6The Canadian Champion, Thursdlay, November 6, l958ý OH, THOSE IFERES! Yo, ustderstsath the masks aud phusty cotumes aro the Milton mombors of the Loosto Scos pipoeLbad, otho ulopped thoor rogimostlal rogalia for a fuau 0,usd Halluwe'eoo night. Thu ppuro oand drummors pausad for thisý picturei bstwos tosestaiomastts os thes aosoa whthe otRary Halutue'ens aostoaiwas Field. HALTON MANÔR Hallowe'en Party, Euchre Activities Visiting Groups Provude Programs Tosladis andtounomen attostdod claquenttprayerandoosuopayd the cloquetandtostot ntttOg tlloOttoo o. the obe 000 7h ooîhto Party, auorooooouSgt J. Motheloti dr dotu s ogtclo îooCa L toi suohoos in ptty. lîoooîo. A tou ut ladoes. Cadett 000 hoi Mooto ielTlîoîîoîooooo. GOs Taosduy auttoous, Octobe .Nctn CdtFry ndCtt lot.iudstitto E.tttosouoostd, sta otooo tvoal Arrang Party Aostoy Trainitgsahoot on Tot o 1tiens, 'Ho HidettoM uo. Aioiliooliob condcte a rogua f asaclOdTht stoottoteleson OOttooo haptr4 ttheEttoougAwoo,a,Stoh oi naturo aI tho Mustoot Thtso eotoladioes cudt d.I iîta Cîioto v 0,, Ot.000 had be ho tos ttsding a hlitioni odtltooi iiatl, o, ,ot 0y Arytutlyt t Oa,ohtlle and hod hon Flannlgraph Pio-disti;Olu ý, 1, usderotunhsop.oîttThoyoooot e A latostlgtotot. 0100 Cool .tltt 00 iotand IIt asitdby four SatoottiuuAoouo' St.i. tottesootd yCadt Thotiotoitoo OOlt, <,f Lek -:i-A to bosdsououjol.oo^otooir rain-o 'If,,NI" o.tOt, 0oo.,0.i.0.ttYito.,thv ut o.dt,,o.iooiio, .-! 00,00 st ou tootnetots e t . ottvere tien y tot, 'c'en, and îl,o t o,0o . 00 Tho toto *Las'ito ,cu0td tlooot ,oodooot. Cdt G,.tand Colttu hoouit .ato, ii., toho tttuytcd îo tthe cc)"pi litaetsfetoit Cui, e, thtofi la t j00 va, al te ticý rulcS.gaeai 1uu y adt r. ewon DUSTLESS CO Lanhoon with thoto. The president The party osas andor direction David L.otohit, sang Passistg By" * sletwardship, and wtneotssasanelle- of the Atilio.y, Mo.L.Fuitttd, of the todireottor, Mrs.S. Lokie ci d sovoottooodotttttrs.A de- Rev. J. L. Blair tooottthat keepa church mving actedoachairmn and ansaunced andMr. , Alln.A aradof th lott nchofsandihes5, pOp ahoad. In the otonng hossermn ho ooooobot'u. Alilthe pianos-ooosouadooo hottooo the jotdgott, kaiottutesrtestaotasd aory en- 1*etC.,n., tatpie a The MaSter's Totoch". comapanbîmntns osre played by Mrs. M. Smtithoaond George Rohert- Sun,ngoooosttng. Moth oooditt 1due Gues peiaer 0ev Orshone a Boy. J. L. ,Ira. E. Booaotsy. son, osuttd in the ostouiog prizes Ma Lok o. Attlen atd "The ohs sttd i h onn A short dotiostat poisd 'as bitto uooodod-ft,teuonod ttd GodnBtotd'.to atooy oory At Anniversary aIe 'r t ton toe progthao. Ttte hysto, thitd potoos tut hoot Hullttotot n Haotuttoosc.Part 'Whtta Ftosot', sosog. Misst ostumes-Mitt H. Mottotttt, Mots AototthoogoIlt1tomttoooooooud- Ro . 1. loi, .tformertoolois- Dosais oottd the Boatitudos ftom toE, Hasosst, Miss HdMaey. Frttcao1oo *to 1îoiot.tootuo. LttousKtootrof SiootPaut'sUnited Choottt,tot huottrotftSh. Matthotsan ts d usetonod tototut fortondrctosot ut totRfitCzmol)lotttlý ortîatu try toto guoso 0roohrou Sutduy to WHAT EVERY ïV & RADIO orayot tuos given ho Mos. DoCour- oihn t b oot os ouso sttoMo. htu ju ide otot )Lovittt, Kitbthett 00htsolooao t htOWE IA EN A ,ey. The hyun "Stanod UP, Stansd Bacto on.u mBogtoy.SpicuoLt ouoo.o and yon uThuottdity atttttocst, thuoot.ING FOR Up tfo Jsus', wsoSuntg antd couod Mot. Lotohot1. ttoMos. CharltosLoomheot, Ctoohtsm, TEST YOUR OWN tisipartoftthetoottgrauoo . TaouManoirWtontotIo.i.ioitnlttltt astot tth uott sutttot rouodtstg RADIO AND TV Cnmmnasay inglng Attt tto jotoo,. îot t.O000 îo bt.t-t00, IP lito,. 0 h on oos t . fltitc Oi tig and ttsttto T BES PR (0ooooooottoogtoo ttt t, ,oo tht, toloo ti 00 i tttl.OOot the 1 1 t'f i t TUBES000FREE 0000 . ei 'i il l 0o.ooo 0 10,0000 0 ,oOo lo,, I-00, O0 -, ly s oi I 0,000 . , .0 o.ON0A îîîoooiîotooanîîîîîoooîo1îttý,nlht Mtu AIt 'l .,.......oolOo'o1o',,tt, , î, ,,0 0, î .tttloiooto Mishtutoo-. totu poaloloooolloot t ot i ot ol ol ,oOoloolýýItloîoltlo t. ootto UbTesterM ot , ottoai tfliscupta uut and ooott oi llot oooo c ,oltOttObloe lolot ltîîtoopltoot.lantîIhon;Itd too 00000 Alîlotli olOîlîtIL oiOo,,olli Blo.t ditesohotht too ottu'oo ttvreMoto Atto o, ll o Soti , toot M, t. t;Ililogttoottott tOto inostott olo oin t t Y I VIClETUBE TEINEOR oeii.Tîttot owtottttllowed otht A nîtor . toooo, 00000litti(otofansg 'I KL. sltoll o ltoooAT OURSTORIE! oo. toMot. Ottotît. ot tthecOe o loto id0,000 M"00. loo. tOooott1 o n. 1- -,ie , li:Ithe .oolooîo,oo. oîN L rg~ Totma otto ood Mo i rtt LtIs oFo i'ati aout 1000 tooooo, In, M loih oo; l ldy fi hoci oî;j ot;-'l og g e l' Ala ,ka lides Ailtît. Fol o winhiooooot 01 l)l,, oîýtit 1 M . ]ci, tooo-ooo A oott ot ototl t totoooI dloi 000 , (toooto. looto 1,000. A t,10,00 ,h, l k o; 00nI 000, Aolo . n Nýg, olotttott l kaloî ot aIooho iti . v.oOlottoooo oooooo lI0,0 .00,I, tot t il,0.o.ooton'I. l Ot tlîIY o f to. .0 CtY .... ......... lotMoo tttoor, loott. Jo sioov anott( Iioooot 'otil to ss',-. ",." 1)000000 000 ons gav aoo t u O sttlg 0.0000000 totot s t' oo 0 tt.olooîo 00 on i, ii oooo , 0 Oîdtoî. Mo/" îîî, h-sI1 fl,, ,Ijdes o.tooloootoo A tîlo of I toLoOlo itin-001, , 0lo ll oi M,-, il (.Il , Luch crv-d il.WE'VE uum IT îotoo(iot, sht o.oottt to Cul-rtttttoo it,,0 J o n Wtooo 1i.t, IrOli.0,10 l t i l Io'tol lii Y, îtht ,to Ieroo v0,oo;o l.tlttot0o O:thankW HEEL ALIGNM ENT Ic ill l t , no,, l or - A il. , , l -, Oloi]Ito k- lo Enjy theeaven warmnth and FOR ONE WEEK I ng l o aool 0, tl ... nu 0,00.,, h comfot fine qaality anal îg .. ,1I,ý2lot O o-o lin o.,, 00, FREE CHECK FOR ALIGNMENT he >s f , 1l0d0t.0.Be sare ta place potar ar.PES HN O Il..ooo tt tooder early. PE*E HOE9O lit- APPOINTMENT o iTR 8-4484 ORDER NOW M NCRETE FLOORS R. S. Adams Stores Ltd. 1 ENYSpu FRIZRWINNRRS fos splayiog the test cotutmeso ut he Ru ary'satout Hallutuenoum asqouerdo ctoîîîol, hold [oooiy in thes tasta, tustostDavid Ruberts tas a ousttoo, Richard uand Lysto Murray to thes Kng and Q00000 of H-toantd Kery Ktohoo s a o owboy. Hurdrodsofo! hildoon n oîyod the uuntsts uand freeos htîist. -Manoy MiltOo mo.o' o tec,oootttht tit oopotd00,, bCt et intttt lot ng o o ti toto 0000Sattot-ý da t uornting * There is * only one *WELCOME WAGON 20 Oyeaos eperitnoa *f..toinggtodmilin b hasiness and comonunity *hf. *Foro information on *Welconte Wagon, phone TR 8-6788 (. AL HENR O SOFR A.OLDSRBTR IFRESH FRUITS & VEGETABLESI