Volume 99.-No. 32. MILTON, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1958 Second Section. Christmas Dogs Shot In the Churches Thee degs ln thse ibde As 5e sncn e te fînsssi~sCampbelvlle are& werc shet C A il th e fujthe' camla "0 this nscckccd because of conteact Conekips llked atol tang qut wllh mIsai lu bellecdi te bave wburbhpeà ne Seedy ta mhc kocal been a eabld fex. bîrhe on CSrist ti marksc the Resldents reperird a tcmlY Pet di.t Tfprst oC hritma s Sodn-cc bd bisea men tlghtlcg wltb a Chrîîmu eseia. sensad lic ial fo a es. r the hoee ansd IMpart- Ciestm asems. ciakdtedI mcct cf Agriculture officiais ln iAI Easese.ee BtttChc. ~e Ilealt et Animais Bracb at AtEmneaapitCuc Brampton srere ceciacted te du tev Ke Cm bllchs away wltb Uic dalla. The fox bas Riches te Rage- lac hie s cecef I n.et b cen caugbt yet. sermns t pie. aed je the evenieg spoke an CFran Rags la Riches.-54 *. ' Nacrun Hure sang ut the evenong No Arrests Made sereand the cnngegtio sang col In Indecency Case people held a Chrstats paety jegetraslct e oeuseports hae- wsth shutina, ganses, a tilme, prIft mang uaeetn jon, pieeahavei oed cetrehanets tillacg the nightesÏ maeod anrest n abusnectioegeage entertainent. The pstra' leIt fer a redsredecastes bsivce lhc ae hejistue je Wiscnnr on Mnndayan dentxpsrinheM - aed e Ise ebenes lie icistinc Street vicenity. Conetable .1cm Becs incle tamsence. sîss'Il xis- -vcle repac*ta Mardi,. trsce at sent Sued>., servce Palier escid thrustisat ganssins Thae tîliscef Wrderaaty ,serci. hn.I c darid aise aesr ineeichi csa', Ne.',s' W, iric 'c i ofa M;t.i'n >eil-ke wna tien sci*ser will ke held s,,11, njr. aId icrrestrd aed ehargrd sestis Music .cndaestcal ir unail tic hv otence. Nu eaah isac x 11 l- wn hur ,te -'id. W-er l'are e %vil! b, aaestceted t la vi a iea the'as'fPht nt .a.king o the Ne%,, Ycr.rig egin n epthigo al Saeday eences. Gria Anncc.ian TH4E BIG RUSH IS NEARLY OVER but sartreg, caraelln s hn e epthe fmi Chece nual eCrol ced cadle- still a big tank ut the ancal past affine. Sorlcicg out the local greetceg cards inia pigeonholes are, $300 Da ag tcght.eg seerie mas held on tire 1left to rigint, Haeold Orsboee, Walter Bell, pasîmnasner William T. Randil and Ray Cere. About theme af tke Festival ofl Nine Les-' t150,000 euigaceg local greetinge ure espectrd ta emeli pestai bases this Christmas. Totat damae mas entimcted ut sns. Dcceceg tihe neag.li c ri aias $30,0 'Cen tien eues rnttcded on 5' Hcgkusue 25 sntk nf tke Bnyne eepeeseetutss'e nI the hareh ee-as the Leseens, the juecceead niorse lI< M *îdeeoad, Sctsedey utteennen. Drs- chorssan. Irs R ý,,m T e S irt ancel 200 000~n Piepc of M ai s'ass n'eee Peter Detase nI Guelpk eh0.e sang thesjno R o Mecs' s s tn e tp f rt on 1 a d rdCkeete Featkestne, R.R 1, escsndtej te cadllrîc.ica Hoeentrun ka lre il riss - e bu IlMctn Cirnst. Wm Berit. dss- 'cmstasut hsi ý art elt M ore M ai IP u s n on M day Ict .P.P. seeretsgated. Fnttaing, ltce girls' aiceiliary sem Ita ilc ikeîcisci in onî a tri prsne CrsIa a ean ieeay turned sIc tac[>:t The Citectmasnmail rush wbisti caysi tit we'rk.kbuttfournitae, the Peris Hall kefare a lacrge Rer. E. Oeebsrn eieistee utkdla lr sIdsîgtrttr ntsis tmits cea cenrd. Ckritas ee.cent1,1i3pm.Ra Pnktec pkaak r M t- f tant n'eek tsk a neddee Fisse Drrrmkr t-20. 11.5,t on SosAtn ccejsascnnservie isl C held ton. tells of un Ckrcstnîauîîme i alnke nssnseae u en stdL reSosAtn eesCeemeas sr cr-Montrel whenkhekeard theMst jip oer tke nscekend ehc Annua CenIirisimasben ol and ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ neucn uniitcr etisma "Oý HOjcoi- ame asa surprise tlocalemo-aavrl te ocal oner. The stam A a Chit s rn igtttn Ce ekbre aat stre t yere ut the pnst office. The staff renrettlitg machine kad peaeested Commusnin ilheeld at 8a.m R 'H e eras sa in upteo euasadetahl okd1934 We fmi uigteP ryfrC id and ai1,00a.m.Te Juir choir eteaner. 'Heda uta cac io otnglclsm ei Tkisefigueeduesenet Lal fomrsoth wl odcachrlcmuinStreet with hi& bead tionul back,' Lara membre ntIc huie Lame- nldemtr al famil yesdtervice ercrmn pushsg the nnnn'eitk55ae~ greetsnerssretcbrd-etdnner ut Scots Regieent ofPeel, Dulteris reemily striee 'i t mnstelend "'reatte , e 1'Ind Haltn Cnantces mmre amussa inn Newt Yaate ev nbsrna Ceune putîing Csheis ut entc it" Hîis A ikee iattending e gata Chtristms n klag usosre a rc ondeetet entre %vsic ereesetty 01 ,.1 ,cparly Inn tke ekitdren n Saurduy hclnmhp. u Cesnunr rkeeting the sanede et tke beeeti- lEa , WnI "" o' k Halton's Ag e .atternuen et tke Breampton eensuer- Whil no pecal Cristas et u Cbristmas nsetidy ce tke tes. vcs ere ekeerved thîs îs'ck. tCe Frenck tanguege V IiL rl n 1 5 Santa Clans arried atter a teW tiret sereine of Higkuser Gospel "Attkeghilst aeltseeeet0t il Retire E ry i 19 9meecce and kanded eut prescrits ta Cknrris uas Crtd se theie neea ycact age I tkcek t'Il ulmea ce- J. Earl WbstML rab egeseqîturut It s eepneted Ibal tke present allthe rkitdcnn nI Reginsent mens' building on Hsgknscy 25. The ser- member it, reraîja tisa Ocekien. psecnletsefo teehe Ceenly ofasseclae agriceterat r pre nelt- brn Tbene in attendanereported ce was hed in the basertnt d__ lialrtonfi-naery 2 yeas wllts ive, J A. Francinscîtl s ecird . ptentynoffod wae n ndtfurte fteenseres sesl ct Se ld tsar e -A mitd sneee-Iree Ckejstmsas tire eaely ce 1950. Wkslctmb. Ctddsns. untîl the epstacs scnspteted. day ce peedînîrd by the usnaîber- (Continued on Neet Pages cean. A nattve et Ontd conny. M.,- . sa ec5 WCstetrse 0' ,crd neerseas in the & n na Q, iIW,.r -.rcet Great Wur,, and ltr me geadîIlrsîrd tann Mke Ontaeio Ag-' r irutîcical . ctge in 1922. i Appointed lu 1934 Sheette alir geldaton.e, kr S- rases sitata ti ricestniaI ris ratles. A. Carrallit eel ccaîty, andlticss cgiccltirl rp- si'sertatcaelcctecirsnty.u tipsit-, in vhivis ce Irtd tac, abouct fouir Friss e u crt 1928 nfntrt ths i ' elait 1934, kle mas aI tke paît- jument Buildieg, i, n Toeronto sc'rC V itdhe Departmen -, i1934Mr Wh ite- J. E. Whistelck represn te e fer HalIten e positin seScli ke bus h etd rantînîneuslye e sie tns tme r ' Ajtbccsgb 1Cere have bren te- ' " mendusnnchange naiculture en th 1Clast quer et a century, Hal- tee*s agrinuae rprenenereiv ba s enendcaed unetnsung se peui srces.trsjsinse anddseniorcfesns -f a' crs utîkea e attl tînsî i~ A .Otbee Antlrîtles Despite tise Ceey 'dtlis nI Cie office, he nscnagrdl te render aik-' ncganizatirnssuekasentbCnadias Nationalt Institste tee Ike Blind,i 1Cr Bny Scouts' asscation, the' -m8alt Photo ta as nd nsany otkers. Wîtb Mr. Whte CANCELLING STAMPS by machine has. bren a constant chore PILES OF PACKAGES lite this flooded tfhe local pont office jieeeeme.snmctjt tans- ut the post office dening ihm Christmas rueh. Nrarly 200,000 last week but mccc processed, ;n order of receipf, as quickly îlsac, eitat and sîncere wîtt peess - pinces of mail have bren processed thcoagh tl thîs month. as possible by the cegelar staff and encre extras. Mrs. Joy out rît ens y negenrietion in whbînk AI Rice of Milton, one of the sevra entra sChrrstmas staffers, Hasestock and Mrs Locs Thompkins sort out the parcnls. C seved. fends the maril int the machine.