; ' loi:Pric la Rbr.n k) . .... . 12.5 The Canadin Champion, Thursday, Nov. 1, -1958 c a t H p s0 Di. (Ig. Bgh. ...174 G Di... v 31 .).......... . 18.37 Dne(ruhI ; Fi.her t,838ht. Raiders' First W in Un New Loop M : -atIl.alP.a lod.....62 Came Fom Behn lb iltndterfnead gri.: Igi tholdt3 Pre tightan Jami Cuninhamyouhfu for li conu -astherouheldpar ofthegarne ' M'in ; ooby tî3ghtt, lop prd atFia ih tegv th veIossitdteMilonde i lrrI, G Cnnnham ......... . 1.24 Raiersther frstwinai -4 n to fnco wh ha a ou ff igh Pes, Evans 37833hin8, lighti.g îand Rtsi h e l om dC nrlaon n ate i ontl h i.msodc) rds(.gig 1MIlisei Chncs n,,gton 5a,,a,4 i,, .3an 10 mi. ic.du37LI; OnaroInereiao pcklupan irtmake ie tegane as N TE: Milo isd-suiSMIl VChr finish the v, ttthuiles foiJabtv t'>3<Mint ,, bvt t 33v vv<. Bl hor 44ychne n cr n te 3 t fo icelrgd vir, F indt, bach83 .» 38h ffi,,- Gt; vt 35 ..40h7,v.,ytiv 3h» A ARM W .2LCOM ,e AW .dAITS OUnnPrtCn 1h33h33d333t838P333h3vP 174a G:3,vPvttvICIvvh P33tIr- , 3333 thI,;11.lvh.,B3_t.vd333rMilton. l", 1t', u »h>833t»»83 JvRt3»t355t vvtv»pli vt ivvIoI ,3333v33dnilthet333»3 AT ntbehin tat le 3 d 3', 3v, d th 3 h h the 3< t ft,,~>uts twi k o l vgt40 an. tvt 3 ,i ontheA ARtttty A AIS Le v vvgvtv3v38 e spth -4 vtvh,> v1t7. 47. enPoloc lokt ps s , 3 t il,33t i 3<3,3333 ,,,vtv v'tttv th ii-C m er iS M lc vattcv the 70g 30 rise fuvs forihe PcpprFuidnctheanor,3ilCnadiacoegionlli l., d,, secondvv on,.,c> tvt nid , ,,' vt3..3.3.iv Reft Avvilary embes Mr. Milred homa and Mrs. dith Par7rscn are sen hre w7h p Ppy , voi ttpi ,vv 5>7>Art 3h v t.t Mt3,v i73,3,33<t 5 ecnd ale . 33 o v ,l 33H vvn tt33ttd ,,,vtth quine OV 1, 9a salhOiitLtva D fve~7 CaolMils nd eanrr Mc onadand a arg di.pay f ppp fron3t cift he nev t a ndovvvtv n g iC m srri 3333 v,, anv .,d as h,,v,, vvpen vta 3v h5».233.>33h3t333vh330333vv ~ v32.33v3 ,43 3u,333c33333 off gourd voilier, tirs, tvtSt>u vHiIriti3:tiit*s t tvu.Iv vloin file itlt,>,3 t>,ofvt10,,,v 9.5 ApMn-alNiTHsGROWIG BIBLMA N U E L vn,,tvrit>v33eIttvelcrnay,13 13 ultvvlvjvvt n idttv 33twvkvvmis- voetuivvM'3tvuvt.3 3,,,,vthe,3pari,,tcvolÇtvavivth(thtcsvsv»33t33g>ivvOthY>v3»»in»dkr3737 fi' 'l il,, i8-c i stnva nd b ovlt , 33ti , 3 .v ..v,,3,t, Cr,, ackutt rv E v vd - M i or H ck yeieu sGeonrg os l~edtow h 547 cor. i83,,tsI,,Iot3,B:k,1,gs io pprn Are LiWtedifor.Saturday First ncdunteron". noie w,,, tteMil-,Commercial33St.,3Miltonh, à7831373v73v3t73t a, »»3 v3i tHseiu-,,v vv ,3, ________________________ IIMCUC N RECUC4 mievhvrk>t3,3v7 4~33kr G3d vhe ,lhr3 Jmy 733, I~i' ~ ~ ~ Ire,, 1 t3.,,3t3h,,,_Ci33»33333v>3333yt3vvvî hvv g3vike ,vt>ivv>hveave Rtc» vil Dv7,33 Chvhvlvv fAi"' vpu,'» vv Nv»,,,hu, 3 33IFt3v.33HAVE3.NOv33v333 3HOMEflIf >W88a 33cr heaHIS dayy Tiltvg 3v.vri3733>and B ill33 ruv lh divvv g ovn uit flvuideth vvglvet _ tin3,3,,rjlyd w.c(s C h riI 10V rar 88 eamis - The 0337833 pvv7v»d pvv33.7nvoter3 5333orvvsAthinJvilihid pvvdeva33hut3333333333s) and3.k 333u 3.33 3INVITATIONi8 lenAheTENDhOity?' S»v37 Cvre, Bc3Ty H e pr> it h opydl,,v p i ,lo- en La, lo3i 1->,,ffa,> f ngis cl se s i t.v dGva Weor,3 Catrv lMi, 333an h, R>vh e M Dol, M andv .a3larg3h» vha opi3vf etg,, h v eil iiedsvnt iIjIrsi3e.» tkaps ro. l, ..W nu ow r y fn Beia3 Rv3h GthIlle IgnWvyv Tlvhr3. h e...v3hlit73,v3333v ...33 lWtH 7ok r e .00 .M. - "WHTHE UWNTE NI OSCH O R Javh» F3ivhv. Bhhy vvy. 23,3», 5~~33tt.73.»id Lv»»>e pt»>vvtvvt»3 3h 573v 3vv SNOCOPERANEN TYP AN HUMN AT1MPS ATWORD GOERN A rC e3ig 333,3 f o333, 3. Mr3ot> 3 3. 233, > 3y 8, 3 v h G , r> » Tt E n ch> v.,>, u n t 3.3 3'ttr3Ille>>3pla y, I i f l, - ia, h cc n ,jid 1 . 0 A M IlvMI ,P'>vnon' t'v« 1 tHlv CHvRCL IS THE TRU3 3>UR3H Here arethe lineps for M ltok'd vptot, Lr>ypv3333is, Rhnlv "' eu " Prt- orOhTokyfcR r ihv> will bc ,t-hG , J o, »hn Gilber. Jim y Dr- torvt>d M,3., 1-03.333333t3»> $360 GaImeNsAgLED dathe ordawrehid 87askc usionsasths tche wAtvld. 2k>h 73vv3t, Mne .LATOepeDEPT. oeroe,8.3o,3» d. Whlser e a8d 83714 ek87 Ce loo iclues Brok . RcRvy wtvv . >3Oc ory for3>33,,> 3 ,,v as3 t h Miton33< ,33v> LEDWiTomso, t er-3 pv31 v3h h» vl 33353 0>3>> îd ilIEAT. " ht sth hrEIF.'>-8.e ssi aI i388y8187ss CHIAG 013MAcE> ~ Jvvt >,vt»k, 3,,kvm 8.Wv,- 83, ,,d>, 33,hi t Mi>8 ieee.e 82te ofY RAAiEage'l'taa. coah,» Asdr B ry, R>,v» 7334>3. 3». 032v Clubviv. aiv 8 3>,3sono-3he3 sn.al x Mbtin tilt , DeSU S RVICE STATI N ',adae, 375. 3. 7.8 e8..38 EM A UEL Dvv3d r G3te7r»3 h kv,, RcadC> h evy H ivvv, 3v ho> key0>,,v, fou,3v9 nd,,> rat,,, »,,» ed es263 Main St MîttMn.TE 89725 333333, of> Toior3to,33v» - munstkrH in3 sot, aivthe fi CTe dy Hvp , »> Barry 333 AF3,,, Fv hv 33,3 >3. Mv,>, 33,, L> >ttSvervice. »d3. Doglas Hear 'K i h,3v igg s.den MAT SOttishA Cu -B ob > as3the .d ,,,», t,,ty.wc ,,ctt>r,- C CO M SA e. -> Fletvcher.v 3> 3 , Hr oglsWlo. i te e ini n the gark .,33> :3 e853 T th C t z s o M lon S h o A r a Bria Brsh rahm Dedg, Wane imbrs.Mik Peull , Ont3, e ccaion333>3 g o les.3I> 700 33 - 3HY TH UN TED NA ION O M33»33y 73>333,3. Ad> T,,t33. y,,,Hen3ry>S. Jny,, hn D vd a rec.t pe>l er u-ktd th ,yl ocn ,lI 3PR303FiEL3 R C,,,h.> NI3< 0>33 -, George FletcNThREE WEEKS TIMEeou inl be iMenraye o portu ity oevotig on by'Iontoorovidtfund David ,,,3Lloyd , u otL<v3 eter 3833333Bb Bel.3Daid»Buce ,sc3 J.t A . oobdyte MltoTT 3 tNT tL F I 38.aig 73 Bri,,an y. i 33., 7Mrry3o. oh ewna tak , JvdvM TAhi s d Auth ion e er vhor tAse rection f PaRoom as n a diton nel our sPublic se ol us. tiose .e at e t o Polvet, Davv3Wells . lJvh> s>Ross L., M >Auic i char ~333d pr.. i- pont ,,, Han rol Jc adi»>, 3>3$3.60tGal0.33NvdA>LvDH "Wh,,e s333u>3d mREALESTATEok Eforr ee Acta BS,333».K»330 Grvais cac , 3bv33733»33333.Mi3 R>avsattMMltone latEE-923 N t ANGyEas onFreDvd LO ERSP3 <'v T3. -JmS3 Th, R3,,s M eO 33,3333t333 O E E ,tWeMlohulcS so orbig u aimous ithetr i faormanidsppr rerice, edofctesse proulosedapresentg fon.îowing Binterpretatimore nofrthe word Ia Playroiot Mis 0 3 k P»d33 >. 33>3h o c ke33,3 33y C hv 33» M v, ,,.1__ _ _0__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ svur C,,3 B hky L., , Br>333333 Hamilton 34 3. r An Jmei,>vcNov 2,700 - a-EM ANEE WE v>033-mont, v383. , Ay3» 3»t>3 3 k, ric 8cDufv,hv CPetr> e, T» vorvk minutev, Dhon tS3,333 Local d.;Otat> ~ >>3333> cov 3va3 tw or3e s h pbi shc Rober., Mihael ilso . and Arorl NI333»d 3>33333cr Rhcd 0>33six ci> 3 dvvie, <al»>3<>,iIsani 3» >0<.>> ic3ytv.,>> >oO t ppt> vithttv n.Y3 tla, he Cvt-,et » bvt 333avtbengbvltiv uhaveshpsinvod a 3c33h v8Frase , SDong >vM v>. hr»> scil n U Ranc Neci y te fMildttt»iepu-li cto 0»»3tttv3, , 7333331 C,,vls,t,tvv D M L 5Jis3» aDavnce Clvvb<Iin3the3 _o,3theot hildee JakKevn ayL-nr i- Mjr pae. ORoosier uryte Inet etsWriPC ha iEM lo itzn wl e epy neeseLnthsqesinOadw ug n Evon, adTrseDvreavid.ad Ilt dsovrtie ats eetsened adgrs ts opotniytogveMitn on-wat Louesopeir 7480 DarlingNBR J33uv ayIvMSlf33l- f31onte rtisepoposed Playroom rn isea Mito oo e Pulc o olsP bi. ch os h ep rre to isJms lwtt on u-litiand i GAR M AGtaie d Sacne Ai yoner yokttalr >3><ftat HdePuMr.BillE.ndWI.erson IL. R.-.H. t Ei IOTT Ed3332133 M bs hi adiiLTNs PUBLIC SCHnOi wl aperoLhebloaarD RuetC F OR BJmii E Tn TE R UHghad dacnSELED A T ON 76& PEre . . . STEcJME BL And Reliable A nuomote iss ReainTUS ADNuCn-ic hira har ______________,___Kent___________0333311 RANGERS' - -Gw.si o fGulh r.B sadM. Phoe T 8-233gaS Steveson o 3,l, Mis,000pson ILTO A. . NICHOLSON, C. A. MARTIN, O. E. MANNING,*MRS ELNrEtADEA Presideet Vice-Prsident Govreal Maeagcr crai lvw-pt W, SWÉ4, YOUR eHpygutk PLYMOUTW-FARGCÏýý UTIQ afé'q C4« il-Y N11 ION 19 a- 994 2