2 Th'e CanadinCampion, Triordy Novemiier 6, 19581 Urge Authority to Save Escarpment From Quosrry tContinood from oPage DOte tutdt no h ain or firsf testoororttae.O h00'. iiplte cmrsngtego ln isoooorthedoUitgtU)rrrototoo ur Mevesfrnt aren ueLrio fttoute -nitdttt.Oke rttogutOr reptorts. %ut GorogAtktns.ofTrafalgar re- Theoland uot :11111otttt oo'too"tiotn fotedt aO'."Orn ecrptoto ti yTrofoot- cflo0itr 0 ' i,, olroi,ýnngai ,tho,bidOott'y pf't'.nog Bdt. toon noott.otto,ü ottottotoo of thaoopototttt,ottrltantdst.l,- toto ott.ttt oi,o thoeoot to,,tttttcot ttto*to'ttttt .t 0000 'vltta ttl .. 0,- 0 white 1 ook , t fam o dopot.tott r h file oottt,,ttttt :,t :no lton ctonrt y Conilta al IiSt ttrortottotttrtooo orditte net irao tfgt'.D'.ch Eton ade tf t rr'i' the rtot a di,,toot. tpubltec totoo'hitV $8t. eetirng Conention Rport A per diemratof $8 '.and cr Arthuor Podtooy ofNaootgtoY attotoroototof t'. rentna mileforocePOrfed onoaorrtotronvtono ilt mmror'oothe rooto'..ttoPPror consrtion tooOffrooriedol'Tu cd hy motion. Srcrfory-ticoarcr onftotnd reltotr0totoobleottorittton Harotdt per'. of Looit.ooooy tn to ottortortor t '.ptointed totetposition, wroon o- Tteopottrftf oontto td ii oott Retarded Children's Hospital Toured by District Delegates Thre deltes irs.M Jea.nMt- iton of tohootooi tafotatt theoo rhrtt o Carttohottt'. ttcMon F0i- ruonnoladotiotn tot disontr lern Boocoro 'tod Mon AnMI- ,odu.ro GrtintiftActtOr. rrprrartatrd tore DrC.'Hmitonr. tootrtttsoli- Miloton oood Ditrict Assooiation for rorootrre t 000O,tto. tt,toftite Rrtrdrd Ctoodrro attheo Lthtoo casrenooftet, ton h at orrotot "'IsutWtotttttto Cotottrorro litot, 'he'to o0t'rtt tto,,tto.Otttod hotot ite orspiottOoottalSh ot Oor- ]'told.e, teotrouo'onti '00t lta iottoo(onOrtor 2.tand 25 to-ittofor rvtI.Itot ,,, ttt On Frioat lt nog parnts lmo hoodtrtttod o'ttotdt'oale' ad- and doltr'ttO tord'thedorturoto ottd alotroroi ttin,itto'tttrudte ot ror'.jrilgiveootototo lerottrde 1goorrnnc tootyt. a.nd hndtrtotttatboystoa tord gtrtr. nDthis vrrtrrtttotOot o, otoo o'rtototn rttattoof thrtottoi tnd il ar tir lartttot ottOr r too-'ottttoottOY fto1tottt- 'ootord btort, dei coot thehosotottttaltroo o'ooooooy,oent. thitr ilttotrvooo thOt '.t'.o'. o,t i t'-'nuitodousr'oto'. trttoonblunitto t o.ttbttttotttto ltai a lde ot t . ott 00 ooorot tfi,-ondoetns i 'oh, o ototoard otalo 'el evýrYheivther as oude, nd ltootttt'. 11 tfit,".oO t he o rtod- Thér, fototttottott toot'r'r'tt ri, ig vv cncottioooin n ttt t Loi y 240t '.oltO' loioto t'o besb 'r süor tandotgto tlio, 9 OrItarooooAo)itLt't W atng List tIlyo'robo o'ttolttttt tiont, the Do - The oproon'. 'tdttr',-, onto tototo'0,'. totto ., ty Ct J. ttty of CoototottoPlore Ctttdttot .Mt poott,,ooo'ood the tttotroSituaton.o fy t1970,0 10)ot ntittt 0 Ontaroto A tt idie -l , u r nttttttonot - giot'.. and 00 to~ti. rootsto r too ti naftoto' ttw.o1, -r-alttAllan Dickenson .f t o 11 otion. rtt t o :to as Blacksmith Deour ott ttoto' 2.900to tod fnsa Tirottotottottttttot t"tit lp . i1.0.I197i ndoott- Mt, Attoot Dootoottot 'ecr.aturaotionoio nt a 2470,Pot ro tond thototthttMo.W Tht chotototn t Strottot Faltsto 00,Bai laina OoBtflttttOOtinttrtttOdtott oroomnoodtra 2000 wottta O totng; a; we fMo. Dikorto moo tIr ttn otf 700tToooroolsta OCeCdoctfntrOa O SprngoondfGoerich withcbd, da ,I krto-n tLoo k.aArth, odoi toto 1200 eo'o retoo'd'.r Onopen n iwrn fSt ,ki* totor lor fone r Orcaturanetbut will 1 curctt Reant iq toc iftîd long hefrnc By 1070 thae Vatac ou'1tttoo' 'rgent needfracommrd- Mr.tand Mrn.Arnold Poorttand atotonfoor 7W0rtoo'dcd ypersoan Don ofWellad spnt tto'ooto Mr.Boorcot oo'd that poetend withMtand MtoTBotioo russe morce tn'o!teRpca and fonoot. nrhooota mndconssesonoofotofe. ond Mr.and Mca Etton Pttero commn tatot tairek more rsoannih- M. ard Ici Atîttn Pattttott totoy for the rctardcd n tcron Haolrd and Bverley, Mr.tond Mrs ares.Russell Grottodtand o'0 no" i,' -Eductonadto tanin a orc i traigucrts wottMor.0001 Mot tootoett ad ortîtoce of thcac Lloyd PottronfilttntMo rtoodrn orte joint rpnstatootty Donnoa Pttternon (if Ctiyt tItto .f tecrom mutty tnd tanc focor- ihctdar dtnnerr iahonnoti 'it o lar. Wth the tocir of Dagnoatonictousselldonottnd. Menal HBrothtoChoioes ctototoaod 'totoand Mras toLorRotoorot. Lyto in thecommotnties, may 'ctrded'..dhoarrStdorotot ehoIdrenaroood rcman in teondMo'aton Mor, Wn Mroo-dott oooof oao'mrrcnoronmrata o thc' .c adMs m Mrdt n otorahonOr .. . ecalolytn eoty gila. chldood"Mo. 'and Mr Gordon Harri ond rodTo o enre Ronnor riinrtd Sooior thtoMo', Dr C. A. Buck totd a tonctocon mMasl. meetng that the Ocoatnct of Ms. JmsMarshal sptotr ton ,nrrccang cre wre beteen orgD rhm of Guelph. 50'.and 10'. chidren mofd toc or- Mi3s Rotho Fottord ot Otohrottr rommodtd tmrrOiy and thrir ntnotrd Sunaoorth Mo-tnd Mo,. oreototaroodo doto'noonrd. CentresttJames Mototoott sutortoo ttoohouloti tor orottoon y MI. tord Moo,. B,'oatt'.titt t t rr'.rtofnootoorbatn arns,tonrftotrrOnd Sodtoy otOttOttatOOtt',I, tngroparents o,rooonond ctotdren. ond 'ttc, ttrot trot toorto 't Dr Burck ttrd ooork hod tognn Otott on the net'.rtoo tt'.Godcrto,tand OoUrrcongrtutontaro Mr. 'oit tt a ,rirotooanonttrt gorrn to i'rstrMtitotrBotott'ototh, 1tootttt't to, t Cerdr Sprrongs. toor 'toott Lot ttot.t ttt'ttttt Attrr loneron, dicoonatilnftr Brion. groto o tonot'fIorwitrd rc'.tt- Mo.tand Motto'oo.c ototo.t ooi oon of ttorortothn toor the oOd toorttY vsr] totSt,too othot Ins.tototioons, rttornrd vrottotofniMr.toand Mot Gin(trtt ttootoo ttoaid ol ntrrrtdrparies attheordiscret- toontty o Otooott. t'ote9, liadt repared a treat of tVisit to Farm Thrills cooaemlcoisadcny retortotg, 0trryH owtt d ocird athe Sunshine nSchool Pupils t "d"ocir"ltot ""1"tocaooc"dth Thpp iof teSnatolne Stchw lrphcaI nerstt h oys.as thnklo'f is thr rnd lss b iii orMr.andMrs Ro E.ElIii-wisuse fo.tot eeM,,'. etooMo.ettoat'otandfo t.'. Ap lb Lii.I n zt,,lt ' w ca e 'd oh h totratvo-rtAot'.file M uoion F t to lie't r ca s etoottooto t.ooon tot. Ittottr oittu. T tte tot t eo or tt'ott0'0tttta totvre a 't. tot' tot t 't'th r t and'ttrr Bir tt ot pto'o ttO tto tt tt 0 t'tt o t t ' t - 1oo to o 'o l a ,, o ttotDtacdtid t" r ot th a k o o . to t ttttrt' b ,,ott,'.d'.'.t'0 t ttotOtthll 000.000 T trd. o'th ttti o":lnto-t ttn ot'tttofo totot r'. an d crtoo'. t,, ro n d ottoero. CA AD S POPULATION ono el Irto o ett t totttttotootfooboootti- CANAoDAstototttn o to HALTON MANOR RESIDENTS crloyeot hearin g o few tnformtol'mords f rom Hon. Lois P. Ceccob, Motoser toi Potolic Welfrtfe for tieorPovitnco Tucsdoty cering duroro'.aorirformal v to lc iktongoor ytoou aotof holiday,' toc '.od, 'tott, yoto'oc toong tolida y'.setoco lopo toatoet " Mo .Crooto Ittr toit Htltoc Pogressivr Consrvoalitoe'. t tho'oonrotl meetng iott ttoe Couttys toome for thec agrol tsould soton dtoulcd ir szc. TI;t'y frtoctt-t 00o 'tto vl- t oo "od 00000t, ' oran tj,.clt 1t, onttO th t ta it tane tortd itto thoot too,-do ttd hooto ,Voogtootot t theo, otto od',.r '0 I)no d Ot vto t hI III ' pao, (Il'o f 'O ,' t0't tto Ot', t 111oto ,', 00' ' Ir tootO' to 0000 o lOtoto j 0 o O tttttt t 'tp 000, t oo 'Il. tIIll . car(,0 ro ot ' tt ot, t g grain "00 1IN OUR JA~CKPOT IMIinI IURStDAY TUIERI, IS $35.00 -1 -'Dotot. tot 00,ototoov tooif;,,r jottooto MINISTER 0F PUBLIC WELFARE, ttth oLotoisP. Coto,il , i o avsi o the or. 000.0100'A Haltcn CrittotototMao...o>t tt(,vtty totttttow tttttoor ,ooo'oooq te HttooCoCriso val ve rftlrbttîotoot tottoiîý iit O oto rot- ,tototot ttttootooti riaootoor, Mr uttottotHour Maor oSut0o,'ttotot, t ottariAttoot Mo. eLti"Mo, 'Hllt c i, o lototVooot, to0otttitot L,ttt.t, Oakvottn. Employment Figures'kok"' ' Show 598 Jobless It: " Graliam's Haur Stylust WILL STYLE YOUR HAIR ESPECIALLY FOR YOU. LOCATEO ABOVE SEIRITE STORE TR 8-9931 Likeun outdoor job with a p Il yoo are bItwee 1t 7 and 735, ond con mrrt erotmrît ottstandrds, ltthk over waht todoy'a CanocioîîArrny ol'rs you. An oîen-toto'loto- kthei one cnored by tliii sliriCn ootootoooort lottîti. (too>d îc. IFinte posctsrot. rv'tadotototr e. Lod of't'cîînto. An -oryenono. (;t-tta'tottoof'fArtoot 'treer o Oortuniti& fro'tot yor Ao'noy Ifeootit'g Stotion. M 0. "d i-0041, Loc. 276 01t THSCOPOTO THE ABOVE ADORES, r -- d e t o t ogato, detath o are I NAME ............... AG ...... ADDRESS....................... CT/TOWN............ .... cR00 N..........TELEPIOGNE 1 POVNE. . ...1. The Bank of Nova Scotia brings you another new service: GET A BANK LOAN EASILY, FOR ANY WORTHWHILE PURPOSE through the _____fl Ilires newq for you! The Bank of Nova Scotia iniroduceoa rompit-to îconsumerr lent]- ing 1rogram-Scofia Mlan Lans-drsîgnrti to serese thc credit nectis of Cottadiaioo. This incano you inay borrow quicklyn rOrilyn anti economfcally! H.a. are th# foetnk ou ow ctiPlan You cas get a low casE Scotia Plan Laan ir boy a tar or trttck for extottile, tIoon- solidtlt Idln 0fo-lttt-t10toinive[\fttttOtO, sotoitas mrothttobhis .. . . to indteselootoît stili bc ifc itootrcol to oe fxtracotolo y otî ! Sertir Pla t ltolr les1lootn Oi'tootr cigoootore -on yottr ltmefooFttooftittgo ou o yotr otutomobiîle. You don't hava ta be a BNS customar ta barraw money througjh Scaiai Plan. Repayment af your Scatia Plan Loan la made canvenient far yau. Thte BNS s as ntiereciti as vont are in keepjitîg yooîr finance'. rot a Sortttol lîtosi .. - aîd te îîtoîttlvdeposit'. 0o yrur Scotia plan Loati are taiiored 10 your osoî bttlgett tt-dr. Yaur Scotia Plan Application is handled promptly . . . Itn itorot-toto-rt yotîIli bave 'totr lototoot ilîjît 2)iitotîro. Yoot '.iolight. t-o sitlîte absentoorof rd tape. The time ta fjnd out about Scatia Plan is NOW -.) cW %voill bchappyooty 0o iiocoss a Sotit PlIton atriit yoîî. Jîîstisil the SCOTIA PLAN DEPAftTMENT of any branci of thte BNS. Wiîy fot corne in 60011? The BANK of NOVA SCOTUA MILTON MILTON EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT 2 - FREE - 2 WRIST WATCHES BFOINNISOto USAl ,NOV. 8 THURS.-FR1 -SAT. NOV. f-7-8 "TWILIGHT FOR THE GODS" on T, otoort o, ROC K IHUDS'ON tond CYI) (IARISSF Addcd Cartoons - AdmatrooAdafî 7tc, (hildrcn 25c BtinihnSANOoV.n8ad caah AI U'NTIL CHtRIS.TMA.S I VI RV g ttîîoATII NDING THIE SAT MATINEIE WIIL RICIIVE A t FREE COMIC BOOK MON'Iln-Bl)NOV.1011-12 "TEN NORTH FREDERICK" (Adult) GARY CçaOPERt- 010017 VAROI - nU-/Y PARKER Admiassiron - Ada1tta Ttor - Childrcnt 25e i