rPeople Wise, Advertise, and Wiser Ones Use Champion Wa nt Ads CLASSIFIED ADVERTISI NG RATES Noe charge tac annourcement ot Birtb, Moeingms, Deathe and Engagementu. lu Memue- iamu 75c pies tOc per tuve for vresc. Artie'ns uef o t ae, ret ie. Se a irrd. Mini- mum cash 50. ilîrd 75c. Boa No. tbtiustffcee 25e addîtionut. Cumin g rvents-TSr minimum £iet ive iam, mecb additconat Uine 10. Card uft baks TSr tac for irt 5 uines, earb additianat Une 10. Accountu are rendered Mrnday toTtuing insertion. LATEST INSERTION TIME 12,30 F. WEDNE9DAY PHONE TR 8-2341 - Engagements M. and Mcc Stanley Cluce Tbu- mas ut Mlton announre the en- ga'gement ut thece aecord dauglter. Juduitb Anar, te Mr.Cliltord KeitSi Houston, son o M. und Me. Clît- frd Houvton alcuoflMMdtoen. Mu- niage ta tuke lare t rore Ang- liianr uruerb, aturdur, Jounc 201 1959, t 3 p.m. Born TISOERES-To Mildred and Tercy Timbecu ut DIco iliams on May 19, 199 a uonau St. Jua- cubas Hospital. urlpS. A he- tbcc for Joanne. SCHULTZ-Joyc and Bil Schultz are happy te nurnee Oe r- rival oftMaree Ana. a bahy cis- ter tu enra. on May 20, 1039, at Mount Hamiltono Houpual. McILLIVERY -Prie and Caola arr happy ic arroocice ue bctb ufHt Heber An, a scuer tue Pec- e J., on May 20. 1959. t ccir Oakvice - Trflgar Memuetot Nospital. KINODON - Me. cud Mca. Noipb Kcngduv are appy ceornoorra the brtb uc o daabhtr, Mor 22. 10959t Oahvlt-Tcutoigor Mcm- anial Hsp al. A cutrfr o Bei- ty, Donna and Jacqueline. JACKSON - Gecoceacnd Eieancîc Jackson of Tornco are er hap- pr tuaunouncetcc ir SuiSof hro con un undur, May 24 1959., o Wom-r'o Courege Street Hopital, Toronto. BtS oeil. TEARDEL - Ken and Von (e Gosse). Multer, arrbhapylu aunoanre ue bireilofa a daagbtec aOakvile-Trutalgae Memnecal Nospital u Vedurodoy, Mue 27, 1959. _____________________$15 UOtnuucdsrcepacemng. TE O- 223. c-T-Ta: JOHNSON - At MilIeu Peucoce Hospitl, C on Mevdoy. May 251 1959, Alunc Moude Foraton, red-, arc of William Johnson and dccc elter et Oliver T. Fantou ut Tornto and cep mbe et Staley ot Minici.raMc. Normon Jordan c Renai ut Monrerl, and Leulce of Verton. Funeral sacvce mon beid tram the MorNab and Son Lid. chapet un Wednecday. May ST at 10 arc FOR SALE-SIc clie. bgh chute haSe cruS and budduecr. Ai e grud condiion . TE 0-4162 -2-76fi FOR SALE Dusedmwa-hi am cbine, $1795. Cet Hardmore, Mil- lu. c-T-TO.I FOR SALE DoGleonieca liaI fecnug,42' n 100', $2.73 Creeu Hardmwarc, Miltcon. cr-2-T4O FOR SALE-'52 pcnmýl Src gcced ru rarrcidauon, $250. TI -2711 or TE 8-9827. c-2-77. remrter, Toronto. FOR SALE -Qoaalcly utfIe- ocos. . Vheethond, TE -638cu OCKEEMAN-AOtto ni. an Thue- c-T-Taý sau, Muy 21, 939, tAura Ui.u Oictac , dem c!fEdmincD.O On- FOR SALEZ .Pecsociai Acider ecmnoand dece mcchreoftMc'v Ivoranre. Rehoabie cuimpancec. coemngi,î2enc AcciiiArstrn(ierofckEAks aout il.E. B. Cirmenlut Eps lruend.ue R., Millon. Mn. RuSet J. Ba:- InnononcC-50-8-345 xetymdanfish. tedu <Nietiri and Horace R E ut __ -- _- -* ide aciryetfpatteruas cin Tornnt,and Mu-eEcrieaclerFORRSALE -Ailtypee drapern michîturSa-ose. (Ledai ut Hamilun, i er Stb maccua . Ourapes mode Oc cuc APSL' EPRMN arprurciono. F-u n l - bume djirir. STR VuLa ericaue ac beldi fi,collt TE-2134. r-c-O 20Mm STR AuiSi te MaeNab and Son Lid. choprî FO69AL-228noMayianrini: TE -002 on Strday. May 23.cithlacer FRSLc1 cilr hetr, TR862 mntin Ecergre cemre M snai briiema, ercieced wmaS fcr- c mo.eccc i vr. sciaoSefIre 100 bud. F.J. ___________ tan.Aochund TE -000. rSS-3500 EQUIPMENT RENTAL ___________________ FOR SALE - fluctue irera, cru, ured aiOltom picra; Io repaire and Cards of Thanks rerIadigMciton Trc ServierlS19 rwo1Hm FOR SALE Ria, .mvinca, rait- EQUIPUENT RENTAL Imcsh ineihovboal Myfîsrdener. Salres.servie adrveruta.Te'c- and reughbueu tir crde, flumeen ccc Martyr Sale, Burlingecur and krudacuans dacg my iayuinBerach, TE8-654,1j. c51-8-.564Frnendiloadcerand boJdeezer St Josepha Hospial, Hamiltun. -Fil jobsna se accrîull ureu-tcd- r--753 Docnehy Elimod. FOR SALE-Hoîf aom, it Huobuecd.' Snd and grarr.. Dnraec 25,.vccrgacage.epcrtankrbase- ,c.gTiueboht Wemws uSctcakilrbourcetmdsmcencarol'd. manurexr ac AitiabmgTueceg forrtiumee.nordvoandoOu: aoreeButa.6ERobeSi. -2-746 FreecEciimatea Iciuneiac sou rhceoccsion f or -- 5015 mrddiro aivr nury, auNe jFOR SALE-Recaulerd Huoscie I'IODNE TE -2621 larnkstetheProvcicalSeretureeiuc--rdueificsein eayinJâme.c-t Me Sane L. Holl and Oe HEce Appty Rîdi itMefîcO, lut 4. IcSi LsSie Frot Tharbr li al orlienS-, Eroacrmeg, c-2-738 mokcng iaserS oacippy day. Me. aud Mc. J. V. Hclingamunib, FOR SALE -'53 Metueccu(m FLOOR TILING c-2-750 Kilbride. lne V-, aOoricî,radio retc, - guruaiounre. Bcd 'ofîe.TE- 6140.c-75 - -- ---_ -- , rqm K N p)uGervais IFOR SALE - 1B maShstee lT In Mvemoram ba,2 i og istb un col intuiSe Secrectaey, Caroda ALL TYPES 0F TILE Leuo. Multor. c-2-765 TURNER-Inl gidcourcmcnrY ef OFOR SALE -T2" Metl rclu TV, Flou, WalI and Ceiliag dean Mcuier and ruodmeihen, meýdrî 21T57 ego $279.Specual Mary..Turnern hc Pusrd' $22995. Relt u ucca, TV ord Eu- F1005 SANDIHO wamay, May 3. 1952. dii. TE O-445. c-2-770 Vu meura fcr biec uinece, -i -SANDEES FOR lIENT No ryrs can eu erp, IFOR SALE Tycerrccteire, uddurg RoI mar aaicol Itrn utshed, machives, evid, ente.rd, eecu. - FeaEctimtru - Wciir odcersare ciserc. Harria Stutmncry and Offlea Sup- Sudlymcne.d by Charlie, Lccmu plies 102 Main S., TE -OMS2. DAY EVEIHOS and gîavdcmnc Cbharus.Ale-d -eT-54C and ifea rdt. -2-754ic7-- 3 75 5 R -9391 T18-6571 FOR SALE-Ynu wml lise bue- ri NOREIR - tIncceucg m rccr ai ing eoue aîlgmateciaTa t Ct Foîbüreand Moiber Herbert T. CacadCam?.helIvle. Qutoo________________ and Jrrrcrr..wchepassrdaw;oY servie, hh quaitr.Pheamp Juar .1501 and J oruany 31,1900. elid Lelser 4-SS2 am- GENERAL CONTRACTORS Wr dco)ntlrgt thcm, mu ccvd -28-StOT-if hem tmu dernt, For <ein mercry ta fade fmucm FOR SALE-Fi-emmcm uhy muig A.C C N 00ur ier lIme a dram; milhing, ilI dairymen nerd Suege A C.C NNON Our ipa verd nt nIcruk ohm n uemillino cquiîcmecit. Fac sales, sec- bearts meure increrty vire and parts,ceuE Humaer Tam- Frsgref often dmrttn mberee Atbieaci.Suredeale, Oampton, & SON artdum la sera. phone OLendale 1-1275. r-t! Evreeremembrerd hyOaeh and Alec.c--4 FOR SAL-Co,.inuUSA., '34 DENERAL CONTEACTORS Pontic, topcreditiona; lgil hd- r o cn st Spiere;other CicineSuli guads, dsere e. TE -4481, Ccu il-omas Repai - - EensAterotmonor Modrns Cupordr Coming Events FOR SALE-Or enîncmoder-n ai Pa The piano studratus! Misn TrIg- hiet O pirre bath aiuminam moninvi>taeyou to bere Inbseronaand duos, 1011 dividrd Yararofcaperenc. reial Satueenlceing,ýJuna O. hsemneo. Avacahîr Jane 15. Wiîe KanoxPehytein S.d.FSlInulor phoneMurrayOBlach, 46Cev- TR 8-4424 room at 8.19 ps. Sdlerclecutiron erty Sond, Aylmar, 8T5-R ater .00 ta Octroi sap-eana --T441p-su- c-O--SM6 C-t SE R VIC E cliii eau, Mc tcco 'i1 c l!c1ll n, 111,il. -4-Sil r. 1 c. utc. lati-. , cci i. icice ccl ic- liciuc- i cc ci <ie ccc lu'lic-ci ANYrcIcsi AT AiL- iR.uuuctt,iut la' cc JANITOR SERVICE f'IEANINCl OFFICES V-utc cait Ail Tepocl oc Cacli. Milton Janitor Servi( 'Ct-3-,o NwMuachinfreinasSI.50Eneuon- NUcslue rtuthîbertue clcîîeed medela teu $2950cNu stiSOe wih hecou ur Erpoîc1lueul gol, Ee.rLidy the wee rmuvh - Suulleuiigu'eollctr eedu Focr c a<ie în hcvbe, yeaoy cs o-puce? cc,- lite us $1 25 per m-eh Se - SINGER SEVINU CENTRE îcm e e 172SKerruSO.N..absîfle Victor -1172 Jeci Cait =-t IN MILTON CAIL KEITH DURNAN FRED MILLO V & AI TIO 0-0541 216 main S. TV & RA I c-tf-nom istalltio, Sules ard Serrue a TV337 Peu,11 t O-Mlon TE-4035 ,ls Ved RADIO SERVICE Show uEcrceni 217 Maiu St.Lt ce' Milton TV Clinic UPIIOLSTERING - LASIN CUTTING Etectrîrol Repaira Have Power Mower WERNER WEBER - V/ill Travel Hem Telephne NHo tdc:mcuaulctc cc-u. c f58S6034 TUII 8-795 c-09-C! ORNAMENTAL IRON S E E ' V Radioi aod Appîcuccer Srcer RAILONOS AND OIiN WDRK Cuae Eadios a rpeccuoty. Milton TV cuiaOuinÂalulrd ilS 10 fIl EIL KELV ît -900 it $25. Ornamental Iron - - ...,-.. PLASTRRING Laticuru Siucraiug B0R VATRINS Ponce TE 8-6581 Milles SEPTIC TANKS Septic Tanks PUMPED AND CLKXNEO Frerrari Soptir Taci For Saé PHONEc COOKOVILLE AT 9-210:0 Catet -Si-4 ccil o gucc 'i <durtiun cmi tain CAIL. TE 8-4580or139 MAIN ST. WH Y TAKE A CHANCE SEE US FIRST Central Radio, TV and Appliance Service PHONE TE g8-9T41 Va fia what oIones tan't. Ovre 20 yere cpeelene. Duaranteed ser- rire. Antrnneiisalatian and repaire. K. BAILEY c-tf Milton Upholstering CbrcSe-cf1ctd suaie, chirie Fîcr ctae. Fisecpick-up. DAN MALVK TE O-9000or euaIlat 3589Moin Si. SEIMES UFHOLSTESV Mohe Chut csld tueniturelook nem agoa. Roc Cleanig and ce- fciihiug, t-merkSere PSmcce TE 0-9701 Eociney Brothers. o Kitcenîer SHcrmuod 2-1002 c-itf WELL DRILLINO WELL DRILLING J. . SUTTAN E. E. 2 Milton. Omt. Phune BEalncgtuu NEtuo 4-6025 Well Drilling Contr. lcooiedae Service O. J. WALLIS- ADVERISE YOUS SUSINESS SERVICEI N THIS HAHDV DISECTOSV. RATES AS 10W AS $1.00. c-OS-O CONSERVATIVE RALLY Mr. Stan Hall and FOR HALTON COURTS Eochre a-d rdgei Ru 1o, ceri etcc ccli ail and fin ou eu Canadian Legion 1 THURSDAY, JUNE- LEGAL UNDEOt ANIS EV VIETUE uelit fEueefl ued o teSuouue ceouofOtr ueruce dalil',1CltS Janur ad Ouled un the 2015ja 19M0' uhetu Durser SSclon urai iand Anncoaero dunaýt, 1have scizean cid, l'ccublicAurcitiain T, ,i f Miltca. cla <lie ou Joie 99i thunoe 00 oleSus im e afleroe ai cuglic. i. ccI, ierul and u cumicefetAnna BrO licfortoiuccr anodr; 'Ait avd Scagilue Iaci earclctrctoftlanduandp osbouaeleOycng and heing mvadcmhp ni Troaagari Coiute et Hulden, and beino pevned of ,Lt Nu. 28, cordi ,,,l,n haerind in theR( ofcf - ice !w 1Cooanly uf Eu plan 420.' OuOi e puîpey iv id le cecîd a dmenfluuseom TERMSc CASH, Doird ai MiltoncinlatOec aI Halollc, Ohms SSrd day oi euany, 19.50. ANDREVW.W ,FRAI ObarcO, Caunte ofl Nuucage'eyu uc ihe aturerurd i E Daed aitch- Tiwcil ofulNosou-À caey hic lOiS duy et Moy, A. 15.JOHN A. MILNLEccrce DON H. MeMILLAN. CcS IN TEE MATTER 0F The Manie- liial FeanchisesuAAn, 5.0.0. 190, Chaptece 100au ansended, ANI) IN TEE MATTER 0F anAp edu plirrca kv tinited Oaa Limierd Ia tue Ontario Fuel Board fee tihecunal et CisctheBoard te eal cntut oekns osupîysand/ or ~5to uepiv gosn sthse ud nîceietoecd rnIcipsiiesu 4th Corporatuiocv ithe Tuenicfc Aciru Col pel ulcen oS e Tomn et Becr- lingoc e-S2 Crporutcîn ci11cr Tue loaf GDrg- Cocpcîuleec uofccir Temu ai Oak- ey CCcr Ceepucatiue aI thu Tctship a 0Fr Aucasccu io ciCueu oeceit0c Townshipi ut oueild EccîFlinchecu c c-, 19a0 Ceuimeutini the 'rownrhip a! gte. :Erqo1eTu te C lrepmuico ofitlie 't'cidlp Oc vs Dc- SeItle tOeCuipraiouoflice Tomwnship ut fe fic Turufalgar ce Of- Corporcactoncof i liii, i'Towncipc of iy o Ccîcuccccc th Oe Villugu nifVal- day ci o cedo Il thu NOTICE 0F NEARING uîiy or Ttc' Oetacc Fi-OBaurd licercbi incad uppociteTe-rda. Jeor"'e d,1959, ait200 oerteuk in ccir uitrctceua. crailoEauverîn OayligSO Sorocg Tume, t' Trafalgar Townicp Hall, Teufel- lu the gue, Ontaioi, he Seheunung rtbh n cir abîme Applircionu and oItpersuns ccnrcc-ic'e lierrc. rg ic Copy outIhoeAppîceatîca may bSa iie ls neced und curterc icanbculane oicoîd ucaiehe c4fccrs if lIce brrer- Civrehd <O <Se tcrcniirrmunir ip- aic.IlIce Apctuaît. OSe Soliit- et-vfSic the Applicrn% Mesre, Wuls, Ervasand Pbiip, Hamonai Ct Ontarioluor OirSBourd. ty DATEO lic Toronco. tbin i4th day r - ut ofMay, 1959. ONTARISO FUEL BOARD LNK. A. R. Ccaaien, Raîtîn. J. J. Wiagtrtdcc. c-52-4 b-474 a 1COMINO EVINTS (CootIuud> Ope Mese aC Miltan Higlo hcireFriday, Ma ï 29 t 1.30 p.m.1 Faeras andin csendlalise in-8 vited ta attend. c-2-775 WetersnHorserShow, Sundaya afteenoon May 31, Scpsay Crnera,j wkere cn. 9ZasoCFiamboco1 meets igbway No. 6. r-1--Si41 H uttanvýilte Pýark mE lirilt open Sundur, Jane 7. Sing songs,r muccanrweserln music. gueten-z ietaineru. Hutuacito 29-M or Brcpcan 0f. 1-1889. c-2-769 Ruorful Dancre, CuuudarLegîcce1 Holl. Feduy May 29. Dancing rom-1 menring 9 p.m. REvtcenmenta. Ad-i miesion 91.59 coopte. Ladieasper vide. rS734 Milton Brick Sourl and AthîrI-1 le Club. Sommer Dance, Legion Hall, Satuedoy Jur S. O .m. 92.00 couple. Tickets trom club mR bers. r-S--70 Tue in tacadio stationuCHVO,1 Oubvîtte. 1250 ECu t 7.00 p.m.,i Suaday, frtuehte beoudeast ufthea eennguservce aEmmanuntSBap- tît coure, Mlton. ce-6-77 St. Georrebsahrob Lowviteiel paenign a Vrieuy 1Wgb, Frîdor and aiucday, May 2 u 0 99 Firvcrm scebout, fevillc et 8015 pm. Adutta75c, aludento liS.- c-52-3-12 John Miton Cbuptei IODE. are having hIre401h Anniveeaary Tea, Sturday, Jure , 3-5 p.m., t the bome oc Mca. Campbel Vd- son, Lydia St. Ecryonar mecomc. The Lorre Scots Muitoey Rond w i, preataun open air bnd con- cert flethe reideutu ut Halcur Centrunuat Manr,a meaObee ýper- mtccug. on Tbaeaday, Moy 20.uO- 9.39 p.m. la esent ut ran, te con- crrc ml e eid andoouci.Tbe pub- Sie arecocudrlly cacao! toa attend. For Sale FOR OALE-ci b..maIorecc- ticr. îb e 0c. TE 04017. c-S-T43 FOR SALE - Il pugc. 7 mrrbr ld. TE 8-6470. C-2-742 FOR SALE-Signa, service. truck icteruns etc Cou Rai Dose, 132 Heetop Rd ., TE 8-SiV. .-e4t-523 FOR SALE-Fiancera fee ail u-1 casions' Rency GOurer. K.lSkîd'e. Phone TE 8-1tS. Miton. -i 1 FOR SALE - Kteben rbri ocieeraici top guod condtiîn *TE 8-9775. c-2-784 e FOR SALE-H. C. cocn1a puet. iii Ici fasc buteS 2 pointu, EO 9508. c-2-782 FOR OALE-Heuce traiter ftu,ci or S mca, icliy cqocpeed. 5250 TO FOR SALE - REgitered beugli bacd. 2 ycccroid . TE -6000 FOR SALE Hug and tocbey mcnore, lareomoant. Campbell- 0ville DL -2462. -S-TO. FOR SALE - Coitîrpoj, 3 mue aigeud rcatlc arain. oampbel cîctldle DL -239. r-S-7O: FOR SALI (Contnued> FOR SALI Cninu.d) WANTIO (Conflnuud) HILP WANTID <Contnud> LOST AND FOUND <Cont.) LUGAL contlnued) FOR SALE-Waabing machine, FOR SALE-Or cient witb option WANTED-Used 1950 Ford eus- NELP WANTED - Naiedresser, LOST-Woodco taddcr, Mosday, 1 ar otd; ironer, i ycar oid. TE to, boy. i room aoid brick kaga- tom buitt radio. TR 8-9408. crperietaled. Vogue Seauty Satoo, vicinity Moffat - Cumpbcttvîttc or- c-2-788 tom mtb attached garage, itaated r-2-78TO TR 8-2461. c-2-TOP ru. TU 8-2593. c-S-Tôt __________ -on main igkwuy targe e tccd 5-- Generai Session FOR SALE - S guod egistcred, tuodacapcd tt, coariptey decorot. WANTED-Wlitrut tawcn-kave WANTED - Part ime kctp toc arcreditcd. vacintcd Abrdeca cd, olaminua tucmuand douce iu- power momer. TR 8-4408 ai Ccc . Miton Dpootecrîna. Mot bave RncnroêBalon An goes, ed abîecd Weî tuttedporccbriiag, iaobhed ccc- ___ U -S-T56 kaowtedge of aemrng. Appty 358 Rsrs.Wt Braiýn, ta -99. c--TSI eationu oa._TR -9oo4. c-2:760- - Main St., Mitton. -S-Ti790 _____________ Notice ia kerekySgven hat Ctoe ______________ ___________ WANTED-Wiab Co juin crepoo, Court o! Ocnaruesso u fth~e FOR SALE-Austmn, 1954, uecood FOR SALE - Etmmood Cres i arîviai vicinity Yoogc - 40t, .30 WANTED-!dan for atcudy trav- Pcoce and ao the Couaty Court crrinoumcly, tom mitroge, top roororacbotyle brick bu oiMu...tcvingSp.m.iî5AnnecBtvd. ct amooa consumecu in Twai DEER LAKE ftanui merbunicot codition, ecettent wicibL-cbucdtcccing and nnngr-2-793 Eoueig ad prt Trafalgar. Pcr- CUT FDLO aperac, esnal. R8-83 ro, oer ichnwihbra-monentroncetion mth targe ParrSoudflistrict CUTOMLO opecoccauobc.T --643fastcou. noyalbîcboamctbbeak- WANTED - Huton Pouttey Pro- manufactucer. Duly rrtccbtc baril- wou iebc bed in the Court Hoane c-t-79 ,cr cfac rit, a ru3 haidu. ru -dueodreaesaintîvcand drased c i oniccu<ed. Vri' Ecilecgh's, onthe FOR SALE- Sutlicas iu,ciîid lady,'zuucillyccu.uccy c dc ceo uolley und truruagsCCum Dccc E-284-3l,4005.ccicucî, rocona Lde TOWN_0F MILTON ccccc huceclhhwi 'h ecet g:a ccc dcdùbacucen3 , feurlxcan dt'iu'g. Phone MitonTR 8-401.Meocîcc rc-2 -ON - --- ve__ pou -Fucelicut beme-cucecd mcdos MONDAY, JUNE 1, 1959 ioch. Cumpbettuilto DL 4O259. xated, loecu cheubu and treco. and dock icatheru' fcotbec tîk a Speîugmates, trfo cb c--7 eceinyard. TE 8-721 foc 0P- Higbcot p* e. W . l ru riHeip YvaflICd ina, aimmcog, beating,goued fLob- a et Iououcf 1tOt0 .m., DOSTO!( paRloîmeolnoftcc5p.m.; c-r--MoenZcner, 1i Croydon Rnad, Ctcon A Licenord Mechonir iug. Muadcru coneccec. mbcuJatenttcPr FORSAE-Rogrte $.:ccm-Curoueru, Constablms, Duotesanaod bination courS aod bcd. $3. ut- ________________Toranto. RUaneti 2-5133e Miton Appty TE -0473 ail olbereneorcerned are cequraird able toc cottage. Atororanmoerc, TR -9902. c-Cc-SOS RESU MOTOR SALES c.-- ta ake notice and attend to do and $3.t70Queo S. T 0-005 Fo D~s9 ANTD-Rlcc teHamttîo. Meteur - Mecy pectuem ail dutien mhicb appertaino ---- c-2-799 Thocadur aod Frdor, arrive 6030 TE20-2393 lu tbrm. FOR SALE -1050 Meceey 9- p.m.and teore 10.30 p.m.c Sauce- - ANRW W . FRASE, pasncrr ranch wauon.cutont FOR RENT -Oracle beda tee day, rre .30 a.m., trace 230 iclaeu Shrf'OfmMltnMy14 transmmien, percer braer ouregntlemeu. TIC 8-2161. c-2-779 m. Pbone TR -4070 aflere vl5eIaeocShetî a.Ntt sTEcigrai.w 0-0090. r-h-uneFOR RENT-2 rmuncs tee 3 corneip c-a-2-698 Help Wante TH869.u-7 enrlemcenc. 124 King SOc c-2-755 WANTED-Sod. 10 ce 15 acrus utEASY rouIr mib eue esde vr--- FOR SALEMaoheeoccuccctnlst ORENOral. 5r oued patere te pucrfer otnd. SALEOMAN ety ce trabcngrecela, ceaShbuo carouble teeur arenu and lawnse1FORRN ecae omMust be accecibte tu cacter- coroi. nu bacb-aba Atcuu $10. petecd delcueedîinMilto.eungarelw.udheut. garage. NEO4- tracter. ive phone numbe luTeu clluem anddaed cars.Dac- miot. Lew as$1.95. Setcctyur Aply Taugurer'e Meahecîm Fareor.9219. Beruacer n c-2-776 eply, au oel an tocation et taem. ancerd alaey teurgtman. Medir-uo. Mlton SplIa and Cycle. TE 8-9888. c-2-771 Write Boxa43, Cunadîan Champ- ut couuaace rand demensteatrou c-2-7.52 -_ - : FOR RENT - lcriuro S et iciun.c-t-2-68t ls. Pbc tngahe evea FOR ALE-Go(dousd w bh cuieter, oai tfeericee. PhoePbic - -pe srIaie FO SLEOudeed uihcuMilton rHydre, TR -2345. c-03-tt sprit and saecrdduptieuting ard CND mchaibne; .E. rrcor i caner, tube r ilApply CND Aphotecopyasevire ut Harria Stat- SEALED TENDERS addreeued uew; '54 Pontic, pecrfet haea' FOR RENT 6 O cimoduern l cey and Ottîce Supplires, 182 tce unodecaîgurd and enderurd turc outrage. Noeeoachl' etOe CASrHccain unt.curccudCîce THR- MuruOt retuard. Jrm Bell, TR 8-4481. 6707. c-1-713c FOR VOUE CAR Red votrSls__ e--37 TENDERS FORTH SUPV c-2-736 -- ~ ~« Meteor - Mecuey Acu accident? Let "ce body and 0F COAL COKE. FUEL OtLAD 1 O ET 6 hue tnhueSales TE 0-2293 pactubhp eeuice thai uberreoo PROPANE DAO FOR THE FR - FOR SALF-Breucequlice c a cc"'desrescccofiCxi iielir lxiouec- o e uc o Epetme ERAL BUILDINGS TERODOH tee skis. 'Racacceqa .$27 95; 00156. c-2-735 Miltonac-2 rale or cr.tExpgira Bille DUT THEEPROVINCE 0F ONT Mebir,$19.95. Th,'ac cr cc ul 0s11 -cc Acte Body, 203 Main, TE -2721 ARIO- mut bc receieud la the (ef yeu abouet20';. Crel Hacdcc',cî FOI RENT -S,1-runtie d 5- r00-fewic re ci ihe S.crecruiti3.00 P.. TE 8-6011, Milthîn. 2-739 celciuc-i.cuy di-cuciahu cf nioorS9n nmo fE.D.S.T>). TEURODAV, JURE 18, i __TE 0 974 ed - c-2-757 TrafaIlgar ' ~ ~REMOVAL SERVICE Fr- 1959. es ih peifc FOR SALE- Caiephil soiiehed FOR cENrjT ici-o01,cci 7 Dcd and crippiedtfarmunimaisc1 Fimnt iuder he and regicccedgofd8kclus odtni-c ei creir cee. cui5S;tz Cemnetery Board Aut cpçcriccicy foicyen c, dei l ero! le fora dordsa] n-int nbcotindfol ira,. "95;. :bagu $i.75i.CrsccSi.c-2-786 SFED1D REQUIRMEETS1AOttawmOnt. Hardare TH8-601. iltn. FEDIG Rercircle os or ad cli the Farceca Sied- FREE. srauit ctchn charge tue Garland Ruiding, Ocm.O FOR-741 d Aricciîcau ri.TE bth- Trafalgare LamaCemuiccy ce.Oui Hollywood Cucmciuev. A ianaaene uande Phone the DistictrManager.35Ye Hardware. TE 0-0011ndMîi c O E T 4icicc pi . r c 8-i icLECT Toreunto EMpirer3- Street,. Torontu.Onu,;the Distuicet 040 --iO Erir evrc cObere urdnair gua.auiced -cermnucy 33.GordnYoung Limaied. c-il ManoOýr. Dominio-cublaSSeBuild This Weekes Special OERiN ;ci cici cciii ictheu cdeercaurd ionc orcbetiie bhucb Oefl ir- <c Cermecicu DEAD0TOCK SERVICE tinn Manager Pesci00,cr Bud ,foo a ct sut r he- 2hduc ccsJoe1 . cccrîm- Sudeio il Cecncrlcs e tchu Hîghcri crînb prîcru hie ded ce ing, FortiWilliam, Ont 8-43c-" uprir and deliccry o et IM.dachid hurnea and cons. 01d Sec- Tenderre muer Sie made on en 195FORD t) e --ceOi uai ccE8-4 -2--.777 cys.c»Goopudceigrcnvuseed. fateisi grccieg lSecoftCecuniiec se6ccalb. Foreprompt service cafl pic<cd om pplied bythe De wah eustcieradio. harliR ENT -Nec.llacacluet Seeccicrtefi hs eîarccrclîec NithAmrceecacedcr Picidecis long diace andovbfueorZEnit ah ueucuacd in ocrerdance w avcec Thisriv h Scb i c i uh fr ny a luecir. i u ty eiy ac ;îaa ilaIhioffice outh, r 9-7950, Nuccerge uyen.chu conditiosuru rtinrh heccin. c--75 ec cay iiie ccîd rckedirdnccOntario. Hîh dcîicq STEVE PECORI. HARNON.T, crriu.aeiudru $200 dccc aed $701 u inf .T -33 2792 r,-,ay fteunyo rd ruc. oui rnîccr foiicr'reduvl adusivccre te-if Te ererc r ac enerrd. îuath aîiîcîecy r FulOel FOR tINT 4 pcc lalincc. Thei b sor y ted cesruh acetFre. ~, cii bîl8-e60ci43 iici-il2A-767 cî ccrc cuc eac ecme cril ..Chief ut Administraive Tc-ii cJ77 MES. J. SMART. Secerccy. Vicie fo uielli drticiet< C. L. Up- Deadstock Service Servcces and Succetary. $88.8 FOcacaoialfi,,h d Teafalgacr Crmrtrcy BoardDn.o uleWrs *~vocc 10 SENT cîaci it'hîd Trafalgar PO, Ontario.i c-2 cec Eutriuiciuc6092Ilupkins Arce. Wit pay up te $5 tuerbuoreuadDciePuccVb. b Secchiiece pruci. T -4< _________________ Pirur.Di54 î cowsma om ciftliving. Ottawa, Muy 29. 1950. b-48 TH8-45.Pc*brOn. -3 bi e racu thot eau motk, 4%cea _________ YORCO(EFR$90c- 1-696ro>c W .NrEDlbt. ut arm. VOUECHOCE OcO$ccc ci ENT Auuliri flCr YMINCIJSI» POLLAR» 19a0e MereicclbO-die.voitc' .c StecTr cireEmlovment Wanted T -05 cii TownCshipJ. of ix euuifMli HeIp Wanted EPDM1TA4TD -MLO BIKSOIL Nassagaweya * occEoNTSccii ii, ALE AND FEMALE NOcICcOF e-id iubrai 95 Occ 4cîci Cii ri-Wcu-e 0144, ('cnrxeicei-TE 8-9986. r-2-7M1a ha prtcionuofithc original road 0 1957 li:ilýi 2 dc diii iu.ucucui1uu cMPLOVMENT VANTED -nd u Stii i he Fouert ta7pircuh4-.'Flxi OR E lci-,sT o, cc-ucIci ici -'Empîoyment ancd Claims Ltt% illîibaby ,utorce fi cuo ir'f. TH E(C6L1C.ere ci 195o Mic, eh 2-docric i'n i i M 'dc, etii onhm hl oli T LTC CL B Cneso f h onhp o 955 Chue 2-dcîccîdciii .îuuc.ciic u-ci u-'tablb u- rut .ks R86f --9 Nas eartceir lima etwe euadtai 195577PIl<vcieth 2 dcccii' - c iTII -4435. --9 O fc ies - Insurance c1ce T -ia r277:Nucort e ya iyîvgofcteen theal Aur Sldînge iuc 1 lutanue h-ecru n Cuncessionn iR1954 Cher 4-dccct iiicuul R 0 1 EKT Fa. ii.ceCarmpel l 2919. - $3.7600 I le (1an or 4,an h 6 52uudso 'l' i -87 A r 0ci*, , Ttî 0 -2 rmlyen nuace L s n ouna oftherOcand Puce Cana. andPtc- ci theCordorutiOe on odieonu- iSS2Hîîdcucr 1. 108<a27 Aiand applicatueon foroUsîoedurmoctce2acou LostcaairsuM MER May p ..tSe1cr ueeihwocle adstopi Thîcucaîceun Su- claie , ara hc c în rcl sli olunpuchpnNraemyapoonuO "bin h-îiý1nucS4tcueetdbueo ,.1avd 2huS..Cl<5Coceso n chu t hetnetaiheTorniga Fut6 1., piy 0- Se Cci oc e. 'n ,cuR.uicc3n ceeuen.<iic anOca.t iit of ue o rcbal Thr- u3)hand mFo r n the i as AT.,JN th Twsi i Nucogiic-ya and tbe 15 '~- UN i sTlci-3c ovd Fuwe rlc. i <S ofu k &00 riotheciands rfith Ca riy cifiut stJ S¶ A80 uc radCmcirpanuy. u ac e «0ý*Theauucd Ey-luce udt bcrdeuit R DRPERIS N ANDYMAN SERVICE 'EIGMAHNS TV and RADIO SERVICE CecI-I ADStISSION F200 PER2 COUPLE suvrncthcc Tctla, n on- ýd CUSTOM MADEL LT N SINGER YOUR PESURE Tcceicudc riSe DiHall.Sucinter uidToSe- 37 DRAPES HANDYMAN SîVîfl MAC INES 1N TELEVISION VIEVIRD Ici rAd dîcemenc erialucrlu 0c nt4 Delct«c d te voue Scier cc-du SE'NING kÀruîkîr -- -cdcatieuuarfcefuhe lrkaof r-u S lfCiCDCC-I cedt-Sec-_ef ccir Ctceb a!_