Horby l.Ho~ds Sheila Martin, LAC. Merle Gunby For Parents OnIy Christmas Meeting ResoltionsApproves Donations Wed in R.C.A. F. Chapel, Uplands ResoltionsThe December meting s! the ta the ehapel ai the R.C.A.F 1 The h'de'aad mas Mina Gen- Harnhy Wnmen'a Institate mila Statian, ttalaada, Dntarimn an De Mamne Dnlacme af Ottama, mn ynl- byNacyClaniheld ai the hame af M a. . Me- embee 13, Flight Lietenaat Ren. la nganea mn hallena length, by Nancy CleaverCancan and mas thei ChristmaJ. H. Avnaycandated the cee- ih0wiefahrbtadasa k ~~~~meeting. Thece were 15 ladies monyimnjtiag inmaiage Sheilamthheeahhtndta mhat miity mcte. matheemfaieitas tealh rme. andnannidcn>îensent. Raale MatinaofOttawadangh- anegayhbouquet af yella cand tma gicla. Betty MmaDoinald mn themn tant nght" mn the wcmy a The pceaident. Mes. W. Casîtan, tees!f Me. and Mca. Sidney Haet- mauve e!myanthemama. The anh- "O0ninm mn the Stew". cantescea mmaii chitti imes. mac in change a! the husnaess ses- ley, Camsihellillm. and L.AC. Wil- e mac L.AC. Allan Baller af Up- ha sne daen* n'ctm amhennmwec Na, en evrny hanme whr ae in andimenedthme meeting ta liam MerleoahbysofUplandn, eld- lande. mh tne'hnacal mannnc. Thenecetaest na afiMe. and Mca Bacdge t a adaleccene e Hec anc piece of ahece la a hmgh schamit nosn 0e ead the minutes and gane theIGaahy af R. R t, Mtllgcsne. The Reepian Faflama adnie mns ta han> an tmyammcsniity daah Inn. thene ance 'points a! tceacacec'a report. The animal i gnausnaa mas L.AC. Raymoad Atten the enemsay a reeplian and pnay. Fnam hec ama epent- asnflittnl* Paciesa a'hni'c tht' idi' Chritmas gitt ta the Hailtsn Cen- 1Macnmillaa a! Racheljîfa R.C.A.F mat held hy the grasma' caticagacae reneclalen'at "Adalescents da aat ai t:hc lai aenacîiimna ctash. Pae- t ennijal Mminac a! theee cahncnmpt- Statisa. mn the phntsgeaphy sectian af the imame thein parenta. Ttey meimly enta aiha have cpm'sl yaanellngs jans im, theatChampima n mac ap-1 BsslerÎa LeagihDrm BA>aUpnd.mthrhe Icl halae ascmt.ammamiat-'hein nhildccn chat hi do. sîmd- inenm Dsnatis mece aina gmncn Tiofd.gnamnmnig ya L.AC. Kcmth Jamea and Mcc. eaalcdmmlthrandencidnit pmty fan desirmwahen thenhnfliaa lnaantIil hcChildnen'snAidand Rtard- he hbrihe,. giend Mi n m mrig l y, thlea." Thia cmsa r mihcn cae>- 'nalh ihat nhlmdrn hmane annc de- med Chmîdi en'c Snhaaî. Cande ancla t Ghe a r thr 'aimMrinciasmes. Thc mathce af the bridn jngnvedictmillhnamtmI'ige iiith hnmte jdean ai the sans wnhnhknnent mtntfrenda. Gulhmac aleialegh"e a gald dmen mmth mhite cr thencommentmfafSeakehni'aihae- lalhnca and mthenncshald anl Dm- Th olct a M ao itee fimy brcddstnwt ain cannage, and the gnsam'n memberd, -Wen 1 as in y recl, jjirecl'cnhkit aadd narethein m smth tir maie a cimnîlar cannage m'et.tmmdcll. thm tell theChistmasCarl" and wa nmgmmc faslvrlckt e h a'ithaibige decn. mneend. cm "Whnfi I nauin mna nmy nt oftwrsadrsfrte.s'rdb l rsrt 1lmuthneadntdn1tmandtccvd Parnts' Deealagan Pragraas Presned rs i lwl eda ibsi- r n r onRigwyo macnltaantmmer nniadiathnmtmn par- nAni'cmcnmi gimat-me-td Mc. h. May wain charnge ofl ced reis mf hiteillusian. She Milonthelattcelhenintnm'ofthe en ino tmifinlhitmlamist memd Asct'tcîmscmth nt'cesmm'eila"-De- thn istmanmmminh mmensd namh aimmanesta nsegddccbnuqute-f brieln aiaeylnn.AC. WM.t iampossibltu tniecthal lnhmld have nîmita li P;I*'snsmm fi, minîmti! thcnmnainl mif thn nmmtal. ' Cura"i rai osadep d ne.- Maad hI, Gnb Otîia.e t 8 uen hi mina si nie' fammty!" n a i, 250 'mte-gias renpn5- Nmghi. Min. M. J. ironc gaie amSic'u S. taa Tncn-aiecc ri lonear tanlipt their esîmiog l7Iittl iltinn scnhasi nani inlc hoatisi af. Winn Vas -tidents. Thia -y mîm 'iI and ammd I Wcrc Youmng, Mmgiammm Mmm. c ya m n < CC rwmnmceamcramnaiememth'n tii Iinntte in inmnhy C Fil t'ndc'*nd a 1,ilightlmt mmmili !,hg Ile'. .. r- Mm trtlmdinllnct t", If titi maltill mat Mr, Mmmýrc, Pizttc.v cho ma n mhm'i tlý,II D' ri iii Ilmmmii jiii iti' 'i.i mm'ii ii Ii m l th tiI ali thi. mmai i]-Mm mii hi' mt mti dlm Tu .itt r, mi I mmi i mmi tiii i-w ~ hma iimtim andl Mi, .1. W.t-a ' k li k m- mmm'. m.I.mtl d mlit lhm'e mii h. i 1km' mmIi m-u ids mmlii t' iii i tj mm ' ilium I litrh il,,,> h l t" -r i hit a , ci lm i m 'd ' Tl- wi' mn rmIutd 'Te I mmi Simsi ncerepywih If I Immiii '. il - Ami xh.nge if (kit tmm.mI Vift, for ysa ai the noys and iiu litc M- hI j Bmrtan 'mmmii lMs aWt Kîm . easn. Mayp mmdmng paca cm mi kmîiamnt mm h' andhmppncts ta ysaes. tlnatand Threat- - c'. mm h 'iii mmihi' First Tree .t it I ii G,:lii" ii ii mi' îh math , n ,t. FrottisaiAU 0f Us At tfailmi STONEHOUSE SALES temi a I- a. hib aim 1mi M I T E n tf i i iii Milaon t ib., fâ" ChristisTw lit,!, lIi i - .l l,1imia iti mmml. geamtW.tIeCmre555 aea'em fi i I:mm I ." I 1m i , cm ' t'Il - ,1 Il. i lui s m,n . t I ii v r ,i ,t r h Chisms eso i Kmm.h Itmh teaaa laa-n hast.h aiimm.-:mIc't- .tamîtî hh 'art'ir ofi and .mt'mmmm mm e am ' ai i m c iii a 1,'mi 't CLEM ENTS~ ont tiliii:îm: nd7Ïi vu-i;ît7:T Iaithl mmmmmIit: ii ' I.m"i Ecimmi t. ninBi mm. rI, lim t h i' mmiih fuis t - itm 'mlid It i INSURANCE ,I .mmlmt. 'mmmîmmm 1,-Iitmc noi timm aiihim.m'a? i 1rt May te Christ Chid e bora mn Bethlehrem s0 many years aga brieg his message cf Peace and Gaad Wmll jasa enery heart an titis masS rdi M coyfal Day. WrIm and he'mrty gosd i nhen te, our frmenda and nihbara. As yamz deak the halls math baughs of hally .. a yen hark ta jayîul enrota a..ay the aeuaaa bi 1 yoat mach hampness PROM ALL 0F US AT PROM THE MANAGEMENT & STAFF 0FPA K F R I Y MILTON DAIRYPAKFR DIY a: 1