Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 25 Jun 1959, p. 9

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Annual Blind Picnic FieNd Meet in News Oe Wedneeday atteoaoee, Juet grouts s! reideet a bugle suh t7, tour personsa ooseeted wth Musor ater a wosedertult sIo as NfaIsse Mues hadt the pleasure ot Osrieg thse tterete St wtt a pe beg gsestaatthe aeuute enioe srrforthe retideeta t etun areaget ey the Cueudise Natioeut cht sith Mr. Lister, toho la th Sstitte fr the BiSsd for the re- otte-ereaideet et tht Dukl gitrred Blied ut Peet and Huttos Senior Citiaea' Ctsb o Oshoitt Conotitu. Thtessais toue hetd os Atogether t wtou e ty eros thteasstrioustgeonsedtuthe oershbleandduniquesrreriestsandiC otthetul3lhomesoftMr.tand Mts.prtplyd ii thehgotî'i Cinlo b i'. o i si.io uS inKitmiian iifi c ud ho 'iiohoo,[ tIaipot. Th,'foua s' sa 'atssai s u'Ifas'oios laies w Mit. Ruth Tooilosa. Miss Murilcl'Iog 'oooihi'td. TtomsoeoandSRoert Proo. ait TapIe "Fruatration"' résidets of tht Mnow ted Mrs. Ro. D. A. Powett,. otori Murray Bigde of Hoshy. Mo. rsor Aglioan Chuooh, Milso Bigdee te M. Preores daughteo. cruto stht Manor Os condut i Throogth t hbe d2sts ot Mis H. thh service5 on Sueday tte Trtossor utfMton, th our guettenouas, tuner21. oIte . tas W.s, wetorn tte bthe pislehyauto- couetalto to ptay the pats J sobite. thsonigogf tht hyniot. tOut - Whao uIt the guestta.who nu_ tatd the toM stos strveressi ohedottwusr ofitad assoosttlrad Mr. Poeltstated that theso sets alb eea iesofthtetod to ttiog sordu ot Jtttt. the o .B. Thoso testsdrd Westry Stuotay. tt. tht ofthnt ed tht Iamt toho s Fotd Suproîsor oS thetM. Pe rîttheoanld theutf. CNIE, tn eeortand Hutoe Cut-sMr.d tPo tal ouhe ttttht ta tics and hy John F > Isard oho teaFrostrutîse tht suhithe otop os the Adotsoay Board fSur Hutors totoatiosthestuîet offs s Csssity. temongsoese rstratiohoat i PrIses Awaordd toelnrrusss enestgot hughSud Wittthod ot atlosearuht o rtst ottr a htotrs'soll a short program of o tetse swtt uto bthe goal, Mr. PowelsW , sosdssiod. PotesforSusthet Mot bat- tht trustration hasolis Placet tuoaeehlswesePwr awu dd to strengheningourtchtraters.Ob a lady, s gettoun aed ai tht dîtore tu Christs cossotosd i ehldro ostolotiet. Prîtes sore living tits5ietrtes us ruot astottrdt oroatushytst wuh. fhustraisofutlite und rtotos Tht oldeetlatdy and the oldeottholhustagoet portfur Cho gentetan se the goud und tht usholivig. ldy ted gootttlennhootg hîth- dlay errt to June t? ats o priaro. Mos. Ruth Tolinetut thte Mneogrossesono the ludys puze j fl li ot thet etttut irshdoy horýT p o b r bithdao hotog Jttt 25. Tht prioso IP othedonttititstore pousetrd E 1SCarol Ls hy K. Y. Doh oSfSMito. Woesess TraieeI Autîlsrfy A oroy dohotious tnd houeSSt tif e rsnetC supper' sos stord tathe guonto patta choso e eJ soho %o-rt etuord ai logtale unth sudls ot hso N the tuste Duoîeg tht suppers hast Rier oage o W tht gotsts etjord seet band ~ haves 0s osail muessicsp0id hy tht 34 poes e .'thet 1 on tý hand coltht OrîgooasuCluh ot Tot-asn5td sosfot o oto. Lieut. J.D Wits o oduot- 00K *,,5 bibI .No.herc ieg. Whoo lating oi hose sasl he Os s toiurh oediittas lied gsost sos pessetod with authe desgnof oStdastars. crton ot orrors. aoxhueofS I t e at e yttt.w500 i ehoretatos and oa orsd. Thttterd sot designestoshoordi happt feytsotth liod andthtioportntschungetinothoutrs lecrsprosod hawit ttily thstet'iorundtssosrhuoisosIfti teeut prooe t)rduttd in suh stOutS drivaro hdet pt in hsît a gtateoi as tuoîsand i uc crnts'swoath.tarii'shilyaaot hosotitat surasedîngs. had hoso et have glo riopao'rolns. ened yod a ti prsents sîdo tîghtîeg. atout strapo. ft Vieto FildMeel r rptîo. asopleo hougorsîsîr. OsSatsrdoytroooo Jsoos20.theotoueh otpartwet rot o- 25 otoidrente oS the Monos hod thetihrs. uniueotoerbeta oS hieg spotu- Tht Loto Laak tosatthe ro andField Morî Tho deîgetg fralo h.asaOt hrtd st Ouhoîtto Hogh Sehoot tor cd 000 dosigneie other was, ti te Pubtie nhsat entht OuhoîtSo- Caor soseutuatootlotoord Tratalga rot'es.Thir rosoose ut Otutoton plots und aseorrdw tht torts hud he etde possietht lîsht. to. stre-liordi hy tht Kososoos Cu ub cOavltosuretontethe rod. W.os and ie partosula hy-Keoth Wtrre, nesor Saris that vsert rosise ehusraofot thte Seo Ctiaes' husdlerersa trd .0nsodernspi, Comtîltofut ho clbtsh oacatrd ssite in s tls'rîg. hoohos. in tesororoe. Thtrsd-'ots osîrorlftis and stat adîstoirs St ttsesoostedtdt heggrounds of Otthefort tao somplitasoisor's drioi OuhrdllrtishStho yhbus andeooenuftuirs's iiorodursd au seoe rorul thss. sotOtsoatîrd ie mtuh toiansmiiso 5s 'i rl a suiohîesptoto Si 0w shîsh hiusotsh lutohos and gorohftis thetraososandtherto otsof "Stht Mitdo's othot tuggstiosîsoOi tot. adie soîdro daurssos. oest MttVitt-Prtslsltg ogoshorli. loro hbckuh-sah Lalr in thet uttooos. teooi. sois o adjustt su-vstrs dets trlîd hy hus agate toaglsoed'arasnplar.-os'.osi VitorittHalhtreahlotlytlunchhional ossputtoets. Tsou, ws eosotio vr ttracusoutvet ash- rs'oinhfotstsosrs' o ion. Tht posoosas ladies sho soso- dssod suohtoîoiat har orr Mes. Stsddaîd, Ms. Johnso asd rdsgod tu prerîto hrStsn No. Sinlr.oEu' ityehroeeg rails,hoodst wiedshosdstgp the hus hosuglos' tht oooy happy wsis ddsd. THIS SUNDAYtS CHURCH CALENDAJ IGNWAY GOSPEL CNURCH Attluirtd soth tht PENTECOSTAL ASSEMBLIES 1 OF CANADA Crnero Wahofield and 25 Highoas- Passer: Itot. M. Choistetsos SUNDAY. JUNE 28d, 19501 10.00 a.îo -Susidup Scol. Classas 11.0 a.to.-Mosg Ssricer 7.00 .t.-Eoaneststo Srvicer. Tedas-.80 pto-Poas-rervsices A rhtrs'h you rue touho pour bso Att Wlsore EMMANUEL BAPTIST CNURCN Comerosiat St. Mton Putor: Rto. K L. Catopbell P.O. Bot 816. Milten, TR 8-2290 SURDAY, JURE 20h. 19595 9.5t u.o-Fuesito Bbte Hsur. Clusses tr al tht tatous-. 11 .o .. Fartoots-Wrshte to. 6.50 .to -Kounertsia. tosadruot 'toto' soertradieohsttion CSS W, aleillo. 1230 KC. 7-800M Wsdnesdup - "lIsse of Poser, e.aepraiso, Bible tsdp. Tharsdup -W.MS., tt.0et.. Fridas-- p.m., Christia Ysst Training. KNOX PRESBYTURIAN CNURCN BEY. E. OERORN, Miebalar Mes . Wright A.T.CM. Orgoeist aed Choir Manioc 'Corne thas sith us and setwl du tisa0 gaedi Nomberes loi29. SURDAY. JURE 215h, 1959 Summr Sericea 1.00 a.m.-Mornteg Woohtp ie St. Patt'a United hrsb setil Atgst 2. BOSTON AND OMAGN PRESSYTERIAN CHURCHES Mîoîotoo" Ro. B. A. Noie. B.A. Tlphasoc: TRouegle 8-9926 SUNDAY. JUNE 20h. 19590 tOt00 uto. Otoagho Wrshîe Ors'>- lits1st.tough: Suodas- Sohîsî1. 10,15 .t.-Botoet Suoduo Ssttîîol. 11.30 u w -Bostse: Wo'ehîp Sers- GLACE CNURCN ANGLICAN Mithie, Ootario Itostoo Rtc. tD. A. Puoell SUNDAY, JURE 200h, t9.5t 5h SUNDAY APTES TRSNSTY 8.00 ato Hots- Cototunioe. 945 u..OSedas- Sshoo5 asd Bhle Ctuss. 11000 uto-Hots- Cototosio. 2.45 .w -Hots-Cosmunion. 700 p.ff.Eoreweng. LOWVILLE -NASSAGAWEYA (ANGLICAN) Ietolir: lOt. St P E. Jottuoto.s CuspholltittoUt.trt4-2577 SUNDAY. JUNE 20h, 159 TRIRITY V St. Gergos Chsosh, Losotlte 11.15 a to -Nulties ued Chuosh Sshoît. St. Juhet Chsosh. Nuassots-u 12.30 p.t.-Evneeeg atdedrooo. AenaaîMeseraServieaned Crastrry Dcrtosth. ST. PAULS UNITED CNURCN Miaister e. J. LotnetGruhamo, 1A., 13D. DOgonsst, Mos Harold Mge. A.T.C.M. SURDAT. JURE 2ltdo. 19S 11.00 ans-Momnies Worshtp. Se- tons sbjet, Tht Tate ot tht Aeieet Ssbmoariner." Thteseogregatise of Keox Pots- ytraethsrsh wdt orohtp 1 wth tesoogregatioteof St. PasSa, iost LADIRS' NIGNT wtt warked 'thsssday1 the M.P., wtt gusot spoaker soth an iîîî andI Mrs. F. David Thomson aro taon cs fis rîght. .,it I Prsissiod by theîMittitoad Dstric 'haki. os sinislked o5 hSo horder wosssetiord sooto Weesko' otu sgt uhd thtesothod wsaugoars Os hai dy roparo thessoo t Oner s'as ottrlytiot obani)s fomf iii, ,s foa . so hruo Wonderfng tht yos toto soedor Ahout the tolkasets magoct, Tht snets ou set teaty day Dn a onoît tranelled ttoot? D)o pou toto thiele As dote ass Mob Are thos- realty happy- As happy us I? Sonepus 50 a goud ftoet Whee thes gos s-os a ml Bot dso.p dowo teside theto TOry iod lite eet worthwhillr Dîher ooksoh iht theio kesots, Ae ir ttîd soth slroto Asd toi llîîo ths must h- A aioiioi aiils lts 'li i h-"Os' .000' taiks ils L.ar os hs'r hrrt And a hlpîog haed 1blrod Thsosr throeaa'insurerosel havor ILt.anud Otot.eto cdo S. ostO titr s-o oody Ahbotihthehs 'as to-rt As yu ssrotil dooie the strots RErsorsoothteolyhupytoue -tfPht S th t ohhors souk God. eby the Milton Chatober of Comomerce and Sondy Best, -Edoth Shuopo. atrated talk on growing loies. Following tht meeting, Mo. :hatting with tht speaker andI presidosS Art M. Dos tedine, JACK HALL - a . îus.ti~.hSMhkMBad' il~.t CONCRETE. CINDER, SLAG othoowseA iodt equire s gnd AND SILO km Isoutreng. I flr c OS tourte sou hast htai'd ofthe 1 BLOCKS ooes sprintoot oS sprlltgoeg t u trrseidshlte rttett1LD. t Hottitultutat Stso.lty naree îith the Settotîer. t ussaaly J. COOKE fConcreîe Blocks) si-at the peenassor bien- an othoows oo tossoun thOuts whih cn c 9aled c Asosrduhasousheig yoor guýso NE 4-7763 sthoh as o suotd 1at eeoialts-soh the oeroary pih. sroe se'5iaohoît asrsestoto ot str EVENINOt :ks, galtardîas, tapies, pyr-e- droîetio tre as sis trasoes Milton TR 8-6365 ot. torot-tos-nots to 1do- odgrt and anu s n ohoul. 1 - plantio i t a saht g ia gofiohîau. oirttoaOsyi itat'tts'ifros'Ot. Piiibtpshi' isasid a tosis' as ThrltSiitepatdoi ss'or ariy nuy toimto tet'soso As thet Juiy s the'tatooO thul ss'ds shaahi hats' sotheonuoietIse. lOir ho' soss. and iloaarliso ths' hs'OOassasi hostd bho tt uatgrs'ulrr sth, a b.gaandusd roiigs'o'the"trngth ho postent hureoeg the ar ia hs'butrchans'o(aS rootoSt fysuareosamtohousan ad sooes'o' tartso. hket tthe ot tufste t oswiegan A siioborord s'old-to.'Oeits atid-1 app loruios ofotsutphateof aS mn rat, fsasto tis torilt. Ifthsi« t theroats'sfone5porriodu200 1 iitpssia o.ss'l squareo etofotuotfsoilhtrp hr s ot to gbC.aw1peaîd' d s~iîrd uoas itOsg dso'oog tht hot stdasohasdlioiuori i ao.ead motoîhs. thosediis ýherstheos'svdhuu, Mooîituihuts'iiquat fdi y trous ta rood. Piasdi'aiseri'iosoasi t ctatoti torsdstoohait-ý fathsî' or poatitîiag i oitosole os'anud tuadraso shethr goasa tui posira tthes sus'dhgs tol ithis iod .I yoario i utobhs-I sue, tre ai' iniu osmoash thethrte's'. OCCIDENTAL LIFE JOHN M. BRADLEY tE t hA((.& K Gt Ut M Oi (XL. s iXii iTES1'.t.Xttl Nht.IANS tE MILTON TR 8-6674 A Ko-od lesuauesAget daes ot l sur ... lisys Il fer lteOilet. YOU'RE INVITED TO Streetsville's Centennial Streefîville Park JUNE 25 -26 -27 -28 CENTENNIAL PARADE Satsrday, Jace 27 ai 1.30 p. CARNIVAL - GAMES - DANCING SOAP BOX DERBY - CHILDRENS PARADES BANDS GALORE MILTON PUBLIC LIBRARY REGULATIONS AHl i. fbIsa i lia, i-n ioftMilti.o 01: 'oi iis' O..tore l.ihrioi aplc iin;nd,,ti, î.p;îIs'îtfts's rets 000Theiroadoins raid shaIl 1'1, 1 ' i'il 'risy shoas'e trais hy soroapicationu anud tht oasios'ot oit a loosO lît ent s 110c)i AhNtboobhoi ý sis'hisioistdurs'us'hps'aodtoosthtor s thea ho.d sas' udo 's '.t itaoii. Noooo wii-ooîob,',aaiOi000ont lhtio of l'oiiySpipltodpt's t.IusiatMlii. May a.îoools ti, :ai'.; ii i.saol sl'îsid h sil hu issioS on tire poi- fisods'd I1al sor rsOritish i-idi Stostediou srhsat on Mio Mway appisr1.ocoaîoý:do'î ss'udu'hocrishall bcrissurdontetheocoin- pirtiiosoîtf usappi'craon and LIupooi 50tyof t wey-ictos 125s'o. Lst': iTloi.'cis-ias'd toi tirep ayleoirua uthirtto A tsineloro aenssoi3oco)npurses aryday, pot aod, shah hoc otaoaa;d SouIl o oloilo' Sioolitii. orilo s max iumi fineof itoserdollar* ($1 ) r1oi'v ;""l isiiov io'iSil.11wo iroî'tfoi'r.tiiinirssi'hii itiOitSiii perotord. Tht pritoîrgeof oS hons'oughboîh oksothe tontseLohors- MayhbcooSprnctddounlur Inrtsrnkboukssand/orsoonthetfadsoo to pay usy filtesohsoh îstoy ht due. THANK YOU-- I WOULD LIKE TO THANI< ALL THOSE WHO SUPPORTED ME AT THE POLI.S JUNE 11. ALSO THE MANY PEOPLE WHO WORKEDS3 5 HARD ON MY BEHALF DURINO THE ELECTION CAMPAION. Sîocnroly, Owen F. Mullin I. unl Th PL hu w w 2, w wCi rE A REPRESENTATIVE OF CANADIAN PITTSBURGH INDUSTRIES LTD. WILL BE IN OUR STORE ALL DAY SATURDAY, JULY 4 TO SOLVE ALL YOUR Painting and Decorating Problems REMEMBER THE DATE JULY 4 The Canadien Champion, Thursday, Jane 2Z5th, 19599 Th toLIBRARY NOTES BY T. J. B. ANDERSON Tenwrogslatiaea whîah artehete.tineat aS$1.25 and thla le- îuhtished in this tonales Chasepita stades thet.10t sharge for the sontehee doawa sp inesoaetion e r' a rith thtetto s-stem oS e re Dsrieg the sommteer,. aserso fa registrattoe and hoole sssieg tht Sihesos- sOy horr otossfSo weh teto ha ietrodsoed oe Jats- teedperioda oS lime. St la o, st59. regretted dout thie poinitege caa- It ishopedthatthis ew est 0e uc pplird to etobooks, or of hprd Oat sks 00Wsytt ooksshno'k arh utsonstanot do- latlimtti la aS otssooy oud. aî'sk and that os wOiI ot ootos s veieta tt hýrisoor. Thrý .tuehisgodot ers-slt a a - t eo ht rosinC a urs-o S I oti rower.aed sottegeasa s$7.130 at the pooseet Tht test fat ete-eadeets has timt loT ut SOUTH SIDE PAINTS AND SUPPLIES A DRIVE-IN STORE NO. 10 StDEROAD AT BRONTE ST., MILTON ACROSS PROM THE NEW HOSPITAL BILL KOSKI, Proprietor MILTON TR 8-9452 /1 ' ~ to see those bargainsaet MILTON MOTORS Ssrfboard transportation wtt tooi slow for Charlie. He jsst cosidet wait toi tee aIl tiiose terrific ssed car bsys on our lot. Better gos here f ast, tool! Where Your Us.d Ca, Dollar Goes Parfhr N.1958 PONTIAC SokN.P6-t. Lauootios tsur doto, autorsotto, radio, to to Oe whitewatts. $695 DOWN - $77.41 A MONTH 1956 FORD STATION WAGON Stîok Ns.Pst-t. Twî dssr, autornsUs, potoor stet isg. $395 DOWN - $64.53 A MONTH 1956 METEOR Stock Ns V-25-t.Fsur door sedan, oueutîsti trassstion, $350 DOWN - $55.93 A MONTH 1955 PONTIAC DELUXE Sisck No. B-26-S. Twot dosr, radis, Ootwoto, eootioot sie sytîner wotor. $350 DOWN - $55.93 A MONTH 1954 CHEVROLET Stock Ns. p34-2. Tiodssr, 48.000 original mileso. $200 DOWN - $34.45 A MONTH ALL THESI CARS CARRY OUR SIX MONT-IS WARRANTY. SEl BUCK, FRED OR ART FOR A GOOD DRAL ON THESE UNITS. Milton Motor Sales Ltd. PONTIAC - BUICK - GMC TRUCKS - VAUXHALI AND GOODWILL USED CARS Serotng yos botter - Costing yos lots 338 Main St. Milton TR 8-2355 a C Pd',. ,h ti. an- Lo McPHAIL ELECTRIC 66 Charles St. TR 8.9513 iestallations. MORE GOODS -- MORE SAVINGS THAN EVER BEFORE OV O FF ON ALL rfn OFF ON Z0 Y PITS*GH UP TO j5W 0 0 OTHER PIT S EXTERIOR O VINYL O LATEX O ALKYD FLAT * INAMELS O MANY TYPES MASONRY PAINTS S SEVERAL TYPES FLOOR ENAMEL INSIDE OR OUT CIMENT OR WOOD WHN1L E P R E5E NT S TOC K LA ST S DOZENS 0F OTHER MONEY SAVING VALUES DETAILED ON OUR CIRCULAR. WHY NOT PLAN NÔW TO STOP - SHOP - AND SAVE AT SOUTH SIDE -- -- -- -- -1- 4th the -1 ý ! zý -Ela

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