powws ael i4h- Leather Gifis I -dcn rvligls Please Ail M en girl' uggetios gigfrma T~oerih chg st se adtrlî sa at.ahiot hnitaal h ucm abohtsun gs dtoiletri theeae comnpact lea- ls'aibsc thast appris t rcegiy te thca kit., e'.rproest-haad, that nist assi. Th.r seaks ranîl-osen ýi pnýI lsd sr a lth's c-îisil .pc For kit dn.sk-tsie et hase or ptet mran's Christmsn tsbîna eiiaisrs hSti ig attLl a sainS pocehat andnsstcbcd setsinlether. tes a ids asy '-t sanoethi Ta carriy hie husinessnariera and sicltextais.dicsthc WairtO,thile resll5saher bCrO. ass l' et ciesta'aes and kry ree-1cîthr er'c-lupr-type r anrcth hon- ettermayo e-heh 0r osait- dtcs, as asnll ns the peteetar attocls- ahicle insatchcs se; aise teheoce cses. HUGE 1ii STOUET HOME asas seeaed sloasly aleng Main Street ene day last week to a new location at tihe corner of Pearl and Faisan Streets. Owned kra Milton Mater Sales, tl was shift' cd tram its position at thea corner of Main and Prince Strecîs fry a hease aseatag firme, and teek an alterneen te re-locate tf-tee lolcks away. Trafie fad te f-e detaured, trer liises cet off, f-ydtoa nd telephene wires moed and eren a mas lsgftt standards f-ad te be sf-iftcd ta mako way fer thre seeners. Check Men's Closets Stand i Stables For *aeos for rresenrs ar ieexrfioonCisms Bet eactu goahaut astin a ssngh rtbi-;t -te ý t i- c- 'i i',, 1ms baet a s mnoat Chistsas i rtts ait ao hsd i anss c-,sanias timiidiiat in i osk.sg yoscscit a îîaaîbi ct 5cm - mia i .. atsdm travellinga i at ti', DChrt (bild' la. lbý tirent qacattan, aboaut thce mari -a rpscm smo ahd ro-,.tc,' Wtot ar tris h,e,hmc' What ùatuys,,ce aposta dues lic rscmcy cî,thcm oct- Sport 55,rkn ,aciy oaspecctateur wcs thcDo b,- Fcichm c ;,]lttbcai-ak hketst ank hs f',,st.555 ttlt-cti hrctle. n-ao tnetch a-th sec leatic, Doe hc, s-ia - thei a taas-sitstceat lsencc'.a thmng tasse stamp te ,-s de"met s-t th.- asw a Isa tyclld hnaasportscarrsthaalaast a(ýi,wi.c,,lsmtai sashhîcmcsi ia till mean, an *'astdaar chef" orcae ist la btel gmfttîa thcers i tas? Dres hcach- cek a e "';-" cigaascttcs' Is he .gac.ic si--tas' sj t-.hin-,mi areIn-ttmvI ii Dke h. hek ta) .-Il, aed if las ;e rhio o est ira c hsolno- fi- îchat'X5'htae mir talle, aisd ,.îj î,sett 4 a'. seccstIIt hc ýyo lsa m as cchkî;nîl -hti t-,sit as la,, Ft Dit te Mac "],,y*' Arnc sa viî'th ic c, ra t1 lian t5,%%i n tacth c. sitar -511 cacacc aIH -l ý,p, gill s-et, ct yeac ahimty te, 't- the bIt t> lb s., hde b iie i1 gr , ei l mn'cen sma -lac t.) i --11 h. hast --tac sr o ea1 a gîtIn 'ccw t ritaa , lard sirîcc a, 111ý , h ssht rs tes! arabl -lecIh oeltîagcshitr msa-, i- ai- îtmaide-atabt taiso, riodes saeh, as c'aIctc afil-e esthost min att ir , tscr -as-i ,e c-dit. ha s' as'-th-jl ceira 1crran h.,ge at Chceýtser. sel 11,-a ya' h b l b.' tsahaaiten ,,b tOic 1-Iflia ts' ar i ,r-cs.ste. ticl -iiaii eiii 'i1i1t Iii liI i il, Inqcn<w e? teor'ar"c ý--11Y oscrtc<'accn"rle. With cheery sesises far a htappy holiday s season, tee greet ail ou gacd friands a ced castobcers and .atead or beartici thants for 4' te apprtnity af seening sucs wonoderlal peaple. A nery Merry Christmras taon ancd aIll RE ST Sv VO S St. Lawrence Fruit ami Grocery Store TUt 840l3 AChili! ws bore. andth= ch came ta tareths glai cielin8a cf 8reat job3... of 'Peace on Earth, Gant! Ml ta (Den- Aa the Star cf Bethlehean fhirone an tiret 14elb Iight. mo5 the trac apîrit of Chrismasa chine sst.a BOU and bare et tht. 8torlaaa stasmt Grrry and FAlera flashera R H N ' Mes,. Dos TlihrbrsM A RCHA N D S Mrs Irsair Lrelagtaa - Hlarold l'ambrs, cars Osenoks GERRY'S CEI EELR PURE F000 RAKERY C E I E E L R