EURLINGTON EEACH SKYWAY, which w.l bn officially opnnd 'Falls. The $19.000.000 Skyoiay willtmtnaln the bollleneck oit by Prime Minitar Lalie M. Frost toclay. iii provide (with lhn thn G SMW. cousaci ly the 30 niîn pnnd linitI lhaough thn builti approachnn) four and a haif milan of foar-l ana controllnd acss' up rna, of Burlitgon Beach and Hamilton Snach and ha higltway ta replace the latrnmaining section f imo-lane high-1 stoppage of taffic whennthn Suringlon thip canal t n opera- way on the Queena Elzabeth Way btwnen Toronto andti Nagara ion, an shownin tht, anial photo of the Skyway. IChurch Parade Immigrants Aid The Cnadian Champion, Thurnday, N ovemben 6, 1958 i LETTER TO THE EDITOR WEDDING RING For Lornie Scots ln Development - Acrigt eed h al Hunred ofentusisti spc-Home Town News Egyptiant mnrn nhe Gat tn adnpt naoslnd tht f ant, nna :...4thn mndding ring to nymbatian thn tatrt intoneotn matn an aienon l f' in igh W lo dinLndn tating oniws mhnn the Lrnn Sco.t Pelnannan MANITOUWADGE, Ont., CP- Flat 69. Poantinter Gain fer:l A3G-îar0f M i nninS iih the ecm dL n o . ~ E M iniaand Hatan Sagimanti mliti- nm a nde nan imn anan Enad..2 la tin ista nnnaaiahaaah paarade. Enan amndrewmî ofdingani a tn schol grundsai 230 .gh Iand atathin nrthnrn Giat n the Thisn n mat a anta to tllyau L .E M maaatidta St. Lahan Anglican Ia an-in ingfotir a n anaorChani trouein a mnd- ebrc fr hesrvceai3 ..,Manitonadge sacpe-iigigorCapo os yad- LLCTRIC nTahesrie wananian ated3 P commrni..ty aifiS, h.ddnn 'n tht daeseoa anathe pasti mnthn uItit R. C.F. Haatnaata annird hy raad ouantry 50 ites iartha.t any gnd tagt theanninianm* CVpt.Daid Waatinl'uiof Oane ake .phrSî iîtohnaot nîOntay bet-y..r own ton.nsPaîaîîy hen viltl', the ,,att's n gl a ad reu. o-an',the , ..k,'h.'..a. i ,,OSaIt SIe ,n.'o~ne h..' fa r nt.nved li ,Contracting Bant S.t.the plaa, wthre thetitoi'cttu the.'year..'nt..nt ing I eipiressayayyannîti.nifcr'y,,i tAlainronnaofnbB'iadîaaCo-d.'ohi..yandaniahISeond hardn nai.PHONE MILTOiN TR 8-9731 madn.iittia Gro.p tu *arirA inehrcan inild a Dr.and Mat.Ian Gilmnn. whh theaunitasattantnd. sat'uhnby eaingan'uh a$3ta Ta the at,'g aai.opninmnt da. of the a.iîita.'y bond, and tha pip- Sani Andrews'a.ana 21 ahen ha' estandtdrams',the'regimnnt thaa no.orhn'dih a Ramian n ,noî'had ta the îhig nshaai trY hbrigade n la9t1-. atachedt h ments. ~t nnsia and put i rio'OUR SERVICES LaIna, thn..ttao,,'nd th..t'ir'.iampiMos't h.a nacc failietînattenîdritda ra'ptio.;it cdaî,anit,.'.' ti in thilaatîan theahamaf Lt. C..I.and Ma,. tforces', h..tedbuthncnnapoad Arthur Kaemp "n sethe k'reantadofaithe n'on a way Easi. ets';il the partisan. / /'u.rn,îtrnnn Wh.'ath.' bar anded Son am a 3 incladd aBrig.and Mr. Hilnder- ,,.tica otcasot in an',,un-dom.n- sonaDpaty Ru. o nd Mît Win.t_)..yr'..,,in the hitîn of Rn.on.a3 Tyrol, Brlinal..a; C,.a.rll,., E . and Yuosao, foaCna- W. Smith. B,.,; a, M ...F. CG nun îorc.'n C. Gaon ur.lng..a.lh'con.. 0 ANEoD E P 0 S 1 Tn.ndSua Protestatnît aloin. 1f eta sErp so l eoir a Wlkes aad Mit. Wikes. igsotrt n fedmfo _____________ uaps.He tarot 1199as o ni.... Intîh.' Bia,.Cn.. he nktya ttiesn oro, c~ i,dnoint.ualyb u4davs o Q beca in , atha nlley 1.1 theSt. Canaî' 'Toro'nto in 192 LarenceRr. '.a tfetrtiia BL,t oc.n at alny..y big' /" PREMIER LESLIE M PROST d a aes tha nn ,$19,000,000 Buolngon Shywa ofcayopn.n Ghe n nthe picue laIt to rîghl. ara Hon. W. K. Marander. Mtnistnr nI Mutncpal Affaira; Mayor j. A. Lckhart, of Burlinglon, and MaoratL. G Jackson, nI Hamtttu.. Opnntng oI the Skyoiay providns tour and o hall iniirs of Inur I une cnntroiind accss, htghoioy o replace the last sectonofaI lon-lare hghoiuy oni the Qunnn Eizabeth Way bnîmnan Tcronîo andi Niagara Pols, CAMPEELLVILLE RAT PORTAGE, Chidren of Church pl tie e[i""X ' la Hear Formosan Work L""Lk 't k The' mci.t tc'.h, Witnti.,g R IB.. CGOC. ut St Ountd', ihii h. v nyhaitnlt.. un inthe ahuanh ashu,,tn..ttn ,Outibi,, 25M.TN The yno.'it, Lýt. in.i, WhutiN carge ofihe I, u.taui. ,,_, Teen Dance Firat Fniain. Milton Town Hall Ma. Mo. n and Mis,. Paret hi EY IDAY NIGHT doîn arning he.'.chiiOr.' Foi ^ois, and expltntnuih, M'in..iuof nrsiao.laaryt. taIrh thr ,iih,, thakoferig fr NveELLOTI plannd and M., t O~~ Lcensed AuCi!oneer ',,.tilha th speakerOii.'aa Mari and JudyIngtui., uaet,,ined l . ! tand hyaia. "Praîcu h.nri. o.'hîi, ail REAL ESTATE MNiet hunbers ni,,'i-Le nd i Phono TR 8.9233 Mita JîîynuChnstti'h gnoy. uînen MILTON wia einrnd aoctiltineIa n- iî.yad hy the hid'an. McPhail Electric 66 Charles si. Hlilton JR '3I Creches in Italian Factories Are Lauded at Union Seminar b lftt.'. It,,,cdaller t tI,, Il un',. I li 'M, i 'g .' t riut'. ..o. h'udo .. h.t', tt:n 10 i'C 00 l t n'lm d s..,ît'm't..O.k. O' Mt., t-du yG e t P St u, O a ,t .'. h... . k. < Utc, A j g.. ,v h. ýi i . o î' 'k O i I.. l wl i., t h W o h L 11-1 , t ;Chlîî" . l y I, t'I ', PT,.ttik y. g,,,,t 'pvatl,.!Il ii .ln t0 th dmin il *(ý,k,ý,,l chol lvul.H'ýnry1C w'Isb cSI-J- ý,j ly 1 l. 0ak ,lhý and ýffir(, c263 Main exsSi. The Most Popular Full Three-PIow Tractor: THE FAMOUS FERGUSON SYSTEM PLUS 10W COST DIESEL POWER AVOID COSTLY FREEZE-UP rotection TO-DAY WITH SUNOCO PERMANENT TYPE NTI-FREEZE $3.60 GaI. INSTALLED $2.98 DO-IT-YOURSELF T HATTON'S JNOCO SERVICE STATION Milton TE 8-9725 On 3 to 5-Year Guarantý Eoncotor and 'Truntee onde, VW Adminittrator onhete îhern ns Eoncotor dont not wînh t, act. Pension pion for Self Empînynt Sîandîng-by attorney iooking affaira tn case nf ilînnas or abs Mrtgagn Loann. tnvitlnd HALTON & 1 TRUST & SAVI Gaknîln - 112 AsseI, $3,600 A. S. NICHOLSON, Preident C. A. MARTI Vce-Preside leed Investments noW.i, or whern ci. aftnr onn's ftnanuial phonn Vtctor 4-3216 PEEL INGS CO. ?Church St. 0,000 N. G. E. MANNING, nt Genetral Managnr i. ITS OUR FIRST... n&wersy ut the TRIANGLE PET BAR 158 MAIN ST. MILTON Thanks fPte B..t an , , ot' .ttC.h.av opra t ng t niar hrtpyy yeir pesnn .,t TR 8.9082 SATURDAY, NOV. E il A.M. TO 1 P.M. TO BOYS AND GIRLS -- FIRST COME FIRST SERVED NOV. 8 10/0 OFF ON ANY PURCHASE. FERGUSON 35 DIESEL * Aitthei, ,.ang Aanttages of tie gao li..guso.n Systm ... extra trac- le 4r tion pc.'o.non a mnd .nnvrsatii.Iîî c.aenf handling . . . andloa, ow nom Il's ..ntnad..nî.îgaa nf Dienni Panean! MASSEY-FERGUSON Annthnn amiracle of inacton anginnar. h.nn.,a-d O th .f 10,. i..g l'y M.nny-l nî'n at thn Fn.g..nSOný.. TEST WORK THEM SOON AT Milton Milling Co. LTD. TR 8-9508 S UP P LIE S - PURCHAS NOV. 6 entitta ynn ta LUCKY1 for P UF I)i'.nn' Otiii PETS AND PET SUPPLIES ARE OUR BUSINESS - NOT A SIDELINE Thursday- Friday - Saturday Special STRONGI4EART GUARANTEED GUARANTE Dog and Cat Food YOUNG MALE Singing Ca Ragniar 6 fnr 75e BUDGIE wiîh Cagt MiasnorMMatih t Tînt IN CHROME',CAGE $10.91 ONLY 69c $12.98 eTRIANGLE PET BAI 158 MAIN ST. MILTON forth iant tint t ries ýt. TR898 500 GOLDFISH FREI CO0M P L E TE BIRDS -DOGS -CATS -FISH i . il 1 ý 1 1 m mumms l2