Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 19 Mar 1959, p. 10

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THE GOOD OLD DAYS =M Miltons dmtees wilI bu sptayuld iis year in an effort 10 hailthtîntspread ni Dutch Elm disease in this tanin. Tht spruying wiii undoîbtedly take plat. sn the spring and mînilînit wont sivete ts irtdy ineteld, il wil m thtu iiedanger otitis spreaditîq. Thil11,0,dIStîlîn I,ý;Itn lti-lt 100000 Amei lî tIis. lu lriîqthetntpast 2d ynarn an a îtsnlt of teDîttîn Elm infetaition. A strvey nf the elms in the rgiot setntd by tb. Wettnpoltan Toonto and Reglîn Cînsettation Athoriiy showed thît tht tn- cidence ni clisunse mas as high s 8 pet cent. and s low as .5 per cent.in sont. municipal- iins. Mlttn lias more ihîn 300L lms tinat ilii bu pr.tyetl this peat fot $875. OT.e sptayitng Considored solely on the basis ni annoal income, the Canadian middle class is chatg- ing. Eidttce oi Iis cornes irom a gonurn- mont publcaton entitled "Taxation Statstits 1 958,"ssued iny tinttaxation diisiontonitbe Depnrtment ni National Reenue. Ote ni tbe tables in tim seiui book gin. a distribution ni anpayers by inconmt clisses lorthtie taxation years 1 941i to 1 956. t shows ibat in ibe enrlet pear the largesi gronp ni tanpayern mas componed i fthose earning rom $1000 to $2000 a puai. Oere nitre 36n,862 r, that grnnpot o a total ni 871,484 inopayers. ln 1 956, the number ni taupayers mas moret ban florti-tmes an large, at 3908,176. Tht largest taopnying grop had sbiîed ten Sonterning irom $3.000 no $4000 a yuar. Thuy nomhered t,015,449, wblethteî grop beloni tbem, earnîsg irom $21400 to $3,000 liad 993,n30 mnmbnrs. tn 956, an in 1941, t mas the miele and lme r clannts ni anpa yers opon wmln te reteint, gené-nral ni Canada dnpencled for Lngellow once rte "if Spito came bt once in aîcetory.intntad ni once a year, or bursi iorih mutin the snund ni an eirth- qoîke, and flot in nilence, nihît monder and eopuctatioîî there niold b. in ail heirîs In behnid tht miranloos, atd the perputuai exercîse ni Gods powier seums les ondnr- iii bhat ils mitlîdrawai inîid bu." Satorday is Marcîn 21inîdcaing tht frt oficuial apprnnch oni bat mnnderiol Sprîng season. t mîght be diffiultt to tell romtheb meather of tomorrnm and tht net meuh just mhetinur t i ii arrive or not, but ofiimîly An Longfellown nn nptiy itdîtated me grnm ancutniomed In the thanginq em eons Some ni the sirongest mords ot of Ot- taabhne been imed ai lobhynng. Speahîng ni the Anro Airnon. rime Minister Diefen- bahut sand "Lobbies iii havenfe ttiouitht deisiont bs gnntrtmtnt mahes." To ns iis direct ttanh on iohhying is not only imuiy bot intelligent. Mbie me are not mel ntrned n Ameican pliins. the obbying pînttes ihtt han. been one of tht thisgs me mooid ate 10 neon the Can- adian politital stene. Me arent taine enoogh to bliene ihuy dont etit ber.. Eery national groap tbnt mahes ils may to Otawa or Toroto gonert- ment bonnes. and anloh ni groopn smalîer than natinnal scale bave rensons no subniit snggest- lions o tht coontrys egisiainrn. Mn tan imagine that tonstrouctive ideas, meil prsentud. iii runtuve the cotsideratcnt tbey deserne ohit hnne ilh axee î-grutd" iii be similarly treatnd. No matter mibat gnnertment s in power, it s cbarged oiib egislating lot tht commot good. Dont gelu s iong. Me îhnh itduidoais sbooid stili write to thir member of parlia- ment. Aihen ail he is a represeniahune, bot the lobbyitg that ont oppose is that onbun.b s or- s rncommndnd on an anstal basis Ibis ai- ois8 a build p nift.e spray as a stronguli pctection tot htrees. Cnst nf rtnnnitng half natiozen titts îold trtntly enteec titat whlich tite town plans to sptir ntlnî ptayllngu, anl i Mîiont iiio Insu ils deprinud i fIhe nînîde tht stiey lînt tîltîs. Dring 1954-57 Hnmiltonnltas lnst 275 e!ms lrigb -infection. Signs ni tht infection and indned intcttd tes hanvelîtun spntted n Milton and thîs tht sîntayitng program s nt cnmîîng ny toon son. Iis bnpd rtsideîits wilas nti n making th prngtam stceussîsl ny c-nptratitnq il tht tîco sprayerrn in il lty arrîno. the bîib ni is support. In spitn ni lhe sinnp- y gradnated incnnne tan, nihiltîinkes tht biggest bite i rom lie largest incomes, more thnn bal ni tht income tan payablein i1956 came iînm ittoinas ni $6000 or ls. a year. Aboutnne sintîn ni tht grand tIaI canin irom tine clans eaining fiîtin $3,000 n0 $4000. t s possîbt, tnen probable, bhat Ihent tntpaytts do non renlizentiteil imprtatceuin the cnnntrys ecnnomy Eictpt for hune niln ire sel-umpînyetîlhley ner Iandl thtit mnllons bhat bhey nntriante Io Ottawna Tlîny may fot tnen relizet bat thtîr tarînîtto are nntnally as large as teigurttnshownforilt i their taLe-tonne pay iliat natters n itnî ni-t.o sonnl financîînq.Tîeir incatrne taes are l mot as inisibeta t iem as the salen andi et tise tanesn bat are limleîînntecs o enerything they boy, Thny int l nth on t ni liingbutttliiy aretntniuragedIotntlie il ta gnnetnnent.nl on Iaiqit ni Tho, Prii ed Word. and olten iSrget the miraclensn of ~tiiain - îtg. Bt Sprîng is a long loohenifr i asn ns i heralds tbe reuofniniarini an lîrîgint daps ontiîl afaier tieno nnin noîît rý Tint treun mili brjiin o nhow brliiuuIrr grasn mill adopi n brglteî greenth- tiî w ers nl Ingîn tc, puni1 upqi leîn l(Iinn Ol inn preparedifor tintir tycle nifnjîoathli tîti miii stast playing alityn aînd aehs, itiliet skates il mahe thtir ippearjnceen -rl wal. il miibu nmnpt niftem in iitel n.niil aIr the signs ni tle appto.nthîieng anniail la nitlctmud indedr-n. Wer rnoinqieiotmalilinilh nptingiea- ilînt andni ne're- qînt i inn hli ii0 tlie- W imagine yon.re ton, gannzud tb ruap a htnefiuîforaspcf(rju ttat mghl rinpaillin hi nertt.ul nai rJitt maty othurs. Western iarmtrn rtnentiy marelueni - iu trait on Ottama. TI-nit rtcnptiunni-n muet n dtfiniency ppynnenls. ins nt ematly uc fl. There nieren't a lot ni manti mwoîdnmu arrining ni tht cnlsinn ulher. tl s tnconragung in hnom bhat tthenit- cts niany mission Io Ottawa mii nt h nieîsured by tne nomiser tf dnllarsnbaht an be eopundned nn a meil otejanized lobbîy Me don't watt amy lanin njiJnt htlinyunq but mu anu ginel bat Inbbying inut le miAe ansmor t0 oblaining gnntrtnnîenh inuor. Heap of Praise Mords ni appreciatîontare suininni irrth ud to thone denerving bthdaJéy% hut ni îhuth theru sbnnid be a Finap nif pîmin dniree]I o Foteman Brucet McKeri andni hoontrt or i-bthectltiiun nnohittînMllenu streets bine beet mantainod iis yuan Sunr-rt hane beun a lot of eariy mnrninnq., andu i I days o antomplisîn ilansd tontehtnownn t lc than Brucet ahthins han been a ennît in- ter. *iTittitiAilE tW.9 windililti b, n11 -i h -11 1 'w lii t11, .-i. d --l -l 'd..i . ii i-. l . I.~~ ~~ ~~~ t i 1.11. i-i I .,ii i ()Fi 1.11. iý ' l. I ',11ii i -i ii HIGHWAY GOSPEL CHURCH 1 PENT.-ECOSTAL ASSEMIBLIES OF CtANADIA t-.nîîu itluiielianmmml5Outlniiluntl Siin. 11,- M. CSrimtî'mn INtuS. MARIit1 1od. 19-M lu m"o ',ýI '.ii h - fIt m:,I oml uil iai-onn ii. l m p uun I-i inu u mm uonunu i ..Fil.l- Mii --i iim-en al iitiî.ii Aininiue.iimn1-opRmaeiii Al Au- mi -mîmnu EMMANUEL BAPIIST CHURCN (nmtminn,ý,intil Si. Million lIi t K I .(.;of)-I tO (I în leffl. Mu au II u SIINi>u\Y.MARI1 lîmîld. I19u9 I u mm lunl- Su-lui.i tu . <mmm 1111n Timm glunui o n1u nnui 631tii n uni tlle In miu.n Siuu l -muu p, jitie um in I at illa nul 14 ifilin, l ' t'V itil - imm'un uniuiii Ii-mirm ST. PAULS UNITED CHURCH Mnitet Hi-ni. ionst (raliam. BHA. B.D tO gaîuîn, MrshulmId Magein. A T.C.M. tinttM SIiNIDAY SERVICES hîitl-tei-iiillMa-utI 9.4 a.. t.I40î.m h 'itho an v inr porîunvnnn. t1,00la.- Nimenry. Bi-gjinnr, KcertImi-nid Primumu y Dûi- mIr ., luut tut tnry uhild , nunît SunînnSrhom. ti.000ia m -Cnri-min SOuitie, Sun miiimet.SIteyu.î usýv hîluilui-y tntmdîy 7.0 1 hm, A niu-ln onn.thi e t- ennimitiitiiimtii-Ci-us.A e mît ili- deoimlini i. tmol il A Wise Precaution I ~ ~ ~ ~ el in- iiîll. mgmi- tbal 1-t iiinii' illîltaP.Sl t * l-dn ll tilbj nîliorîlit ih 'I' ii il nîIîîîîîîîn 11î - - ln hîgl boid, i i h y i ,i. lý A *IN iTORONITO it Fn 'dît ii , : hlie.-l.,î il ..ili 1,i. ttu tm - d- i and a u L ui, I .tir. a.î i ii - ., - t Ni - il lt W tt i-i l i llîlit - iii aîîLUîI.- t h;oîîîî ;"q' ni.-n. tii - , a niiiid I- 1""upr - a IF ANYTIiNG lin merin the ji . ilit n lis ts-i e -b lkt Stili- iacil-inn ttfor îl llghls .itner pînsts. intel minl- d-ilht nI-in Iit-eitdintilays. .11111e aiî,iud litu wtchthe oine.and nie iii t tti oi i-inss111DRHES On tir.ii.dliii- ,Alfi tî t T l it i in f lar pi md iý:l , Parklî- .,ii i li i -- tiîitila t ialetitt.l«s n fii .. ..sh-d i-îitii .iiit - ltI l , -- li thl111iIi ii .iiki -. i l i *SPEAKINLI tF lîîîîl 11111 ,,,, I l fiv ti il - iiItîks tii 2041 B- Sc tieîlîîî l uit tîllnln î ii ti-tI .iido uuith -îill ie liiiil lu * EiTTINC AtiGUND ii totiîk- ing i p in iii. CI m .îî l i îîî a t liea igond il"Iiil iThe tiiitlt il-l il 1lo 1t o titir ý-i-tsoh tii ,tii,-n îîhîîiîd nuit 'latin nie .îdd Il Ile o l- îîî-nnofttîîlîîînen Maylita oi- înîîîîîty- nide t il,i- -te iii A--lîî Day lt tfiiniii ictti î-i-i-titizen.ll mi -ll .11 lil.-itttili y a i t:«,--,. Il tînt Aulun it li- t.I-.nInms a Tilt. ONE titilla t-at lît nl l-thi li.iying ilclm! fax - l n o THEliii hiAtllF. uJit -il Ni, Non *What îîîdid e Oite- Tlîîîî ari- unl Ofllni tti s iiilut-iail Nil i :l h,'llim? Ilit.i hi i iiiin- dutid -a Wîit iten nedof giily e W l)in i Iua lit ai ilvtî Tii . illih i Nol Nil i efin Tlîii-.îrettly i n ne ,Whnl dld the ,ketch mIli tenet. Illttgay?' 11w mînfy ment nurry Wlîen lit paaaeal may! KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CI4URCI4 R6EV. E. OROHORR. MiInister MutilRuWrigut. A T.CM. a hi.uîtlîuîîMantel on-tîîou 0.15 os and emu I i, ihte moud. Numlnet. l0:29. SUNtOOY. MARli 2uu21,11119-59 lAIMSi ntNlAY i oi i in ilnnl tuinm iuu.i limu nlîmî. iS ntut TlintKiiiîln ie Siitt nitionoGI BOSTON AND OMAGH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES Minstter:Huit H.A. Nin. BA. T(-Iî-Iîhnînet THannît 9m(1926 SItNIOAY. MAiIît22îîut.1900 11î0nai mnmRti. tîilmiittili 1-"u GRACE CHIJRCH ANGLICAN Milton. Onînrin etotl Uto. D. A. Powelt qllIiNiAV. MAtICII22ndîi.1t95t IIAtM titNtAY il.tii in tîmn numi nîrnnn 945 ,-liiSIntuulin SetI-ll ;II tile Clans,ý I1.1111 -li Maituns. pî...tîcuinu lîlînnînng anid Duntîiuit i ttmi y W-lnîin.M. -eth 25--7.0 Mmnînnin ttjImiinilîn. Marceli26-7.01 chly - imîminîn Sel lmmntnuuunuunamud Aqidmn-tIn LOWVILLE - NASSAGAWEYA (ANG.LICAN) Runttr:Rut. H. P. E, Jeîtures, Caieutîslle ULsIer 4-2577 s11(lmîGîtChou tii.Lnnî.nileý 1; NDA Y. AHCH 22nd. lt15 îAL.M SUNIaAY tlti n ;m. Mmtiiits and Ciiiii-t Sooinîl. HBl,-singmuand Disilîth lît immn uitFaIli umnunun -- tinimomin-iIl S alutî il p Wi-ntimiay.Muni-h 2.9 - ainien MunI-wni,,kService. Mziondt Ttiiii-ndmy. Maii l2 ilnit (ml intiiIn Gîînd lFeudon., Mai-oh 27--Evnnn ansd Fa ttptopaiaîti. St ii.tJohn's Lhtmech. Nuuniillnmpt SUNDAY. MARCH 22nd. 1909 PALM SUNDAY 2.00 pin.--Enî-nsînand ChoPpit nuhmiîl. *Hlvsinunnd lSi1Itmhii- mimin ut lanotSS4.snî, Cmmi F-iutay. Muîi-înb27 -- h1amn, Ante-Commnîn. 50 YEARS AGO Taken tum theIilesII etthe Canad- Ian Chamupion, Match 18, 19N. The big ,îx.day-go.as.yeu-plsat tom race in New York endtd at 10 o'ciatk Salntdny. The French pair, Ciloît and Orphet, wua, tnak- nm 732.6 minesîn d atiil $1,506. 'lin lntan irn, Davis and Met- kit. nîmadî t7t9.5 lin d got si id L,wnîle on theo.- I-Ctîneî,t tarrnr, winhl ie ised i ilsn awnus-t.Whtittd AtîtatrogIalt i ut inîntlht agI, Het n the min wlnî tîtetI tintd and brîîught ont Toml LongIot a nd hli i about ta taise chartge itht Onondgi tuain. Ht -ayaslaîtlgtîî ai i onteî(ithtenil ee.Il nn,,îld ltienmach ltcttr lot hinnifîiht nlld go ta Lumnîli tnr hîs traning, but lit Insultaso snaynlg in Totonto. Davis hnwttc-t hnpres thaiehand Tom Flattent Wt.11igeltimhùnn, tuit shapeand taytst lie nn out Shenî tr nnonI- e-tne nhîn ft.t *'hlîn lînt f tiîtzn ei6t, av - id slîty fiN-ntYork sniet u is sonteîof thet aloi îîîlilcat. John îtady lit MiIîîn. S611 a tIlt. uix-rlI oftytil'as1 an-i îiîte indtiga thlrn rn l tht lite tlt t1u etrtai e tIitliîlin t nai, s lilî-d îiî th '*T h I oit alîîtîit hînft hie book, i!nt- -s aneîîth thîîinllend iilltînlî'îilla i ý ydadthemiîîîtîih iitîaw l'eîtaiîilllOlilpeupnleî aiîympathyitîihtttelili lii i anit. t-? t îîofIîlîî-î t m îaîîts- Vîtîîî ;k,îii(î-tlî gli.îltliiliilll iîîîi .itI t i-îliîn oitîît i til i,. îEîiLanMlii rd t ,h aot. Ms inl' Pî-îiîtnii l lI iIarclret itinî *'Iae aIihîoîa the tlî- lî.î-n ilttil PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY AND TRAVELLERS' GUIDE DSENTAL DR. G. A. KING Dental Surmert Offtimn sRüynal tiîîldngaMilton lîiiiis 9-5 -- X llny selrvie Tri. týj DR. H. F. GALLOWAY D33,nîutilSio iiî.nlo Elin Is9to (i atm. Etensîs Sp ppiintmet X-Riy Shittite Tii Otficet TIR8-9201 LEGAL KENNETH Y. DICi< tt r it :44491 T. A. HUTCHINSON, Q.C. 131 1-iîiinnihmet Milftomn GEORGE E. ELLIOTT, O.C. Daiin m. tIiilmtidmiY Publict Olt mîm- "017 Mary ine 11-111111110 TU-ltm-920 SHARFE and NICHOIS W S.SHAStIE A. J.NICHOiS Itiintt n. S.îlîilîîeî annd Niitnrs Pulie 146 Mainî St..Miltonî HOWARD M. HiNES 298 M-iiSt.. Mil 1111 Ilimime THI 8-9772 F. DAVID THOWPSON tlîm îie ,md siiîntî l89t Maiiim ttitid-mtt TR 8-66n5 FUtNlilAL I9IRECTORS Mc KERS lE FIJNERAL HOME Fînîntral lîînmî. Ambuîlatnce St re- PHOtNE. THl0-4452 101016For DAY smo-il î ,Ciumnteiiimt Seenie. <ýHIROPRACT(9R WM. G. RIDDELL, D.C. 13v A îîîîmtm uti PITtONE Tit 8-6923 OPTOMETRISTS ARTHUR A. JOHNSON 1n4 Malin St., Milton Plîiîi,ýTH- U8-9972 Ris. OU 8-9678 lmtilmliind îlFeidan moniulgs lvinimt.hy pu iiît WILLIAM C. MILLIGAN A ntîîîîioîîiînttyq Piîîîî T tlll-1541 fiut apptilntmnt PUBLIC LIBRARY HOIIRS Mosdnn -........130 to 5p.m. Tîtesaîn.. 1.30-5.pm mad 7-9 p m. Wtdnesdun.930 a.m. - 1 p-in. Thiitsdîy 13-5il-pin. ond 7-1)iîm. Feîdup - -Smm m ad 7-i9 pm. $aturs.ay - 9.1 - 12: 1 - 5. Pulile oitadays nl as ietded MEDICAL THE, STEVENSON CLINIC MiiloiaI AppalntmenlaTII. 22 Du. C. K. Stevenson TIR 9-4410 Dr. D. K. Aikenhtad TIR 8-9545 De. D. Leslie TIR 8-9196 De. R. W. Douglas THti-O6l4 Otfic ltuItîien Iy ainuitmeltt onty A.M. - -12 0.98. - 1-4: 7-9 Wi-dne.nday., 2-4 p.m.. Bîhy Cliii Siiîiîly aîid Wtdnesday tsmniîus. Eitttuntîm ; ny. MILTON PHIVATE HOSPITAL X-RAY Coroner. C.P. andGoal Surgen DR. G. E. SYER PhYtteîan and Suirgenn th,înt No. I'R 86931 Office Iliiiîst 9 am.; 1-3 DR. J. W. McCUTCHEON Office Hours: 2 - 4 et.n8-9 P.m. Teltuhone TH n-9223 leîîîaTH 8-9298 DR. C. W. HII.TZ Plînn.eiaîî olnd Surueos 14 Maîlîn SI., TUH8-6793 Con iiii Lattî by Appllmetit ACCOIJNTING LEVER & HOSKIN Clîotntttd Acteîîîntas moraest:ciL 1-4824 KM 4-9131 5I Maiîn St. N. 212 iiinu St. W. Brîîatn Toîýno EARL G. BLACK B. Comm., .RiA.. C.A. CHAHTERED ACCOUNTANT Fattners' Bîdg.. 163 Main St. TIR 8-0542 NEVILLE STOLLER & CO. ProfesionilAcouttts& Alîdiltio Tîîîstes in0Bantkeiipttp Head Office: 530 Bînne SI. West, Totonto. LE 2-59 ClîîîntOffice West iof Toroîtto: T4 Mainî Si. Norîli. Brampton GLtndîlr 1-4405 Clîlet Office KEast niToroeno 3 Cambridge St.. Lindsay FAîttîto 4-2404 Bemnchts ol Georgettown, Aton, Ftnntîîe Fals -tan SEiRVIIVORS BOWMAN, BLACK AND S HOEMA KE R OetaioiiLand Snnttvynrs and FEîî er Main Office: - lliatîh Offie: 30 Douiglas SI. 163 Mais St. Cmîttph Ont. Milton, Ont. 'JA 2-4031t TH 8-6983 ARCIIITIICTS H. MYNNE DAVIES Atehitect 32 Adanre Road. Torntot19i Ti-ltphiiîîi BE 3-646 ResidtOtit 1002-8008 TRAVELLERS' GUIDE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY (inEstI-7.19si n.; 1.44 p.m.; il 27 pni Gîîoing Wesl 9.25 n.: 1 .24 p.mn.: dntly. CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAY ro-ing Noth--1.17 am. (Sîing SaaEIs-7.10 p.m. Dally esuelat Suday. 20 YEARS AGO Taken f rom the fil., et tho Cuaa- IaC(hampon, lmatchW. 1IBM Althouagh me are num mei l i tii. tleful monîli ut Mateli, au tor musriu arcomaes liant detet- iihiad. It imtnimC StainnîngIti lok an lîmmnugh emu-nan tIl gt thlltîîînl ltua ,-i-tsimhIiiihl hi 0 llitiIu n antuet r immnn iIi- tînelui wîlh t Frenchiiland Amnetican îieitll diinttiîn pat. AI an rte. moch to the surpise ofthle cenetillnoub- li.leteSpînlihmît is hint waand ne muinut mîrld ditutia- atm-. i t ui mtd satisnatrion AttordingtIno lltnroisiontsof thenCrimnuiiCode ai lumnets ut raevolversind pints ni-i teîied Inn tegiltert(hem wmuthOle Roymt Cînodian Mouned Polict. Ottamn, hetoi-t tht itit dmp et Jnly, 1939. Inr-lly 10 i question trum Gou-- hlimt truipiliu.MP.it, Pi-i-i.the lioun. C. O. Hum- Ministet ni Ti-:n.it un. t- n 0tht Hoîîsp of Cm nnmnts ritu-tnIe han the Can- oduano roaduutînu Cori-oratioin ntumuln ClI, mils tnnntraeted ai n ,t uoifmi$201,370.14; t tatîlujieusnP umtitond tiheiland wsuit uumehasd Ni, ioImenenmiaucnmmisstinsfor sOn luntîmu tuyn Mi-. ielîbun hon i- nd wtl ntif huîyhito. lhey ha- uc nleumIlishl eiiaretit nslined Stiiet-ui-n ni-te i nîantrp eTint bn-1,pn ui un Innloui o mnu I.'niel miet iuts. Tht- Y.P.S. mut Si.Dadn tchoi-th. Canripliîlh. 1h01 i nthe SS.on yNim.rumiy to-in. Atortihe- dttîu- oi..aIttu-einsnee lino. tSire ,ast a duiscussioiunihether o nhiiimina, i seunhîtî n lteduaioîn Mi'.JIhn timinns ofmiMilton Ilitenli nd hSr tm -nnîtal ulunititi in Tiltsdhîy 16inin ne ig Gueîlh Junon tx-hen tt u nmi tii-kmieiy the hon thîctiutmoti ta ýIiail tthititl New Middle Class "Before the Buds Break" 9cEsV JOTTINGS B y 1 I m D01IL L S The Recovering Miracle Wise Words THIS SUNDAYtS CHURCH CALENDAR The Canad ian Champion Pohiînhted eviey ThtuedaY al Mainn SIl,1nn.Ont -Mî-m- tiir iof tht Audtlit ra-fnCirculatîîi. 1he - WNA ad thi- O-nta iri-Qothî iviioan .CW.NA.Adovýttnn o -n-t ln ~~.I5M w loin.'.Suhse,tiilns payali-n doýnn-, F$31) n ( $4.0f, in theUSA. Authorived as Se-mici Cluss Mii Pos.t Office.-Dpartrnenul.Otawa. G. A. Ditt, Fdt--n-lhittf Jonnns A. Dluis, Miflaging EFiîir Puhisthtd in tthennI i tof1aliln Puhîîahed by the DIII, IPenting and PahIInhIag. C.. LInted BUSINESS AND EDITORIAL OFFICE TELEPHONE TR 8-234 1 1 V. -es ,n-

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