Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 2 Jul 1959, p. 3

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GRADUATION BANQUET os Thi ftes goads ighters ai Campbel tt, llCor,,,, Tommy Ramshaw ow, Lot oa Howartd, Crol Maltc Dotnna SmalI andc Jean Ella. Foro speaker. OMAGH Vacation Bil Two Weddii bytt,titt0ttttIt ,,îdRoi. Joho Hill tf Btht G,,,tod Ct,,,,oSare0mk Atog plz,, t,, ltld taî,,tt dotto Vo,,'k iotBtble tt,to otoitor htîiton ,',, v 1i, t ititt St,,,t g Joty 1 tit t,,ft 9O12 .il,,ik. aod ailI ct itot,,, , teit,trt a htd. 000 bocl tititoi, othot oneod ol ei,rvid ho Mi. Neini. Whoo th.t ,s unnrsh av bin ou i theto oro ttittht o tit tit,', ,jetl f ot 't'it tttd oi-t, ;, ,, t. tot,-idiotî ofc ,t, ho i, .i ttto attendhoin t , 'Itt., od t t,,oand -11.1 -1 1- l -1S. 1- 111- - s' Mt oti tt ci ol Pt. F ,.o St, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~n mi, 01 G I ot,,tG.,y ( s. C arenellesoe fi t ' ., Ni, ,a d.heSI G St.d t. S,, , ,. t' W ,d ',, t fT.ni. Mutry WndAtt,.,, b . turt.,.,t.,,t'.tt t ot T rip Wtt, Thth.ttto,, Nl,,td.,,,,dltotOA :I R.R. NOý .,NGEORGETOWN 0 Electi Mal Clocks 0 Royal Daulten Figurines and China *b Carving Sets 0 Canadian Pottery 0 Wall Plaques COTTAGE AND PICNIC SPECIAL 16 Piece Bar Harbor Plastic Dinnerosare Sel plus 16 Pince Prevue Pattern Stainless Steel Slverware Only $16.95 0 Summer Vases 0 Alumninas, Trays 0 SilveneRelisI, Dishes 0 Silver Cake Tray Sets 0 Silver Butaer Dishos 0 Cornlooser Cryslal *b Mater Glass Sets oill Pitcher andIle. Buckets. 185 MAIN sr. MîLT-ON BURLINGTON CONCERT BAND Outdoors - Halton Centennial Manor THURSDAY, JULY 2, 1959 8.00 P.M. Spossored loy Burlingian Musical Society RO0V ER DOG and CAT FOOD 15 OZ. GRADE A CREAMERY 6.5c LB. Giant Pepsodent GOOD LUCK TOOTH PASTE MARGARINE 63 3 aring 29 b Knfe 12 cI NEW COMFORT WITH OUR COMPLETE IN-STORE AIR CONDITIONING FOOD MARKET .1metwermaooe*a mdË! 2-Spend No-Stalling Electric Wipers a Fresh Air Heater and Defroster e Laminated Glass Wraparouod Mindshield e Fins Passenger Comfort e Four Door Convenieoce e Extra Spacious Trunk e Economy Carburetore Hydraulic Foot Brake Steering Column Suspensi e Canadian Champion, Thursday, Joly 2nd, 1959 CAMPSELLVILLE DRMOUINT Mrs. R. Parker is Hostess Fashions, Float mi At W.M.S. June Meeting Club Projects Prci Tho J ocmeeting tf!the WoooOootttttrwCt phtrlotttoStPlas wet'e TetNorth Trafalgar, Comtesity lhtttsooiay Society o St. Dotds isade to tpdate he, ottt itue.The Ctoh mot Weditesdty eeing ait Of Chutoh sois kotd o!the homeseu ottotoit -!yottt o'tttc hhot Ithe httte o! Mot. Lloyd Marshall. vis oMi-&.R. Pattkeriith the titstd- theshoiteof Mr.and Mos.Frod'rs,,oty-twootomberssatovis Ch unt, Mrst A. TMooe,.preitdito Peniltoy, R!! 2.Noroo!, 501h titt tOwer peet. Gits andcarda 7Th ictmtgtotstond ky singtog Nit! MPhttt ttt Miltt ton ndBoabtvereitto bitsset t -et!i sitk t1toott trotoottty ht. ittoloed MPhl oCaphottotttas otstttttindttin th, district. ttitttttttott hMto..Ellitt't ttttttittîottPreprunFlsat M,,E.1 . a t.J . Announce Ske t ,tt ottooottd thtt ,tttcuitfite oonsh wbe M.it.o E. Kt'tttttttty d the cri -tolit.,,, Rttat t.,tot' Softblthttt ),t,toooh toto tLi«,ls o roto tl, he 110tape tktt en t o otttttttattttott t Watlacto f o! tiigtttitgaveoa St, Miss E.J. MtPtottl,tunt i.'set hdtk tt iootootttak t îontthearngetment ofttlto'os 1t,. hytotît.My flt ottok pithrt,,to toto2 -tOtagi tt and!,- ,,ottttgavtoootodeootrtonots, ts suitt-, hy ,tt1ttotMs, ttttGîtua Wit,,,stoitt,otthy, Att,.totytttitch wstsoodby the Muoiailotduatt otttoty îotttt ,.,.tttt S'tttttt, tti ttootto ,tttantd oa ott.c i. to oitîttyc-d. ;IfttIhutt,,d Koing tho th , ttt t ot o .MtttJttt I ott tttt.ttttt.tt tl. Bron'es Essi gid d ttttoMttt Met'to ttt o Lo o ho t t ,,, S"y. Tt tttttOatatt Tht EitI Dîtooqutit Brooso adî,1,.o0-u; oty infttormtivettd(.tienWttttt P,toh ttld theit,,, olo,1t on o si! .1 1j Ul Thoý, 't 9 G1t,, W ,Ilt,,,' t tto, Ttttt.coy ooettto ,t te Perey orsday esossis broiught f0o a close the pubolic school careitit iti A tttttt -s', tot. tot,, , )ti,ttgtt. t! tt tt t tl,,tt,t Tt.t MttyShooot. Ditrtict Cosioss- iblille (S.S. No. f0) school. In font are Edwaitd Adams, Noîl Moor tol otv . Ltokstto. itto t,îtt ot, ttli g t at IL,,oo.tto. w, Aofhitsy Detohoost, Wendell Phillipit and Lotos Howaod. Reoo Fl, satt. t>tu,, t uîl t f ttt0 't Mtttt, JIi tt,t13 t t! ,ttttht,.iby on, Sosas Buckley, potncipal G. M. Avery, Mldred Jacksotn, ,ft,tttt k I tttto! oot h e oti' Patt ,nto,,ittTttt, L,,o otîto tiI FOR SALE mero grade one teacheit John Kitbzey of Qakoile mas goesoltiot, 'si oi-tttfhe iptot-GI nWttto,,î,I,. ,l, k o! t,,ttottlutterdoooSot, ThloPlerot ..ltl r ttt tt.tt 55 B5Wck naratop t,, otttthThitIt dii OtO ht Aulsitt'. r, Rldto,,Powetotthy, t~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ii À.ttt',otiti ad toll wooth ruatdt5i s.tgottolo ttottottPtoSo Th rye atoierooh-unoioS,, Mon., ttty 2 O fi tgu,t ;itt ttt. tImmatut cOtt ondititon. le Sc oo N w Pr je t tt~totktis t n h bui«,tsooud Sthur~s.. Ju O MtttittHALTON MOTOR CAR tohn Ill h,ý ofice,63oGogeo""g . .1 ib ;lLootîto. Gtot4459 Main St. TR. 8.2401 Sth, , l'o lit,, . to t! fs,,,fall Iosu o thut,, olto ottng. Tho ngs of District Interest IIlýl o va loud -hjryr BLUE ho atbont he hooh,,tth vdlnePvungIh,, n-v ga.,dt iioidtOkoilo Tratfalgartva LI COALz ,,ro tcod l tit tsttt h ,' s i505 ratiîts oost Htoosi tta g bu tabe to or ,oeo. n .Mrtand l, , M, 0 t , , V ,t ,-i o JotCilI,tI so R h-t l .. Frdyeeig umt r c, i e as e ctI' D1ott,,t lit,, ,,I ..g thittttlt. t,,,,,h ton Mun- Dtooy oiit'thdteittl ,,ttotltotît tht Wo,,otoStttit tt, oit. I . S i CA PBEL VILL iii,, a dtoo I hc 0h i o,,, a ý , h iii,.f - p r-r ut 4 o h ,tod toito ., 1oi h,,t o i- tan fi' b"ng 'Il, lortrilf l E D TII Sunda. Da - El.,MU Wl 1"I W .Mil car- u r ,M PHONE TE 8"533 MILTON, ONT. 51/ GUARANTEED TRUST CERTIFICATES a issued in acsounta from $100 upwards for 3, 4 or 5 years. a earn 54'7 interest, payable haif- yearly by cheque. a authorized jnvestment for al Canadian Insurance Companies and trust funds. YOUR MONEY DOUBLES ITSELF IN 14 YEARSI \!TýIR[LNGTRUSTS7 372 bey St., 35 Dun~lop S1, Toot Sori MORE VAUXHAILS THAN EVER BEFORE ARE TAKING THEIR HAPPY OWNERS AROUNO IH ECONOMICAL STYLE. FINDODUT NOW WHY VAUXHAIL, IH ITS CLASS, IS THE CAR 0F THE YEAR! Chances arc you have already noticcd the growing number (if Vaaxhalls on tIse nias. Asndof il! the dcnoand increascs! In fac!, Vauxhal s having the niofst speccacular sales increase of any car in ils class! Why? That'o easy . . Vauxhaîl ollers yoa 50 much more for your money (sec left) - Now ses yoaar local Vauxhail dealer. 'ton. Shift e Lenel Ride è fTHE BRffISPCAtS 5511f AND 8SCfSElt B GoRtAl MOtRS.. SERVICE AVAILABLE EV[RYWISARE ON5 fHE NORTHA ABLIICAN CONIN! 08!' 159 ...youYe soeing them overywhe 1 MILTON MOTOR SALES LIMITED Milton, Ontario Phone Tr, 8-2355 .......... ---------------------------- [ý-J rEW IE L L E RI S 'ýý JSl 11 iMos. Joyce was iioesent fron Baby Chintened Ailtn. Sevtîiten sBos'fs e We Hitothoi Ruth, Sooby doughterofs nooted. Mr, and Mos. Bill Bailey toto The mothers and friends were chisted on Susdoy by the Roit. wesent.J. Htillat Bethel Church. Mrs. W. Steed, Billy and Shirley Mr.oand Mrs. Les Lister spent ,fWoodbridge spest the weekitd the weekenvstg M. and Ms. isiting with Mr. and Mes. rLiso trart Bo caygeon. sosoberlaon. S. A. FAY AND SONS LIM1TE D1 1 Plumbing and Heating I Sheet Metal Work I

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