RIGHT AROUND HOh Roogariao stylo casserol ie IL cse -.emde mith ltse papatarr Packaged Onlun loup Cairsia ip, 'which eau be pre- It's fi t. rn ttcs ts-paeil,bakd adserved in ls temes. 'td î""" tot thle t.;lstt- tisern uts hs tme. ing dishet urseEtPrsL'stII"I 5 The cas t'cle is made mith su have rought citb theti. eam, ntritious packa.gedun Hungarianfood hasalays been sup.eikb.saittand peaper, cubed poputar in Canada wth thoSe woupotatoeu, hard-eonbed eggs, eobedP kne about thcdishes. Wtbesany hans and bread crumobs-att in-t Hungasan-bennemumers inugredients readily avaitabte. herve beeeno,wh serv their nativeejit sith crusty rois and saad diabes, Canadiaus haVe hecoase grees wth a nippy dressing. even more partial ta tbem.r Yeu don't have te viituan epefl iHam and Ptatu Casserole sive restaurant te enuy Hangarsan u Sut cen tood. Ye an srepare and serve 3 tablespocas packaed uion It rightinjeyeur oma hume, miti Souap 0, ph.) a minimmaofert. 1lap milb Wrhuver a reripe tuday fer a t teans atI Runauean-tyte hami and ptatal Daah af pepper A hum arnd potuis casserole made iv the Hargartue style featuces pachaqed orto u ean d saur creac. Quiuk and easy iu, make, i s a fusietisng dish for a puîiy meneu. For Parents Oniy Good Hike h Any Month by Nancy Gd Htbrls Pc eue ii rc stfYr cder chii 'O cebo milimalS a mcee oth me tocs. Aung lies merey Oset Ou A tomeude hitise ad fisuoftgier. r Who durc s ulassait ost lisndSt ahue ts tu treee And tel t s tetrsitue c. c, 5 Hîina ta ste iiitise 1.tries- aenit peniveraed mceterntssratic' tiihoîb-aic ,tr bie. 10Il ii esoieitcai. ooc"'cei.scsshse wulb mayheu apsue an mothhcceee g in thre euc The rt ictg cutcl emolai living eouiednl affe't the tntofsdscsueepi adventurecast tel douce ctlliil c The parent esets" e yhkn h e aci themnerlue and wou cS e Ar ne. ehildeen ilS Ihese as suteteas tisey :, l are aId enusuucta bc pashe in acdltisaoe g-cat and latue t,, ceu insetie sfuidîro shrt legs aesatiti murecifutth iticd thmr stay-ut-hssme ucsghbosc. i, Indsvidualu woa essîsse oi, arin a msoeilyeotttisctctinet Ae.u tuday. Vsstcrs ts the Old Coutrye'e the usi and Europe aramazaiutthetlong khseoft,,ii waîba mer n ud ceîcee -take lc Pai:si rgaarty. and ceslh gîcat etetîs n p.b ment. Lttle putis, rcpeslty ftr ts, tcs l hîbern.arer ept ine gacd recase intt'he tici, i many accus. Hrerin Canada,cetth tc c im tbe beautital rîuntreaide se re,, sourr% of Most tsi uc.s, ae issai heec-;uac a ing a natins tabseis sicsg tisettt iet habi of maîbss. lnutessd. mwu ede osbuhr rn ars, uted icrars huce cs eis jl;Ii are missusua csh the hserr e- tiseasti-t, jsys. Be a Hiappy Iliker Il c simprtnit tc, ita dresed tee a aiS. A iaplcy ikv eue torget aSohssl teuhete ecats they areeco resmsseshe anti just t rgt lightocuttha F.silou",ici absoately " n ilulse ,v hiSe, tal eishnp.sscus'tsi etsuk,,ýstlu scsnebatusg tieor ehc. reheei1 famiy-ird ohmeus ou as cainî the chitticcos s bs. echek to iik suce tises ire ccung iugh. o1 shut fotscear -c ither sukho shter-ctecauise siieidiscecicti. tiai lirycoins,,,lb,' e(rîsetof î waîkîss. Ilsettly-fisesta itue hos. n ises, tobig, tn, useesoretott,,short, sumosselseeuted mars, bandtibis- ies-sîteci cet ii sî g ystcgstt'ce about hîhucîge Chîtirîte love tise ceteisent su familleusselh usescatit s,, ,,cit s tus thersountrye. Itticona sier stsî and parh ca siseorsiestfteth ie hitia- may. Tisen franc iss cnteal point thertamsly atsoutcsnta s ceich a district ulsîcli tite haveeteecr explîsrd Otise euîc'tee w lice ibu,ii-lise train anti ride a actelrtstUree Then they celS ram Ibme e"mtii or statuen and gise iht-mrulvete osîtirseni ireuy tcgel hueS le ptmnty ot tirne fotuheir retuen trip. Tenages enîuy tuing their bi- cycles, or ussng a bus se traite and hiking home. Same familles wiIb s Pleasure 1 of Year Cleaver - sîsn ise isbiyle ikn ett isee îîidue îsi'îe i otIh hitng cut h s t" Iý etc, Aceîtteio hits ci" ctitler ancd duth- git seteri. stUst litge ar cktesbepecies tn eoe trcicthant t p ctr ceti peoi pie sta ndinge i! igit lisîeiusut t Setcishts ftsecee . i ,isi et c - s th e es ds tsi the htcehcs celecl-n teacsorestlsso'useey tise1 iteisede a ecordetiftsi s s i ti 'se itettie titis'i îîcuttisîîe t ite d' tise usesjg an sd et fItt l a it ast,îi esehich nactsh te injuitetadlise-t usihie ieicetsisuhiedut seg se teeti' Muhe' nu mis- ie sentton e ilyetsles wasted lissund ie- gaistctsîtl es idirersa' hstta yesuthe bec! rtr suin heuth acd eeshsp, and awueneenuof i-dios,, ciîdsy' 3 baed-cuttbcd cgfn 6 cld , cucd ltuduttpîtaturus 1itstteColseed , wo 1eu i ts'itissu. adc iK tln es.. rît b îteis di i7 iitisi tic ssstp jast au i t essteleste lish,' pacbage). ohip osth aurotary hes- ter. Sttc in msth. s i tt d poppee. Iu geased l-qttaelcssersler- rauge inte st3 oftIhe pstatlsu t sicerd cgga .1 ~o thes.,sseeteusti mestuer. and hute. Recealt pott. egand suoscrcssm mis ute' se Tue osth butîred rd seadttl tu5stu abe se mîîderatc tîsen s:350 ltg. F.)iftue30 mnuetes r unttt hsshhty.1 Mabru 6-8 tet ctsgs. ersm tdefr.iet li'sst.. Thece tîcstîrd uttaopetts ie1 insttdtetdulsteuuesiraee-tetee actîd u'sy tucsur tit-tîver îtststes.I vegtahes and hbttsi ntrsst Il trt- user vegetatbleus ais'tss avitilsshtcl. c'ok a sau it un t ofsi cah arhsroetcts. e t.tsse veetahtesu est ter Comîtinse titut- mîthte se'getil t vtsîe ruce and euthed tect t. mae' the tllittî for the pis. lodivldusi Masuhd Ptatu Pie Msubed Pstt.st 2 tuhiapustuhottme1k t egg ohîtc saucpr eet V'ilerthte m she ' lite hoh tsih .Lnte eet .'s.î sut i lc. si tith il o psla tre RîBshteinest a it 'it, cga white. Cniite he ubu ittest.eeetîhe îtia-'i 'steeertet e.ssee îtî isesi F:'i lhCasrlsitte eit 5 ileit . lid pcîtst.sise sh istivp 'ed b:te' sst401) des fi17 Iý1Tips onTouring 1 By Curoitone Wamens Trorol Autbarily s tîiii tt U .educ li, t Il ,. s . 11 1 i 11 Wht t 5. 1 thîte iti 11i 1tstskes s1 th t, n t 555 I sî, t 5 esC 1 ' 1 51 t àsc 1- i 1s ....s . mosutlsaII. cin sestit I'lh, 'ktý Ici is.; L ' n- t11 i s 1 y t t c i l Marilyn 1. Moore Miss Muare graduuied fruce Hameitue GeneaaiHospital, Wetieesday, Jura 3 and ce- ceiaed uit sourd te curgiual narise. Shr te the daughiur oi Mr. ard Mc. Alex T. Muure, Carnpbellville. RoiS Melans'on Eizabeth Ave (Seihi Metue- see, daicqiter of Me. and Mc. Gored Metucue, 416 Wuod- weard St., Mlun, graduted itoni S. Joccph's Sehool oi Nurîsng, Hamiltoun, sonWed' tîesdlay, May 27. A th,,e lis.,! ssgectes ftn "île , e udt s'etettîse 'ciln z ... sIm te i, file h't, h ls 'eI'l'cî,nede ii tise1 helaissit gîlsî t, , k. 1 Sscettuneche usec th-tisme lSe stved toîtpliset,, cllraguschow he cîssîpecti esedsssii the lime' le titis ge tlitg ts aot. 10/ -%o Elizabeth Ann Lanson Mic.,,usa ,, rji.dtsud T l uit c cla,y.May 2h8cci isudci nui ucnmcrciiig haun liiiio B.A.allihe Uivuersfy ai Tue- eutu Sis, tue ,iiugilte ois Mc. anduMr-DaidlLawsnati R.R. 5, Miton, uandi atMiltone hicjh seitaut tradusa'e GUARANTEED TRUST CERTIFICATES "*surd in amounts tram $100 upwardn for 3, 4 or 5 yearu. *"rarsi 5!,4 ' .isterrat, payabule hait- yearly hy cheque. " authorized investmmnt for al Canadian Insurunce Companies and tust tuttds. YOUE MONEY DOUBLES ITSELF IN 14 YEARSI ,,l -'al' otpa",L. W.EMMSTH thltil; li, tIttttc uttil fssîtsill ELCTRIC STERLING TRUSTS b*, ,> 1 j _ CORPORATION Break iRoutinesr lia t Ir, cliii >Ia e i III ', Contracing q w >tt fit ýI oghett, and the, I and Sernscing 372 s4y si., 35 Dunliop S4. eut hrht l ,i ttteu*Torontlo E, sttee i. t, t h te ti it i tut h,tti,tsttt g'tItt mgtt tI' Phone lo n a lste sttl'eut. But tc g iMlo R 8-9731 001 lie t.. a Save time for things that c- only ypu can do! 'l erear nrvcrriuglhutsntliete !S u ho t tasitiscIsu inbai oryu if tads'1l p ciussiturayttusteecetil inajtctt ifeec rativeday rou'll be proud to serve delicious j'ackson's Baked Goods! J'iiiut ,theeit dc biii icer tieuceihitire i ,sttok i-cs on 0 lac is t' t e a b mc (r c r d in ycttr clan kit' tee. w cui. e, it, sts, dents, il edri t.kcs, makise lt bsn tt ehos trssttesinasere and adc ghtt(ra J1c.nssecteItrre sifrrnt km s of iseadsuochoosc nml resh Io your door every day~ Fc EDAN CKS KI JAKO RK I s - L1 ,tr466 cou .. .V.s ...... Europe Slides Ted Kress, Milton Unit Entertains u r Wed in Georgetown Five HealtIi Nurses Seen bY LO D . . St. Juhn's Unted Chureb, George- .Daring the paut tem meeka itSu MsHaodBusdy opeard ber lomsj, waa decoated mit baskets BatIon Cauoty HealLh Unit han hmes forneîd ymet utofth o rarnatios,.onapdraono and ptayed huaIt t ire publie beaîtS Joh Mito haper .O..E.andmuras tac marriage ct Fr anges Za-hurmes visitisg fue tiaîd ouperienue. ub Mitn CatrID n btnk ai Georgetown, wben osie Thre ai the grnup witl da publie the regent. Mca. R. Mackay, pre- bcrescrme tbe bride et George Edwin bealth nursing on the stattfeel, sided. Kcems. Miltnn. Tbe bride is the and Imu, are tuture administralurs TIse membeca mccc petiluird tauttaugtor af tbe ltle William Zu- and sulereisara. ntem the many beoutitul pietucen botteS and the groom the sonut TelatrImMssoft hm labe byMe.and ca.MedingsMc.andMes, W. L. Krras, London. paun'Ruran Cuunty, and Miss Mur- mhcn un a tour in Europe. The Kennelh Harrison, ARCT, RMT, je Jose Simeru, Portugal, bave lie- varsuan sltdcs depicîrd mv an- a s. thle rganiat playing the Lrds e aMl u b eidu hi pccsîivnîuustismseupeyceoeadRecunc Tbcduublefield experiene beeiMt ; c ust'i ifetetites'. p tttFîdty, May Ittit andli c ,elt,-tng. IThiîT heg'tn iziiii, CHAM PION cîtîts--ike itw s initsttutii 'lits lte iiis . l it'ttt Smithti,tg'tya Mes. Btîe McKere sud Mes. Fred wU.atragtsmu mswilh a',ns C R EP N E T Smit v:)ce te aprecitionand n .r cebudice. The S thk uto the memhcu pecsent. ihbuattant hit a lace uver tiers Mes. Gourge Pellettecin, TR 8-6193 A plesingintelude as p u-lftaifeta. The tingectip cuit trîl A pr.scitfiuttidc 5t5 pu-iem a tiara ut rbînstolnes and HALTON MANoS etdd h Me Oulrylrvnu hm prarîs. She cacird a mbite ible Miss Mariel T!umpaun ite sang twasolstit,,compni'd hy icttusrd ihsetctros.MFA Mss. lt.tt'ttd Maure. cihnctc ue.MFA Asis for 5)ssatsm Attends Bride Mes. Versa Campbell, UL 4-2455 T'ie seevrireprsagtvcn wmccc loisea Smi h oas the brides ai- CAMPRELLVILLE 'tf itisîrsel ttaait. Cieespstdcectendatn a ball2rina lengtb. gumu Ms. Georgnglis, UL4-2224 inclutded a lettere iett thehSarah.!uoftaize tare tashiuncd ru prie- Mr. R.C. Menuie,UL 4-2509 MasitnCiatscte IODE.thaubtut resu linru, -uud ehe mure a match- tthesieterc ftrthe invitatseiontting headitecu and mhste eburs andILRRIDE th itt Eu ttdtT,'sanstts uetudfer, glius d hec fîsoes ocre plait Misu Etteen Pegg. TR0-0985 dstclsstsfstsittd crissibt, ea. ro canatonsand smt pcas. Wiisam'- OMAGH -I>,ete., ifor ihese utptunity K ress mou the gesumuman and Bub Mers. CecilîPattersun, TR 8-1309 eh, î. Tut mas h., usher. DRUMQUIN Th ise tgeti, eeectetd alh.'cdiea A meddingrerception ca ett h'd Mes. Alfred RaIl, TR 8-99 tse Ctcstt y Cstett ceetîigsud lit the Jacb OLanles tulumwieg LIGNV-DUFFERIN exrpscig vsewscsdietpprsitater- the cerecteny and Mec. Smth ce- Mrs C. E. Davenput,TR 8-4877 gatdssgthetr îtstssedhtsld tu ir'ecithrhride ina guccet Hof he ctstred its Vtorita Parkb. A lettere daty ruuosteceth matchsng bai Ms dmrdRbeeenY I -i hliits" n issiu'uded ptee estsy by and gitves.hbeigecnhucuand haud- Ms dadRbrsn R828 tile 11e estuarltthe retsesttthrthe sg wtsh a crsageuof dep ptnb LOWVILLE ,xcsettîs' ueechees Msc. Mcaro uses. Sic aesa auuted by the Mtss Nancy Haymaed, TR 8-6133 latclms eepreeeted tise ehapter aetctmu si(her se a tuequose itte ivthea,tt on tsCommonwssealth uhcth mth beigeasi ueeeuuts uand ia t an std "s cuîtcîss c orttMe Ssage ut yetluwm m. .1 .ies Spo:strt t, atteed î'd t, ttr T inoeymson .a Pil ointe-in0asluieisr U Jss-,Meand Mes. Krsscspcnt theirý tsr.t.], t tu he .auraci rsbcw Dl Jans:u 5tettnis n Ntugara Pulls Fur!- iss Poîtr îessetsttg the hride choue amav 'lt scc*ttla eestntettedre sîperd osth a green dute. sttsieteiii ti.sttd Pa ss-csiseessai. hbl strcttsand a csr- tiuitit ttsthdste Tes tui se hel t sge tf ted sseeehcrt'se lo, issitseoftM*.,.CampbiteltWiscttit Anshttctsted gseclittheoedding âmeî tsss 6 ancd ,stt ttetes eoe , ss'ttise geuiees geandmteh Mrs. tugisats hitig tietriteeas 'Duos.sThehbrdcouua mcmh "ie meetgws uostetcccdn tetitSithtanudStersaffaud. scaltllll" adt, terehtetsthe goom semplydathecP. îsccssedityittie asndihre L. t Iitsctv anuiseu!iant Co. 1Ltd. MitittîThee oit makb hci hainelit 256 MainSt, Milun. WHAT EVERY TV & RADIO OWNOR RAS BEEN WAtT- ING FOR TEST YOUR OWN RADIO AND TV TUBES FREE ON A U - Test - M Tube Tester lIent timee yssr radio or TV gars enstise blinis, stoansd tiisi. FREE TUBE TESTING SER- VICE tS PROVIDED FOR YOU AT OUR STORE! N. La PICKETT Phos . R 39222 MAIN ST. TR 8-6971 WEEKEND SPECIALS FIRST QUALITY Seamless Nylons 89C WOMEN'S WHITE PANAMA PUMPS ILLUSION HEEL BROKEN SIZE RANGE REGULARLY $5.95 s3-88 SEE OUR OTIIER WEEK-END SPECIALS N EVERY DEPARTMENT JAY BURMA POLO STYLE T SHIRTS Short Sleeves in Solsd and Sipes MENS $3.98 $2.98 MENS AND BOYS' Chine Cotton Jeans und Slacks ire Lght Bise, Black aned Tan $4.98 - $5.95 $3.98 - $4.98 Women's Dress Pumps Hcgh Heel und Illusioneir Bore, Whie, Red & Black. Szes5 -9. $6.95-$8.95 Womenà's Sandals in Meeges and Finie. Whie ande Panures. Sizes 4i - 9. WEDGES -$3.95 FLATS - -$2.98 Todate notbing seems te sueeeed libe the appuaranue ut sucueso. A. T. MOOIRU INSURANCE CAMPBELLVILLE *Fire *Wind 10 Car PhonoeULier 4-2271