FWOMîïls News RIGHT AROUND HOME 1t t,, hae n, tc ttd. Why ttnt teY Nt Breaod te itettd withea sheepteîeifeetttetf set tdet,? teedu teade etit 3 ettps ettedrietjouetttcct tht, oranege, thee It,,ttyei-I h,,heg ptee'ttettteodat,,tettttodet t.-',ttpîttc,h:tftttis tttthti'i, te'etttd intttty tttcte iers titt yett r1ui , no -'sig fni. t-tlilI ýL;t Ter soud cj ; : i ,I tei ,tqaieh e ei tttthttf tctctd tct,etcet-thtîîe1fatnd tîeet t ofq, k colis etegticteehttte t itte deer,t . t tg ec d ,. cd St te ac i et ,t ttthtrics i ,,fh C,) w tetttthttpte- dcetbo tthan it, 'Lpeti eet,, intt,'iceîtetteadishtttfareim tr- Ilira e,t te. d ts S tttt f t ftiicM ae,, ad eetft ttt, t, t tan t t eedfer tirtif ttt'ef etttttiftrtt:ht tt i tettseoda, ,eet, ithe piloricey eitfhitl tt,,,ttt te,Ic-cel n ai n n ttcSa t ,, tter if rage __________te eg.Ad heettg ecee gytcapd 1 of t i ltt: dteitn t t.M hcly ti:tt Htur nby disalet onc d cws 1eiid t ttttov fttttt Lett tand2 ttt H--t ba, ai,t 35g,dc eu-l,îC up e E c an e Vw.t K o i3 lehtîngloui ne-mli t lc, ' balle f,ttty Crll h , ,ttl,,- u t oed , n F l ou l i g C r m n ftîtingtcausesttf luitfi)tandepttîltonce Matttttttttfiy Htttb.tLttiMseTMM mae o nee o P rensseI> cttatti3ttj, ncv oranges O f tii,,tttTrip'tt-'tc tltîska tt -Ptho'to)tt Llodt, tttit elor the__________I__ete Tiltuffinettg ,î,,td eeit'îf:îîcttt'ctîtMi soeurhtTh'r,,e tet.,,tfttandetttttfetitttW,*t't 14 u rlse nifnpunctual, anduTi dy if, teI dtt er t,? W cein a h i, ,,iMt(--t e" tt ~tttht ho efr sbyig i fi brer N ece Cleesen Lttt'dSin,,,yte i ttttandFti.",M--,tC.,itt t,,, ,g, h,,teeeir e t , fvorti ht te ic 1t-ttt ui s i Itt , fitI litt, s t',,',e-ietdaittieef-ceh,,, ,,,s 'L.,,,, for 'r etthlo eee wic th tttc if,- IL ,tste pi Tfodtlttte'îe s, th Lt Ii Kn x Pt,,,tc ar M ilan , Ell. tett'l ftlict Elv C otu n ie a r it - O tobur 4 -- MlinHL -IiG tw , vi tegttttttchTheyie î,,fiîtîîe ,,,,ttilltt,îiect'etî'tIflMe*tt.andtt-t'l tlettrallieratit- F 'te-tona no CCF LadernI lcdearesan h ttt tucte',,ea nd'ei-t-tcE. tht,,'re îî, fiytfte t, tit pîehttyttett-htctiîfiitmit,',,t,,t tc l,; in, eff ,'ttit,,ti, turi.t g ,, b elIti - .. ;t.Kvnt W ,,I,,Tu a ll u r e t ho y etor tu e t i t ,ti' .R iî . e et',, I t t he ,, , , a is o a , ,,Nt cIlt,,,'cc dg fe, icte gdirlesfeîf,chile ttt ntiftî owh lt ltitL cfits,dlîtf Tt iil ttmee t , l,, -hl-,n'he"I- brtef,:,cfc e, tî,.' c thll yt, ttttl ttet c ttie tfll:t î' llVtcl'tt te t oiel t, l l,-bi fl t., st tta 'tht, coce-e ion.,buth-etarchht tI ttfttltteth, jei,',tttil'cleftiilfud-,itlehtb\ t,, eut eraily roat in odely a iy,cradponc i eftc c, etuaeitft,. îtd Mc t,:,--1t, atîh Ilite, "t i LEiGLItth tt,,tsaeand, tf tefhttttyfttter-lheetftt't:lfea:t cît-etiiL feeîL tttsv,,, A ttlh', l, i 1ete- tiIy et I c, ftî i tictît -t, t1 1',Allthlte..tfi ll " l ft R II D A Ytlp t, th cer ig t el the hc'cti et, tee iC i.'tti.Leg ..C..efh'rodet' ou.tie'l 'I Ii (!.i 1Il T e , I Cilic htie; o t c s eeittfte el hte. ie, lîtîtît îîîîî îîîaî Iti etî t,,'det, Tf, cI Fiii,', t, lt-t,,,,,,i W -1 ________i__n__bon __in _________________________________________________of _____ t, I lie eCote-u m teîtPa trty eot haeltI",,ehIfrt 'a" th -id n.,I' ý ,'ef Cltcd,,eJTnirhe A 't'> ADMSSIO Niv,tyet,.,the t, 'teeg" ctith Pt -te,,ccgeîdec ,ihtdelst t,, eth îcd,,,ees. fiefthtec , e sti if thîcce ritfit d,,,îtt,,e Piteetht, cettttcd ti treeý.e, iseai,td ttîtlt.,ilettti tr h, ht,,fî if To,- 1tt te,, i tetî ea d tîf iit) ie ,î,r i,(a ii andtmi.,th,tiitihySaleethecti-e-li tit, t-te ae,'t, usc e e c in t e ettit, 11 Faitt' tifal , the tce rtîî ,epa, Pl Feu y eiu e, t', , t-s, te , î t Fah f,,, feyî'dman"ifeb-Il cic>. a ecet etite iaro, lit t ,tîdtîtîtîî' tMe ,, Otnîtîts teti p in et,,' ýt -r,, risct h,'tî't, , 'ec t 1t , tecieffiet tand', :,e, e-î,îtth lîhhtii,platstl tîcfhave htîtIi'd a e,iteh T-tîýtehve te ip- thîg he fh es'at-tee-i-t,,t etoiî-q ,,, ' -cd ie tht-,,,itel tc- wih,1Id, lteecee ýirp, adPlan chcec îct e Iy(,echeand b ei gli yindî tcît ce atr,, k- fie]yt icel îce.Ty itittt arc i. Eeem n tetctet of titty pl. n tht i.c t c t,, fil -1lc th, t f tctfttn t a p a neo tut Il ;--1 f'llte ',eoe. ,îpitits. e-e1t, itti fi ,1,, Iiaîcdilt-dti A tI- i-i î, 11 coîyîse ant ofe:, i e tt fi .t.t. -tsth- f 't,s ,- h îelh fh- lle ,', i t -", tg il,,h In-uti hititi i tic pli- g a u (-' "ffl. t. tit,*[,,,fl- , h '-l on lhtt topilte tiif-teb't"h ii t n l, , tîeît tif E, bliIelAgenc bi,,,,fîîttt tt ie: , R. R F R litfite î m tI,lev' t ttiitt MLTON, ONT. h hi ,Ih'ttt, fttt ,,ect, Phone TRiangle 8-6357 f 1 ,'It,'f ,c takt i ýt,' t I , c Mo94awl Bea,4 S/oppe 153 MAIN ST. TER-9932 TWO HAIR STYLISTS Eeery Day Mon, te Sat. )P N Evenings Tues., Thutîs., Fi. PROPRtETOh FARL MONGRAW The Canadla Champion, Theîsday, Reception, Wedding Dance FoIIow Vows in St. PauI's Btrotnze andyetttw tthtytenthe- 1Thîe roethl tftthet, tiichso munis ,ctdtet. IltPe tUntitttrth, eettcg a di,,-ett o ett ehut ttt, Mitttn, tef ttur etthe raee btue tttitt ttey ttttttt'. Pittk 'IftCetrol 3ttte Ctthîettette ecetteeete-thtLi get'fattt,,,tttttier Jehtt Jamîes Httty.Tht eLetltott corsge.-e, ea Lt tht,' ei,et, k S,,ttttdy tat- Pinttîatd ,î'ht edofintttthti Rec. L,,eîe Gtttee,.Thte- ,,,,pl (Il' unt t t t eddtte i Tttt, Stîde tei tte ttegttet' of ttp it, Ltts Ath,'t,'t, C;,t,,,tt Mtt11Wittltct A. Cethhe'ee ttt and Lezltttt e, bri t'de wc',','Li ttttt,.t ttlle ThIL ,ctt tI*. t, .',, ,,tso f Mt t ile sit i, t l, a'rtue', t d h tot.T 'e""mit ht,'. If,,ct rct ce-n d ,,, Nec, Yttt . f,tcîie t, andtet, i.,,tt,,tyd e , e, ,Rc,. , -f,ytt ,t AtttI, Btt'tc l1ee. tt floet le l a - v,tth-'iet-tfloiu c',,, Se t' je 'ltu thta teRtOtI t tt htttt.f ,tthi te h ,u'ild Tol tle, i,, st ' L titi. ,T te a t tc Std,t ew Y oth rk , is , ][ht' tt t, Ccit, tttedtt,'ytîehyecdame,ttct, rti,,tltt m httec'tet Lethst,,t Ktte. Miit,,trehn.Thee tet-tt ,,t tttt wite ed andteet- t a, cas-t, oetit,. t,-g(ýto " . i of e e osp,landt lt , z c v.,l t, m il' th' rttons cttte e,,teh,,,e t tLiti' Four AtdtendanBtst msoe u:sl.1 o -,~~~~ ~~ tIt1,,,tii' TO))A YOR.OM AN EA TQI, --I te i ARE YOU SURE YOU COULD FACE siT ALONEP As yettr httshctnd's chtef bt'netit'iry, wtttltI ytttî now how te cdminihtvr his t,zt'? 1Do yetî eterstted Incoie t' I Settltements tnd Suctetssiojtn J)tits? Wh,,t of tv,,Ioît ttntand1liquîidattion tf stest? in- trt n tt-eEstette Planning iattt tntoltl werry. Ih,te why ho tttîflvwi-tt-îten anti wtttnt Jttdetl on teî-xptrtett-î ltî-ljt tf the te-Ptrling Tlri,,ts. Arrangte to evht'Sftrling Trtttstith ytîtîthtttbî,nd ttttly. Yett l inît tt-et çn perstmt:lIy nitre-hted it ht-ping yttt. i\STERLI NDGETRU STS1 37'2 Bey St.,, Terento Cel Mr,.lPerker EMpit, 4-7495 35 Declep St, CeiliMr. Alcorn PArkway 8-5181 Nocember 6, 1958 Tips onTourn Weeen'a Travel Autherity r " jttgeth a lttlgthit o '5\ __ - eh od epettea Th, ettdh tt e bt of pve Met Fist leaItIttt St t u htpl e the ,,ghobf parin t, btatey C W t, o, ttpete ha 11~t1,, ,, th , e ýt ,,l'on Yt 45 t,,cte Angl e gt t,',,, e l t,, th e rt' ght ,d e- ýo , tt attelot psit e t e it,ll ,,thof te , ae,,cth nb t t a ,t et,'ec i h, ch ,ti.e ,Sto: tn y ,t N,îet ,, h , tt hed, ,,nd ht t t, t, te ,ittf andttgy Got your hands ful? Shop the Jackson Way! Te etethet,,setit,, eeî,îîtp (,îî,,î tcc, flthe cksptt's hontte delittctyseerttic ,ttattî,tieicîçil ittci.AiiteieretJ and bahed goetecsi ieclcti t saifcfi cger atppetitte, oit haî,d evecy city, attnd ,lt, ltf t,. iii, fcilfier-.,ttiititg ticps tote tre. Jicisîttis qctity atîtti eemtethesrvic ete teeo. 1-itteet citfeettfb,i- ittît.et\\ i î,,î icire, wie cttt cited, ,scoie .. --tît elpît,îtîtîîtptkAnîd cahes and ceekieever. Witettteryee tisvefîhittiteîtoricetpi,,iiI ppeeciti Jaeket's, C:îii thitmtihr ccitt,,orece pitr alsmarctnfer promttf. elcttetiseltticte. Ask joroi,, Sî/'.,îîî,îîtlabout Sîîî,î,,J,,c't cpt's BRAD and CAKES eehcensBaeietteLt ited FOR PROMPT DELIVERY CALLs OAKVILLE Vîctor 4.6062 FIHorlicultural Notes For the Month of November Prepaeed hthee Mitnafitiect ot t ee cecieeetY N BRICK dAthletic Club n Dance M Ile ION HALL NOV. 7, 1958 30 P M. $2.00 PER COUPLE couplie Ociy MO NTH -L Y P A PE R COL L EC TION SATURDAY, NOVEMBER Sth PLEASE BUNOLE PAPER SECURELY OR PACK< T UN CARTONS AND PLACE AT EflGE 0F SDEWALK 1 ýl