Barefai Oee cf tic sabtie cisenges desing tic last gceraieats tas bee te grada disappeci- .mf Mfssh isarefoat bey, He ias all but gcne i- t( ta e'ttem a ,ne. As fata as ifîe 1920's, tie basefeai tops mata, ascsiein as tise robins le seraI famits, le lite sufneris and bo sceexctent fît th, ailits andi tomes. If mas lise ting O de as, wscn as mares meatier arrined-i ila cff ycssr caleri scies o fisc grass. Ycu naulci tes iip malt, Hem siîarp the gracef feit tiose Oirsi fem dayc t ilas as if someone hani snsstared thiumilsel s cff ces tise pati. And hm nUes- foaly 'p nompariton, tic sefi piatding qîse-s ici on thse pcmpcred sif Andi icm Tite Due cf Eiibrgh cnc usciiy be atti, tesfo scmetisic fresh eanf chef' enic'tttt li test tir unninilaitt te acicisese n i esar t fi t'i body. Fis recrd le bhis fieldi suggests tiel ho nuts kee mcli itiemeti ce a mdc eariety cf sssfi. ais cf igiftcance le tte modern mon c. lites it mas nc surprise tiat ifs eddress aller ieieg esafieni as lie ftssi ay presi- dfont ci îfe Canarfian Medicai Association coneaicaed camne persnentincd ciîaiiesgieg sh.rr acs one ib queston ci tte iealih f t tailtn s 'fis, susvey f the fied sitcmed hlm bhat Ceatfi.tnsc, ins 'ste st te fact titt ley lue le one ot tise bet.taeoîed nations cf the malsfmiia standardof liing mest actsr pP.'edl, arc nos parsculasly beaisiy as a abaine. As be c1oetc etiosslalice fgres se sepprsi iis in, it aif banc le be accepleci eern isy tisase te whmis il may se scrpisbtg. y sece Pilip wasnt sasied aeilc nuex Tbis is the ime cf pear miien many par enets -deeelp a morried look aed begie an asticutsscii hfor ammanisan tecelne thif teleenagets te go ban 10 siioc. Tiaocqi basîsedennyns, ltmp match unir poceq man migii th efue cf edecatice uaiiltheis tcgbts f mosi and lie ready ccshmiichis eiie easy gsasp aethle neas- est fart ery ns otites pace cf business. Taoboi- tain acjc, moneepandi fie tiings ti ilbay, ,ate gain a eem measyeieof indepeedence itai aappeet e ta be ace uafi ould, au uthe bcpyiias ta deis 10 mai'e miti ie cnsiders asmafcsrarificc ileae cniet To fen tie traies arc tippeni egassieducatien. ti siteef' segMien wmconsider tlsd, evecp ea, tioasande cf yoeng Canaditan men and mmen are ilieg ta maie thits "eaisarifice". Accrdicg ta tise Dominion Breau f Stticia bout 30 oct cf eeesy isscdrcef yctsststerss mbo entes scef chbtil tiseisjueiar mats citalon, acd cci I0 or i12 out of a tecice thiel senior molisir ciatice. O us country cannai aford tuis appaliiig matie f braie pomer. We are fiini0l a erp nompfeu age, and eeerpîhsng poinsîsa1mate eempfecisy ic tic future. Ta be chie te meet lie cballenges m1itsei ilis age presecîs, me mest maie fu use of ces mcci caicabi e acst A grcmseg emareness cf tise ceeni for mcre criacatisce creflectdien eiedasîsy miere edtiassca standards cvees tie pasi S0 yearc banc been beeumseghilgiier and hiichbn. Tissstrecd is bcaed ta continue. The jobamischis open ioday tc tise poccgstes mii a grede t0 educatice eay be csed tb- sorcm o t sise as tbisc enef. and it may Ite liai the yaceg maei or mean mio ias taien sucii a ahb bas tîeded tise ftuse fcr a fcm dollfars. Tie ccespfeu age miicii offerst hemn se mucciinom map feace them iccinintleue futare bfaethep fan sufi ient educatien te inep pac mtit il. il migisi ianbettes ta prepare fer ise demnande cf tic futuee iy oh- îassssng more educeice toriay. pcse math cesses, butacl sc had deas abota reseedins. Titasa incicrias suai t tings ,ss les ptceeci pitysseal edUClseOl n 51SCiteef asIinueX pandaci reatealastal ýi1itisîmeHoeacathtie mess sicjnit'saani eccntsinntiiawas e - ape thal for an orgeeteaisen te pubilcan sfctscant i stteatiet.s .al c ittsnasidtoens courage partscsfaalt011. Wish te icss facilities ileflite mcîld, if te iii is net piasacit fitepmni asl le aciiene lhinr par1' inrien .daiCtsftîsare ein ieafitp as iiîey siculc i'e if ss bats amen faufi i neasente, Tiay iave sacre mied tas tcc easiiy endi tcc 'acinie retsteîfly t l iteftrciflite saisf fife ans]fsiteiltnsisltsttesstsofai mdr enenties of truc inaitis as flitecnso i n tcleisesan. Ifiincinaci sente a getcy cessd ite cteated le cetitiesacl sic c seil rait iicthe' iiacaid i, flite beaitis pic em (J i missisHs RayaligHsaiis aý peka mcaid nt l e a t iio cifuse fat ceincese. Kscbesset -Md.t' tisse pece tn. "Ssay eisshon-i s ast ancîberaseict phrase te a yetsng persece Hoeein stise eciels menti bsnor cie s abcuat tleneter, i may taie an a new meaenng assoceatcd wmsh rngres. To aneefI stes meaish as pusitie, i mght bemwseifurthe yug ni-anormeesnan misc s deiesmsssed te feace cisac Iosepassen fer a moment and acalyse tise pscspeaiive ob. Pesbaps tbey sisculci acf' hemseefes. "Wiere cices il cati't an d "Hum far can i go eit il ih csp prsent educahion?" Ifiele sa nead-ccd loi, sit tetgist e elles secnsd ancthes ren cf mette and tiento anC tise sanme quesionsagaet Annîls e pets as m ai s' ilmsgist apte snew ctofcse to esia cis appattunise esi esc u aem neoi f îeacii, en seekiieg emmueition, parsenttsince id remerrabees bas cissbaed s susabie for ait situatioees. aeb type mccl he cii marie sy eaaii famiiy isin-9 tic piaisim, cessrI scm- moncsenceeetfcundesstansfq seesmaeî) ingiaciiesîts. lise ceesticettay aiftaopw atten dtieesnicncste aTetin'ss ut tiseam munition. Brief Comments "Thou sisals ssc i isl" le a lac cf Ccd, acd c lam o cie'ey. -" i ssctise siit-hi- may" cee encerisee anali'd anser. Si. CatitacincecStandard. Coneesment sib at rase sîte equired bp a perscons saiseoling hiscnf le be salis- fied wmshi mtiss e bac,wmisle ietcikas i ce not. Wcdteci SecîsiteniRecsem. f indeeni Caniadeses are cel as litatby us bhey slceid be ifl steirss eme iins a sense. lbny have sutrumedar tlasseceasiy and tac miieeleatediy Iote letfcitise sait lsft and the isandissimenesccf scc modern ecemies ci truc healids as shc metar casrccci telenscshe. If sreeagt'styccltfli ceated i icratesari tise natura f tnstete fiarid lse, te eati proeiteofwmisci iHss Royal I icinsse-, snie mrtoulsfstithoa ajo case tesor ccesei. Kscfsreaterica Reord. "The OId Miii Race" THE GOOD OLD DAYS )ot Boy deiicicusiy sccthing was the tcf! mud cf tise creek bottant ccaing up iaetmeen thesesl Sean, alias! [adore Fie keem et, a bey fcued i ans' f hiiq ovs' ree'ssst sl aifcf e)o c edLers and lte stlsale cýf sassemlyiy stsad fild as cal ereify as if is et ad afmays gone msfd, And whitet nsimbile barefacl bey cae ees farget lte noria sensation cf patseg ce sîcckiengs aceci tita lathe- atcc te stars ban letsscel? fIl mas a crssbelmeen 1feeling ycar icet lisaI Wiittier caffed tise 'prisoc refis cf prici'" and ac inptessicn yeu mcm wafkastj ce air. Maay e lad iscceetiy fi meed I olci es'sjei sasaleýifal. -Bla litesyS ise. 50 YEARS AGO Trakle Ironethe filie aI the Caleed- Inn Chamepion, letg, lm.8 TisI Canade ion dclccessned ap- o haing e Navy te ce-uese air. ' ' 60 h fe esperef Nanasic de- a.' tfence-cf tha Empirsse cc taFast hab Trou. Wiliams Pagslea. mntrIafs pssiefec m'as h -te t.hs' les' î.. A.t , tîtaesia> lie 'a-utsf at Csaecaod tuseeing es onesif CanIldasionesigiead clCnted ha CUelosslussnd ian bt tha - -s . n'a~. Paciieced AtIfna mhat'l Tic ibig Eany eacaiego in Loti- dons se sthlie day andsieat- diliomiesasea-deeetgtaîirue lu bie addeai l e licents pees ahiishsifslog paroat. FendiSseLor etffisc Adeiralp Cepginolsf Me- XScona sala tisesofrsne-y st-- telle andteaetia ei iasntc eigo eccefrieî, tic gtt"iht'nat isrst Otp uis li aeteun Usas irs futiraps 5 secs is raiCsdsaghtsi Asrit'1, ie ta amfiltft-ctinîMaish, Ecertn frottsses1cltîci tthle ChienmessmcSC.PPahano, Van- c-uestJtilyp22a1t0ues"S'r, A rta- mencttitecmer'ce-uf tbcic.U- test SIts e as 'stth e fe-t lte Ce China ehecanna ns d u n,-tsrth uf tti n tisa taccs e araT hes ,so sssf'sartu, theî-t'srstss i weat.Tisa ot ac, floudeca cifSuat Ameia ,m Euro'sci aisthte ldacssoutAnial- sehaeldantd fatcases, end fstic s- -Phhout Estcs This ressstitssisthe -PSts Se etteCtree esn', tesa]ancd neitiahtc an- Pscec if, cce -ain tia teh 9ùk~JOTTINGS B Y 1J1m Di1LL S *0il StNT5' FPN as te hs, I-' t l'.s'. t' tt't I. g t . . 41 . 1 - ilI . f 5t't f.s pI- t s1I,,-k t,,II- sn i s,, Ip ý t .,s s -s ststt ' In"s"ss st l Na I. It,csl i. If, f.ssi 5sIs tIf,' 555 '.,.,20, f ý, s 555 1I I ,,st . 't'm 555, , -1t Il - - a, ist i . tsîs'I ,' '.- * SNCIDENTA.lL, ts'&'s sas! ,l .st, , i 5tatt 1'ttt's ec ik's -, cas t>aett5s, ttt'it't C'.esr.efs t, asl th't Cees" hsmg u'of fPlan, has ese lt'sss t t t s, tsstts 155. *Ii NOfionti Pscnsuef Att 1ss 11s, t, ft I tti,,--'n f as1. -11I, t i Csf1 t,11 e'cisrd 'tir l,'t r , ,îss ,s'atect'ec'et Iafe,snsaUt Sa9aaadStCc-- .it.tets-ssssec Ils o t. S r ht , st. ' ng f t h e t-s h ris- 'aetsks- l '1 g, 55 tîsý'> lto-I 'In ýn1lies'IdsptSsy sessi a lts 'ltis", sets e t e Casa. Ihea'uares la te lis't If5555 "SSI tise tet s" "'I ISsst'ssIsst s., sti,s Ce' essssahsss...Cts'e da. Iaee a,t'e sts-. Tfv a-so , C ea '5155 lu Iflt' -ca ttrftsoa l-'hc tataset slx- teaduses'J', t- a.sssf5st15.hessI"fsss- -s-tan 5 .1-5 sett-tsfats ueia '. et Ccc 1)- acti ceetia Is t a n a lî - to Iss.s t", isss, t a-sirkiit ls ie Ietss ats' Ts' cavea, cete ,m alsautoas cs-e' isis.Cs isht. Ossn't fsIl asniesîdusac, 1Crant isda.ti1 fkesoietat. Gi, tiras n fisas, 5 ifts-yeprayefsspstg ,ss al]55 fiel esme s ieclabiban rgecte- cd tsarthem. Thee're happy aensis if Ibaey hacsng tfisipec'snied eeeemng But ha *sts futhOi sia. ftis-t fust,t ssiinssi, ettîstîs sial Ilsaa", nsslse te 'tdo and fessn ierctna s'eut ra acti s,' i,. e ntahtham m snsesna. aso t, lits' ijtss-- nor sa ssslamfst't's Cn test t Cy'rs' ivnenno-Itatncýd Andt i- skattnetmanngn. 'fhcy esansCshl'Csa.'auand',ssat i ssc'ssst an otfli "1 as-i' lttu vne "sap acaCclesstet ta Ce ceniu'.n ti secsah fl t elts'- it s e , t h s p., I., tse- assî est"" e,,t', c . f ats ls an.C f ho tIn t Il's asssse tItt' .e essl siet snti s'as-i tSts' tsf stîsh a' t'i t 1itý'tssft 5555 fsa'n;I. tsatessll i et ands ln f sIt.tts"s , t',tss's lits' 'ion.Stsi', itsvaosuld 'I h e'tf' 5 5un 55'Il t'tt' ' StIt ti itI", 'ýxast(s,'sstad estlisw-st st-tss'a ttttitf altfIs - sommtse',- tsslttstty tests' vi,thinge'.sts-ti., a t Io t snpymicoolst. Fstiss ats lcta"o sslino Tise nids ,'ire de- hourdnti ue atecarMsthaate ncsn Up she ic Cesath ise tis ovs .theas',nOntl, andthep ssiI stsy p t5)555 v Ucenhsn uste sodsofuts sens- * IT CnCTAINi.Y se Ttc ,csk esnetc"e . statit s s ha tt sssf ii-.ttets' " st-,tt Tht' s ss't 'si l s fa titi-,ý,'51ttslin, 's'ck. tfsssscf. -t t a t Il".t -,ts c. ts u. h,.Cnhc mth'. ccasaai 2eý fsCc',ssseit aa Llahy'hs,'- 2tatsc ,kei * WITtffOENI uet,,kh hcCs.y ac Nvy l ,st.lits hma iad n Ta ca i tI t esst t5i s'tss h il'r " e- Il , Tilseransesît nd Dînlnti-tht .fhalonorhv' Asttthe mt O tenda Mesifa, tissa, ,tst t Ill, alohle '1fs t Wtt sssstt isntss s cle.cactngttsai ns Tesn ,ftste.t,ssincatstc Ces' scte etf chseteos A hK Wstfacstt'a *ae f tee' Ttc ecsettsca tartsi ath , 1 ,10,sstsandst 1,f 's acts n. veelasst is 'es e -ng sac vrl'-gae r, se fts'sts'sc tf l,, sas fh- lcsats tisasseec 20 YEARS AGO Taketa Item thetfilie aIthe CneS- ian EChatepisen, haly 27,1998. Lagi.ition Ioe 5ruide eicpe an stasllicte pe-t aof isu Ucearset lha- anacîti aiuttce nof sele , sts set li lseifutit Se me dMn-. WhOla Oasic.t (I fariitsale 1 sîs tia',fctices se f,sscesftt' Thirs'teessiete'lipi MiSsavs Mnics'ie azanti DOcthp, ehe Cîn( hse Teîîd. (iTCce'setn c f tht Rti'ctit-'stifumiip ecc hefd cf th(. tcme-tifMis. St-,t'swliot2.3 iT-it'ef tin ]hicst.ssec OT-asgin O-necamDîsee isand ecn20aacresciweati toseA. Luoui. Ther i'g crase e nostCnc hcuep. l'lteesilderanu tise isîte talerait, il s at tstsitd. t-e ta ee i e t fs st sm titta-, est- eciritht fs -ah i Cc' e-r hachise etLm- Osy11iSC cstit, thes' la S-istauacic-s-seeclp'kneau- Os',ohmtva i-Caslis shanicl thoe lis,' t iti sa' i i is- M eso cus , li ita I t e si n Ct fiel i1,1 canefl *-e C, fth eeae Ca i:,cy, tec sahdscosf tlu li ti aend ti i ai ltisa -Sî ratca cae ionSeoaaCc ia. sisaa Tics eesontis ta cat. TisCotn su-d celeie a octnal eta easia ft'ec-tceaetsc ofecas-tpeplestn stsette mtai -e psstog i e c'tec ear la, a' s his'eo '-issi ec' usae-rThsuas t las ists ste llite- Ac -eotielst arista Cciils h Mut- s ff,'ssaiaes's' casahav ivenci Matfe-e t Ci ide tsiee ii. et CaddCes c'ie 1iictisci', the Mic-esc Nause, -sOnaoC Cet aa silsssmsabaof c tes2tent ti .u h nii t', ficrtt a 55,t t.etts 5 tisa t 1.s ies , itc- 1.1 ttsc iea n tl il" ite- i slits-si a ,f 11 PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY AND TRAVELLERS' GUIDE DR, G. A. KNG attOUTE fi., e c', ,Dnatal Seraseson lth Halitsfax.eS- 144 tise n nuilBsdfng, Miton a-a],,amio- lOcrs 8-5 Mss, se , tOses X-Uap Service Tnt. TE 8-9762 nast ' DP. H. F. GALLOWAY tts ecCsîs. Dental Surginn seectteti Roycc 15ri MecnSt.5onestsnet tiens .5tha Eesge y eausoitmne X-Ecp Sereine a-'t caailemhs'c Tnt. Otfisce TE a-0201 Cssatssss , istutt'tLEGAL thiatsi,ses,a .KENNETH Y. DICK Ucarsses. Suffeisus, Nnsunp Publie 196 MaieSrnest SOT lit-Usse ucIt Ts'fegsicnssTE 8-4491 tWhscto,ss111fitTic T. A. HUTCHîNSON, O.C. Uarr stei, Sssictstc, Ete, in.l'e' iaCh- s1s3iThoasSh'ret Tetecicce TE 8-6t51 GEORGE E. ELIfOTT, O.C. Ucarsser, Solifcitor, Ntasy Peitie Office - 207 Msrp Strees 8V BI11 SMILEY TeeiseE SHAPPE and NîCHOiS ýa tri milissesiat W. S. SHASPE cntss. tnc aassne sIc A. J. NICHOLS te fa cases, ns er't U riesePuli ed rass c ean-pnied 146 Maie Sf.. Miltone sic nipthi sse sceisTafepiane TE 8-6071 ,,a.ce ts isds say- ci. r tisa essai- HOWARD M. HINOS 'Cledss trisah ultîa Bresier and Soliii 298 Main St., Mîltotn ltistceTtH 8-9772 th arioenaramen, F. DAVID THOMPSON lit g ece thasetU Urtsctec and Sehictuo' set Main OSet essue, ttsssssthe TE 8-935t c'sca'uleaes'C of ci s-decenTHO8-6695 c ren ss' 'is t FUSItRAL DIRECTORO 't a hant....suti McKEPSfE tisa- ttic"stase t' FUNERAL HOME Casa ni .s'aa le Faerati Heeme, Ambuloance Servce si' iras', of as c PH5ONE TO 8-4452 N!GHT as DAY SiCrce, Curcseus ernas- Israc wth il n------ <'.HIROPRACTOR f.hv eise saca- DItctutf Ohisapracetie ast' tsihaesoar WM. G. RiDDEL, DC. si dcrrisea 38s Ksngslesgi Cortr Hp Appeitsetn taritkfi 1 fîts'; te PHONO TE 8-6923 tt'ttttttt'in teetsm. OPTOMET9T ARTHUR A. JOHNSON hgitst 'ayhe tst 184 Mule St Msltsss hec sassss ise LIcad Davine jeeeyt tha hs I," Pissen T E 8-9072 En.TE 8-96178 -nia' as. Se"t. Tensýdssandti 0sap erinegs - l'us s h appiintete H. Ritchie ot o pmer AIMarcntd', ,aMieda>-a xd B arer Phosne T R8-8541 turapcueintments Sucher, seeresan utf PUBLItC LîBRARY HýOURS .. and A.isa Scmeinr HucseofOenins ,ned iy the Grand Ournne usee ercd Acg. su, suie- atîts ciao ha ms Sept. t, 159,0.tise ireraaif ce lis- Mstn5 MuthIpftal "euesdaca Thusap ca Fad dscscu ita anmalf 1'30 âo.-tfpt.. set;i Toronho, 1'uisure 7.00 1nec - '900 . as l, Grand Saued Tise lissern'yasti nai Ce cpen an McasilisssWMaicardans ccdOsar- asys. MEDICAL THE STEVENSON CLINJC Appeliments TU 6-2323 Dr. C K. Oivs'cneTE 0-4410 tDs. C. G.UsRicterTE8-k4l0 Offste Hsscaes h byapueinsetosnI3 A.M M 0-12 P.M. -î-4: 7-9 iU'cdns'rdat, 2-4 pîn.. Unie Cissie Oundlap and Wedoesdtay arcices, Onscaugecesnsci. MILTON PEIVATO HOSPITAL Cîsrner,. CPU cead Oai Surgen DR. G. E, SYEP PhiessasandcUti ca'tn Pissea Na. TH C-693f Ofite Hcsn9 ses.; 1-3 7-8.30 Pes. DP. J. W. McCUTCHOON OffieeHur2 -4 p, 8 9p.m 157 MainOfareet Teehase TE 0-9223 Uessds'nae TO c-9299 DP. C. W. HILTZ Physico tead Sasgn 14 Msatin Sf, TE 8-0702 Con sultatiue 't Apcsnintto DR. D. AîKONHEAD Piasses ancd Suagean 140 Ma,nSiI. Tatasîha.nas Offica TO8-27(12 Otesiata eTO u-9545 AUCOUNTINO LEVER & HOSKIN Chashaca Ateccîtanin Pann l, sI 14-ac4a M 4-9131 515 M. asnhi. N. 212KRau St. W. is'ssitststn 'cca,,toa SUS VIITVORS BOMMAN, BLACK AND SHOEMAKOR Ontarits tend Osîrreps Main Ofi'acs HîcaiGfliet 30 Oesieli t. 163 Maie Si. GeipIs Ont. Met tan, Gai. TA 2-4031 TE u-6993 TRAVELLERS' GUIDE CANAISIAN PACIPtC CAf 5WAY hînnd'ard Tisce litng EcsC 'f12 nes.; 1.40 pet.; 0.27 s.ns. Otcog Wmf 904 ses.; 8.40 pes.; UA1LWAY CANADIAN NATIONAL Gabsg Nanas K17 c. Cscicgu.ilaUs7ý12 pae. Detfy esueptSuCssdsy, Cause for Concern Back to School? The Canadian Champion Pebisiied enean Thusmncp t an St., Militon. Ont. Mate- han o e icAuditiBueaeee tf Circltatioss,tli-c SAtNA.ted tise On'ftato-Qeahas Dvisio CW.A.Adns-s'hnýing rss5s- on res8eest. Oehnsiiues pybeinSess $3ss-.09t)sus c'ssssssîss $400 'stesaUSA. Aciicessc' as 5tcacsf Case', Mai, Pari Ottciteessaiesess5, Otawa. G. A. Diti, Edsfr-fn-Ciit James A. Dhue, Msnsgseg Edihan Pubitiisa edIs e iseal t f te PbbIhhtèd by tht1111% Ptîutlng and Punheinst CoaLIetd BUSINESS AND EDITORIAL OFFICE TELEPHON E TR 8-234 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e- z--.z jýj ýý ý . . a