SMIING ICICLES ARE SET TO PQRFORM Volume 99.-No. 47. MILTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRII. 9th, 1959 Rhapsody on Ice Presented by Local Skaters SEQUIN STUDDgD SOLOIST LOCAL GIRL PENGUIN BALLET GROUP CARNIVAL PARTICIPANTS ICICLES ON SKATES were part of the cast for the Winter Wonderland number at the Rhapsody on Ice figure skating caruival on Saturday evening. Shown je tfis junior group are Joanne Brading, Sharon Watson, Carol Tyler, Janice Rogers, Aune Fraser, tynne Snarr and Nancy Henry. FRISKY PANDA BEARS ON IC9 WINTER WONDERLAND Penguins participated in the 90 minute skating carnival ai Milton Arena on Saturday. lu the back row of the groap are Lynne Gunlock, Sandra Powell, Shirley Mllie, Jennifer Jackson, Betty Lou Bundy and Josephine Barr. Shomu iu the centre row are Ratsy Bell, Lois Bird, Charlotte Comber, Margaret Johnson and Nancy Desjardine. Ballerina Linda Griswold is shomu in front. A CAST OF 60 presented the Milton Figure Skating Clubs first annaal carnival Rhapsody on ce Saturday night at Milton Arena complete ih prfessional sceccry and staging. Panda Bears aking part and showu here lu a frisky mood are Wayne Rckets, Trevor Roberts, Petur McCaaig, Glen Ricketts, Allan Roberts, Donald Grîsmolci and in the rear leader Jahne McTrash. SOLO AND DUET numbers at the carnival attended by an esimaied 900 mere preseuted by Jean Wilson (centre) mho ciel The Ranbow number and Joaune McCuaig and Violet Schici as the Snow Queenus. Ail the members of the Milton Fgure Skating lub, orgauized by the Rotary Annes, partiel. pated inl the program. V.cLiu icl e s esnitdCl P ASADYUL O EIR-W IG FLi ATS ANDS îOU cBU ETE - Ettîa acuTHTACTS AND Foîr he priod jaeaary I-Match 20, Meteor sales arr ap 36.9,, eer lst ycar-and arc siil clîîîîbîug. Officiel indastry figures shiow hat his is thecbigecst prcecnag incease ay car in rtcar's class. S When thnasaeds more Cenadians .,heim heir preference fer Metcor se dccisivly, yaa may bc suce ihcre arr mauy gaod measses. Sec howm Meteor respousc is ehere yae nccd i-to deliuer impmoeci performance et cnryday driving spurds. Check is hctrccenamy. Mcieiics Ecin--Fucl Six givus 1O',, hettcu suleage ce regular gas- t e nickel a galon seieg. * Sec yaar Meer deler end sample al hu hetter hines a '59 Meter etters. Drive Meteor and diseanor why 36.9,, mere Cenadians banc chiieca t.. . WEIGH THE FACTS ln acbaon-todayl 9 Weigh the tacts and you'II buy M J ETEOR $So#'8 NIAIGAR300 -fRIDEAU RIDEAU500 -MONTCALM -STATION WAGONS CLUB PROFESSIONAI. fous Smith, mho has been instructing the members of the Mlton Figure Skating Club Ihis season, andi mho arrauged aid produced the carnîval, contributeci a number ta the program. At the right Paulette Doan andi Rau Wardeu, members of the Guelph Colinege Figure Skating Club are shomu after they complele one of their fiee skating exhibitions. ADULT DANCE GROUP DOES DUTCH WALTZ MOTOR MILTON SALES TR 8-2393 ADULT MEMBERS of the dance groap skated ta the Dutch Waltz following their f rut sao of training. Members of the groap shomu here are Ras Warden and Mrs. J. McCaaig, Sydney Childs and Mrs. Childs, K. Y. Dick and Miss Sally Dick, Howard Grismold and Mns. Grismold. Other members cf the dance group skated to the Canasta Tango daring Act 111 of the program. Second Section. ONE DRIVE SHOWS WHY REED ONTARIO ST. S. For SAFE-EUY used cars and trucks, see your Mercury-Lincoln-Meteor dealer