Tim Taoa-sa int kse -titu.tnnsyu Redneug meed lnues nis he pe- tue atrtsivee -sîsîeae of cith,' may prpnurnoftheOrioetnWnr oeeandstnit( ylteiyin.nO t Cuatrni Ac oi. eo rneet ati ui' ia CuetutuganeeuoutHaotion unutun sopeesu s'nIvert tn oune tonnand ud houp aeen I Unduobls'dy the snntni- st For instaneihepeenceno er- bhatt-nposa- o ttt,,llnurinttyI tata ms'dusunore ures'pulnited etetes' t t houe tht-,tteroi,, ,t areon ceeniau deinie -hesltione udt'tt e ,t t't-sr hanneti'.XIt han sbesteuin,ttzled H"tfees inns"ts utt ,iiie >a -ýi aio, more ne sishii 6000 ht-nnsh, ii-nt, tý pereaun aununoiynnsifeom hoy the Wo-d t ant d 1e nt sntiih,'n - frne-. 8tSlier ccn. nfitiset nesn -1i gantiy t' ',nd sus -- a.ea auechy *ag%,et-d*pollen. tsn.tE ýh5tut n 1"he- i nu.ofs? tt.nns h.. nttit,ttn Many parsu.piaygronnudu anud' teetntntt,- evennechntsts'ndu ore ,ifeai o ed d Lu oî,ngsucn-loit,itf.s'.nt -n snedeuoee uutih ponnu sy...î',ofed nn-i a Eveny uunemeaonunmbe-nOneue- ideaiuunffer he dettCoefot poetsH membe,,j.t-s-lcnie,,'St'in yu, duedbyttcotct wth poitnttnts t ius nptat.tat.l t' meedusud ins smotintane rbcnOsu eeh-tn ,tct nt'-t Sisat Cndition e nte tion ofan ed in W.,B. RettieAddresses E Milk Producers Meet THE E W. B. H-ttise.presdeni oih Dusey Faemeon ot Canuda,. utlin the mobuoftiheorgneg tonisu Dsteict 12 Tuerono Mib Ptts ets' Atntosuttcn. onu iîda,s.Ma 28. At tho meein insuStt-uo,tti Huit . MetHtiestresen-dtheil-N poctanceo tiho Daioy suins Tu hld the 18 bilinunsof mlb proetdn a Cnada loui ye it ould tube u 500 testelonug 1h fat ande and 10lolutideeunk AD. ta his a rcbMe. Ret out unad the drveiupnurnt of the uds'etsnu D peugeumnsponnordhy the Dosss' FuemesoftCanada. Daby Mltnh ' Notice is herebyt The "Joane n Daites'Mnih' ente- (eto 8 o piga lu hesngsunpporîed thn yeai (ecins8,apl by the Natitonal Dnsey Connest and en Tlsursday, Fridi evereut sdustiiesoumpanuttu The prraent ds'etsnnil rngrum t-I June, 1959, f rom1 cindra Fehenoy as donts'sisu mnth for euudenesd teih. Atet Standard Time (6 fou, Clid mih. Jouie for oit do,,y fustds, Otnee asuehoe-'month. (8l p.m. D.S.T.) uni andi Nsts'eehe seforiuter. t Dairy Curereare nste poodoe- Thse Polling placet Due tss the ntisitsnot sîsinssot di rs' ttsneu- ethoricimcal ro OAK VILLE -- Res parcuntos. Mo. HetiOsk ed ttiC uc pendue-t-osupyportithe alotlstiltttO S pruneute.BU L GT N - John Pomieys',nnrnes'-ieensuncý B R I G O f the Toeonto Mîtb Pendacee,re-Brc Av pured un ctss'sies outihe assontat- BrhA e ionnand deottopt ein nfmude M L O - tt la iha C-Opertiv Mstb Pannt. M L ON -Att Oslinen Saevey J. A. Feanis, agrieulturul ep-1 for the purpose a reratative. nutisart he Cuete ente- ty surnes' hingenered oun i n' be absent from th Otaneo thia yeoe, andi howeda flmban a tentts tety. The ballet boxes The progrumtraitner the directiona ime (8 p.m. D.ST.)i0a ef cbairetan Hugb Bets' and sec- Dated et Miltos ths retary John Bird. ineinded Mita Barbara Cunninghame, antoiet. anti Amble EKer anti ameis' prnvided ascalttrio. The aneetigcnnnudr!d anth n question andi aam teoindrj i',s h-,,,l î'-tti snt- ,stsl.ý oii ý,dt-t, D..ni t' o t 1tO e tihe ig t.,,n ýàtite (haeptn, TE' ELECTROLUX VACUUM CLEANERS AND POLISHERS stel 7,tttýi tsisrs Dt.ne hy ELECTROLUX (Canada) Lsd.- 61 Itartna Drive, Oakaille VI 5-2281 TR 8-9683 TA 2-0539 " WeilI Tue Sepsuc Tanks " Buldozing Il Trenching " Sand O Gravai * Fi11 EDGAR HOWDEN Ph. TR 86258 R-11. 3, Milton Campbeliville Sideroad FORM 23 LECTION ACT.. 1951 SECTION 88 (4) )TICE 0F HOLDING AN &NCE POLL given that pursuant to The Election Act, 1951 for the Electoral District of Halton wiII b. open ay and Saturday, the 4th, 5tis and 6th days of 8 a.m. Standard Time (9 a.m. D.S.T.) until 5 p.m. 5p.m. D.S.T.) and from 7 p.m. Standard Time til 10 p.m. Standard Time (11 p.m. D.S.T.) ýfor tihe said electoral district wiII be Iocated at sidence of Mr. John Donald, 56 Residence of Mr. George Bird, 1427 me Court Ho use, Brown St. of receIving the votes of voters who expect to me electoral district on the day fixed for polling. swiII b. opened and the votes counted at 7 p.m. Standard on Thursday, the il dey ef June as the said place. tath day of May, 1959. F. W. B. FITZGERALD, RtnlnaGRsr. Brampton Seed Farm Scene for Meeting Famr n Hatton Ceunty wi m ~VA#P 7tw 4have an opptrnity te tabe part In enaf ,Jane 15 t the Brampttn Seed aronut Bratepton. This psro-, gran ta hejdg punared hy the Fietd Huchundes Dopatmrnt ut the Ontario Agricaltttrut Cottegle, end the Sait and Crue Stepruve- ment Asociatons in Haler, Peel ~ TheYmkora hcteng rrpeatedil this yenr suaur -nut ut theinter - errt s hown uti lst s'eut n en t n Tha, - saue lv,-,;,i qtuestiontsn that Ila ,il nt ar',ts n l io it, t Shentd spitehUus nu ttali.tbch -__this nscrt ta huitding u inv u otres te th' point tehereri t bas s ft.s -deprunsing has' fields.Th t i ha n atlattuanrtdow ihhhe le ittait e rdte e,ntrtt is ot .~~ .WhertinruD. s tPuits otitiii? i, ~ -4) ' -Ptlats tar an t shsow this sert 'us' l i in suesssu nn usth Vrrn. Atns _'ù the g.-sssp %11stinoseirt nd -aff sseecoend yenS' DuPuts tncamoslnook COUNTY HONORS weee received by four district Haiton 4-H club metebersaned Beth McEnery, &ndttoed estutowe slts th centre, ot Acten, wonu provincial hunors for cempluiing 12 honmemuing club projects. Froan fts Cuts usuane e ho nuis'genuns n he girsuae Beda Brecubas, Margaret Austin, Miss McEeery, Audrey Browe and Judy Walker. s hy mitnsutresBnome etattlu-h 1 mont hansuon hesn a pretst-nn Gad.stainds mtih situito toshs su n. e ste tthes'mitur 15e. lis sut sud attuttfa nar e tsompsoetd wtst Mary Lou Taylor, Burlington mxue ytesltsa( ii Chosen Halton Dairy Princess -. l grw:sa.ontt ad n n Mins a Mrs' inn Taylornemuse- ht-e dot-,n i s h-rdid soen ennt 41t ,îî.n Jescoy-riý,sery Caiftiureu The,,ýs'.tut mila wfri eced an Hlnt Dotsy Prino - t ni mehClusb Thet4-t-tClubitpessusasun-s- -n nsu nuct-ttist oneofthetnergeut ttended-Hu- i Preident Asdresses Grna5e utse-utu-i bu*susossusg uissu-non- issnupengeantsd mtsstiyts- tein Tmitinht tmeeting n Oeoeni' Pts'utseinithe HslstaesCin u.' ttivsse-J.A. Fa*ineisusd Dsnginn -ud e ron pers Othoennieninutu Ce- Mss BilTtoti uts eturnsees tdssnnýsttl Ja*sk n ,nst.iyti(. liOt Canowetoisn sttste ttfoage ss- Lttttun Ftnnse and Met Shsn-eytte gentp, n tnso n tth- itbet itsni 'tttofîrdLb; tieui und ,-sn d st it't Sumeenite.The Tuiti hteetngilManagtOnsntt, Wuttnn s fti isuw oc -te aflsestopen ush ttntt wannspmn neJdhsthe HaiitnHà.1I G-nstsuannd Jtuintt -tntnMn, W. Pick-ring. illu Kt~t steta Cuh nd ws hetd a i H yti -teuleKIL,[,stIiDs-nstt-snhi . t-llfilto tttsn' er t sseo-, Sales A-naona Fetis' esetug.tn ,j,,~ n.,tn itî isanosu-hhtt"t'nt ssh e htnt ey 22. tenu o,,,- - i sînsn. _ __tftO neetttk Dtt-nthe, tst-et,,Ih- De.Moe GOC iheAmtnutedi't"5 .M. Brain .dt~sds-doittett Hnnh.sndes' Depaeimout. ,ep.Lade.ti ts.t ~e:tnnGordon ns'dsunenn gneo otipuhee nnitsdntSitt aye PiOtetainndi ntdG-t, Is WAestern G(aduate fislttnig cn- adPtr honn renst i ntth W-syne20,ttAlltnt su ,,d ,,tiu , 1-e s.ra s a c tsOtsn tt t. ttth' nIft1,tnln. tnta' pcduetisn. Hetesunud 5 s, i iS.Ain tttt n i itdI-t,tIlM Ontnt-v,tesitctsintt -snilsst Purae u jsrstrptdnit% H on e 1st13 iothvI(o ofiAtideue shl h-thet 'ttntt-utsttattti in unast a n Hnnet- ti ttnt('stiCt'lt a,, tilti.ne.tnni eh sennl,t- i ,ststi.n of .tnn-t1 tncynu H A L TON COUNTY N O s r.i tthtwkngOutth 'f 1t11tton nI tsci. ) ftttssnt-y. h' O1, l CIi,tnTso,-tnI ttstst nti it, Fssdit Danni t-l *hV 'n f l), odtt z"i te It' itssinnenttIdstiit-Onnttao A,essctt- W ED CONTROL NEW S A 1i l t - . 1)-1steld sn tMalt.n ,t" g a o 1, n . I lo t n 5 - I t, t , , t t ise ( - a t ; s n n t ., ln tts V. asE.aaeaean ts'ntn,,- tnuntn-- MeAHTHUR, COUNTY WEF.D INSPECTOR s1 , cc ni -nu ntC e ln ntnnn A Progresive Tow is a 1tiOw-i oni On-t ctnt-ts ans isnsn itt 1 1 ! GRADUATED SUNDAY. Gordon Braie. tets. and.Danial Pegg, right, recinnd Bchlor of Aria clenrena tinte the University et Western Ontario, London, in the honors Econumic and Politiial Science ccunrse osn Stunday, May 30. Me. train ns thse sou ut Mn. Arthnur Bili and theii se Me. Biais' otHornby, anîd ebteîuud filti elashennin Mn.Pegg la the son ut Mr. and Mes. Clark Pegg ut Nelsen. SUPPORT PREMIER FROST'S <'Program for Progress" PREMIER FROST FOR ONTARIO STANLEY HALL FOR HALTON The dynamic achicvcmcnts of the Government of Premier Leslie Frotst have heneftted ail of our citizens. Ontarisis standard of lisving has neyer bren highcr. The creed which has accompIished so much for Ontario has heen and is-more people. more in- disir, numore jobs, more tt'ges, more opportunity and frote thcse ntore prodnui tii.tYad reienue to do the job. Your support of your Progressive Con- servati.ve Candidate %viii assure esen greater pro- gress in the years ahead. <Even Greater Progress lies Ahead" bb, -Iqw - mm hwocxw W? Otta ep,,retuet ti l n& Pht ttOHnetc" etnL. 'MWO KNOW ONTaRlO SETTER June llth On Jane Ilth iipproximiofely 15,00)0 poiling placet in Ontariaotili ho reoîty ta rsesive yoîtr vote. Thny wmdl remoin open tram 8 aim. ta 7 pm. (Stantdardtinimel and tramn 9 arn. ta 8 pm. (Day- light fime)- Titeetstet eletion marhinery iii unnure every votet(ho fret-, full ansi impartial enoreine ut thin uncient sansdhonaohrl nivilege ut democrutie citizenshiie. 110)W yot vote ng YOUR busineus, butt ~t in o imtanist te yoîtr family, triefidn and neighbouru that yu 1)0 vote. Yastr voie meoan msny thingu. It exptressesu yanr jtidgmentnt(ho isau put tartearsi i the variou atntorties during the electian campstign. It giveis patr opiniun abaut (ho Candidattasteha have jiacedt their namen beore yaa. is YQUR day.. (t taten yuur deelulan about the fture progresa ot our Province and the menonmitatll guide ita detiny in the yearu immediateiy ahead. In thene lbot tom meeka yoa have had many appurtunitien ta anteta (ho policeand piatturtes ut the principal parties. You have been given a complote and eomprehensive acaunting ot the tewardship at yaur affaire by aur Progressive Conuervutive adminitration. Wn believe the recard heu been one ut gaod tewardnhiî,s, e management, and uaund planntng far the future. The purpose at this bni meustage la te suggest renpettuliy that the safeut, aureut and muet farwurd-loaking decielun that yo can make on Jane llth lu ta give yaur vote tor (ho Catndidate teho reprenenta the Progressive Canuonvative Party and the gavernment tehoun poiciet have been ta iargeiy respunnibie ton Ontario'u apetueular pru- gresa in the last ten yearo. Even Greater Progress Lies A head - On Jane 11lth VO TE PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE F R una E utEtst 1 1 lu rh#- Conodian Champion, Thurday, June 4th, 1959 1 on by London, the ceetandie Bibte g Snciety han pradueed 5,000 targe ifO ine Bties. A revised Newe Testa- ment snd errected 01t1 Tetamnent ln leelandie il be isaued foath I I I thied Juhilce oftthte Soeiety lent19t5. eToday Theecharman of ta& tetandie J& A.* LLIOTT Bie Sueiety, t Rev. Asmundas' Licnsed Auctioneer Ondmendson, reperts tttat ancee hic Society reaumed ita atn produt- and ion ln 1t56ttthapublimhed 5,0001 REAL ISTATI NewnTes1a.nualutaed with' pcen ComteBis haend F., Phone TR 8-9233 'iuO Bbh wvy C istk, jMILTON m """*"Y YOU CAMN PACK INTO A DUT IN Imagine titag a peacefai lats... then speadiag an eeniet in asmarimoart . ' easy tndo it a inl the sane day tn North Westere Ontarin. Here mmntte nantes aeaiiarunadtaremnad yo ofte entier deysofanot-so-ong'agn -...-Fan is a in e ai... Fiait ahounad lathe matera. Lifea awnntintait .».. ti s.lr 0ý- by .iiegth FRE eI ., - l