TH4E TOY SOLDIERS osas one skit presanted by the pupils of Sanshine School on Friday more- ing when they treated parents and friends of the Milton and District Association for Retarded Chsldren ro a Christmas party. In the front row, left ta right, are: Louise Wellwood, Kenny Sterritt, Carl Biclsert and Barry Cripps. Standing laahind are Harold Johanton, Diane Rusk, Billy Howdeni, Jerry Howard and John Ambroise. The parsy oas hel i n the basement of Hsghaaay Gospel Cliurch. To Experience Jo>' Names C. V. Charters, Brampton Read Ever-New Star>' if u a-taithn Ontario Hospital Commission dayshbysraidioa sash, ,I. yet kyioO.S5î,,gin.intIli prinstns isssh ssssglssn it prsant5 tsom ee iwstar ofthst .rstChria~ssst- diî, ,tsrs and,ngas- 194 s, 195WaMi Chartrs s ntIse msas, shen Gatýds Suptrrson (.lî to sIcatsd -'îththe, hsosat ld, tarsspthltshsî of Bs.ssaptsos the world arrivrd. t s fond inhs .snse, aortd y Ili, Pros- sssly newspaerthCas't F Matthw and Luks sGosPels.r hap-veii nsra;tsssîtashresesnf s,' andI %%,ss Mansaltssss Dstrtor oft ter 2.i'hrsrare irrpt*sdien ts sssasahr otthe Ostaro ttcspjtatthe Canadsan Wrsîkty Nsîospataîrs parsssprrînal Chritmas Editioe. tsssCý,,aotsssi. Asi,cia tion trons 1935 ts, 1946. 7sts,, poins pa sîîînîsis ~ Th,- ns o Cîs oisns.... i toinga tîsy g' a îîiu Channan oftth r ,,< <t t - ^Il gond wf ises to yosa t for a holiday h fuof cfun and festivîty. SJACK ELLIOTT A UC TION EER lex14 f,'CW I Cc 5nC 19,C eeaeecec'ieSav Fas hion Beauty Lounge 14 Martan St. TR 8-9533 C. V. CHARTERS Fsor 20> yrarn. MsCasr Baid' prssstsnt on t955-56. tirý lss hsreesaesnlssersd t lis' pi ss-isnt oftts i-sss(st,,s sh ý,as 1956-57. 011s-r sî Ils-, Lisons Clubt, sf,t ssssichli 'a, pst 1îîss.îsts-sît. an s l , the it s s~nChasnsss , tof soo-s-- It 'hicls he tsa tsnrssss a. Mis Ch;!sstrrs s ars Anglicass sssst 1 tsssltts Tssrsnfi. tirs---, sty1l-si Too Dangerous Matas) Lsihssi is .5 , l t>5h <oav, lîtiitOoaa"" f ire 5hssilsta ia" ns> ' ststeissa o the si,,:,ts ntan s d -o st TO EACH AND EVERY ONE, TH4E BRADLEY INSURANCE AGENCY Say S MERRY CHRISTMAS turn a gtad eye on assythsssg tisat ýHobby is Hint -lt r e ths atv mr is For YuIe Giftin shar an pdst Easis f aiim"to gt isthe wde array of tsaw power equip- hobbysst. AIl1 you have ta do is tomntsc as lilvin moseers, hedge YOurgif to is avor .. trimmrsand raltivator. aa yar gIt otnate 5tlf- Perhasa he's faliaseing the avoc- hoa's-ineret ad Yu'reamstaioa.,ke pane.T n certain ta bc right on the targetý eais, pfal"ete. ortbl aiisaataasr kits, brushea and tubesaof oilclorI iol ha collecta thins. heil osai arljuhst akewtoimanyypprpiate ral cmnsha sppcialiees frnsatampüs gitfheiliateaaSulpt or wnrk in lis tropical fish and trom old coins metai or. leather you cao please tophonograph records. tssm whtrillasor mateials for any if hesa keen on gardtaamg. he'I of these nafta. 'For ail out friends and neigbbors we send this Yuletide wish. May the joy of Christmas meet anad mingle with the happiness in your heart. May the spirt of Christmas Cee dwell with you. FROM AUL 0F US AT KERR'S PHARMACY "THE REXALL STO>RE" May your Chriatmas shine brightly with good chear and gond fellowahip *..abounding in ail the happy sighta and acunda cf thia feative aaon. That'a our aincere wish toi yoss and yours, as we oing out 'Merry Christmaal" PROM Att THE STAFF AT REED MOTOR SALES Ontario St. S.Mltu