yRIGHT AROUND HOME k by Shirlay The Canadian Champion, Tfrrsday, Nov. 13, 1959 - cororoittee for November. The roll M rs. B. B yle Show Sl es alil word was pralse. The ladies ýM rs B.Boyl Sh ws lide « ereplaed ta walconie la the La ie 'meelingMrs. Ben Boyle (hfom 0f, Yuion t L des roups t^ainPdie h ihle fonohoird andoso had apent the The Boston eh rh 1 dirshrfd rrod by Mmo vs. AU oi ewd in icnooo to hoYuhon..She showed thi-j Noocrooher roliogatcfthe rinng"Whaf a Friend 00e have in rofor-d lodes, t k n oa nnd hý,1 onoof Mos . yfIa r i c Jfoor St' J.ohn, Toafln, Allfw. Waloots pooýsidenf, Mos. J. Iov ^o,7n,,od Mosý Irvingoofoarodfcteguost .ck and afong the Afaskahlkway tha W.MS. meeting odfh [ho goad Mos. Robertonfo0f Milton. who and fcfd of mono incidents ot Ilir This norfon rreires 0ar two[ Bofor55 miueor ocnfifhro[flo 1 noroh, rw sion. rBrhoin oco- y hooglihf.Oofow.d hi [he d 1-bop.rou a f ine mssge reparedhc y i moetyps of.wee readswhich Let oolfirpan10 miutes.Loosr focofd orc ouoro 12 minutfes.adlyI«M,.W Je itS ees lv ic- r l [[obefidesorI enf arf,,'1 1il,,Afno rama, It orr s.eer'o. 2. Mis,, i cri ho.f i oned hof or. oetd p ofosl-orfrct rf[ o Irror o torooro _i"dN h ho jom-l ferd hisco of rc rn ~ ooo nc.usorro ornff cllr " . 'o - ' hfo i lrdrcphirodMy rdhr, or r ron rcffy t aisre orco i O TE:IfmF ilk Biint av11 rrait- li fiMois, plror i fr0.M M 'r. hd M Ma Yko nufro s tîrleopacs1ta crfooi gi, it \\horrfd s t 1, Miho nisoonoofg p ed h IiISiS helli 2 corro hotfor rforrc cor frr Tlr irford ra-. lococco. rsr i o.. rrrrroc O rye. 'alir7 Th e ao a f-ildbst s ae c 3r froesrrrrrrful). irrg rrrndfict r.len ~ rfor hlnrfy brkfad roco lc e r, crshrrrravOls sontritue ussu yo3 fohfoifrircrria[irlunegrorrrrrfortcrf bo. up asr fer- bs horadticuturrayr a lttiuN,ýo tsvstn rorf lrrofcrhor odfoi gr c l1cpcog, osopd uis i l Fo thero thoineoeoom loo[frOfi rO rorrrrr1lhLAYING PLANS for iheir Chrfsmas rBailylinMrtheccdrO[croFbO RE' 00f rcrfrfdoror o rarrrrnrroorrrOkcrffe on Frrday, Noormbrr 21, are mrmbers cf for Saraho , [coofrco 0cr [[oThicki*isiborroîh jucinr . Martin ChapterICOD.E. ShoWn searri arr Mos. P. D. Hiff, Mos. oldoîrro 5bul frfair0Ofi orco o ncduio for the goun s O,7cn,, a rO[s sfdcfi prooofleur Grrro aco oi heet, freo ohvoat ~~John Park, MrsM.Robrrtscd sandingarerMrs. JohonNoble conirirndicfi lard boIfringaic.ff pleenroi- lf rrohI ma 4 feofrororos hch o werorr ve nr [or425 cofogoes anfr ~ ~ d Mos. Prtrr Hrrodrrr. Specîa[ drcoraf ions for threlrvent are orfn 000h 0 fr0f000 51 Wi no hF tes. (o fcirfOSalto osfO 000.rc 0r ~ !IS~iêr hon n orh[ortrbin as tfhocconecoros moke proproroioci for oîr(liOloOl cundr thebOr i o-;fàono. nons-vioh r il(r ' orr00 cf- f Sol fh ro r wdrrcfrly [cr, Clif ir bottrcmr gariOnefOoOcOcforroîflr rhl, l ,,r ailopie d, oe h 32 dereilo. oi and ffor 10Combine ocol hcfo c col ete05,0andha oiffr, rooc frhr 00000 forrîr Mia [he firsnt ouror ngrorienfi monfoUrcoandiof cdd frrfrrrff'1-li. f00Brd0 a0r ,,vad~O~ eu S tinplO,., oî foli',o, ri I 'l il lr00 an e sd.Brat margarinectio- frghtly wiffrac [iriS. ddioo roS*' A t n *s lri.rlfr bfroro slsn [1,Oi0 5fno fl ercrw. Graduafly dd the if frcossryo, tu m00cr ho- o ni0fa i n '..r e v t Oîroif fo> fr- corf o of Sir W id Liurirr utino [ho ganooofced soaarh eo uilfnfr ffforlcfrfroh. Kad for 10 soconororo 0,r 7irrf3riAfttendantfo.rd'ishinfrffiorcif iioricr oiro [OOf Bafoineggscoeaf a turwc, fhen frghf[cffrrirrefLhiihrng o arO r rof4 fiff[Il 0000 fl i offi[fi- NrI.Mifiri fr .irira rlo. Or, -i !'- 'orl frocorrooirold roril rI frof cr-f 00. fod 99 edid for of f 0- i ti l 5100r assola. Sift îogcfhoo forr, cfr fo fI , 1 orrfo ffOOfflOO. aloin', il, SI0. off .... . . 0000 doîro 0 n .i, la rdVaiff.-Y. M fi rIla, f rr ive 0000 f0000irie r fo en 0- NIii for f înuooî o 1911f , 00 tho hohrsoalawd ad sait. Adrd o haffO n'rh forrt ied 21 ofoh hy f ol' v IffiOofe irî[rif500 hrco -f Cîor'l[ iir.f. iri'ort, rcior rcrO.or r>o00 ont0 0f str',f 0,wIl ,f 0f fr.r tuosou r ro oroand sf0. Add thfoc o-iecuttr . c i [fi a er s, hnoir il f ,ýttiflo . orr ,f.frff o- . cdIl, fc.anf,] c i l,fr rriii r lror firir- M 0000 i'- fforrrracoolfrnaofyr herr A rocrcf cfrro fffcffiiiî'îfon *O$ red . Iciffrrl irrniiThercfr ,0 00IriUrifrfi11,Oir i-d 1ccifo1,or o i- Sfic onofo nooroh ficcocch addit r es000i00n f in 10 icnr-re 0.'~'%i Iif.iii 1ii -ii. î 1îîîîî'î 51 - fiirii Sî1î,1niISfo 000 lha sub oif.onrioPo r f the balle., of h B rs croroi la ifr0 t f roîrý 1l,- r -.i'tf ii 'iiioiifr1 the ni mitue, ou in ro ain t rcff thcir-i rî finig 1 i- ........Irr ' sif. 00 ou O, fo- ii- Nu n. iiil, f u ,?Ili 0-- ii 00 n r - IlrI' II. : vin l roi-rdffloui , -fd For Parents OnIy o i f, f.filAo fuiiiI- i-r Visit Your Library PiiiiV f. i ,,IIil- Ioý1l i Ii ýfIlw no 1 c --'l -o, jof ',if. N '.' 001o' i folo"'Ilooli by Nncockeavf 'I o fil Irooft,],- Jaclkson's ai fnI Vs fa ho esOhvelV r Ji . OrI,,iBo','%,r fr XroIl[o, 0I f -irr il l io spi.00 sets, he oororr[ofon o i hrdoc lns f.0 for fiicOoiiioOial cisf lts0cr 00001 o1 ' 1: "', :I«(I'-d'.i[Ilf;IIoIIIIif Orte de daoofoins in 000 pubfie lraooco"'He orho, coonvs ofa c ri 1)r i,--o- Pi .000 ý .t ... t o V la oroooesn. Rerenfly a lohoaooass Cives haf ohofoil l c rrî o o k 'A1 f fOiN N1iNf---f--.h,0000 N hNff ______t poinf d ot [bat TV norwosg ofesThroaogh lifs 1foagesn1 Af , S S. ild SNIrKI5s' i Ans It O:rd c l sfnnmrufi[od a boy orrgol ta borrona Oooo iheo ogor lý;11i II l :1 i hankof fafs to augmen[ nfor- 1Ornrs thoofofnrlofoa hpfnirsuditORitsY11 i l '- f olirn hohad rocooi -dmonllVWhaorhil.norofsnorfnn'hl1_,_ ;:"nIl .nrnflflornoTV Whe..the ffl,- dvrftcrocu and ofhrnsources. Osn1 S o t-oDr own th o.-u.IliiOrn',Ilifficor.". i Oo,,dvJI i ,0 lhork iiong fi-tri efhr ongs po- Ader e inssaae [a [,À-say roncrif irooio o..niiiiroirfonn la, aof nd ut o,!foibarirs. Hce noonorroc.fîri i fA te d d, o o,'.- , 1. r an s forn rrfhf.sWa chOfo oonl hcwoay b[f000 s ,,.o ýW ei ,oi l 1 irdri. thanhîiff hci h at masn rado s loff non - ya rp to te i)-'lil oftg ' ' mn 0 f If luicoad cnyfhrng, ho s or tho oycfhmOc S hi- hons i i, roooicOh talc0sef, ofl 00nrn lf. snwm onma- a it ior book.fo Oadnril[y ho if nîrîfnr f.OiifndOlOOOl inton cit imustfbho nvoor- grîn ti n o ons thr'fi lady«n.i"' W A lt rrf Ilo llo ua]nrrol .i il'ii No Whafho-ffer.crr.yrnnrfve' arkor his sci smalwrr'fundf fhe-rnor' oorr ro t:, I i , .,,-, 1 Nnnoho1.hashknns rrgthr as-r lrIslfoinomfort 'lrnrdnf0.,o f i.I..- - - - - w ES E D îMET croonsno onf 0s0i roro ror for l[oonnhion fos o J'iroo ~ sojsr he1 - . hr ult mhrta h r oriliIn cber, ihoclo 0' 00 0,f -rothf ofoiIoMS ERVEE ASTENO T bsh wibo ks fcon ro o Th, s c onIl a.inr roi ImoaIs Iroci lof .. ... 1 000,00 Q a iy s H gh rth n t e rc Aopnatt, Saei a r fulof os boom .s n dnno tfrlini o Ofi1 n,1,,, ,n- 0, r7, 1 c, SERVA T R AST END01O 1Faotrnînf,o hoooi o e00n- faifdri~tfI 0O00o0 el n li it1) 1ilNu bru i'f..oof [roIroo _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ cda rn' f-r fopaonair. ihil odron.. tn ost orAhJhhn,îrBnoho ol[tri ofthe jahîn fnhsactio cnnaieya[non ld Mohù no rv i nrroiOOnh ff oc. 4.00A l 1 iip, o r-O 4 "'ltlIR S OL E , P o re Fholo b, nordsre roo sof o a f o me or f00 c c i i n f 0 , r n.cono111 M..... i rnofoi fo lr, Il ai Onfyonnd froc-n Incformationy on lv si - u litnt rs Lu ky-,t d lt, -i, 00.ilt rornorrorfcsofofir' y tcai oidiofl is o o I ofIIor . 0.îooio. î.oo8-6501 thnoshfifnoonosl0estsc 00 nooilfi obbries on- o ., i I Arln P R.nt o nnrthe rh nrc l fc oarncl000o brs'lu, * îa rf! oa hi oi Or thnnolfyhy bthfrosah asr hlrao --andf lr efonr arn chbi O Ouiffor -oI , Il ,Il l P blierlibrre arenrayaaofa f r wfi000[oi fifOnfoî aO fi city aod SfwhOnamillesi-Amanfno'n' hooiI h v n ohAin hrfo lno hnf- f n edrofo no i n ' IV heur sh ppngC r ips'c N nt o to n o on ri nonle nr foi, hl, o hîr(ifiiro1 fdo nnhonhoiloo To n rrnror),Ido.ntrw. andrf.on Iron Theorfnof ti ho Totemo Poehy Rutfh rinîrfoCopp Clnark). The. Soin FHorsey CotherinecA Sfrnohrnk Vallfey SOnroico fnR.OL l (no-cnrr Collin,).O Franklin (if tho AorO f y R. Sh Folîfrord focKrnfir'oiio lirnhcr [on ifadLdnrd. Ragged Coantay th he sOf-ifinafoin Camidaobn sfro- os 000 ho nor y dofnffo-rf oano in Algionquin Arfconfnn o hy Ronalod 'f. Cooho iffyeon) the r o[k- graos nof tini-c'oi o a acd connsfo 300 milos noirt fro rointfon.This ns an arr-rn o hrn on e]fo ap mg o i onof m tios on-ofontihe neetj n l bookshi nntheomar- boftofrooh 00 0ranhcraxfiy rc mend Tf s writrihy therdodrO on tiho Fnoifonandf Ouorrs Mag- Caoadin nPonotrnitn focByrnc Hropeanndeos,[omercodior of Chafofornc (Clarke Ilosino or an- otr-ceoighfsf bonk jott aff the preoss. Isn i are fasornsafis ihrga- lhcal shrfrhoo sof Ewly Carc, the parrîdo, Ceca Hind, nrwspapeo- o as d whea[t rop pradirtions ùroD[, D.Agasta Sfaee Gu1en, picnvromnosdaroandf Emnfy Macphy, first wmaatsmaginfoafo in the Brtsh Empire. PROCLAMATION Retarded Chidrens Week NOVEMBER 16 TO 27, 1958 WHEREAS il has heem cî[ahfishrd [fai mentall yretard- ro i ordren con be helpcd hrouglh speinal schooling and recrrca[onal, social andricflop progrOamfan [foot here s a 9500f cf cd fo r rc-scoochcfiiio thefii fof nal rta rdaorion, AND, -oheroors public andcrsiaodinq ailgreaffy con- frbuin [o eaing fhe plight cf sorne 3; of fhe populaftion who arr in some degrre wocftally refardod; NOM, iherefore, 1, as Mayor of the Town of Mfton, supporf the Militon andl Disfrict Associat ion for Refarnird Chifofren in fls efforfs [o hbnp 0cr commoiys mrnially reforrddly deciaring [he perron of November f6 fa 27, f1958f, as "Rfrdrd Chidreo's Wck' in Miton. Mayor S. G. Childs. Coronado Reg. $7.95 Automatic DRY IRON Special 74 Franchsed DealerDon Merrtt Owner TR 8-6011 Milton 136 Main St. meeting cl.sed by ait re- Uýe mi'.pah lý(ýnectie t ion i, 1, j ;ý0 lim, w:" en. .t the CH AR LES H OT EL :.STAURANT NOW OPEN SUNDAY 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. COMPLETE FANIILY , DINNERS ROAST TURKEY ROAST BEEF 40 ROAST PORK Soutliern Fried Chieken aLio A 1,a Carte Lt Ask yoîrr salt'smsasîabout Sîsoaî Jackson's We'ek-enîd Speclal! TOP QUA.ITY AT A BPECIAt. PRICE 1 OAKVILLE VIctor 4-6062