Ut MILTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY ltis 0"1 îpz Fourteen Pages-Soven Cent&5 Provincial Nassagaweya Okays~ 20, School Board Split * it e ergetitensplan lac uhe breaisk n n ing ap if tr NiiorthsHal!oes isîg srhoildistrictibarddresdiscissed lTe rpasdnri Mady ecroîng byimember of atilsücastiiiciid - Nasi,îgaweya tawnship tetaneit andi MN.PP..mliiir,,taýùdi.î nemhcaeaonecrrd titi te saf- ment Frîday tii theeC getîe.aietaadias jDr.ttantai inadi A matiion mar apprared liait the suie i prorce, it townshipageeestatedivisiantof future. The schiulaw lthe area i irbrs.pcovid- rccii teeand hisîreita ina racis arca se ont up prunîdes lfoi 250 > pias e iA edacatilit tac tise crura msriîr- raaidig theoîtiting hig scharts. C.liaifuthelîrojne, and as peentl sredby enitiig aadeastaudtheciitial bai reutea."e , taatt> ii errai Secis Garisge Site lt i iilactltri CîîîneîlnrThoimnrandRobhert- 1tnireiailaîîînc ci soa ecn arted aeîimmitteliWi tiwns .icisoagaeisage dispnslsite tcilhin the towtn hip. ,ention' ie Miltont Tows Hall,. A motioîn mas prepaced askiîg the Calînir Carneilto tsusme .1)() )r lise loriscomnieg provncial perrcent. oftise net ciel ai patient gratalated by assocation pro. care i n nursiîng home,, aed a hy- eaker, looks on. la. mat appeated aînîng te Hlai ai0ceau. ,. 1 ,ton ontyilealthtlUnit aathoriir in iaetie tiris anmd îîîiaiiatiîînsna ~ he itisipt. asisn îîiiee parts of' *fl t .tiatl Mn M ullin, 30 RM i uer nteeî dent ra tated M;lnrivcidiiproiieltu ttend hofo tautîpeirleadet in Torntf) nxt w(lk.fiii raid ction in June , [or $3.614.0 .oo, caprvd New Hig Buldhing peemits 1 Conteston June il cnidates in the field Candidates for tise eleelios mili for t'e JunetIl provinciat eteetion be nossinated it an off iil nom- oIHat ai s election machinery, under ination meeting prier ta Use elec- 0 00 D eaf Schoo seturing o ffiner F. W. B. Fitz- lion but it is flot esjoeeted tisere 1geraild is gettiiof ita, higlo gear. mutl be more tisastise ttieee cas- M e r F tur aThe Liberain mere tast tn name did'ates-Stan Hait for tiseCose- N ecir Future'a adidair o Friday night tant servatîves. Omen Mailin for Use m Mitto rsdece holfoi diatcei]drLctt prioeetaPremnier rots annoone- Lieraand JacksHenry for the rn tir. nil latute' arird igta Starli'y Hait, ment an Monday marning. C.C.F. tauatier air ister Dr, W. J. Getîteet arreerre- tut Ecameratees Standings in the 98 seat legiala- Chaapaon. This aesithe retorning officer tarecisefare dissotation weee Con- Je the anraacecmrr .**hr n,îud.Plaiaroîrg i repard l62 enameratars listing eraiest83,Liserais 11, 00F i that theconstiutiorinaynstat inthenrer Haiten ratera far the etectiono tand1tis n oe bc f he iot mden ds garbioenmratoastating onMayaolaalo il~~~~~~ beawh î,imerrdog 'th as taa coinmpietioisy May 14 and 34,210 Voted i.ed ieqî~clittiigureo rui ionitlttrigal3 In the tuaI provineilieleelio drd.fla camîtletiono heMay 21. 946649g r inoHaltasi were elig- ce, he siid. teucid lic anc $2.iÂIiiil is i Eligibie raters must be a British betci alosnd3,1exr 1 buildinga is nya stage of thse nchoult, a'hieh tbjeei, 21 yearsolti, aenGOtario cîsed titeir franchise. thse ie if liii 445-papi! asriaiutBellevilte. ensidetit for iioe par. andrensid- 1 on Highway 25 dirlly sauth of Haiiti Cen- ent (tftthe Halto ridiagnon May 4, In tise iast eleetiori Ihere mere a of 1959, ahen the meil af electios mas ttaliofI2,905,700 eligibte voters and f,ýiý,Kndnfrnu h otcay te issed.tise figure nom in etimated ai more Mc*. Fitzgeraldpiant 177 patiiof iran 3.000l. More lisae 300 cas- sttosýa ill enqaire an eqoat didiatensae niipected, mitis at least nuni- r of oileleriss, and depaly 180 already picised by party ridlng fl àdjj11j& eunn fiers. associatioins. foss Apeili e, impiidiaîPlai8cacitiaa tsslc*43.94Oe eail«-lime , higis, Isseer Franis MNlvn ,re- psred t1Cm ent. La-grs sluee of the- mness constrcion figsse ass fsr thse newhiigi s eises, 380,700. Oliser aclily itnlsden s re sidenesuand tese ulleratlstul homnes totllilso $27.500, ass addi- tisonta tu altas Cs-Operatlve Approval, Disapproval Greet Trafalgar Plan Ti etugai t eaialgaimatiiiron plan mhicii wart ureited tac tise pres Taisdyravcngatflastmwenisias casd aieitofcomment in mun- icipal cuece tiieeaarnding tise Ttirty yeeeaiod Gmen Malin. hîs tm eetciand elesci tiseriens Tise spinier noini tise ispitai il crhaueeiuuiinlliig $99.6.suplin s, -- - - - -ll a - toawnsnip.n rie chinoe grect trem Bacliogton, aas namcd Liserai et the pepe Ofthie conythe: nseeneepan was a gresatecculit It was iuuived to bheaCinco rt-. dsslial addtin alM c a$5iiamtnaGis0.e canidae or is fnthamig ea-ranudle nea-d.te tise H-un.Paul Martin, lfrmerIcletaut ts îend cteushiosuaa Total su datefore 1959 iu Trafalgar, Miltoenpaet ut Bacting- nuncuat neluatin mien Hatan Li-jMit. Mulin aine stenmcd lise need Ioderai munisterf heailis. ln Gnt- fuIeli'huilisiecitel chairas - $632,600. tan aîîd part if Esqarsn iofmtht erals hntd theîe nemînatîrg cen- terequ era lectuoaoratablie pen- aria tise detilis fluetise prouie ir - -agirent ite r eat us in nMiten Tran hall omn ion pan, a deartenuof ai aturbet- bad bren giren toiao Cmmisintîa. -agais iltStîil ohers te ment in Fiday erening o aitieto. ing*aathentait aemer ges a *Wnhae inGOntario eec3,.part of ther dca hument apprare t Tise candidate defeated Ccci . shaI oftise treatla arioti .Boarndasle Cemmisnstans ...Thene c C omm ittee Altow Vain eth0 r.1poc.5 Ryeaiae af Baitingune. on te iThe ailaer wnnlisbcafond ylasn iavenecuarbirisiey . .a thIng i icein Miliiu.eunicdiocentnd fis alo.Tw tercniate,oldai et goerenîrent tha,, han otntsanimportant asth hspi ronur- 'n T0' f T re11 picto sJohn Wrigglcsworth ire plaa Mnaya nmeeting aen Pee ailnAtn n ud imaginatian feuniseueg tonlngîsnsnees t d isehaduiiiteedby the Ind Iran a iseplic tionsetiareiatcnl Wbtîg.GOakirue, dectned tostand poner. .. Therenmut bec oang legsiaturenCorder the Mnîtr ni Tai appliceationus furne con g is ai ti nîxstiotl buildingi lx-I-e eay eectionsaw ohnîlîýet u c ilairgcnnatng tisehe nmimaiol.mne.itandreihytnCiai-ismenHeateeo rdencfse os me laa f faaueapaeiuii utnso Then cand.date mas isees in Prince. weus hindaighi. Chastea 'Finagefing lne reectcid aeth ie fMiltons Cenmtanîtîielite err arkiaris dunt Muthe iiitsenCluerfhi, fismai r. ul aMitno Edmad Isand, gaduatngaîtiea Fnaciat Pletu-e Reviewed 'Te nnirfieldinmbhirime in'I. huttieaafrnngo Mlo.Hewltk vrhsth te. BSn. degren is 1949. Marre, indhnl Dr. Claude Vîpond. GOsawa, garst ire Norths Amerîcan continent an rutie ai Adiutînent codcted aVietoria Paek shrald iseeraidCttla dalies freen Fred Benntt i olato n o Ime ai"dceao. don rl enatly em- apeakser. coce.ed tire Use-emain gaie s spremany is un seduatnasnifiseacg on Tunay eveetis. -Cosmttsee memnbonG, C. Gun- tise fall. ietaases ployed bthenFord MotrCo.in pints ai finances, educationan d cenutaur mids andiseatt. alneeutstdadoe udsliidauuticcllet. ,.aa a nionteceagacil issn'tv theengineering depaetmnnt. laeliin tissaides. DrVipond ctntinad pintingns u iirtnrni s aaeiound tuent merc autaist theriiiiutuuly- cddlidrpusapeaînt RanisewsePrabteme He eemîlaioed tise inuineilpic- tise Ciesecvature gnrmnt li lr uieticl isE Ceidediiaî titgiitiser.ic -L clIi sF~4eî trnen 92 crus alHaton bech In i aaecetace speeceh Mr.Mat-;tare in the prince wm ots udrPem.Dren had praînuaed t,î 'iiLocal.eiiusl tt, ln rflr iecl c-n r ,îliîcî ex aes ofHmilumateah lin :ecssed thn e nee urcepera- 'biheugas cuteneu-aiis printc-d.He Paý 50 peu cent. fcedacatiirn ote eîlîîgîtraisadii1giiiiuuuiitdeatuîi~nuun wte.uliici planre 1e tien notrg tisai "ot1 ee iui, the chcauied thse Fruit gverieemntnîitis andlsyislid scoeraaro.îîug ct hig01 h ot s i ingauAriu ee Apllealsts tt4 i aitB plntotlai conylhaas eeooihýIt an lluce-bkeepiagut sts tutbhans, ocne ycac done uts ppoe pliaio At onrerence 1,40arsofBlign'ttl tire note*c. Hie rc.ýecd tise pîcs- apecatiteancîd lne laurup>a Tie O inagetung e-iti uhe biudget. Objectians Etteeed AI, apliicaionîîuulono Aiih.liiis 1,lua tjoei iîî -n- lensua a nla o Licilte resilcata e- speaker nitce ecnui iiitees puy- tue inadeqtuarr af tise hisitait i- jcliiliilîon itredliy Wui, Pýiti Lt tîtii i I o, 1,10111 1~~.ii u i lii A rii qaced snec-ual tegituer toii pro-lment an the pîîînuîeai lu t unlocanre and edaratîont.tise Fiant ltii o tjg;,,tiai-aed tise beitd- . ' .11ei Ii l u ,îiii ,,. i , .1 1 , I ii ti i - u iat v(i,,-l hisislsating, ahen Aceewrcsn.S5.Oii,0'. - . airer tsar Ocarelgrertuttiett isa rdemocdi tuilE iigatiituic tue uciedun urMain ia-t elt.î ! afi.uil,ieil 41911ui-1Ili -- îieî Pîci, iEi.i~~ raP r meecilaid ofand welactelioniriîpcd:iiginuidigeolel,. . t.tesarerecinrcuded.I), Itii AChamagni.cueeiu.auguiil I.tii"I tIýo ii)Iisii'iasî..,uiîîc-w hucu.uînd o', Victo ia Par nedd tepeenent gcncexplosios.nue hine tu-e .iun îidieg on iiilttnî,riiitinwrc etrctiet.i(-re ii.1inlig wiitdi piuthse peiv- .I p'o d iuIliýli iiiMiii.t5iliriSisiil' . * Halunnesamnt tn nbidn gwiv. ru ito ieo he b geiiigutfutut il tiidandsggclsW1I--in. Building Site le. luloui.t i hi o.uld, luut. 4,î.uu .0riciuct, cu n- le ini,(i -tu t 1uuîuuiu 'a , ti ulunn iri'otui 1lin t tilt w,tItI,,m nctrewmui cipalscuiIdingl on.l t da u ed î ,ucei t , ,le U,I,,ilSlite, and Ciad. o-uitl rt idn Victoia Park. tutu- aI cte Radng Miton. un tise block iminndiateiy Council WiII Meet with Consultant:: ,IT i1 n roteitieJr ntCor the VLl*lltIs-.1Rs-,A coiritve' .îtnuî il Curlt p e a t C ur Refuse Applicatione i. iuluuaiiie ruaicid aouit snareatmeeting un Thaenday ca- C o n sid e r ira ra ig a r's P ro p o sa i tt-i--uuell.111upu-lt-e y-. i,i uii , itiiii uuiui tir-euagttntoi Cott fo ptlau iit u1ilua Iuuicuuirlccu,i1 Fearabut destrayuing thepacis , l e s ý I, I t, at aie unse aicir ta guvresment iMiltoandllui ety Muinsus.un tiriea i e muc piueîuiuy ia ale it eleltatý o : lte >tl- .ogb -aw onI inld n le I stalar, and h are ruser bHiar ieltataîurdaantu Mt luaccre 1e ti rsddtiairuieithe tyilcetuleis li' icut -lu uidorur thet udncou rcsiiett Teiipar-a utisenieti feauuteMiiiclcu1io etul ,urîutrlt-e401u dee and e T h.ut iidI îdt îln.it 2II Iýl tleu liidi l isif . Y r Clcdîgniaue mas naggrttcd taMilon CouaIIlTieut Trat«n.Bculutint c nd paritifofie hlirtut ceete ie ai t-r Drtuct eL i en tit exaici uia umr'tmuueidli r-Cenletinmyarisgi oMonday nigat. Eesunut. Thure utnty 0nl rpie t n t ornllnWl ia.Taflrrwudle shenticl Inlacit, buuo.uesau Niouuiui.iiiloain th mnora i K. Y. Dirh nuted laeiou n rrcouli eeentuuaiin deeeiuup nOue ain eotiaisri ldttsit o niy.toutaerep Itennicplitin .irood pla- lur Itli utn NuuutSnitde uce -tin;diaeIy inferonteof tIse on tise maisn ectisu sneuevt tp -.d asaluun uls.tis hing aboutathe Falui plmia. is l-, (inuMayt19.When '%', i lie ut-iy tix fetl l IWls ,uv-i-istuiofeticons oaphudng. h omitntbe an- ctunrned auti Traagrs allai- ,the, cuîcipalui-teasilniugs.aauua u aamte a n gamînetn dsdenuug tta uutdulse ae NosReasus fss- Chanue cuirn ,exeet tii- reprte?-Mayoîr Wcutui l ltu n uly 12 iltnu laci ofilu ,uui urylcui, liiiuuntetdlicua dsasos stm tishin g 1 on tîr objclaîctoliii c in thî-e îiateîoucieiuere Couneiuuor CLiltuir uîuestiuîtei Chis linqeuieit. lt i liacas. ima,-hi.iiei t. uuterluen, ftiurce th tisee cuanly ngune , tise He ceiicd an E. B. Cteanutî anc: Mitur.auueeda lfrnateetforeatmeînisr tieîoing of Trafalgaruand t to tuaudcs lint tut(Iii, Mrs of rin- aPlannuiing Biu:Id 1 d-c11utiicuerucdarturtnain a-e ic ofisalf a denherusncmen pres- elua tiime rutre oruth uutBeigtuunnsîtuuti hc tCumtinuedon Page Tnuti t,,uuuutieCuioiter, ofAdîualuaelt c uituui.lie.dy. ntheuecet. ent aithe meeting.to uciîe tu- Itewan tuerc-d Ilat ilMtin ftiuied ittiaeCiy.Thernuuit- i sagrnutun. suuuit rt lune uta dentte c. tis oe ccc utan0effoelrt y Traalgartut Mr. Ciement nrteil cni-tirtîalcentre ili Haluin. luo uiaptse h Guhnutl i ' irain if tise outnueulaluty ptiiuiuc-d i -tl eeCunningham niiiii i-ifai- f- i- ttien iiI,u c trelii- Mil Trafalgr a created i ut -ad lac gar iat epenit ctnside,atit.u tuolle tn lahabt-tii lure-fort à o tol tisai Mitoin nuad lac tuiced lt itirlaluticharge' he cndineanaetc-rtieeumnuyrmaynIsicliaouit rlduune y m juiiin liitedie rerauin ute nCîunciîlfiuWisn ueanutu hiat CounniiuutJohnsnun outa Rotary Reports Approve $2,000 to Grade, Seed Park At eacli b ,asciulmlr umiduru.uuu1uu-to coummîmicithe ac lu tieci 1hufoillIeoali.d nîuleottu lubi nigist. miii fc thîe Rizj lu bias aris etuendilame. erelanaei fr tue tdr iteiuu tn- a pprvd un rapn-ilture ot $2J tti ' 120 Cheque- lim., csteuduîug int ernatioal unt- fior gcadui gandncaýdin9uofmthielRi A liutiirluiritheMilton Fiure dc,uatuditig. lcry lul.agremul t aîuo.eîo he lliciaineclutbtfir.$2801 in tise riubuiu tviess-Proecrts lfmiiomnu4-11 icactir NMaintenancîîe he le Wpeumut muathe chmirig Chd)iieueuretomreKeit Mur- Ctuiu.rlub. îuuuet.oUu, a.cualeumuuînai n.ag-alrlalyumeiiin-niuumt erienedltheur iiec urerid- Haliuîner artct.ertiul ehil- îledgacul icll-uC.I)uuimeîc),utnîl muetaien yt1h e clitu ciiilEd Crillont, rns orkii, hiuturir.îiofltoDnery the uaess (ithe eenl. Prftsnncism umiii ofltheparis clintmilice. Hecd ot.IuulureeniAcu,,ulîuuc. tisro m elh.dai uieud $91.12uintui i mpaslui grade lise pii spoin si .1) , cdf luauletentt );wa 1andtheiiutear lu.dlorsen in istund- tuuoi deu1iic dinaiuge and lisen n$puîncumruimuî uoo 11 themîuue luho mc eea nu-,di-iiuJohinilereeru las ulumehnlta.,psible. peagraauu.ud ieuriedetciuiituit. îur«;ý.ed the efforts omuthlie Rotmay Ituld t riccu rt rir th11e in theisriiue Auiiutm ho foirg;ini cd thsr igiiationti -cuce ýtiium anîd Quarterly u%semity tulmnirofleedtfumeheeasupportstaHomward rucnnd fte clubhar- Thesnirteycui) asnemlily e- telubiîrisluuetnes ycîrs pro- rire coninitllee. vieslthemaorbof the clabiand itngrain. tL was rcp.utrda joiitonietiuif directoarsreermmtg tise repoîretsan Offiniali eleate watlth Ie Kiti*Cubn C as lng thecprageessaf thennaciuaasii- Howîard Geismodmwas amcd the ptatnrd ter disusiotns ontise lra. cîmîhe uofficia] deinualn la tise In- reeoats tf tise Kin nsuaire egard- Tise fînancialat elnent shmmard teenulmunal Conetionn ghcduled ing acsimiîuîumg polinighulbcdin- $132.79 i Ithegeoreai accornt. fui* ew orkVanslure tisnmonts, and eraerd. $051.31 lit hi crcipîmicichidînns a muraloio sneicimis a oycae Planse fanrttheamnaut t'nui)iit seesaslt. pin oiepefeci atesianer deng ttiiiereeenvicmeiand ehaietmaml Il ma statnd ltainitthe crue- tuai time.Nise Ledaittu ermted tise peanuilo ig peaîuuldurîand contiuaaton o ntlîenatonaSernicGiccard cad bc pui-cltsed souri. Dewar tieseutit of lthe monta dian tL mas Gamonasi ccpocted fac hus gruop Thtîasoonîs nani ciairman 0t lssped suafciett fuand* mald lie natieg contributionsnta ire Felon- the adancttisu caumuittee. CANADIAN LEGIO#I mombers inose of thio ngalar cherch mowre ornliard for tise parade ond the serice mas ce doctod by parades osn Sonday paradod Io the Holy Rosary Cha ch headnd'Faliser jardlin. Hem he grtep is shome faom wng tieservoice as by lise Lamne Scats Pipe Bond. A good numbar cf bogionsoirs 1s iisy mono off isaaded by legion preu dent Cisock Gorvauis. HALTON ILIBERALS on Friday eaenieg iseld isole saminating Canai Omen Mllie. 30, shome i thie centre mas eamed candidate far election laie annoaeced foe Jane 11. Thse candidate is beieg corç sident Lester Whisiing mhile Dr. Cade Vipond, Oshama, ganst spe Halton Liberals Name OWE To Contest Provincial EIec Volume 99.-No. 51. _______ ______Halton Election Machine in Gear Reere George Carneioi Esqaes- oug peedicled o figist if Trafalgar tried taing any Esqaesîng siropec- .y along Hîgisnay 401. He said Tra- falgar mas honing traoislenusoing chat tl nam contains, mîisaoullais- sngmoreiland. the moy Oaisvilte's Mayor William Ansderson termed the plan. Tise hMayornmisse coane il bas applied ao ansen ail af Trafalgar isetom No. i higismay mas qaoted au sayisg -Idonll hinkiilisgod planing la have acily andanrralmnicip- sity anden teadministratin." "Over-Ambtios William Card Reere of Oakeitie said bc didnl Mtinis lie peoplte of the arno mere ready f or sach en amalgamation. Cosnillsr Allen Day of Oniscille said lise plan mas "esaggeested and oner-amisitiseas' and said Il a i tubeIybtu 15arnl- gamnateiHamitn and Torontoe. In Taronta Tonship. wiiet neoti gais somne 4,010acres feoss Trafalgar misic tise latter is as- aisle la servine, Iteere Mary Fia said Dr. Fatudi's plana n un s- teligent attnmpt la defîse the prn- pr tiitlofa a municipatîty, gen- geaphîcatly and nconamîcaily. Hcersg oees On Manicipal Bard cisaiemas Lerne Cîîmmîsg saîd lise Qakiscite pplie- atlas la annestise lamer baIlfof Trafalgaericauid ga on as seheduted rot May 19. ariens one or hspar- ties asis ta postpnne tl. Burlington Vetoes Asphait at Lowvile Buelingiait Ceoncîl eîîlnd agaisst aiiowing K. J. Beamish Canstruc- tien Company Ltd.. Tharsisilt. ta cntahiîish a temporaen arphall min- in g plant in tise Lamnitte acea at Mondayo meeting. G. F. Harasman. a resident of tise aeceacnecscd, qonttiosed tse crancil's aathaeîty ta grant the ap- plication on eithc a tempcacy or any ather hanin. He saîd tise arca teheetIse plant was peipascdmaaisnabcsoed con- tseralion. He feit sacs a plant traald have tn ibe sitaated in a M3 -Wc helînre tise application is an atiemplta ochange conîng restric- tions inur aca,'*ise eaid. Thîrd readiltu mas glen toa ahy- tam pcotîhiting thenstablishmient af new quacreoand geanet pits la ta mn. Two Douse Fire Tma fienîrntlmîisd afler a fie Tursday its ithe donîp near tise semage dîsposît plant ehen a pile oaircaishsignîtcd mnsatcnous- ]y. Chief A. E. Cliîsîct. n lin tas ai then plant ai 6.00 pin., saîd lthe rais- hiss tain't harnîng then, ibst at 11l0t pnt. a cuta- as rcenied fîmes a neigihor Cîsief Cleint and fine- tian Durîe Patteraintothn ie trucs ta tiselirenand doosnd lthe flais Not Joining A'retepeners' meeting 11 ies-or- isy thlnday evesing dcided te iseep sseol sectionss .A.E.E. lorktisy au a sihesi sections. Teisntaecs rlled tise meeting ta be-If tise Patents ssanted ta bave the sonissious tise achol area, bat tise maJetY favoeed leeping tise seissel lider tise lecal bosard's Jueledirtien. Leu Samses chair- cd tise meeting, ansd Ms-s. Olive Wallae masseoretary. -lOaideitsare advisied ta ho cardal i mls ficca an geeassis lindor dry. . Gurdni bancvecîs nploaghed is name nases asd many isameomners are bssy planting hulsnd sonda. 1 »âààmmbý -Staff Photo 1 tr ty fa