IN MMORIM <Cnt.>NANTED (contiud MISCELLANEOUS (sontinued) FOR SALE MLO AIO EVC C L A S S 1 F 1 E D OEFOREta icn gbecad o Deadstock Service van a NnTd altp s losERVIC soho toIt our midsf Decea'ber 27. FOR SALE4'Iowers îor ait oc Wiîî pay up ta $5 for hoes ndWad ily typesaie iloaefc 197.cassons. Hsnry Go-ter,. Killeride. o - more if living.aalcendb Decil acr heart lies a pitUre Phone TE 8_8213 , ilo c-tf LIce homress that cao walk, 4½c a A. VAN DER VLIET Art'sEDTISING aieP 1d one laid ta rest. Il.tfea._868 la scemory's frame we shail hee FOR SALE-2 dcli carrnages. inl lb. Lat D s-31T-2-28 accRod, casdition; aisa figure skates. TI» 8OLLARD c-38 RATES Beauso she cas one of the hest. size i. Phoce TE 8-9980. c-32-819 c-tf nie tae ndCnd Evor rcmnembecod hy Chester, L93are sd el nuinite Sactes Can Ccna- .Caol and Barbare. c-32-620 FOR SALE !s83Co.sdn_____________ o DistriactucManr n ton Noechargt for ensceccemeci dctacery. Phoe TE 8-2391, Hoiton E1ceti117yEil ccd MerloosDetis D FOEE îctainomesc f:c Co-Opercie. c-32-627 Misceltaneous ecowni. Ocrnecepat higan adEcgagemects. 1n Memcc- Edith. a dralr cil0051cr acd ais- FO_ýtR SALE - Holatein c.11, i _______________ ss. Actcmbîe essenti. Agric- ise75c pion t0c pcr tino toc. arhc lo Or coidot Derrmi- mk cd. Ejcn Jcy, TE 8-4754. chicrai or farming backgrounfd for sveres. Articles 1cfoi ber 27. 1957. r .n -32-629 EitmEs ecaScin c clcpcrtant, Soie, training cec, ec 3c nr Miae Upright acd lest in lit hr ccys. Ihrl' bcd - Sevc Stationa Ol r moticOY 10 Bon 84, Lonon, im 5ca O. Ban No. tcts LoYya ad troc ihrough aitliher FOR SALE-Shrimr pick coml- ni mpra i m __________________ silie 25r cdas ct oîma îieci ocico.peîctybo format. cizr 10, $it. Phono TE 8- Ope coc m.-oodacoe dys aro eocet25earmiol omiilrelen Ocd frehooî p fibre. s9c696. c-32-608, ibm 12no udy. c-2616 5 tîces. oarh addatioaol lice more. FOR SALE-Modern efiract- Publie stesographer service, ntsc %"DURACLEAN" lOc. Cad ofthenhs 75. Bill- Ecor rmombored hc Mothor, or. ex oint cocnditson, $50. Phone . iartnd stencil dplicatin acd oofhî'ec 25e added to cil roctherancd cistcco. c-32-621 TE 8-2283. c-32-614 home ccpy seacatndis tt cr000aicipadhic Ion02 and Office Supplies, 182 Ro.inyU olsonhmR n unsi o adbln-FOR SALE-Ail binds cf applen. MainSi. c-10-4397 Uoitery Duaclocned SaatoLrdcy of mcrh of phiae- MrEACHERN - In mcmory c o attdfcrStrcs hc l _________ rhig 810Acoateee rocod gingasc n hacdbbd. JoliaLes-W'1dlvrStdasPhn i- Nocubig tion Acounts ae ren tieMoEaercO.ahc pOcOec wa iaiaoBooafaeld. TE8-355. :Nrn.c Maaodcy fciicaoacg insection. lst Orromhcc, 27. 1957, in his --5--220 osccce 71h vrc O SL Apr. ohn R. H. Trowbrid ge eNo strocg scapl or alhclie. LATEST INSERTION TIME FORi tAL -aat olAph ao0pac. ca. c lor. Or ac cd No scehico. 11.30 Pji1. WEDNESDAY Hao ccca. hand f.cIc aloi s00, Scra Hoard Gocmfcd, TE 8i- Eoocaaicc and Ooedicg For froc eclimote ccli To hear haa roar. 11 ire hi a aacalc, 6456. c-29-5-496 Roed Building MERS. E. BLACKLOCK PHONETR 82341 Thet mccci so much las me. POET823. His spri or l td. hats scîfrac ocr. FOR SALE 2 rroaslcred. or- MILTON PHONE TE 8-9131 TE 8-8825 isa Hcacrn hoe c free. crdaird acd hioccd ircird HoItfraa c-ai Ochritie VI 5-0663 Sady is aacca by wifr Rhe aowaas A. T. Waadtcy. TE 8-6253. c-tf c-32-622 c-32-625 MILTON UPBOL9TERING MARIED MrEACERN le In cac fen a FOR SALE-Tycona ters. addacg Chesterfaeld Scites MONEX TO LOAN dc.aa fctlaaa and atccaaal.0fea machanes, acatd. saccîd. refaiea d. Chrome Chnairs _______________________ Joahn Lestar MacE;iclit-raa. wha Harris Sfcaoccry ccd Oificc Sop- Froc Estiratos oaeaccctc;.it )ceiaclac 27. pl.ie12ManSt., TN-6962 GLINBY-MAR'FIN - Oc Dcccmber 1957. in talc 571h ycccl c-7-3àO4-ti MrDa ay ST PW RYN Stetona Upaecds. OntI. maiah Fl A hellaace hecd loacit hec aas' FOR SA lE -fHe.acY doîr cecil TE 8-9094 358 Maon Si. Las et Eda. J H A IIc <aI- He oa, si, hîcat, cîa leicalala caî 4-laaaaaac s111r Watt sacraiaice fo c-Il Cocalati coor doebto c lh OaacaoilRccHcil y ac Mcio.~ Irar. bicdadhî boao oat.tAaîrcbatifal- Nef y t cL.Onealaa ir, le c ota ci b-ta.,aa.,tbPor E007 EL RLIN MERCHANTS FINANCE t-aIl Ccahtoato c-32-613 Mci ccd rc Burd Ocby, . aaad graadhtdc Crî c FOR SALE- Usrd TV sùfa' 2 17 HERE'S WHY: t. . Maigroc. Bcri T>rcr c-32-624 racoscae cafta rc' pîialre tola. t J. B. RUTTAN 21- rcosole. priet l or fa cii. PhiaîRca'.Mlon n. 1 M R H N S ie o STOVER-1t ica , caraco rallî I c TFR 0-47580 Sertec'c TV. 139 Min R.r R.m 2. MîIc n. IMRHNSfarcs yOUe deaoaaabr Aca, Isaaal Sfaaer. Sf , Miltoan. c-32-628 Phone Brelacgîaîc NElson 4-602i mcclm1I c mtr 19a5a7 r a'aytcccb' FOR SALE-Yae mlt Ilab boy- c-f Lratcped ro BORN hccct c b~-ui tling maleras ci2.ooa roo ________Lier_____________ eticaile. Qeic REIMER POSTR 2.MERCHANTS Rivec ccc e Ac bc aach servcre. h gqesatyý Phase Camp- Malle absit aid fernatere look hofîec credil ocain - paye MacKAY-Gogc ccd Lena Me-Saio acoaicalrcrlîaa elicaie ULir4222. cew n cgcîo Rea Cie 000 ad cc-I cleohaeb uae Kaycccccsre the barthcofeacso, Ofîltheconet ocdaa mch. e-28-2187-11 fanishî. t-meeh cervice,orcs RoosEtac. rthrtc raîaaacaa1c hosbaPoe TE 8-9741 3. MERCHANTS tomaI c yecr Kccaatb cc Dnctd cf ý fO itf winach co'l crco cai.: F011 SALE-Farmaîcramahace Cecft-lRedlcd Repair.e acorcocadce CeîLccat 11ce H19 pat. os haî bac bc an HIc hepacg. malhîcc. al] dairymrc ceed Surs, Kitchecer SHerwocd 2-1942 li DrarcabrS il 190 o îo o-aaco oca atîg rccapmesî. For c-If ~ ECAT rcaccs Sdi c acîaoeid by cola John. ",cr anad parts, rail Hoace Tam- -_4___________as yu a dccoblrc-ac-tee' Dincrc cccl laccan. Sarfe dealer, Bramptcon a vaed cutomer. iematc. C-32-631 Ponec OLcsdale 1-1275._ c-If P L A S T E R 1 N G Fc c ect oa _______________ FOR SALE-Lar 1 1 yptflI Lcîhing Sîaatcoin idcufealsTdy DoD f asy staff ohel ni thels Free Estimates AUOiI A Ib Mifoa a clo COMING EVENTS 8cl x 0 ie $I. Cash te accaaspany DRWTI9 Rto O N Htospial os Sardnia) . i Phone cqic TE 8-650 Mito 21. la6 aO Hrî Jaesr Augerl be- i- on office. 191 Mais St. C-ti c-th Rorde acd ulaie MooCar Krrp the daer Open foc, the perl, FOR SALE-1951 Cedatc sedans. OVER $,0 Eîîilcccd dcl lehoraa Ce i- ,hI M.-aîc E eh1. Hîrgbsoey 24,, coac tr ansmisinie. cao, 3 es.J.ames and Victor l Maic. îady anry1 i81 m aarmtires.on y $795.; eîccmy spe- SEE C .V 'Fhio4nd> arode Adisoc Eeoaîsacc'ccac ci. 1952 Nash Rembira hardialT..l$'50 Fîîîbc Tu.1a ci2taa iaîîa caih- c-32-612 c'ith radao. gacd condatiaon. act) Radio ancd Appliac Scrvi ceNr raboe ai2 .m ItenintEve*9.5 Crydormas Car Sales. Octa - Cac Radiaapcltc olgocca ca'cintccc. Mîiln lfclî, tI' 'lraaa.g caaacccaoin a îa St S. Maflfoc, b-32-ttc CALL RELSN-I hoSmfbN ersagM ttîaary So'îal ccld ao M.afh-, RAILINOS AND JEON WORK 'FR 0-4758 oia 139 MAIN T Blo' oi Wedesdy D cacaIalal ciaOcrîcr Jt MERCHANTS cfAclaîla iuaehd aI the 1afc Mîtcar cas Wrddady. Jccîîcrc 14, Milton FINANCE t.IMITED Mcccj Acc'Fctlr.cand dceh 19.19 cf 8115 aca. Laîcla Pîîa-a thoc acf Jack. Bill. Ma MccAaaîary ahi . aacd t oîilna rn .( i ev i Jane Pecr,.nai fMil.andcO d îrataîdrfîeoih,'aaacaaîtîceîa , ra etarn K.(t, ev i 21 Daîndea Square 141h Ficor. Mca. Accîr Ahîca cf Taoîcntoa cal acacîcanicîo halo gc'asacccaa'. BILL KELLY 'FR 8-980 Rerrst aethe Romtrc-Sheacac- co-I c--8 SEASON'S OREETINGS ALL TYPES 0F TILE TORONTO erficcoro h aomc. Aoa. Fooret c-i EM 3-1935 oûvi e as heO ina Kox Preabct- 'Fi licloc Juno a acîcaca' Fc a r ocîec chîc'h. Miltonl. onc Sefcîdcy lîa.Iduiiîefisc aîcîc Na- Vo __________________ Floor. Mall acd Ceîlicg Phono C.atlci et 2 pîc lotcîmcct Evclhce - Ec,'aî canca ocn laM. 195876 -3- Miil. îton. b ' fatgar Hall. Hearold RuI Fo >.~ F1006 SANOINO -3- Dacng 9-7 Adacîccîon For__________ ERORER'FSON-At the HOaiiîîc Ceps- $300 ia'. coupleta'îr 91.5 inloen- r0 saae tenOîcît Maîcor SiccOoS. Dcc- E îc,rcîc avcoiaî cre Es-3i'2e .,c FR IF-Fîcca ocaîho 20, 1958. Ocoagc Robert-1 îa a25i: F acc acaT - cîcc Fu aîacca DAY EENIN REAL ESTATE alla to. hî a cfatb eir A Jccî fflsla,îc a nad Nmccc lîh a hea Phoneî 'FR 6-2623, c-32-617 -31 T 67 IMca. W. J. McKtiikhaaof Acha, c'aaahîî cad scrcmd' This la chat 8011 8-9N'F :Iacaetac 8 -If Oraaacac,'alMrO.S Qoaccîc Dd'R'iascicCacpltta-îtî thbath, oncWest Mary Si..av- Foart Williacm. Jocs (Mca. oardon îccaîîd tîhrfca Oaa fac, yaaa Mak ailtîl Jan. t. Phoneî 'FR 8-78. Aithcaî I and Goradcc caf Guelph, caIlaracîo cas a ola'la De, 2-22-1 an hre adDuls.d-Crsta acîcb28oîand Ne, ATTENTION3 W I1CKENS asdtaaclrcesaci Dcegtea. O-Chcîaacî,î Dc.Dc2tiION Funeîci serce ac cooiacid aetIhei ULtoc 4-2340.i b-27-c 29 ATN REAL ESTATE BROKER laîcEcas ucafcalc homea. Miltonc cac Mhroo ume Tcradlay. Decembca 23. IncicccaolSh w o CUSTOMERS ti Edoca Mîtta cccaicccr b EQUIPMENT RENTAL MITNRDAO AD9 OMi i ]HOWARD - Ai St. Jscpb's Ifîo- MILTONEGO Fot n lae RADATd ANOdnr 1ton OîntS. p tel.p0hm, on Sucdec Dcc- CAADA LEIN Fciodlcee o cdcc AS 'FANK SERVICE Mla.Ot ema c 1. 9l.Jn cccd Fit jnbs aespeciltty. ldaccoc icacd- Wa11 bc cilard ficaî Deccasa br I' huchcd caf the jetc Lena IFtsc- 1 ed. Sand and goret. Geccccî t aaac3. Office - TR 8-9772 icta Homard. dec ieîbcc sof 1 MILTON treching. Chain seaws foc baciHoee Eateos a Rcs. RMerville Adems, cci SEASON«S OREETINGS Ho e -TR 8-9360 Acina grandicîbor f eg., Jack, Free Estiatos c7 Bill acd Pal caf Acicnan cd Ber- 1PHORE TE 8-2361LITYRPOETYWT bara ýMcc. W. E. Servcec niaITYORPOERYWT Maltaac bhalccni Nelons Mal, KEA Cfe Vr ____________ US FORt FULL TIME EFFORT Dccce. Bra'ch and Liy iMcc. Dan NE I Y EANI\ S C STEWART'5 BUY OR SELL THROUGE Smith) cf Ccmîabottsaaic. Robert U cf Ocil. Eliaeth of Wiliams- W ANTED Television Service town CWfc et Vigsca, Tnd am ________________ (Ms.J.McekofMito. G A LA WANTED -OGond homes foc Wc coicb t. maircd 10 ccc ccd ail Serviac as TccsdayDccccmber goacca pana. PhoeFRO-9147. A VrcMrrm Christmas and cOUR M et St. John's Chocch. Campbell- c-32-626 Happy' Ncw Yrai. valte os 3.S c.m mltb Rem R. P. ]E Jeiiaecs offiiaela. lIntaîcont IA i" E WANTED-Tn coss. hococ or cp- JAMES STEWART AND SON SINCERE hlracdlcaacatg cemotccy. b C E - rment cn Mitonaorcclly. TE 8-2364 Pc.ossson roalsaccO Jas. 10. Phonc o-32 GETI S TR 8-2351. c-32-630 REIG IN MEMORIAM PRZS - BUFFET r fr MiNtonPaxes.yrc ond SINGE R TO ONE AND ALL coch. malt bc acaiebir docacg IXOREISON-In tocidg mamococij NOISEMAKERS das1atgb aîrs. Phdnel Bc tccV SEWING MACHIERRY c dccc bochacd and iclhec. N -06 c3-1 ew Machines iromn 89.50. Reccc- heam Mnccîccc, nbc pocîcO acoey NOETEdEiTCt eacticn Otacccd modris fccm $29.50. Deebr20. 1950. CHRISTMASDTOK emve Tillmemoy fdes nd lfe epars. oar fcrm prompîly fcr snitcccm Repairs tc ail milies.CH IT A Yo it mmmccer ioecc heais. disposai. 62.00 service charge for Rentlfs by the meek or month. Ecer cemembeccd by wiîc lIes 9 P.M M $d PER COUPLE eech ccii. Tetephese Ceilecia Toc- Foc cao obs.~elmO 5 ccd cugtcrMarare. -ecl EM 3-36M6. GORDON YOUNG newt achie 81.2 pe a an agtr agrt -32-609 LIMITED. -tf itels$.5prwe.15 SINGER SEWINO CENTRE ~LL- I lcicg mcmnrm osf Rosa- WANTED 172 KcSt. N.. Ockvitte ert Belu. mhc passcd oscar Dcc- VRON igbiesl cash praces for decd ne Vîcic 5-1172 BIN B embor 18. 1949 d hcd sorcos Aep sîl thaîo. c scr 11r For p imtseve plcne colteat INML NC LRelEte Kie ls a m tmhe c g cof d ricc. WELCOME Focelton 22-R-23 or NMLO AL elEtt Mutaimemorcmturns bar cd ire1f Binbccck OXord 2-4422 Mcsc Robert Boi ccd ieacaly. Steve Peconi 'FR 8-9541 216 Mais St. c-32-611 c-tf c-t0-o%% MILTON