Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 30 Apr 1959, p. 13

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s, f. ýCrop> Improvement As -Proémotes Field Trial Ba! Ca speraora lnI allan wlh teig aPasueMangementCop llaanS 851 end Cra. I.ptrom ctttif.I bi rgrn th co-a Associatin have been bny darisgi testants are ,seared as patave ae tlsanwrolsin srtting val proa! managementt an arrird eut uaeic lets. Thene livjertsarae epaccatrd i ate arai dai iag ta vveri. hp the Battais Seat aid Cropil a- Ts yar ailaitaital la.t aI praremeel Asaciatian, la detoni ataida has beatddeai htisail fl strate reaommenrded sit and caaaabcaofistvvestlîîft-mrvs hat are al maonagemeat practieri.nathe pravena aI bidinguatt aia Thsacrs pragram is- vonried pasîarmanagementîpvagram. and will inlude sach demanstrat. T llggso as variety lsting, eariely do- TePaasr campetitians have montritinsfetiltydemannral. bers very paplar darîng the past ions elmngemet, hay and feir pears. Lant year aprovincial pahorm nagesmednt .anue of rasepetitias was starîrd and in cheicas i wed cntrl.Theve agan hvîsg atlevvd Iibis ear. The , will b aphe atly62 a-alier- wnsvrs in thr Ballan Caunty aIoss hraaghaat Hallas lahing apettias wîll bheligihlr lti tahe parI in ibis demansîvatian mark part in provinci.taeeiarlitiaa. Ap- Asint 4-H Clubs plcatian larme for tht vaiompetit- The Halan Sit and Crap lm-_ton arr availaible ai the Otavia Pronvemnent Asnasoian ha, awayn epartreat tiI Agrilture, Mltan. $ tresard lbe adaptian af recoam- t Field Trial BHass mended vaeiollooiin ils pragram. Sevral pvaivtsrehreietaned in TC)demanstrattethe valae aE vr,onaafivld trialhiiats. Inasrtangttiîs lh lettes la torage moi dheIls, sscial- t type aI pratect, tira -îîprralîîrsH ion is asaalllg 4-M Farage Clab. are lacaird i hevcanty fuîr eavh mombers ta the establishment aI a projral. This enerarthe prijet a ir onr acro plat. . eaC-ardinated ie Wvstaarth. Eaton,, Fites aorage Club membres and Peel catiltea This wmIl eahîre wlliboaalsW agantserabay Pastare thrCrap Ilprvemet Asata- R mixture ot Vernal Altalta, t Ibo.; ivsis the tirer îctitaes ti abtaîn h LaSalle Red Claver, 2 lbo.; Climax nmare accarata eutlaoa a field o Tmalhy, 4 lb.; Istcla Brama, 0 trial hanta, Ibé. per acre. This in a tllais up aI There are sis praleets heing cet.1 layrar's pragram whrn assst.ordisated. Therproîmotions faIltt ane was givenlte lubhmrmhert tetig is stvasrhy a demaastrat- in rtablihinga aona acre plat.' ton ta compare prîabaed v Tksr pltwill srvaas ra sflletlîar application I aili tesa I comparisa nasthrarm inampratesaith aplicatianntas eneraitPI oing reetmmendrd varîrtianerttih ratei. t ramman serd. Ta damvsstrale the impotancearI Farîher sn the varirty field. the aIo management vs hay firld, with I assciatioa la e-vpratng mth Parîtatlar rerrrec, ta alflfaital the Haltan 4H Ptata Club ia try- maeaaad hay fildas eill ha titrai1 tag the eartrty Kessebe. Sevaral tacts are aravnerd ta showi Pasture Competftlo the valve et a trrtittty tr.raaceoni Pasture ia ot vital importance rstablashed patiaclles. Farbra de- f duertelivestvch prductian. This mvvtratinstin lavage araîpe in- YartheHatanSîvil and Crapîlm_ atîdrlforagrvetalshmetadîiî- Pravement Aoacatoas ssponor- sratvconetat tals. DE. Jackson Appointed i Assistant Representative D. E.Jacksn, habas rntly* - campleted sudies sn he agrirat. ara) course ai the Ontaria Ageta- allaral Cllege, Guelph, bas bran !C.at Has Ra bies ppisted asistant tgriaallaral 1 . reprenenlîtivo fer Haltan and PeelitnII Lionie ,-rea casnis. Mr. Jaksn willhbeeîat- 1The diagnea ofsraitnrhes is r. sned ai Milton, and asmed dot- aet aamdvitativIa les in Haltan and Peel cavttsaon BtIaCe iamaten a itrinthier Apri 27 bittes or srataheai by the animalt Mr. Jacksonwas raised in Yr.and arevrrreivavg teaatmereî om-s caabityton adairy farmHe sPec.r caimais en tae larnahava ialiaod in field bashasdry drig bren qnaatlmsvl. bis cllrgeaorse and tavb theý field huasandry opton. tlarîg the' namnmer maths e assi, lad ansa-! ricltaral engineering lirîdrean i York cvanty fer the Extension Branch af the Ontart Daîartireat of Agriculture.- Seek Halton Entrants For Dairy Queen Role The search for a Dairy Pincees ta represent Haltan i, the Daryý Que,', Campettios for Ontaria is: 0h11l cntîssaig. Mac Spevirl,: cliairsean af thse Hallas Dairy Queen Competitian, ha, 'nnaunced that the final clasing date fer ent- tries int the Haltn tcacPettian ta May 4. Young ladies in Hallteamron dairy farms are elgible lv enter in the camptilian. This crent ha, ai- ways been beenly cantsteîd in the cQsnty. Daring the three yeae, the competitian ha, hemn held, Hattît entrie, hase bee, setecîrd as Ont. aria Dairy Quee, aonlira areasiovas end ra,,ar.ap tatI year. E,,lry frm, ad infarmation are asailablo tram any member af the Italtan Dairy Qaeen Ciasmttee, o tram the Ontario Deparîsceci ot Agriculture. FORD AND FRGUSON TRACTOR OWNERS sle. the n.w Plows, Discs, Cultivators Made la fit yaar tractar aI MIKE NORTON BALLINAPAD TR 7-2163 WOOL Any Gaverament Delciency Pay- ment iilI appty cly an pe<perly graded sesal,. &ecae the tmast hy patracizing the argasicatien Ihal macle thia Passible. SHIP COLLECT TO Our- Petftered Warehosse No, 1 Weston. Ontaro Oblatsack, ad Iise wthaal charge tramn R. A. S.w.mMg.p, Milton Moldrum 0", *, . 6, Milton John E. Turner,, .8. 3, Milton or by wrlllng ta In2 per lotet, l'usnt., Caooda " WeII Tii. C Septic Tanks " Buidzing 0 Trenching là Sand ID Gravai C '1in EDGAR HOWDEN Ph. TE 842558 .R. 3, Milon Campb.ivilIIe Sideroad ssociati on sis Projects Soscral wrcd cantrai prarecta aeptanscd la demaonstratr Meta- ais ai a prapisg and ane af cheis- tala an arrd vas irai. hTIti t eisuils ilthe lîraîleal irait ' 1asd a te anul ii rttig ti the PIalt Sait and Cava lIe- tovemeai Asotiasonta hac hld it the ead af the pets. Price Goes Up :osts Go Down Nith D.H.L.A. Gotadimaaagementisrant nesrly $1,700 mare for samne Haltn lEsi Caty fermera peahots. Frais a nrt gaisnaof*$t63 per herd in 154 ta a net gais ot $2.840 per erd in 1958, s5um p rossîta tar laiva lEasti Caanty dairy Item- vrs isb afsîlliaird iî thebm OH. A. iOairy Bard lmprîvaimnl As- calalîin and prased tasrrc- tmasdataansdarasg thai pmviaîd. Relecrd sn termnas f retrlas par vite aIoftabac. thear figurea mets tn istrematefomIa$ 1.0$ ta $1.92. Setires 1954 and 198, product- ion par ca rorse trais 8.386 lb,. ta, ý97v tht. A abatte is pvanstoa asrcentrslelfed pereaircqient frm 1.509 ta 1.560 retalîrd tin an iresin the paansaof mita per potiidatofcamcntratefed fram 5. ai 5.8. Mss heurt parer wdepped frateS99 i 194îat aîs88 inI8 eas- sg tiat tIbm ana Isrs par 111 his'o ttmalhderatiedtfras121,ý Fat ery $184 îsvestiaant thesa mar c swoesellisg Il rats, tif satb ta 1954 antd raid 13 ars.ian 1 .At the samc use. Hsltaa Eai Caasty tarisn icreased tha averageaitirsin thmir hardi fram 19 tai 23. Thesaerage lettre ierarvder haadvedmight rosr fram $4.14 tai $4.33 daîrîsa thislar. aod. witeîrthr ciii par 1Is hof. Mill;diiriedil ram..is Eto li$3,3(. INDIAN ORIGIN At lte MosI reresi arncssCan- atirai s dias tragia tataltadi i ail cana11.000; t i taestîmaîrd 1hait ahea the mhite mas areinert .i what is nowCanadatheaiiiiii- ary had asnl',dîas Popationaasoai alititt 220,000. ASSISTANT AG. REP. D. E. Jaakson look avec hie vew dalies in Haltes Covsty on Mceday of this meantd i5 statinerd i Milon. Thse Cci assistant receetly aarvpleterl stadies iv the agrievîtaral course a, lIse Agriculture Caîlege in Gaelphs. A salive cf Yack Covsty, Mr. Jackson specalized ie field hesbaedry draisg his cllege cavrse. Dairy Herd Improvements Brings Higbèr Profits &Gi angisn, crdn oaIel:s rt eOstarv diistans oflHailtaavaaivity art.a 'ho lat aitviitt,.iaatth'.iii liy .erdlaspetveert A-aîar.*aiait -til.m aaîiil iae,rtiaal (il;*iie misttattves drirta lti" d NO t rvi.ta af ti.sa ItaVat rl ae.-iiaaaalt.h drparaiettreiaatie.tl ilaa ta iat1w aiOt1tlaa-iiIls li, irtiala ,, e m îttal,;d liaa allai d rat, ara'ad etiitattit' The bealier. saas,gr-mrvi. taaattitaat i saans .vtt-a.2taa,ia Batiti Wntit tara twi aiovrs"0a1a0aa taiafoar ttit . atay tatir vrs. Fiillim aeti tata i llait li-te ha talialati Net gaint-iierbri ittilvet pre liaitar oail ao, Lbm, praodurtiaon teir La. rasrvtctr titI ta ait % La.mît art It 1) Masnbatts re-cal, Mansbe. tliier0i. ani lb Cwmiv ai-r$]11()îîlîaîîît Areai*g, rtat -s atai Averagve ptiare pîýe, Cati! lire10l Ii l iai ili u.,a le FOR SETTER USED CARS And Reliable Automotive Repairs You Can't Go Wrong At NUMBIR rIVE OP A SERIES - NATURAL GAS IS ODORIZED. In its naw state Naturol gt is odorless. A chemnical odorant is added ttc give it a charncteriatic odor. Ita presance con he cetercl wieli befare 1% of gaz la presetit in the air, Publlsbed for your informatien by United Suburban Gas Co. Ltd. !)ti $Wtt2 117 95' $ .1 21 R454 if $ l :i I., Il,11 n (v,-n23 $11 $27 1, a7 ,73 125 7 1 12 14 il; 2 11 $ 425 $84.11 S 3.";) S$ 291) Frons theMiII .. . "Take it easy" is an expression heard quite generally, but in farming nowadays notbing can be gained "easy". It takes a lot of work and figuring. A good laying bsn is Ieying an egg every day and the poar thing is kept busy at tbat. Sbe needs proper care and good "Starliglit Feed" in order ta keep it Up. When the lien gives up, you should give ber up, realizing that ber production deys are ended. However, the egg production muet k.ep up, and for tbat reason a new flock wil bave ta take over. This again can be sped up by gttfing "lay- ing" liens in as fast as possible, and "replace- ment pullets" are just tbe answer to tbat. For more information, or any fe.d problem, drap in at MILTON MILLING CO. LTD. TE 8-2311 "SUY PROM THE MILL THAT SUYS PROM YOU" SERVING AGRICULTURE SINCE 1820 Il I Revolutionary CASE.0-115 bu. V- m*u Spreaàdeu -*Uxelu elvSa.th g effcient V-lt power ...-j~ RipI-le oiianaoyer drise .KNew: otda.« I plywood boa HaNouy-duNl bealoos - le-pmdde Iuopo ssgà ilsa~ CUTTER-SCRAPER I with y Deostrataon Caii Us Todayi MI NORTON CHOte boy muiRU BAWLNAFAD T1 7-21U. Tiha Cenen Chemnpion, T-,urs.doy, April 30th, 1959 T .q F Posers a"a, iseoheîptal in of your cor damesnat praJeeltalat -o rdinaay carh parkng. the traHf iese. ~ ~p5 4pFront tenders con be aalfilled t. Allais sitce'in troct and roe . TIV~ ~ wlth alselahi mire guides whieh far ather cars te gel aui wllbaal serve ao olghtsta la elp yaa in jadg- hamplng yas. Parklnt-bt net"' Isgudisaonces hetwon posr eus- _____ th5e laVer. lune dora and ather ahiecla. These guidra PaPe rrad rh Champtta hu virlety - presentsa alsa iaahie a, valuanhie aidate and bar 1the Champion la read. * Irablesetalaoame lsdgiag dstances in ardinary driv- d10(084 drivers. 1 lsgad pamsiag ather cars. fresfaontly racer 1,1ctt ram man mesn Here are ovIbreparking tilts rou<s Mid % wha have partlialai- la help yaa avid cee andlfrastra- y îsaîty tierîtitaveininvigations. titea. iy.PW 1I Oni oit ha wtaiai nonai tt- 1. Be sat lta Ithe i-l t caleeirna the1-t .nad tain oMnfcueaf t tiallira is parbatai a large'ar ein p.in ai tIhe rarjl). HIGH GRADE MEMORIALS a leail garage thai han a difaern EOIi NRVN approasrh.'wilbaal fteider lataltiir. 2. Doaci cause atraf11c jais ta- MMRA NRV I acaatly 5suaget Ihal the driver hîad pas ewhite yaa manoeavre 62 W«« il5., MN"4, AL mahe a slralghl-line sppraach t, tt a dittiraît parkiag space on a LPOEN her veslng garage' Ift ej. ddamni heavity-aeld te. ________________ salver he prablern, certain car ar- 3.Try toavaidaoee.shooiig yae crsriesriami.The drivrreanhave mar. Itswisest ta har t, sa bit crteqaîpperd ih urh paraltel iarking spare aiea hap trte.deices whlch mabe a righi anale, straiglilvcisg pe rca saialted, whlrrigsourdta wars îp gradualaymatav en illit ide il yasr fenders. the eeîvb, maitirea that theaaî rî'raviiriaivti .iesaaahagn yaM .1 Il_ FACT

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