- - - - -- - - - - 2The Canadien Champion, Thurdey, May 281h, i1959 Provincial Election Series: Even Greater Progrss I Editr'a Note: With the provincial eleatoteteceaîng Up 0on Thursday, Jue IltU. thistepper bua oftered an equl aiount o psea for eaeh et the peiticat eandlate ton»Y whatlhe tlkes &bout ie party'là potiey ad eauossil perttito bi ltt;lseC<:5é01vand lhe provIne le gillerai. W beglo thîn wPee a lb tIhe conributions of Mr. Clan Hait. M.P.P., for tIhe Ceoser. vaive Party. Next usait we exi- pert te carry artlés fbei the aitler two eMidaiCe. by Stan HllI, M.P.P. Ladies and gentlemen, tlnlaa pillai re fer me tu ave the op- portsantty of bringilaf tu yaa the dnrrtapmeals and expansions flo te Cotinty af Haton foc thelat tes yers. Haltton Coaanty lt one of thse five smatest caustirs in the province yetwe are oneaofthe alaraet deIe- opief coarticsa nd me are ah lbtthron liglt asredr teriest pPro sgrsvepool) sîttî,l sq. fi.ofa ay cantyinthetarar ders i le utureOeviltlflt real Ince.ther saward tatther h ac cintIse Marié Expnsieonu h rgesv Cnevtv l Thse itîcras f HattasaCeu r arery iadutriuacand proresia pepe trsIlt has bacc by tli n Progressve Cocervative roi-H ait School Rt lonLoIi M Fiit.tahs D issolut o made fahosae rdeîavusa r me ruer Nom t soccd tîhe to givs.3cc ai tîtte otthe capacions of the s Re t d The ppulation f the oit f70frras 7.0 m rdas Hattn ita1947 waca34,180. ia 1958 act $2.350 frte sca clhîcc y rear ppuation ca WI,232-:iaccst .530 Milsio up tîsrcratmsscccThc issccacîcct cia, ,,ttee re Ou" .SmnI fiet-r ll i î,lsccccin p,,cScthvir adotionSlotshi. 159 1947 %as: t24.Gtl2.tIffs. ic 1958 ali, tîatîcî clalie ha ssint b -I.,, an assiet wccc 5379.994 <îacc the hy-tcc c- t. , - peaaidfe seven o ct mclng.Theto,-tal. Edoccitîîional Bdget.Our accroc- îa,csrnt haî spad $30miîlion. nieattacura i scat aroaer . m $153.972.16 inla 5115,, Stc4. in 1947 c-cc $275.3t87.37. ina1958 oui-r,059,189 i tORO 628710 .ithc BcIlt Tclcph ,Ci , cil otso c New Unertakst.ge cad caccrîlaca 115,00 sqale- Ncîc. tadic, ccd gentltcmen. iaetctfrac, lot . ccacsiaon . is wouldLke t) prelintNevot Il, accl 1 1colt S - SîOt Tho gracts tat crc garahby the e paîcîcais prt5, zcit cuiy 'c.r partmenet f Educctitqi daaîcg teUs'1aclltlcrolsrs-.c tat tac ocars. tn 947-$7.022. ia 93.000 fee Hospital 98 the tract cas hatscccatIi-,,Scc,and isali-renacca 5,1 cu and thece miltlion. îîidgr ccc accîcîad tcet r1hi Mil Darin har Irn arscao cactln Distaict Hosptal,.îI.Sîîi.,itîrcSit mare,,astatiînhlav bacch-sco-. t0t0 A g, aco (f $ll100 was .11 al tucted la the Couîîty (if Hatas iî.ri-cd fîlr tc-he ,îatiîîa i, é, Wr h ave one f the itras Homsra cl ascai fîîr the Agsd ia the province. This The Hý,lît<nutîîvaîlîltc icî a yarwearerraddiat 139 marc ror, ral aesc-:«schat sciwai' aýk- a chapoti adenata5ditriu.la t at0îh,stleO, at yeîaîî,îyîc ,e1.t utpact $500.900. Wc hae acnehîspitat at Oak- rtîasîîla vile, hnacn a h aaîi a- Esîcîc(ca:i- RocSmaih c-cain aiaîîctcd a îshtaî*Hostpitalt Bio MsaratHapta. the rrhtrrts tfor a eenic, B at Hosaeital.Tha ctîcens cfl -,, Wort, t,, oit hîîîîrî- Burtiagasîs are ia her curse cf Palse A canots buildna targerhaapitathasswasa Acccatsatcpîîrîîasd iactîîîct :ag the Jsepth Banat Micnnol HîaPl- rcîîttîrcand rîstîîrsstiî,o52 la. .asssa 170 . $262 hîî,4 asiaspîtal < $r7446; cIty * l s.Th cl-tiznsofthetw fMl n 1306;,cjnyriai$7 tBnanditMrictîreîbuildingtat fne:6o6:;fiaceBas-optaiat h talla. cia-11a blscrar $ as1 414..7;0.050g ail th Mltan tos cat Hospitlles th car89,4 ailsheatha Cac(Sf t Hattîî ,as wlto, lwt 8-6954 sorda hîîî,tflîbord Oc tSslt t ti th eat c itfcas .sitso ajsh.CltCa inth open hewo rotmaîr grpat fmthe nar Hosiaal.a a HSevcs, to lasnentccdh2g000 ittoer~ rilaad b rci e a ana ofac-aa t se aul0A '$60he Brtsý i fgtaShlio-ac TWIe forI Ie Ac-at peatîsnr icerf ndritO-rt ______________ cienwfltllttheCasetcrf tas Flod Cohtrol 5Sjrvéy Disirict Boerd Milton, (ýanpbelIviIIe, Moffat Aoked fer 'ro*,il Croekti Nemem M. Haza Cancer Campaign Brings $1940 i.a Ljtus Constitd f ses Pu#oitii ta gué teartoente-ed. fIO.U.A. play.- FineSl elptsfac thse Mitona, kepî Jon pnrchaee ni sinir Lies Aheod e~~d. He dold 25 per cent.. siraau e#t tioWsls Blo fer *ueahéeti e -Prin pi amptbeltlîle and MdIaI cavese itecare, ctinis adeuctoa tIse thotl, fdl-$ltimI. i4tfatoa Hil'sSthant District foc the Cnadien detnner Society aida fac the oenil. vica oennn hthswr. Pvteg Price Up dosnelal: ordmtIs nGoreow ntotaîteai $1940., cameaifa cliairman - - edhndi 'adwthte citzn EniiseecaGale and Staccie Lad. $ Aaked tIeseolaicitor ta begin Tocadar, . .nirmcd the appoint- The lltt a epp9 er cenî ahborvetIsye * Hf1.tnCut nti ra ex- -noted ah dditidniOai 9Sle ot 42,61t mk an thse extensionaof Po may mentaof Mishael Hao as acing vice objnctive sea fortais 3ear'sannoat o rité K cason h the MiI Si. poaslng behOOâèso tit Drice avec athe ceeek. principal tethSe Mlton HigO Schoat1 campaign.Co m re Ladies and gentemen, t han been borings lad saowns et on Use lamea *BRe-hased hcd e Victoria Park an Septetce. $ 5 6 T n e fracS hîssîr for nie toreapreens:S asd of tIestreet mhlch houllt be îîcobtcm when Beeve B. C. Can- C'.aaîra M. Id. Cales rrps:rîed Be peaieed thse caveesere allé$ 54In e iivh aep-rv.c.icc î,euplr and seh dîg ta adepth of 18 IncIses and e- hiaghces anssiîosced tIse ceataph on hiorecëritaltendoseet acoca ns andtrughtingaltem- TIe IlnAe reCOttte r -.1,.tc .allI15caltl1 M iî. Csîuaileîtmwhpays haiftIhe -otistd nat have ta tibmed acd ,c- ilt.a ,1 Ii:t 9-Iîlîî aistîleni-ct" cliiinssîctitOc esicamisnp- T112 rader a<$I'I4attife 1 ialtri, and notaIesîdt,:- lia, thea -d ted-ud- 1-sslv,îîttî isi--îîsî t sdscaa tenderoli cliotf SferO 'die (a fth oi apov tea- lire - aî- vlc,,sl:,flSsîc aa 'sclacatpignitss rtlSy ofnms-Oa umn ifa- Ise aclsîaslo.aiiîlSlill t buffing.t - .picîîîlîlî -agiciîS yisla c-attMacy taigrida nt a saettigîcastmrck. acaihai.tc-a d-eidad ta caliitheIs tay Enpeses lacaapî-d li tIs he cis. gsip ceadStrtaec o ~ ity a a Ieac pi eu e c ols-dfî et.tamIanaudilora tai dirti s e Iigt Ags-ecd ta pay enpentrsof Accaunis toI liiîg $27.369 mccc lma so Ipsee ,îro cf 'tr rsawCeî 9. ensfut blaide . wste tasm -magaiaonashadln os sts choci debelalare repàymentein oeeaa board membeca mhc are ra - apirîveaifor paymcit. TIse eaaneaereen torned op a The commlîlee aiea0t!eMlebnetded paSbmtasa lshiina hefsre tIse dif- relation ta dseontnine UseeItorthhvellingta b sItaiss ecreaittacîîsmii- hesrelory C0. . Bsomsrem:ndeai coopte cf cancer canses mlere the e lns!-.lttitn anf h»0wiiat iks t ferrrt depastmcnsaoaIthecroi- Hatan High Schoot district board, tee data. mambero s ie receiliy solamitteailoceaiunit cotsid be oI services ith t le lie-. lkl »e h c lui goucci-irst. iss tIsaItay itfishoutrseil reerd dectatan on tIse à Appatsted Mss. Auîdrey Bruas cignatian c-on ta Iave oc-a gicen tranapsîtatinandadtiser farars. on he ampeeuso Itllto aiîiîasbis- ocf grat stisfion tala board break-up osit a North Ha- dcputy eicrk-trs*-eOOr, effectivae Ssn .îscîer cishaderattan i thia meet- Cift rrr aa$It.e asi t, ria îs aacc ati-m n tursah destld meeting sent Tosday. sg Wt ih<esic siaeial as o prtion cf thse compaigs airea mop, andIagreed te ebis te, ycliir as slema1. mtek. 0* Beed ah e anua gre oe-- sOcSil thse aditrict masta disosître eceipta iii Ise tarrd ovreta the ps-Sera as povinse lie pesipeety in An ltotir oleb Abiéit" ment aSIslIste Onario Provincial icmisdrcontiuerta thes-nd.f If oaatiaassciatin, scemwiiîbr front of thetire hall. Ladie-s anal genttemen, Il hbhem A Nc rontra stePlaning board piailerfor pîlicisg of the tac-n. Oc duc rl ris-I eac tnu slb_________ a ra rîJg ndhnrfo ne'otlbd tuelBtli hein Il usend go Hvtdtisp*a moicnta ram Tosîa- miis-d rt lîrsinacllaiisniefetivne ___________________________________ tuceirsein t yoo en paac Ps-gre- estaitid<5105 0510011woald taelle onla Tomarhip asting a gaversimeot Aiîiisot 1. ,ive Ct saacslr tae oesmrrela in PlgnnlilIl edMttttl t P. AltO Oea- peliiono 1r belles- aid agle penasions.- tils P-in ice oSit sasio. fI you eecresareport a!. blatyéric. 1'taî ce- Beevc Cunninghama is ta report. i E cc Y, oeun ead tePast dseasaged anpir ties on Apprese Poyesent- B R 1 E F S - - r otad iqgarera- iîsnegallon,, cid cacuelîttr Charles a Pasneai tbc.oeacaoîînta Tsspaarfîe tGat- oniJoursivistih ti iicgî.e#aCi.nlla ilSara Partes. ecrealasa.........$ 3998 o aîisest ek ruiner]$400f -oaIsh susr piv Pge il nsrecata the sddd tbIt thse PSaien, sheadis- ire, Lighi. Palire . lSoi Trefîgee - Haaisenîsonty roadsacl part- fbi-t ofsi sabilty. ssinbe fitsusrcsllgafg ars algaMeîias Waaëremac-ks 3 a i c sheins-a th Ie Plt. -plan lotIs cdtali onlIy lent -eet, Se es, - lacIsiv aîsîî- lever 1-aeta atn te t t esrebt. vaPrapes-tira, Cavsivgrss-s 544 t, îlt: vlisc icaventica burs- -Tharela clebxlst rce ena. efaePîaisng ...... f 6.1auIis îolreiady aiS mîscIn laus ~ VI51 - OBITUANTTcneshmninîuta l et ireets, Walks ........ . 3.43 1letî h ie raiili î- r -tîsîa c-aah __la__thbbcletîe thal rio acton old Finanvc ...... 2532.i09tacai Ji e lea. Ctsoncilinpanninsghaard DyIi ' r.Alice O krinrpeinaie otridte Bu ried at Evergreen korai nathing etnal thee bItes-.- \Alirc oisiasteyi GrIser- A lcter fs-dm iAIdas lInida. MILTON > y MILTON if Mitona. di-l May 21 aI Hal- Guaelph b Olitr, tinîsarmed canavît- i-siri Cs-sîla-a.tMansîs- folowing a toarts-in Nelly and Atanr Htg 5- _______Modern 1c-leng tns-5 tns sous cais euIng for ttec ctrIc-s WEI - THURS. - FRI. - SAT. MAY 27 - tO - 29- 1 Fur Storage cI rs- crmna, ile oîtihe tlcna'sf $300 each. poid focrIsildng pr. ROSALINtt3 RUSSELtL ins 1). t: tI3ats-rc-s.rame taeCanar- mlle onden a hy-law w mthe leie ri. Mrs. ArIsis-Armstronag Sodlintr K. Y.Dict expiase il- "A U N TI 1E M A M EF s-i Miltons. IIîs-ce R. ut lana by-lia mas sol qsaahed bhta aIN c LOR ANI)CINFMASCOI'E AISULT - itasfgadn he ais o' cs,îss soEsfaîti sirce a tepysaa he cmas Sbem SIarir8.30 pm. Adelta Adulssien75e Proecthe êbeauty of pour fs matuniaihertees.t apirtSPECIAL KIDDIES 57000E MATINEES a thp,baids am fren folvlB. A Nvrias-sodueiedltte A lassa. msîsds cter fs-smthe %AI MAY i0 ATt12 OON ANIiIM iîîivice unMa 29ai the Dpelrsti of PlaningadoDe- lMNt cii bisiiSos, Lsd uchape.Mit- veisprruna. enplaninng Use pramcs.s-ýSTOECOEtE A tn.t.:iclat-rriîast Il Ea-îIsaî-v Sss1 uapoig a suhdirii,iaiotan, .î5- TiiaGiî.îi IS- uslsecihist ut-e lîary cî î la rsttîc ils tOc durithlifter- her;ln al-.Mu ii Aelsc , iqî-s-y aoît mIssichange- r] -CRTON 4UDE OJONROOF AND SUPERVISION. ii îlIlsc . a-ssalstiii-issa a-IrtitianleSs anta Admision ChittInen MOcAdella 6eEsmaeginfrcpai Coewe -, alîi lî.-si-. a D,îa i til1a tas-ithuits-ette, sideseppecd tie ____Estimâtes____________________for____________________ -i j s~ls. rcmî-d uciseiir Wîtsa. <'tMINf - ALL NEXT WIiEK - JU1 6 1I- Cîîîîaci diii crute cgan.WAtT ISNEY S snd rastyltng ty -itenialApproee aît Grat il-I$2I. . Etîit o ti. îîai.i $100OS fsast man approresi for lIse "TlHE SHAGGY DOG" P O E N W - R894 l. :I:cto p-il Iviîrs1acd.Icboalîsbi. and s;secnd -lbFRI)iSMii SiiURItAYPH N OTR89 4 Il- ri $;;7ili 40, re ti s-s- fosi ravIsin f thace ttte ira- dute73 < lîdren 25e ut sîl limes;for Ibis performsance WOOLAND PHOTO( TE.1 PORTRAITS P1; WEDDINGS AM 7.- IN DUSTi re lv ity &DAVISON 3RAPHERS 8-6669 NID BANQUETS RIAL Solve your gifi problems this easy way wifh APLINCS KENWOOD BLANKETS NEEbMOREJOIN THÉ KENWOOD CLUB OUTLETS - Att yoo do is choase ltse drnamy Keamaad colar paa * For saletys sako c-oct, make a smatl depasit, tbea menk by meeIs match vonvasaseve, toc0 tise balance dwiadte 11tIsashelankets are yacra. Wbether yoo're saltectvg a troussau oar mis la boy - taaly ah-osai Keamooda for yor Iome or fon gifla, pioggisg a nsatenra!I apptiancee Inta onse S thIs by-tbe-meek plan is dnigaed for your caaveniene. asatet ls lotI skag for atibe. DsI svre- Drop itlaCampbella Deparîmeal Sore forc sacplein Iad tie way. Choose the spatse mteytod informatian and joie nom. As litle as $1 daman and $1 a te additiassal olleta. TIes hae or ieras- mcsmi odya cnIe cd 1elliigo nsSasl tems afely, neatliy.w e ilh dyorbakt Ttc mrk la guarasiced, tIse pie mandeal. MçIIL ILCTIC CAM PBELLS lle a ,o. oiiai roîoion DEPARTMEN1 STORE 228 Main St. Milton TR 8-6021 Alnwst -an ything goes into this oneae Ttc Vaashail Eolalc Wagon is a onderfol sniclc -...- ertrse it caros emocb mos-c for se lfle aid lokseaoood doing t Anai the rear set talaislIat la gian you caîn marc Icading space. Pile la pour lIgagRe ...Vaiaol juI beepa alai a amy. Ttcrecs wondcrful qotilp teres Iota ... po saa sec it in ttec nasale. snaigh-lhs-ogt lines . . . poacan fcel itin the maythetcVicor bondies. Vuxa aîlts tte important bnacb of comtinisg a fine-c nîtyifle titspent engineering. Sec tte Vicor Ptate Wagon aI yoor locai Vaunhoît dealers -so1 AND ALL THESE EXRAS AT NO EXTRA COST * S TEERINO COLOMN aSANDARD GEAO SHIFT . 5-acElsn 1105-aTALL ELECnTRC WINDSHIELD stIPERS - lOESH AIR H lATER ANS DEFROSTER. FOUR Wisc-amîhoîNo DOOS. laVE PASSE110ERtOMs-aRT.- PANOnAMIC VISI.O P 7040 M ILES PER GALLON . SPRAY ItSUAaToDcAGAINST naUMcc AND ROOD NatS. -LEVEI RIDE aaesUSPEaSIÙ- .SPORTS CAR HANOLIN . CaOAST-TO-COAST GM SERVICE. SERVICE E6E9ItUIL OK TUE eOfO Olsn R011IS05 NOlNU- -MILTON MOTOR SALES LIMITED Milton~ Ontario Phone TY. 8-2355. a