4The Canadian Champion, Thrsday, Nvamber 6, 1958 THUNDER on the ALLEYS loe r,-coulîty 1440,e 4d't f1444 144erî Stur4d.4.1 4le ('1042oInly tiOldeci 10 t11011 t'O 114111 -îîîîll,îf 40.4 c1e t e T his l S. t-Il, ,lîîî..ill M bIks l t, ,lIl 11,46-ut2 tu1dOo dcîî Miton. Ca Mh Hal. 'Uni, 16ei v1l4e 4hi1, Gord4 Strin'sGantes to,,k .111,niu h, H 11H11 s .a5I, 5 ,in4 Ken,,Hr,1hsBnditsgot4. 11411111 Mtret.11 iS h in4mn 111141V11*4l1athll.le1, t,t.I ,l t; a .3334 Sm JIL.s bld Mîîg Bi,,sî254Iîîîîk il, 11 Milioni c,, 27, Granies., and 3Je, II.., 1s-l'î ,a 657 ti îplî tnîî t. 24, R-eblers23'. Bldts23 FIý '- el,,1s ',,4,,.612 and ers 22 and Pzil4,44,21. bLI.îl.l11 .141 593, Milton Ratepayers 3 Early Birds Olt and ,13 Tht,,c,l,- 013 28 941,6le, 4Bob Strttpy 641 b,, ,,k,14n lppI4d the h,t,st pins4,44 th. le- , ,i ,, 13 Bt 2-52-2.39-1819 4,441,, f,îî a 6804 I l, 1 t S and4 14. PinsFî,'r .5tu4th, t'leladiestil.,,-1sk vitha, 2 ! d2.G1.l,îî,and Skun4ks22 t141 single and 5535 (25-127 -163) M CI.I triple ,, C.11 1:11 Ares, and Hot SIo, , , n, 911JI,,841d63d 7-point wins while Kîîîgs and Wa mrs gra,,bbed 1,off 1 5,,i trî dues pins. Kin,, 1 w11 11114 4,1 286and Warosh4d 281.la Stan4ding: Kîegs 33. ,44.,, 2 *i 2«a Wan,-i,,,-,27. A(.. 2.5, Hot Shîotanj1M 21,4641. 2 . atl4î4420an Thunderb-,i,,,4417.1 Oct. 29- 24 Club aethw BAILEY'S a e 1cr 4 d 4k1,44 thepoker glb and came out,1431h 7-144,41 14 4 apiece. Sp.tdesrs 11 the mn1411 ,.h 2529 Is.a tltal p914r1144Di. monds tîîîîl,î]ýd thelîp 2197. Stin,1gs, are Sl1lles 29.Joker Ontario St.at Ba"e Lot, .1 TR 84821 OFF ERS j B-A PERMANENT TYPE Thertyat.oaan sthi aitarpootte 'F160,0 000,000 5t , to pr 5otec A N TI lie of yaa, 11161, grl. Batth-6.le .thldog yoa 06ha-9540 .e,4t506h. ou v a H.,-r., tha -kdor oda thrwoote4,1.4604,066.4 ahield youareo,, daage,6o0g th 1,60 of1eve,,ya..in yaor o, a eH col FREEZE ihoe luothe, ehirlcm. Doo't osobi, reoIc. that «0oh.d wtsirl noaaw th ... P5it.ob DUP015Pi5000 SIlITO PLR OS (.11 o todoy. W. rr cmp o él t..ko.oltI 7 r G lo .ls, t. .11 ..,dot,5o.6.k . 2 7 rGlo W-.Il o oodfcl. t lél1.po0. o B ILL'S AUTO Don't Be Caught CoId 0OD Y S HO0P WINTERIZE Body Repairs and Reflnishing Speciaisîs NOWI Main S. Milon TR 8-2348 AMP8ELVILLEcoilveO5'1 for a presentation for I4PSULLILLE owlywedo 2Mr. and Mrs. Robert McLaren, an Saturday evenig, the Raise $4.5 for U IC F lttrbalog 1 ,'FbJoc, Lm 9 Clt brt, daughterof o!Mr. adM Hallowe en, iven 'ure ai ene wi1th a484911ror 649411village cidven gahered atCampbell;,othly 6social400446144, hlteschair un44d ntaga.tOo 440h. h l4t Mi. AT. Maoreaon org o bertson.4100 1rîîgre.ý4ivec lt o cnoîyeby V4140en niglt ta pick îîîî 694,6 St. Davîd's Girltouap of St. al]. .1441044aris tugalhoer.pennies Davida Presbyteriao Churc6 co- Mco. Adolft'athem ooîortained )m the houseld6irt. Fames40 a14041the 0064066011fe th 1e Bihle tea autry ohower in honof40Mrs. we veryg,.,,4l4t141411191160164t Soiety o1f Canda d rtl ,tiiodRobt904McLarenttonTuesdIy even. ,. as4a toal 1,f $l1413.0was ttt0i- îwîIy $JO. 144. .Tho hde woIdî4 o n4464 t.11619 Preorsnt Gfts -22.Olo1-1,1-1410 h 104d b hy e Cam6ph4ll4llHWî Mî 41 .WIiî4Poh In e,60,l18. the wor4 14416664tbe Nom Offlon w: tis -ll1ryoid A, 4406s40 n "Nl 4( T), PROPER ShOled o .naanyod T day wph AY H PYO Misst Shirley DreShîîIr Iesie: fPR PR H ce-president, '44E11io01; boas- Ie and seerttlty. Gloria 0'ttîy: -gam o,,,to14c, Lî,î Iîglis; . ,ee1ly social 4o040444. Sott s 04cr Georgetown w144., record soglc and 6411410te date6arc1a 414 13 HI-.. 1614 and D0l.3,t,î1444. OliveM single 9> Dr. JarchKecy adt l64,14111,122 l1dlîPink,11I5719 oe 849 trip:e hy Bll Anderon,. 'F6,1 .pped thelb,. v 414 1,ku 1444612 'lice, o Comoitent, Eh? P. L. Robertsonl Mentoe One thin o .411424say about Qot. 29 -We'o 4on a4441410M Jaehy Maxwel tI heK2,16.5Kat uar,1ter10and44Ft, andcc 1,4 t 114Vie( t.agaue-he4o cniset bo1h04î4 .r tandng11out4in61fi-ont 19ihiii rLr Roled1 ssin91404g 146 gines 7 win this %vet el14ll'1l JackhCaul tes46second inhthe con- ,1411,14.dd,cnd SProat hve 2 h fl sistny departirneît. Ater a 244 ,,,dd îiiit i i,îîegitîî- îî;139 Frduy n64h, lie bita puir of 2296 This,, elt. Ml,,î.III4 14 FIEST DAY 0F SKATING cr Multons figure sbating enthusiasts 1490 Tuesday wheo the Milton R44 Byeosue 4of P. L. 16ahrt1414t plîîtered ttoibcî1 1foi-.a2A4 total Figure Skating Club opened the season al .te arena. New enstructor Ross Smith cf the Guelph crew h2art anice334 19,0 14449 ,, lionBernan Wt.î.il334 and 795 Skating Club is 0e,, bore gîiîîg essons Io the Goup D, iîcluding, left 10 rîglît. Lyîîe Snarr, 91-11 41ou t is 795 triîple. 118.,-334-274) l.s hoi6,11114 11,14 (if Mary trswold, Cîndy Corp, Karen 84111, Luurie N4hI,,il, L,ure Ournat,.Ruth11 Kc,îîgharn Hav4441 hertd l,11ch fruo I hhL ight-and th444i,, ,.ch-11i,e Il, Nancy Heecl and Elizabeth McCucheccc,T6e club î s sp4454t4î Isy the Roary-Aî,res lîrObgh United Naions gr44414ltely, .and4 iuîîî lbItrcoirîîî,îî .11111, Il Il the Roary Club of Milton. wc.kfor t irst lime. ,îîd. I,îîgRî4SI,41.pi v- H,ld i. 24144,4 tt tebowling44 vioîî 6,4igh Iof790 'p,,ci Chlîs 262.1 .andtJIi, k 4CîîîItEL WAGES aIey w1s forsale tc16,eek whr4cricFîspToI,k k î the1111.353i --94d. Ato,414 1114 bhigh tuant Wi WreStagh ît,,cy614 61 11 l1V 9 st,,,1c4 i1144 H211444004 144441441414 lur wit1 juîî0 t, .and4.,-und 914 tîîl e 2,2 hîclî,.eWin 143l,'04l, 1and1stel pays6th, tell: a F4, Sale" 41411 on thc 1ront îîl -11'î75 ,2521.111 1,, l i l 4î ,î ,,Iîî ,.'i',1'I r I~i 2î of Stue,, Arudrein. Despte 7 9Vil-î.t4Iie Jark 1. ilton Girls Field NII,,.S,,toi lof14$2211 1; 441,1 rstoPucie, r4. 1.6 4lrtd Ladies' Special the s! .31424 1,and41411,414 h,,,i- Oct. 29 24l,erslll,lI.I4h1l414 Pin Dusters Championship Court 3, 1,.F?11 ,,îîîber ut., ,.p t î,, bl, a220 t.,1I1l pis 0, 1 14,,e,, ,î,.1, IlfflI îîin.fitIlî,,IlîIîît 11,14 Iî.,,1 of4 th,îEastc,î.îî-4 ,bic .I 44844 61,1 4,body-4641 l uccdestea -2l.6, oMops,, ,,, Le - , ,....î .44 M, 1- h ,lllll-od , 50. ... i M r. and M rs. Club l,,.,,, c ,.. w,, h,î l -, îî1h Sî.,ln,g r,.ire .,,, 21. of NoNîl t-, 61î ot, 1,1 ,î,1, 1611l1.1i ,,l 0111 27-C,riýts l o no ,4 a,1îî,î .'4,144 '-e11, 4 ,111 il 7-11 %11J,4 chooll,îiîB.î3 e lI';ý 19 111 I II.nî586Ilps lIh. n1111 T11 1 -I - A5KETBALL, thct.îî,4ked (1) l one4-4 ,î,,,.,,,,16b1 Stndngst,.ire IllîI430.21_e -îeîsî4îî.-2764-2605.,, .,î i.î - -o1 ,1 .1 ,,,h'i.l 1, , Eds have 22l.I1111I,11l1141 r,,6W44l-,Town &Country Club llî. 'wosî. f. sll 15411aoi335 IotIIo Fît Glle oî rllcted thce îe' 1 7573 ,an e rt , IPîîîî'.Il %vas toits in2. 1 Il 0,,I, As f B l 'I, t, \l liO la h.f Ib l b1,44is w4it a246 and 624 (24628- 4single , 18 1,ii237,îdîî I 111, 1111114 I -I ...... .. .. N ,,4,,tbIl,,II 160). Frlthe gals l ,1144Ern Ar- 51.14 ,,,.îthI, Il.4 Ilîtîî,. îî,N-,. -th,,î,,,,î j-,11a 21,.1î-186) thi ,t,.,;ped î î.l al. Oc.30bPoor J.,4.l14Jit ctl~Id l 'van.î ..,591,A-:î17ot1î1,îjl.,- j, s I,-- 1,l:1 1. I ki i, Flonotîtbtl,î,e,,ttîîrî of 3î 1. a ,ovi aî:39 , 7 l.îîîîîl,4 î.- lî -___h,_______ilý 48 Aley Rockers 2.,il Kat ,.k . ,4o,4 K, z , îfokhMlit i111 .1I1I -c. 7 Bî ita Tîieblc 4'44 K .,,ts W Ih il 2125-2643 toiîî ., .1 .59I 1 -2l18-572161.. Nc . Oct4.11411t122104."11,3. 27 Bonl,91. a1 tbIl.111r411l4 and 642 tri441141 (262-167-213). Hot st.11l441, 1 d I. îlîî AI,,.,- B. f Shoscpind b IIl441l11,lId h 3,11 '644,. ofI4 thle I.,îî.lî î 1 , I IIp- N I'STltlzoL DFVELOPM' 'T 7,.,ils dd S,.,l13bnis an3d K24,1 2,1jý,ad64 rcui.L' .Sanedings show14'Pin 131114 31. P. L. Robertson Girls îîîîî ,,11, r .tt...4III ,I.. 1 I 3,l î t Four.,Pns 28,King Pinîs., d,,d Oct.d 0413W,-I,..f11,thl.1 11,1I1,IeandloaI-l o Illo Pin, 26,S,,tl.î,,25î. Kooîl K t Kîl Bs 2 c,,, î in l", 1 1 a 1 1 are141 1424ily aval.îlibl, t t,. olî l zb.l Jn Commercial w14,. I31.,d TyI,:t.îl4b1,lier itl, ,-and ines,;,,4.,4114I,,I 1114 tîîIl". Ao- OrO 29BItSIutlel286444s4M ld Mortl,>. Mi,4.ly c.mingI1l4Ale,11,-1Ilcl-, and Il 113bII hr.î 4,ingle ,h.le M.e M4C444,.-l thrblo an .1 4114141,ilh a 126. l o lto g,tthr triplbIll.14, .1,18 .5743 11]lo1t1C1.tl , nek and n,î4 ,thI 1238-244-2612,11llPrýit l4bters144421. 111I.4 t4,114113ill 1I l th,i.i; , Professional co;,tg sohs ade,4chy 11as'on-hoe... Canada's 14.1414wsîu,îlîog ,1shoc n ,kî p Cî e 4114 441h ,4 fac.ge.. tlîghtshe ahu s 241 441 1ith I4t'.itip, erIt sb,îe hascio eale o le. I tlt 4 wegc hee LADIES' Szes - 3 to 9 ... ...... ---- 5.95 MENS Sies - 6 to1 d---- H...... .. 6.95 AVOID INFECTION WEAR YOUR OWN SHOES -IlET PAY FOR THEMSELVLS- MILTON DEIARTMENT STORE 200 MAIN ST. TE 8-9261 MILTON dlII9@1 E . ......... .~ ~~ the 1959 Rdeau 00or-or adi' 59'S NEWEST IS THE 59 METEOR *59'S NW u'NEWESI d u(5 EWE ST1SE 59 METEOR ca LU2 I 5~ MTESIM t- ~/~f& Ca ~v~<e44~/4~C&~/ C) DsiciealnwMtirO oeuwrdO îlnamv ha npromne h DiVsingtivenetw Micvr P0Wa moveuam dinhose, the a1-ne Meeor ivesryoumance.îîy fhe' . p9 eoracof ridîu59ng cmfot and hnd ing cse tat's ay aead. io t ri-8,class. ovc r', gre todivetateor to apeciaethe diffeerne.Th 5f e tsyua le Os oicorfnayar.oItis trCanadisis.xclusi fi e r in he l pice fand .. n d 59' n ewetcpteformerp le or 5. C 0D 114OmiaMauovai etdsinie Metor utmt efracteesee 0 pMto Ut - F- -8 ngie.Butwhihe6r or 8Wtea o H EoNose h -FUe eterSIG14 ua ulyo LU 116f.664 tîî,ae r60,tl60 4 îoadO O00oeooefa !eta0s 4 îeo . pefomac, f idn cmfrtad anligeae ha' wy hcdofit pie las.Yu'e z 595 EWET SE AN DRVE HE IL NW MTEO AT OURMETOR EALE 59S NWES REED ONTAÀRIO ST. S. MOTOR MILTON SALES TR 8-2393 0OGI1L VI1E OATS 5 L13. PKG. 53C GIANT SIZE DU Z WITH NEW STAINLESS STEEL FLATWARE 85C WESTON'S CRACKERS 1 LB. BOX 29C FOOD MARKET -- 1 0 COMMERCIAL SRESIDENTIAI. IELECTRIC E.