRI nP-et u i k Barbara .e tîtîl Il Il 1, l -t-tee, t --i" iI k ;L-.te tte ,îîei P.el huppyto te iti tire. il. li ,ftelIr, and pa,01 - tl ;Il (lie-eT (OlP WANTFDIS e, ,. -- t-- - I3 Iî-îî 111 I tiii iiitt ie l'e l ilIll 17e. tiiAie.tet3. 1959, i t C l il- It tlîîll- I17 O -iS 80 . te . i - MeîUdht itI balettilie lie FOR SALE.0Yeeeoe, Il elle nu- leelleele ua1. tee- 42232 lit t'i.eii il ,lt K, .111 D led c -28-216-t CAT0ICART-At 9-ittole euhIl..- Puebl. Tee.utle. e, Pt-lu.n l Ml. 195. 9 N. I Ltý.- t îeee- of (Se laIe John an-tels.Ie L'- To. a d ursit tqiElt..J Re.ted t the IieNih -antd 5S-1 Ieîctte i .Meiltît Funia, eue- uîe u s ht-lit Au-'eo.'2 I -,*,,,,,e:t FETTES AI SIt tt esue- ., Nit-te t M ,etti Atettîl I. 1959 Noi oElletCue lu-i Mvift ee.tîJ,,ene, e te umt, , f Dotnald. Tei v. Dannyo ndi0Baen- 11. litht-t liS eo Sien III liete I 11,n. nîî h e- WILII A- h.. hm e P tn l, , Indv tî - - -3.195,11 FFrank e ue. lut ,feu Ma- J -o MiAGRlîtel -k R , -, 11. (ellefMWl,,. I- . 1l n 1,Wi Johnn.v idiel-lt tw DAT.IOM Mînat Aeîuîe M I tee1 Cloelîîh fitoîtret. tî .h ., CAdof Thanks- ens lite-tht'.iue-utefiIl(h1î.iu tnd -Iedstee-eti-dtehele- et hî,-1 'i'] .ui1eh'teteel ith e tee F'u-, ino titr e ltelehh Leîdge-. ineu l.î-eut4970. Dl .1. W MCî iu and the dteeîeeeant i nleeteei.l Weileeie-Y Gene-eaI îtte c-12-W0 Me.,. li tete-is In the- ouetent t e ,, tu nehtS te eneres "t- Setele-I thanhs nd atd prc-etîlten lu many ne ecletece fiii horet le,.the ei te tl ee teehe h ot, - andle y-. nt-et iiîanh tht- 60e u D, AI.eI hS eee.tuetlng elle-u- tutti teh,- lite.1 11- Ilîetlu II-.* 1 I , -2-953 ;Iedue mll shimt eî Vos SALEt.eegitece .r ueî e!:,ft phe. tW ictllO e 5 lun.îdeetn iete uI 5 tx 7 nîce'75c. 8l x 10 dil $.C- ote se-i tel ntie - ,tat (île t'heiete1 t- lu,.191 Maien st, el POil SALE O eil- teel.ltlueteu tht FOR SALE 1957 Cbev -HARDTOP 1--1:1 This Weeke-s Special $1 l,. r .- tuk S i--I For Rent FOlI SONT 2 teetutuTII -I 1 : EI NT S. 1 r-te 1- u 1 1 RFSI tuti, te ltteI Cryderman Car,,Sales DRAPERIES 1958 OLDS05MA DRAPES SUPER 88 * -11 ~t iiciet htoe l -hli, i ;e-i- Pde t o nshu ft-h. il il..., I-lui-5....,h ,,,j *Wîie te te, etuMI lli "y' iueîe-CA 1 iî t- LVPIOIS lEPA T1EN STO"E 22, SI-e-n MeIIen lAt 6 C111 REED MOTORS EQUIPMENT RENTAL TII ý-lqi OtIt, ,,Se. S AUGUST SPECIALS ('(5 El R151(ANOIiCE iR uletl Coming Events lt3IT0I Ilie, 'lutti Milton Ruvîr - Buoge- iieeni utiA ee- y.et dune. Feedteev. Aîîî'îî ce14. te - 12 1930 100(10 F<(1001. iîllnyt5ie Ce..ntut (lueScout HalIle-jln Feue uit .Mthe ilti geneends. Bll Sneth's iei-t. Admisseion 73e Ceetîles le9125 T195 RUICK CENTIIIIY. l-ttt e-12-9129 l.eeh. e-did tteîeeee- 9 o.n. to 12 nitu. Aetgitel 101h pie ' ( th rtttth 14e5. Oeily Vaeuttul,10 53 FOlID CONVER0TIBL.E, t-ue' aeilue Sle.eeuieth Ijeele- Bll red.-e(eeAîet(t.îîî e-be-mrn c o.qngrally. Fridtty lti t 8IIlP.m. Eneeyeeneu weIoe e ei12-07 N- e-eae'iuhM e elr ereurd li n fy __________________________ ofnI hese modele t For Sale STONEHOUSE PO« ALE- Cadû olspin SALES LIMITEI) o. gULAeg. t. McDoenad e-ut. 409 MainttuS. Miliion12 Slierwood Hume ]E<IIIPMIiNT RENTAL Feonte-udietoader antt iuîlieeee- teuIl jîltu a et titili Ianuîe - e-e Sandti anti Seacti.Cl-ea tlett Teeeelîe-e (11(6 lit. Fie-- Eutîmtee- PIIONIS l'O Il26121 C-lt FLOOR TILING K. (Nip) Gervais ALL TYPES 0F TILE Fluor Maill and Ceiling PLOOR SANDING SANTIESFOR SENT - Pree Esîlmates - DAY EVENINGS TR 8-9391 TR 8-6571 'FOR ftIRb (e6hfli<uodd>_ FOR RENT-Main finic .2-bed- emOrn0 êntllAnleeble Aug. i FOR lIENT-AI room.nornlh 7 Tt I e-fil-i FOR RENT-Alcoctiehot nioh- cdtoo. othie- lete- oýI , P hoeul Milton Ryd,-teTII8-2.145.-011 FOR RENT-7eeeîenebik hoete On Coit S.. d.ob Ile lt tth teen gao heated. Oukvdlle VI 1,24001. c-11-2 -80 s FOR RENT -3-euî oi-ee taitîett opuelmeol. eenîe-lly lel ed. ne-nly deeeeeoted. iunneedeele posemon. VS 8-2355. e-17-9I:3 FOR RENT-Smtul Sout1.e, slt rtble Ste leiliY with 1 or 2 ehild- 2o-oece.. R 8-9740. c-12-939 -FOR IENT- with ot wte, l p epttento lurtehone, . NUA. bi.a xw, nco î le 11-2vaal FOR IFN ltîettg e Nîtes n td N1e, , Ro$.i),te nII * tietttl i 'lît-emi 11 1 4 pin. IJI. 4 2-t(;:i, .tell,- Iac deltl luetor .. ,cufle , 1 Ieît n. Ph "tît 1-1I-tINF 4- FOR RSENT- $75 tvntteh.e-o ande-l e-e lt. tttî(jeîIn. hý Iltî i e- t - -lviil I e- 2- 9- F01 11-T ette l'f e S.1 i. t - II -92t5f) I - t- 1 MO k lule .Tt iIi N. S-lt-ut- MISCLILLANÉOUS (conifinued) IUEIMOVAL SERVICE Dend tand coippleiol fam atilmîls re-mtvci fu-or nelecly dbso00l. UIt- imahe ove-c M)0 auendee OEMOVED MlIE. nîalll lectidocharge lfor aIasundhe 300 pîtunds. Phoene COLLECT Trot EMpire 3- 86.16 Gordoen YVennoLmiled. e Il IIAY AND STIOAW BALINI] COMMIIS Sherwood Hume WHITEHALL Construction Co. M'-e- ui ldi- TED BATES 1IF ht v i, il e-r o E A RLY'S AT 111 I 11 I.eeeî(001. TelîL- Real Estate Flouse $495016t-room lI'u-Otelcy bnuse, 4 ibed'ruteent.livng retun. hkilehen. ,itl hooct.geod weIl. icecly leelneuîue-d. a-bout eace lend, 6 lît- fete Canteele-le, o tel 02$-1,000 dieti tOuîer House $21,O.900lîntte, plus lelenisionoei- es unît neecice. 4 yeeeeeeld sone atedîctaee -ruten boseen atnd elîteteflely N e p nîeiîe.tt ite-O loet (12 o 30 ltcl. fll leehîwtt lelio.onol l qinne. ziI Mer nî.t.Uc 4-2505. House $12.00. Thit 3lede tinlgznlten F-.l aI l î t bas hle lecîn lant- le-, el (t B-IlTele-pheene,. Yientee'lewn SiIelîînn leeeed ail tel le-te. cunît tee ,tm1eîg0denie- t-e.l.'(ti Oel eeeniîle-etîhe te- ite iititttt t,l te îl-te- C;eIli Mi W-,ý ti-Il e (21, Small Holdings fuIe 13 iiilof l-e- Iî-10 1 .eî ;'tl t I i îîîîî511t 30Wttd-It GOLDSTRAW III- SI. ST"TE 1ROKETI r ete-C. ee4-25115. I' -. 11 :(l -991 FOR RENT Legal- I FORîl I IANDI SATISFA'CT- Modern Office Notice to CreditorsBRIAN BEST . titI- titi I P Il Cl 011 Ste N,0TilE M 117-ER -- 1wtIl VoaItel of \i I-Sf \ef(. 5ANI)1-15110 O 23. Siet S'te 11< l*ItI-I~.elcctocî S I, il\.9 1( I Miscellaneous ' e Sî.: , - i e 1-.i 11001 ~ itt.ee ,î-îîî -- ~,,> ... - - For Rent 11. Sîît ~ tîitee (tit iitiil l' -- l-I - ti~I c-te t..Il IIe Il h il 'it , t tf-4397,- -t - îe-i i o - - - --e-t -e-. e , d - i . --....... it REAL *STAIE (Centlnued) A: WICKENS 298 Main 09t. Miltoen, Ont. Office Phonte TO 0-0772 Ilem- tttet. TII (1MW OUR11OFIiCE OPE-N(TILL. Il10 O1CIOCIS FOR Y1uUR (ON- VEN-INFNCE. 01100E IN . TAI.K IT OVEOl. Buyirg or Séllirwg? LIST WITH A. E. LePAGE ËEALTORS LIMITED MeenhersofnIthe Toronondm Ontario Rt-tel Enteele Boeardo YOM 9RAIYLEY Private Sale ,nI o (tiel- t I ',lle K îh -e- TII 1-20(53 r1 Private Sale Slette u ieeteltel eeîtîeeîîî 1- Private Sale cl-tit tit e iill ,, TR 8-2661 A 21II tee te 1110 '72 c I lStl- 51-e 1 0 1 tl S'u îe ii- t eV (u îîeîîhO. ,e~liet.~le e Ittîtîi AUCTION SALES FARMER0S tleke 01.. IheW n îd' Site 161. M.-île Oie, - -SALE -I 1~~1~~7~'~~.l:; Peru Park O edc tritr lc h .1'e .1tientNoetece to Creditors -. t. e .ii9 e EA VNN. 511 IO N Site ScIt D-,e y1 l tt tete 1-t TIetel lu , u y eeeeeen iiet ýk ~ ~ ~ ~nI-ftTE h "..I ;I lj 0 O.k Se- eî.lii (ii -I E l Eeîîei t l Is.â :le-Il-e-T DEADNTOIRSETE a1,l ettte- aeeee 'e.ntt New N.H.A. Homes cî-s;(01 2l tlîet-t - eVIAdîeeeI -tile-e tîhle. lle-e-l cir IjIutIt 0 f île- i u. 0AU h 'i I L! t.. ee - 1- I - I e , 52,t îl i-ui et ithatîlI lle el., lîi e l. il ltlhie.- eee -et ((Iii l,- ll, S* lltt~~l e- 'îe tt te î,î. 2lee i 'Idu'I, e - 1 - I, d,%Slie , I te ue idf i I, t'l.kt et. a-e.t-c - Service Dt I MtIN(il t-t-e - Daie- -W-i- 11 'i..-e-$5. 1INIs0011 OeeehV it-I I le--e l l'O 15 l'e îe. tîl eue- - Iail îfîueo t l ,.e- It tul I,! 811) P( illI.SEI) f gor aItit und leece dîhes. TII 8-0945 e1-12 '> Bîl et lii t lt O(10051 Cenieli l oul e ,- tee uîîeIîl 1 11 e e-e. îiîl , ei an 1 11 - :1 be , 1, i, t- -" GENERAI. CONTRACTORS TV and RADIO SERVICE SEWING MACHINES ltIIONSelnlet A. CCANNON 'SEELEN'S TV. SEIN4MCHNESid"t:tee le-e ig-tlt t liii CerNI lAI. ('TIl I 16( 10 t IaC . E CI 0 '. po I tutîlulile Cee tIIeealIi:ikoe,. Be eten Il c e I eIe.iil et teea & O N.Ilte e,.IIIiealetuee, n It.îo ed he A l lette, *.,1 29 0 c te at iSige. 1eb G TRACTO Sleahne d. dinh e-ti nd 8-4424 WIý,s IfyIIS II OI 1. 'A (av lN It 1 Dy Eon lV<i.r&CSnOrS e 3etete-lt-nîl Ietet uto - l ,I, a oi t'W- 1 odteliîeeti -gnc Agent singe Sewiig 1lehen. leeeu.edt:ege iIlet-i an 10 10501 NISIllSI - an Ap lia ce ervce;I;z Siîle,, etitiandl 4 htîe-teI l Vlans endoNluCTIi i '1741.RCim er upn 7-s3ery u iî eandt-e ablete:t bl e tniîl : Ilte - lit, î,îeîe-îe.î -1-l le-le ST UtI-47lel iti tee1 t-luM Il Mle li ttST.ettic eelî 'hlMS mit ll ite tvii teill in M Io'se v nle ir t le-teî te tue ittic iii ' TR 8-634.2AL4 MI 'll.V'* Y flIO&ISPORS e I e-122,,Ir-. util-lt l IOTT. Ce-lr- l Mdi LTONVUPHOLSTERIN ndaalGd f and App___________ Service___________This_ fi.11le,' - liteIleeltl.ey l ANTOREAN ISEICE PLA 97E41G lOit 20 AUG. 10 r, , CCl CIFANIRO OFFICES Walls iu e le l AITIpîes'otelFlîtete Milton Janitor Service e-37-tf ORNAMENTAL IRON RAILINoS ANI) IMON WOISK Milton Ornamental IWon ÉIStL KEllY TR 8-9SOR Luting s1leîeeîeîg BOR WATKINS Pleone- TO 8-6581 Milt.n DIRECTORY ADVERTISINO IS AVAILABLE N THIS SECTION AT ECON- OMICAL RATES. PHONE FOR COMPLESINFORMATION TR 8-2341. WELL DRI-9-4 WELI. DRILLIN J. B. RUTTAN R.R 1. 2. MiltonOnt. - Phont e îîngton NEltun 4-6025 ADVERTISE VOUS BUSINESS SERVICE IN THIS HANDY DIRECTOSY. RATES AS 10W AS $1.00. c-43-4 IME is WANt-AD TIME' EVERYBODY IS NOT ON VACATION AT TtiE SAME TIME CLASSIFIED ADS OFFES A COMPLETE AREA- WIDE COVESAGE FOR MAXIMUM RESPONSE TO leflilS ANTS IN BUYING - SELLING RENTING PART OR FULL TIME EMPLOYMENT WANTING SOMEONE TO DO ODD JOBS, LANDSCAPING, GARDENING, HOUSE PAINTING, DECORA- TING, FINDING, NOTIFYING, ANNOUNCING. CLASSIFI ED ADS ARE ECONOMICAL, EFFECTIVE AND EASY TO PLACE .IUST PHONE TR 8-2341 OS CALL AT THE CANADIAN CHAMPION YOU CAN COUNT ON THE CANADIAN CHAMPION TO REACH MANY PROSPECTS N SUMMERTIME AS AT ANY OTHER TIME OF THE YEAR. .IrO 50 YELLASUO0 VA76141 MEbgo 4RDEAU efR10 ,0 OSE MODERN SI'NOCO pro- dodoe plus gond, old-f-aohioned servicei he tlglitecombina- lion for yootend y3-n a.. Mop in ad gel aeeuanled. GORD MILNE'S Sumoco Service 263 Main TR 8-9725 Our dreliil aIeter etm <k4IîNCK iGERRY'S PURE FOOD LDA Dealers in your townî BAKERY MILTON JýUMBER & COAL CO 230 Main SI. MIo it n îGntrio ilo 1