Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 14 May 1959, p. 7

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NEW MASSEYFRGUSON di tracîor parchaed fcMs Milton Mileg Co, Lis., local dealer, wss fscned 00cr 60 the Towte of Milton this weeit: Town works foroman Bruce McKerr, seaiesi on ibis 48 HP. tractor, seceptu the keys trom the managerorf tlie Massey-Perguson Division, Rudly Arbeite, sundassistant Glbert Wrigglesworth. Tise versatile anit lu equippesi ih $ide ead r ru mowitr foc summer grass andsiecu oîing, and ii bu mooted ilh s snow blaser ne nlhe witer, - (s'dsertlement) d~fTONSAL ACI~SÂ~- - -Quebec Ctulture, 'Convention R~à~ Amedte. adlnlet NSHIP OPTRAFALGAR irIU.lnOa.early ew ModernFmtr ËeO! Nesehsflictoct>' nu Fueullure By-Law No. 1959-41 Hospital Canvass are Topics Rte..PrARU lIO gAle rdi nltlg ffOst;n ,Fhent'pc oudiso Culture" ws AsPresent incloding the Standard The qrpety uf the 4 hrhl r0crt ere f tire hostriplechusenfou, lise ,ddrss feures ouho aloug ails 98 thero 47 Chorctili CronRIl, eorge- HRP ')e Cooscil outasÈvnu iy Mes a.inus ai !ho Apri ut esd the standa rd ln the peu- ti,,lth lla, ESierSIng, ltuCmpltcotetMunicipal Crporation mu>' pari a metnsg of tise Jo hoMiltson Chap.- r.-siluau sIhe upro ug erremnles. Lut 1. 101 lin', Esumtn, ud-Cumuete8cntena 6ol-coom hy-owIs10o robibit sud reguate, r D oinlslg thse TomsnaofGeeurtomo, hoase. aitýpructicQlly ucw. is' la Ismesdasget, IODE ru. Rsshh:ss, Who lisaitTwoa ow mucuiero, Mes. G. Hume ou ?lsedy Evenlag, May 21. or tiring of tireworhs mihln lis 'uevi.uooy tuugusi tise Fen ouc uand Mes . 'u. i retise affirma- SATUDAT MA iBit .30shap. e imît~ autotstnColîrce io M areul, sas tonu(ifs! llecluner oand igord tise AIM.tO MAYunt.D.T.At 6.30 sPIAS il taus hem mcli crored on tis subauls and osltan!dsuer eleumu! isututire NO éseve e frm s sld. Thisisaancoxtra ood lto!0drim.uddiale tepriss sucisa uroere u trm s ,l! lurustur and ecan. Jouit mitis lhe muuuy dîllerni cri- u'huuuulr. FRANK POtTCH. TR 7-284, TERMS: CASH. hy-lam fue thr satety utfriildeen tuuus ru ut e Puple inQuell,'Mis. (""'uluuuuduuru'uurciucudrul Iwo'un- JACK ELLIDIT. TII 8-9233. FR N E II utovr an iutofteT wsiofTa W - di rIl. ,lt ..... a'h i __________corne____1,46__1,413__ NIW TIERFEOilS THIE ('OIN- 'l in U upilr .D "- CIH, IF 'l'îE CORIPORATION OFl "u.ksjuClu i "' al-uu'ur i r ti,"" uu.'uuu iuuu lu, THIE 'TOWNSHIIP OF 'ISRAFAL- GE A AR IIEREBY ENAC'TS AS FOL.- ul'l"u'usl' n thé I,s' .uluutireiuiu...uud lu,' ururou AUCTION SALE GLPusuat tritise prnvisions of i,ict liîîussîil:ruîasut usklohroli-tiu ilh tWouuu lu _________________________:11111 111, Srse lOiiiS 37 ' u l 's',1 s Il, ulu, ,,, u,'l.i uu(*uYuyTI uur déAce tet tei37A. a7Beouthue Municipal Act RfS riorsutus hs'ip urîlu a houu'uu oreu ' 'un lu'iu lusr iiuuir lisuasu'te, 0 1 '1 3 R l i lird a ue r d l t e s e n e r a i S e s i S o n l . 1 9 5 0 a n d a m e u di m e n t s t h o e r l u , ' st s uci a I o f M uy . S ' u n., . i b'u ' u ol l u ' i l O s hv j l u ' . T h , u ' V e r, - i r- Jere, itcali sdey s 1- . INTERPRETATION sfrd shu'uu sviur ur u 'anad the Sueur i> -b t Jfle-esy Coutv ut Halton "lIRiEWOSKS" uhol muan ansi (.'seiedSt5andard ,u riuu l t'ul i i os .uuiu îs rs'uso thé, - 3~0 Wi inciode sny comhustibsle osr eu- Aeuesrr-tr uuehai-(lSu Tise propeety of Not~iceis ereby iveas that the plouiive cusmposition,tor uoysusb- Acnierptitehg C. W. COUPLAND Cut fGénéraliSessos of the auor anyc cumiinatiun aI salis- luglls outhle 39:101, uusuusu'.ioer sou Prment Csp lue cHuit Parusi, ut 12,fth lise Poséue and aita the Coosty Court stances, or article irepared flue t , uePu uuuircil('husl11u',Iurgur,l "(lie sre r uo he musulîs ser ChCisinuus>. quarter sole NEari oattiesaasd .upsse ai pruduuiug a viisie n sus adcol No à,l(No. 7 Hsgis ey, on COUNTY 0F IIALTON aduil' efleriisecambisî )yun unMes. 1T. A.Ilusîrusu. 5, uu'iuIui 9 i.' 'y5t irser i e oru rs- TUER ATMAI'5pa mi lb elist!in tise Cool House pîîino. dfiogralion or detusnassuu lisuds'si thé,usuu urlus s ai Ou-dé uu-uu ho ' I' ic F turizu At 2 onelocis, D.S.T., the Islusu- in tse and uhallio rude isiasaiscatrîdgers suieo. Fur su' h r "'u' u-, 'uur S luuu r uesssuulu' d iu'ud rite Hla- ing: T W O MLO tuy pissusis. ta>'canoso ô isua tesuMuueF'uui sd i TONOuITN gn su hucisexplosives ailéoued - Onurssîiîsr oMursic ande huui ,7somme feesis. several bt ie ON - the type,fa i mlerons es icis ce- ftssintn to tage1 hédelirsh !fo aI;MONDAY, JUN! 1, 1959 usure iseodeeneutis lu ppepl BMiPSrufi. B Illhusscb!iurus'sssrd uo Oyuunes-ieiîer. On fsueureceacisers tuiepeduens, oh>- B.uiasins, r. iDyer tuuurs'.s-d u'i rî. slsssî h , sJsîoh This luun outstunding hume authlie houe IIt of10am Su.T., fr etsoSsmacaudilesand5! un),ufiluu Cu brediserd ever>' animal aised on hicis ail Justices outhlie Pnace. furesuusncsntinsng enpoasoru Married Chaflier anîd wunsuu thé thse fortin. Good sires of popoîaciCoronlers. Cansauises, Galersands or fiammasise compatsrdi or ans rrid t iac .1 M. 1iesrru Guuuls'-3 chusse hisar ises bave aiways ieen uoed a l les coscerned are reiusotd tailletu au-otise déviés coutusnnioj Silsurdas. Mur 2 us (Su.rriAuur- Theu Frisuu seru'tuuy. Mus . I oud ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t antsrsb iepn er ataisenotiee and attend tus do andi aocrplosoesubsuhtance,. xeupt ie ' i ltus,îu'lr u (uuusu hus uui'sluessr u Ssi'acnreatted snce 1u35. Ê ery ierlarsu ail dusies wmisselappulia t!f is su fesuun IItosu irus (suu, suIsV sulo' os- i'.usu lss'rsululs i -hl"lis if aFnk..tate.ca ten ieok hlnuin bherd postvél et>l'riig, ahs.ANOREWW.Cm alo. e paser caps coimainng not .uPoelunuuaflitso.sudWil 5t5 us'Royaissl's a Mr. Couslad is oing 0o1ui fW .FRNu'e osofa aeaesftwny.nelaknso stnai usol:i, Ue astiso bsiness. o ierî,C.li o. i ue husdedîls osf aOcrais af ex- u'u D' sof Mi.. ss1lmso uuuulu sua. u uoe Milkiug.machsine, *uSiseestîs Oer ff ure.Miton, May E psuu aotn pc r.. ad Iu> '. 14. -uut 119 (Ptmlsgsuadtsces e tei s r eul Mui il(îul "sr"' u. ' se r nbuO e l',r , .Fsuisi' militer, ms0h pipin ufr 7 co s. ptoc . ose u ne aps, tise salevicod ia'as D e r r 'isli na- i Wuuid A peuus sod susu FATERMSu CASH. ONDES AND BY VISTUE 0F aaurofo iss.8e h a,,p9 h e ps'sleda dlu for Su sîed rt ulss andrssssril e ruluelsussls, ud apuuis FNK PETCHAsstioneer, Wssi af Eseution isse ,sî l'i ues. T ii doro stpecaisuhul 'orth tluer,doon -oel-tu TGeopgene TII 7-1064. lise Supeme Courstusf Ontario and tise use out isesgoa starter eus ,and MsA. edsush sas sss'SSssus. Ce ha. . ,. Sur.ti, s.g_ Geuge arseClri b-t45-2 ieaessg date tise l4tis Junury .9i8 u doeng a as' ce f rosopetuios. TOe bride suure a flusîl rugt is .uuuiuy. i niensssul asd oieg _______________________andu!file! on tise lOIs Jausoe'Pa SNriaiy. eur s lteum.iodessr Cus-S'5'r i 198. uiel eso Oszere Serger eas auESO 's haun lde pr e mo iros wh>'ite SSrursutsc tised h an -,sd '1 uu ussu'uuetc. uu u 'us WHITE ELEPHANT PioStfad Ann ros s Dj- morne sud upuuSisu-. rsn, iisheuuersirTriuslolusMMMouuspslhs AUCIONSAL ta exécuiuon un!dmil aller t',.2. TRAT uns poreioushallsîsuplu>'. usueltuf syluss nul masemîsbouantd! i, MeMs'sîa.O.ste, uudruoru ti AUCTION SALE sa le b> Publiue Autias ut my O;- offerre aleusî. sueoit i ursusiks skito yo e iseihiid125de.i fice in heuCouîrt Bouse. u'inîte, v'sthun tise uurpuruîr limas ssté i thuu lacSerpas.'isuOad apliqur,.o Aut( isrsusi isrthéus .'uul s'd hs'.suuu 0f Mîsenen ust 5ters or PFoiai- Toasn aI Miltusu. 0 in s., Csussl9 t ' f Towshpoufuu ul 'i flgar eue'55 Se.- ' sarI crou muitis rystal dul '-'ssssu5 'u ulIiniuur 5 r, h lu are. BSusandsu Rhe s e, Haltu. (us Muuda>'. tise P5h you, 'stvonrssDuys 1ilususu tu liseh, .siul. urus r heu shus sIe r lvnghs 1is- 1.5. Jouse 195s9. tri tse h isSruSlf' 200uo uuk,,w sV itrs,s- Dau usth'e s rée l i.Sie su'isd tcscadeSul'iu 5 uuîMo'f,~0 Atthseri luuh su is trsuus.il. é uI,,- lVuctosui Onu'Husiday, .ANI Ss'uru A ltAc uriul Hall. 1ruchl. tule. utereot ra iesuA îu usf' Dues puui, .u , nisuluiSy h uul ss'151 'o rses Shi's"l'as Mus MNuu'uss. r'srsuus' u. PRIDAY, MAY 22 I rdemptio aIAnnsa Bu us 1inand urusmin o Dii. dol>' I-t.o D . ienini a r h y sl uuhfthr nu,",blr', ul iu, sl ad hslîed' un a» At 7 pm rbtheols ouitug tands:].-ini OseD y i-luulday, Iuiy 155s u IitBrailer G(3es na n w.s ' u té, usush' il sirýs.u ( i seh Amunq u tie w5cm'. h-ina roessi 'Acl oi Stract sfîund nd i 11.eu3. suulu,1,;u r, , arl s sIi s, uî u ulil Ausiisus-Ose',s iers taile; fressace o eu-en 3x42 4- ',e s S ui.l 5551 g aussing i, ,, tiO rir'luthusdu ~ ( ssi, Fuausn .-'usr u i su'lu' :. s cuuuiit, Il , ..-Mili~ isarne eleler c stîuu' .~s, isuh ar: Touusi,u al rllnga a, 55eS- s'lil 551' erur blui,, s lu sr-s "sds lrs'u uru is'sîuu ,uu' su uu l rul luu i îu riac;euarpseIsgdea.uoCurt HuIt,ofuh5ua sin 4. iHATi,, I)ssusushalduois- etoisdiu',surid:iusr, 1,,,uliaitoeusu ruAl i reis;s peunaru mussuessesu euse! ualLut Ns, au, u 1ru cha s r gelur-,sofuIf ros' fuse mecs sclae", su "l' ocutf Izn r-dusursn -lRi' ,. ýtho heI uIor hT w si 0 irOl e use ho Cuuun ut 1 - -! o Taesl, ecet h lue! O t bu hu iusuulî he . ', 'su iu M'. 1 I'Ju, iî,u, -uu scA aees.hu s uueesîn uuél iuré, and >2u" i 1 0'. '5' l" hil,îs Keith MuMuIiun.,'. "î'Mu W Sils.uiuA ui-suîu sesn- racku mlso.lIaneuuus dshuru On thé,' irouerlO' sslttI, ay n th ctr* a ehtv 1 Ifheb de .; table lumps, kisieien chiu lar îs rus! rauleilua'isuisotou rlî,' iuruuîu hos,'lwe .iIlîî iuuutis-hîOs'o., urur mowere; lubs; éruai oi ourerluro-uOuossuo i.y.Iuu î Conl u, 'uaa ,'ussI i, (astelder 'ateelsa lue houe!; an! mao uher r useu TERMS: CASH. mniulu oDe idIsa uruil,ï';ssi, s OuiuuuIuuuî rer h ', , ushe .u, oiuf.uu 'Iî.,iu-u sua s mentuun. usl Hlsuss. liu 2M0 duv r u pua- rur uvsuouauIcu~lls sssuliifrîl uuîu' th.u' Né',, o i sr, I ul -il uuu". r.. JACELLIOT ÀOeIneu usr. 1959.al lue Curo,uu-i i f th ld hlel i ,î i Shs bus.oui' Sr, uuf, uusu". uusu Sale 9)osnor-d y 5- en ANOREW W.PRANK iT,orsçi usofulTraalgar milu rus leeuuo uhe.uualuu u- us.usuuuu l uu'tîu Cliof St. PuI's U itre ,,hrui iseff usslrH îsu -- cluul ed 'sutsith S Se an d ssi k' a susr(--isisi ruusulu, e-SICuJO~ '~Asuuu,.su,,ss.Amuoi.iessrcsDanuuiugsanhuhu-alhh(iuf uu. iP,hs urnd uihu'ra.ussul,uu,,ssur le bruie flsiwsmd lthre rvcîuluuuo o t r r TOWNSHIP 0E TRAFALGAR ousfnlvtlaIpie lee s u-rtiat ud,'!sur rruu FoI sr ste seddusg trusurusu lu,,0- AUCTION SALE N Q T 1 C E t lih, 05 pelu ,'n mthiso ý udMiivlteb li i 'lu7uIa I.înlinsuîsu'"ý. ur lon l tuuu uuuk s-nus-mll 0F PURNITURE --iîu',l a ur iulsus-pielacin saiés, O I lutatesfrrm 6. A lloysuî To ME onll>'pitcaRsiann l'a inssrh peessul -im al.sg Ci,. 1t. M nFRUIT AND GI9 Tosi Ypbi uto ihsONfARIO tit'irîe 'luio forP,,fice a u t ir .- Gfi t as luS residence. 75 Madro r Lune. Mi-EXECUTIVE COUNCIL OFFICE. .uuul îiriir'. us l luu her"" uturtotM" ton. 20yards SE. oflLégonHal7 AI 11sPlr to'sstut e umo1éurIliu1 us- uurturuoaBernumh dnciaina' "l"usuuiail-( SATURDAY, MAY 3.199Smo pu ue! 5by Hus Honsue th ise ualu- hei nl siss ehsd ts su ha -n Pî.uuîuualiuérdau-ilo Mo Ata sirs O. hutiîur-anl-Govruusudtu! the 7tuSuan ut ho-utbi e flts!s-i ORANGES - - lue, Muy. AD.,159. umu is, eir h'îl u te tl shoa fuuI paruu tv u. Alý: 24 Chestereld assi ht, -l Upun therermm eouiausnuf the _11-1m.uîulu e hs-els rd rif iti,1 , W ýs n, i t ;r chairs, nemi uholsteed fauncy uu. se' , Ih'Mlnsturt ,iu- Isuîeslrîu,,-',r Iuuuuuusr'u.l uu.u-u-2111. table as!dushu 2 tiurl 'tusurse- irupol Afhuuss. tise Cuuomt'-'uu if surng =d.wInt iingrouc teCoouriadvsieurhaî ouuisullu' t u,8.Any psoncuuuisivsofuauviolsat _New_________ 9 xesintUciaseut ion 8aIfThe 0taOnlruMunie -lienu'If ttiisu E-r1' a' l isui ousîuu ____________-e Ptte cabinet.* hafet us! 6 ehar o r l~ uard0 Art, a'suace'.!un-eut- '.setussuîleau1h u, h u slu tvss mains; Kecleusatur' relu 5e. uuuu uion 2 usf Tise Onlaei) u siciupalnotes ersdisoa Cufr 2t S' Oi.W&~40 Bi EL hoti Bocn l,! ees î~srRard Amesudmuns Art,.1585u.,s aur sund he o oden! a, ubu' e ru ERE Ro E Tréao S t P mass-r'zen ond c si;eeti Honrsr eseosth- Ds5u-ruo Mou- suSted lus the Aama ua !u, M5 Ttgvtp dio au-Rette'gasheate- ,repal Buard i nu¶ar Inteland! COLitunsofulRolluor aneuîd not 1u AN ARGUEis E 2 round tables;uditohî eureh r-eporusonthe etabishuiment. uugan- olrrduso sux ut, munaisn Oier',,, MS ls75 PIEt ATR EO fOto lssis uclerisack ehale' c ons i hp in f uliuncius. jasald fho cesmmttal as! tise en CARt5LLitaaa. il It. b>' 7 ft.u; suantl - -s o s srl1tse Tréer-o kittchen table uandSchai ;Miltonu an! Gahestie an! r c own- uoyanerofthuse îder Mtelth tnveelrui ormwodrait ushislfEssîseninu. Toronstsos!ndsauOcgrio rsonr id. A s Cé'1vE Wo1',tarLUXE aeiecisctereiorlsuwoo izesT lfalear ansi tiseeffort tiser,-,,n 9. Thi B-a shah acorne n, ch'e calinet % sre seel cd Use t e tablishmenut tf a nesu f orcé, au!le eftertie- onutise day upriacu au! spring mottess; snesîr nicpuisty us the ara iuth tb irtsIhe finir]l ossung tiserrof. c r a / g l -stel bd wth prigs ed mt- ci asîncupali, suas peupseei lu>' IIA D a frut tume tfiss >11ri,>y teisedmitsespeiugs an! mat- tise Curpurnturofthe Tu,n'.hua(uf Aî,el.AD. 959. t'a:de stns;uth Iuue- u- . TruiuF iAD asesussi und third lime I TI crs;be tOddmos ansi'eeuse t.luud. ad asVl u.uus.dsuuth du>',f Aprd T OI clhsrtr!somosue, uneo; W. STEWART, A.Il. 1959, gardats tosis; esernomup;2axs;' CIres. Esueutuer Cusueul. P A. PHILLIP Rt-s'eu DICED CARROTS crid sas-: bi statmos: single lue-'! Note: AI the tile, -f ns-,ruin Il.. O FEATIIERSTD>'4 SInuS ret sisot eus; sali te-e; relet huibs Nstice,. the Ontario Muicipal c - '20 ti hater 2 trank; lrge asrtencfBoard hasnus deuidu isusute) of_____________sorie_____nde ti irdr.20oz. ic Ordre.gluas _andchina;________________,_2 IIBVE CARI -Itl,lS-sud _______________ codgsusdcia a> alr ______________ tee-Os tuorsevirece il e asyrr smult hsosehl! eftets.TNINORAOSAINI TENMS:,Cash srttlemessmss UE15T ADOATO istsat. We'd lite ysu au ERESI SIAC-ri clcrh day f sale Pwr#,wLE 25 (s fer[tatnwee Iea Ns réercve as Me, aud Mes.Mc- 7.00 ps., Sunda>' . >uagel uc oiaemisete- ver- ' BOLOGNA Cre>'bhave solel! thir hrsmu- arc! forethseiseadrasuof tlaeevesiug lies s ,tadsit rser.e u are giolngun hsusoseecpiug, 4[lun l le se-evice aitFEmmanuel Bapisi Glb.L 2c HINDOLEY AND ELLIOTT..Prh Mlo c-52-2 a-47 Ascîsouve Chue-h 151GORD aIO-teSunoco Service Frc DESTI -r7"sea- ..'j 263 Mai. 79089725 Dlv vols Phone aO864 Pute bsusiness or pleasîsu, aunasiiue blIeus!ot coii seusse us! tsseausnîen distinctiosn. Prestige i-pasocugus'inîeinu, lcs taou bis 011>' nNorths Anstîlcats car-pansu us S8 square fret lest, Lomer iia ol adi !apkeup, toe, V-8orne6-cnplte range of msîdeîs end options. WonoIrfult ansiiY Cor, Wondei n'iI 1m cpuficuce in mrnsncs. CRYDIRMAN CAR SALIS Ontario St. South - Milton -PERSONALS Miss Mary MacRlae uf Milton se- ueed borne frorn IParîde on Son- day,ut oLr speudlng aeveeui mocis ueIlng her uncei rte a bonok. Me. on! Mes. John W. Roiiings- marIs th of ilide miii recelve tiscir luiendu ut tiscir home os Pridu>'. Muuy 22 heisuers 2,003 pm. an! 4F0 ul'o.sn,s'rau-s iuuf tluu Guui f-,W,,diî,g Aur , ,uy lu. (iu,ru e lrnNsru,(i NIu cled Iru-us, le aI 5a Rusureulîr UIS.A. home, . uarasao u it Mes Ceurosguesýa."n, Victrisra Strîri't- Milton.s Or. Nrilsnsha! iseena r,-eteýreln lue 311 yeo,'s an! auctios rn muse Buisesuille anus! iit sur- Bùusals s.Beid-vs suwife, a msn aaisuter and! lu,,sirîschuldre Me. arosi Mer ltr>' Cotulan.Mu. uts! Mus. Halred Cuoso, as! Miss Amye Cuusis attende! a rereptire pu eseir! leOrehi! Cluupler Ns. lus, O.E,S.. Bramptonun ssSauda>' in honur of Roiert CtourWorthy CGrund Patron,'an! Mes. Ella Earl>'. Gr-and Orausustftise Gras! Chsap- su cf Ontario. Mes. Carl>' us thç 'suuuhler ,tf Mu. aînd Mss lar Coluîusii,,, olise sus TluuriuusSirrul in Miltoun. BEAN_ Farm Sprayers A casuploîn lune aI qaity 'spcayees. s f8i08os Easy tluse Simple to attath MILTON MILLING, CO. LTD. TR 8-9508 NRENCE kOCERY STORE ILARGE SuZE 2ie -2 doz. for 49c 10 lIL.for 59c -good sie 99c SILVERIWOOD'S FAVORITE 39c or 2 pt. for 47c VOCUE BRIANDI TOILET TISSUE roil 6c tiFIt tt11 URE POlIE SAUSAGE IL pk. 39c SUMMER You'Ii be pretiy us a puelare inceuourusumru - ~ dresses. Aeesuîrg dcluy - iîî a gala auortmeeî ot raices andsizoeen. Dip drycottullns, neugiazes, Bembueg sheers. Misses s suces 10- 20. Hait sures 15 142 - 2412. Women's $5095 TO $16.95 In boil pliusl. bye eatchirig playecear fa adul zip f0 youe sumouns' uarulcobe. Tarpoon -Ihe sis>' fiis sumbeci csullon tabic. Water repeliaci, taso aod wounkîn reosîarî. Mis a ns match sets in aanct tartans of bion, SLIMS PEDAL PUSI-ERS $6.95 $5.95 SLEEVELESS BLOUSES .. SKIRTS JERSEYS $6.95 $395 BRASSIERES mo4 Sec our Complete Lire ot Leadicg Namn Bassieros. Enquisir Fuesu arijasia roi, mugis tub alcuns eueey mo- mur t0 aduiusl fiais bra lu ber uwnrcnour.rElastir 'ides andi baak fau ail day camiort. Suass $295 Petal Burst Wonder Bra wiîh Tru-lift, in broadcloîh or satin, ail sizes -- ---- --- $2.50 [oveable Brassieres ---- ---- - $1 ta $2.95 Gothic Bandeau and Longline ... $1.75 - $275 !R- 921 96 - Itn - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - , - - - - -- ý ýý z j .- - , 'The Canadian ChampIon, Thursdeay, May 14th, 1959 7 Milton District Local Association were pieased lu havé representu- of G irl Guides and Brusuntes held t:veu fImm tise brumuin Associa- their meeting on Muay 4, at the lion, Plans were made for a supper home of Mrs. R. F. Metusig. Tisere for Muthersansd Guidera ut Haw- wea-e 18 peuple iseseot und the tes thorne Lodge, June 18. towel staawer mos ver>' successful. The Mlton Girl Guides and Mrs. Joyce, District Cummlssloner. Brownies tseld their annual cuokie toi! us that a ncm Girl Guide Com. day, May' 2nd. Tt %vas quite uuesu. pan>' and Brumnie pack hiad isea fol despîte the duct msny peuple lrne! lu Cumptaclille and s Feue uwuy ru Soturda>' when tIse Bawne pack on Drumquin. We girls clled. I C IEN A ethateoLIFE I JOHN M. BRADLEY * Local Represrototivc TIGI M LIPS ACC. . SICK GROUP MGrtTGAGE & PARTNRISHIP INSIJRANCE JMILTON. TR 8-6674 A tond Innurance Agent does onuloeil Insurane ... cebais t for lislient. A 32-36, B 32-40, C 32-42.

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