- - I-7 Mistletoe, YuIe Log Customs Dating Back 'to Pagan Days Mnyoftsherutacruof thpreth,aitherfrautf th. wie crut-day Christmtas wrre carrid 'scolstice, kandird huge bacfiresn l rver hre pugunfs tivas. Two of horuu'of titrir god Thor. In crrd- thre rurlit hrihrud ar<r the lraugiug levai timer in Euglucd, tire log ut1nei ti utlti and thre bururrrg ut uruully îuutudrd tC rut oft huge j, '. NIr logi ThŽ Druidu areuaid uuk, wite s c deutcr itt tire tav hurt gurdrd thr ristItoe trustle cir greut noiser antd r<tgiflg. thut the. b'utuig ut thr yule, o iug nLgPo el wsh.rded dartr tr thr En'ruihBunLgiro e y ryý thirrf audia u in acestrts No Evil on House The u tri ofu'urcig aspecial- Stand in Siables xco7n antd prerpred logat artic,' n xra irc. rd onciristru, in'. rtrhcrl Irrlt ar ie- aaeiMrt,sýrdutctird;tttn ltrt- uponr hg'utricidc wrr'r the Yute or'ft: c hr si Crlda ir'h. 4; huri brrr pr-'prly itured. GRADE ON! AND IWQ students of Mes. George Mciracheru at the Bruce Street schooli held a Christmas parîy on Friday afrernoon. Aruund rte Christmas tira with their gifîs are, seat- rad: Michael Mttcheil, Stuart Hall, Davrid Ambaroise and Paul Borhely, and standing, Susan Waters, Nancy Huod, Alec Buriaely, teslie Mrlsan, Robbte Lacinte and Lynuie Ellîs. IHorticultural Notes For the Month of December ub r, i Xio, ad D;src o clu oit fu>lu i ra ttr tcg pIantr'tI 't1 Otit berri, r.I t un't,.',r . bru thrcu piý,, ]'.rt, atre t , p.t,'cr Fuurr fil,eruh-.,ttt,.-,, vrut b' t", trtrt ,,'r aýuý irrd Iteurrd h,,', o fi btugh"'rt t,' 're, 1-r tir" r r h.tr ki, h-r ', c',,c intr in lrirr 'iuir ldyutr ,i.ci i i 'rus h.,, retion.e rd <'mac I p %,ts Nurcrrsthetrtr' t , ci'e - denrt tr nad rp.ctc,rr' CVc thrt a r r t.'r a , of ' r , r dru h,--"c~ 'r,,: . d o ar rutl h"ru rr Appn" if ycu i', son u 'h Ir, r u t kprrcu. ta rtr r i-lr- t r- , t'rv 1 ,r,'rr of brr, t u(!f.r . tr i ý,,d d ir arp r't'r r ru-' h u ,f tiurb irr, te tit, , ,tt-iiy thed'tt' hrrtt rrr" liace fnIea~ir .k rr,' Id rr. r- ý n.ir', r-r' bhl r, k t' rttil t z 'r 'i' i h b . trrrk,' V r' tr, W -rr r, 1 t 'r il 1r t ýý rr r ir t' t' Cttr,'tr a~tr'it'. r-. r ci. t r ri rr' i r "ri ctterce'tttdcrd1iusc , t'rrr t hý ý d' W Ae frape pou have a aery Merry Chtistmas, j Ç the garni old-faslrioeed kmnd eaith all I thre trimrrings. ... atyout carats. stocirings rang by flic chimney, MI1L TO0N BOB & NORMA BROWN BOWLAWAY Milton Greenhouses ~~~~~ t tte&ccg MM MCtt FROM ALL 0F US AT JIM BAILEY'S BA. SERVICE HALTON POULTRY PRODUCTS PHONE TR 8-4821 ASEL1NE MILTON