SNOW WHITE AND HER DWARFS wc e amoog dozens fdresu hrceswod ghe the largo crowds on haod ter Santas cocas pro Christmasvstt ono audy Jacobs provided the masic toc the float and flic dearte etho were all gtrls. Thts float a sponsored by ithe Milon and Distrct Sant a Cas Parade C'tmmittee. c'tmpctiog mombece of the legion and fiee brtgado. I4ORNBY Gifts, Banquets Occupy Groups Fox Chases Car, Later Disappear5 OMAGH Services Held For J. Chapman Siccere sympathY la oteîtded ho ho ite and family of thse fate Me. John Chapmse teho pasti caway '.tety on Mocday mornin flalte a oeg ilneas. Faceral services mre hetd te the MastNah and So faner- il haneean Tatsday cnd hariaf 'tas ie tise faîifY plat aI Mefvifle Oroht.teatchartls n etsWdcoadaY .Mrsete. f..trllttRotthrtson, Hemer t'ddtt it, Btttt otht te ivlo as Btttlhd'tt oteeresis te Jady Pem- 'ts, Mt. Hettry Pearnrhaand .tEtty Shtttitt Thete tusisto tf Omocis Ptehy- cinY.PS. hld a bowtlintg Party Sztra iht'tttd liter eoyed t he tet the httmeetf Sam ttod Lilîto Fnniet Ralph Barlow Lodge W.M.- ambliviue 1..1. lita htld ttt -'eg'iits mere leeled: ontttt t e )tteî'3 mlten te W,,ifll tetteet. BStRalpis tmo:hp'tte ttt.tter. B. Edgai St)thte haplait. tBr. George Cl- 1 w -ottltttg oetetary. Br. Ifi tld Dlittofte.tttl etî cru.tattY. Br tck ts. traeotee. Br. 'ota Fnay. F. t es'rr. Berge Gel- > hutît ou.te'hatt. Br. Chttles Stokes: letut,tr, Bt. Albettoes.t A foxe, elito'td ahtd. thsetd ai Th, Evnetea WA. httd thettir h tttt.t ttl tttt ( f-rthe ie lot Mision in l secodeeommttermts. Bi car rive, byMr. amesCtitning - ecelibermeetngtitnhetttn>.l thted rntmittee- ban onFrday aftetettttfl hy Mt tletttd thureh biterrmet hall.Tht içm PckBXBi Cttl tuIý fu Ken Elttt t'ttrm.Me. Cnninghm ttteettte'tas penetd hy the Th, ' Si S, u'Id i't t u ,,,i ttc.I i, Dnaild StOl. S Milttftt'tlo t e honed Idntttth the tOOtttttOftthttt-11' t la ti and M" fnh cInt ltttt, Br Ale back tHohnyh'but thefox hadsag and apr'tytttt'trtt ttd Bsl il c-tttttung.tterm'te lit A dappeattd. Tht htttr eleOtiMrs. Athur Death gttt t tht dt ,bt M- Ko llSt "n, k t ci ,*s onu d 3 hy Mr. Edcw td Rob eto. la d thetrteasutact rtplttt vnýgttttt2t 5 A S 'tt ,t' a s l,'t o t .ý>IilflBtthe Jothn MeUsien Cheyt Bradlety, daiIghttt tt Mi Tttett cmhttt s ttttt'l t, u",littt l tttIet ttttttine )stt H tMst.ttof D ftiittCîutytt and Met Johtt Baddley. tuteed:thterhtllîtforte h it mas Pll> ttttt_________________ Oakeitlt c th i ion Sttafd o ai t hte Trafa.lgar Hait. itln tt ' . F ' nu - it - 'f1l tests. 1npeptiot't' ottde toi, th, p C t'. h111> .;I blco l-t -, li o ecmbr11 ndtoJane nAvndeiosraio as(ri 1,, Tl gn 1an ihn TURKEY SHOOT GttffeCo k Di«cCtttt k ,,iitt. tt lduet E-ecutive it i utttttthttttttu 13 of Mr. atd Mtt Dttt-. Ot Atittttt"tt W Tnt tttttttt ,iIi,1) tttttttt G hW. faimC if ai the ert'ctt tSt St htphentt tAtg- tinD.ttt utttttttig ut 1i, l t l ,. t a t Et.' .t ,'-ttt t Il h'rd Varnc Essi cf lcatitchuet.h hy It%. J. E. Mix- 1toltt tt Mec s. M. Bt..tttt 'l'il,. 1....Appleby ttîth bte otttid daoghte-ttt-tttw, PrIsyer t'tt ttîototrtl. Th ttttt- cita-d otttt 't.' Otge Sht u Mr andtMrt. Johtn Dthesot, Of iroy-re.suttter gavetber repottTht u,,rvd Stevarttttl Iîfo or eko bSt oatrept w t ulltttttt.'l ville e r tadot toc" t s ecm le Moey ttf the thtdrt .tt the. di-to ht. ttt.tttto.îttt' thit wh ttto cttttpar.î ent iI-t-ctti as 2h oi totl' t t,ý Cater ta Disille toa hto.s alyfll Lk Hospital Steel shtret Dt-t..ttettt attht Tt.tttga Satrdýýosfe, 't',n Starts in W eek Tht OtoOteitttto u.pptt ,a the t t .ttt.tatd tte î tht tttt ttttdu.t L 5,uttettttstt.tottc C ItII Sttt t Itt stpltialtt5 s Th,,dMto ghttu St,.utttttdB l lc ittohI httl cuc t' t Ir t thttttt ttt h tto i'u,-t tt tf ttatd Dnn rs aststil puca c , iftiy o Brmo nLian & ,,adiTctl ut 5fýý hl GI. lrahaml andMr Sn-gtlustofU L K Y Blafflvy. TNcLUlURIOUSl100%,,SUPERtORLON wo yM.W lTR 8-99MI 3i,10 TEENS 10 16 $59. Ho ý.Ga IIIl o WAR 'S I T'onsHwk upiIR E ESloTb, hauenc1hX TEENS1 ic i SPRUedaCE andh PlNE, y 3-8' Tati 150 $200 ALLAN R., HOWARDcvu -I 53 Robes ratsf Fi rud te A1tale e Yeit acc n - fl Ic ame LonlcIi , n hd;ltenm fREE. adLIVRY -,)nl), TR adux8 6064 i(:i%ý I ~t QI r;E IUEEN OF THE SNOW of Saturdayc tronual Snta parade eas Carolyn Hactley. white Din Hartlty mac thoeo'tw whtte bbit on the whtte float cottttd by Hactiey'e Frutt arme. The Enlay the even warmthan tir1t wac tact one of 16h ltoate tn the big parade. comfort fine qaality ca pre s. lc oro der early. S. A. FAY AND SONS Phone ___L___ _M__1_Y __ED TR 8-4484 ORDER.NOW Plumbing and HeatingAU Soe PHIONE TR 8-6533 MILTON, ONT. 264 Main St. E. Milton TR 8-4484 g, LIMITED QUANTITY Ou T DQO0R TREE LIGHTS OUTDOOR 228 SPOT LAMP 150-watt fer !obove2.75 'tt CO D 010 TIRE A. j7 -RDIE, Propristor TR 8-2349- ------------- Il m- - -.Ar i m mmomme -9 Th'e Canadlian Champion, 1hursday, Dec. 11, 1958 DRUMQUIN Friends, Neighbours Honor1 Two Newly Married Couples On Tarîdcay tettig nior.~s, Lunol-was sered and a scialLico 'tnd fre de gaihertd ai thse homne olfowed. ofi Me. aed Mrc. Hartvey Dccc ta Wedding Gueafa hattor tea roostly mtrried ctuple Me -d Mec .ftthn Lister of Min- Me. attd Mes. Meetit Daît and Mr. den visiled wilIs Mr. and Mrs. John and Mto.Michael Main. Mta.Maure- Picket ove the weesetd and mets' ice Wiflîamsen antd Mes. Frank gsots at the Featheralafl-EveS 1 eSe i htttgt ai thte ee- edding on Saturd4y eventing ins tee. Ettehea'td tttthttt'lt 'toto Stthel Chîreh. deTo'esch e tsfo C-caheeingi the amti cange tohieH.ctcth.ubMte hallaod iMettttnrn-l 13 td ecteeditt J- thete th onhs 'ted ihttft-mod't mec ie s f h oe tletd eail ltgte ttthns ntd h elef-tale enetighol emorae epective homes in Othotie, thty use.