Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 30 Oct 1958, p. 5

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1 e11 ýWith Bruesse onad j TH HOCKEY MERCIaANTR i drpping their fîrt tmc ganteri of the searin arrrtit qote confident they arr e aIo theritrogerit ctubs on the toaît cncri triariy yrara. oriry Evanrs, menitar- ri theryaathtct tqaad lOct bcd the rceety faciarigrd litrecp cri bth ocasionsand eodatîtit thr tris sthe ide rit eîhiitio acrne-te gt e trrrhatr"lai ttiec yficir'c-rt er>n t cIo a ic h lb iv uo hzAt:tlrrr rtc'r in"rrrr trr' rrc Iv rr rrrt ir therr rr ý,tan thr rietloa cl rrar. tr- grttrrrg rraortnd tircrctrr er r ang cf paetrcforr tittteri. 'T'isovrctirir'arr'c x arr*rtntra otirriiore hcyraheeshetrtdcrraconeta rtttgrtnoettr t ctttrrd ta the haghee etoot f hackey. Dont rci itceMercats utrieto there yeti THE INDUSTRIAL oOVEBALLSlhctd ithetir ineuahbanquet tit Fe- dayrighttan cotao rpotsrit cari a cage snerot-Ocre 80 atteoded the rhiridig ato'hreh Doaeey Ecco rerced toc UA.W.A. Lalat10t67 tcaphy roohiroratre et tire Mtoni Satbcti chairco pierebe o hehif et tire chamipian Legio cb mhirh DOceca roterd.Leaauee Cca-. dert, Hrrh Higar, theoked att the ciuba tee their paetiecitoitarig the pert sriccrccaditatd tbttýhanceattyttOtrrit riecg, paoihty ictt tramri ci'ccd operate itOtherrpit cih aietonrt ate aftw ime aretire prs.îrit eeor. Thee.gue rent etd $15t4tUtth8e Legnrecctote aid io tire pr- charie ot jacheto tee the tirreri. Oretriroricdrd May'rcSid Chîtldr, Ceoedieo Meteco trJthn Osticr, Roy Wr-ýtriofetP. L.SRohertecon, Fte MeMuleiofetMiltteriBrick, Gerge Hodo OtaioeeltrcandOGeorgevtcrhr'ofthteOntario Steel UAW.A. grec p tîtîci rigroatte pretarcird tie repy TIHE 31OCKEEYNEWS tenistaet c pil te pick the trndings t tire ed et the Natrorcat Hackey Leegîte trhcdttt etarcroaiten ontmepoite. Thecaterecinoptiig te irt anrd ztrCluascrit Ccnaîtaottierteratehoceetor topisttanrd gete'heortureti ioiriheeen atrispt. The t7 spriratriera rrcrthee cunriy i thier Ittit eoce cttchose thotraintirirdr:cMntrrattrBton; Nec' aYor;Detari:Chiccer Teornta. The tHeckteyNewsa, rh ottieirtaiocerofethte hoche'e'actrd feoteaattIoceatt. ART DESJARDINE rerto Oct junorecluch c icaîitiog etter eacit tireoert. Teesadyoaigt ErlFoxteaofNewmTorontfrermentor f tire localIterteedrctcri. tae crer te ccahtog dttet and ac'oe yeog teem aputi t, -tetd orethirigri1 t orce ora htt-a. Fart i ont dete ce tu ehetherlire wic ci haecehicg te lads ce ot as ieisrefreeret i thecT.H..At exhibitngctor t riieed GotrDacoerinrtcitrrearinca Merhttcrifrc licsrthr'r pttiog the teeir0 theaccir thcir r maete te date cnd Bah Etc-rt aericsports trirerrlis o ctereed Oct servicite ct okt ei thceeos*geeeAtrageecoitt ofteoflrtetwnBaciacgrt, Accora is eoprcted to e gt crderemaraic. AN ETIMATED QUARTER et c mitîiopeople atr ncrlig c cardirca te TrontFrayne r etrig i the Nerober iseeoe Chateteerc. Hec repor't tcrinag aier ftaerehiea fer yeri ac thewctr paiie.icrttear'toaeaeo ignthttmore tecorraeate irhtre edarent frehret edîccsrijunts tu gelt cubs.' Cet-tng ic the hcpy exceptinte thie re tate ight t rtght i rport. 'Fi-etc c eoa* oit of et cr e roac, rtcui-ig's grect advcotege ocre. scccl. it tht cherirret treoct h atd deriteity are, rrciy t rtiet tciteregarce. tee doeetcurrligrectier tero'et steet applicatio cli dericcds i cri tapteytitre a tttithtc cati TrafclgcarCeolfcand Counriy Cubt eteotcat pansotcrlin rinktutcc iltithcre aeatotherNo.t10Sdr d. FOOTBALL FORECAOTc Hec aheut thoar Argeceta'evrs thr truecTrgrer isiotedighbrthee Murey areetartgtaadmire 0t,,s.ÂahI.blamr ita douaalett ictpc.arcethe Attes, ithe tiialtmîî garsofatheichc iedale end tif-eamilto taeeriheir trac rnoteitrers agarot Otawa, Tronto arr- in sht econidplcer ht cric stateMceaeaat c-ecd fiih the aitote rshowmas frercri cit rihirig carmec are roecerriad. The Att eet Pattcer.sttietrl hchteforthe t'egccc.agaiit Agoricand aeeeoctr-acergia tehbci titrer igtitbg tci riccrh prciatty attreeatig the Tramr Cat atacir rheeortrereaegig tepiehrccacubtIohitrr tncerin te nct trac carchri hich miisow a fa tan teding soute- thîcgtliethri: Hailonotope iteî-th 2trpinits;Moctra.tic.d e-th 13 Otara.intrctdtit 2eand pourctd Aegaoteeth er-raid wtaircrc 10t. crcebdaecridce eteeteona ichtat -c anid errdrdop 50,;tcrectcertifac de tiatcaelisc eehai ril t-i rsetîtttr ie Argosr taiticrî ciettetewrî-crgicntei g -rro-'c-ale. SPORTOPICSc Mrinday ai tst mech rite Acice Mrriec Speets Ar- rier atrari hetd their anaertOcttibarqeet whcht ariattrrided yOrre 25t boysifh-cm the eeguec thry aeerted titre rieîg tite pcritsoim- mec .-.-.Fire eeestly eccedte irteier ai tOc Watace Park eclit- hanein ti akaile wmitck appareety as a ktenoîng acrrding to thte cendittionttfthedessctigeroo. Thecporr ithe hoe ofathre Oak- crlle enrty mcietard intrrhe ates Cearty Octrbati loup ccd meri Oateri octt y tire terriRrd Sec i the ptayettri- -..ithssy Ileipel cetecetet perteemer iStkthecatlfInteemediater tri-te pcrt feta rrri, liaso artnd i rit et fac at hocey isc ceeccd and it heoe tederega e rreespodrcecuetair harttahccg. Johnr mdt Obc mi.rd indethicentre ice speoh t bt lichieteSte Pirerart ccitt caca trittuittiltthe Cria Ostario Hockey Assoccitionreetcr-tnchec Pct Patterriuietetd ccet tcteretrea'riotraccoctrcmeeting hridroiHamitoncranid atterided Oc' yeerritrelyt iat Se mac ccay ptearicd terie c etice ike HughiMereoJack Caiycrid mccyrmrieetopetffciaisahe wr ;oi-o tteodacceietptig ct i miter hockey. Me. Patere- sna eteernwiehtterc tresserd t erd focrarrycite te teke e Oes it-eet tiinte ktdste pet them r tated i the gaeecec hrer tOer iitecrtd . .. Misieriodt'NemTrntarevotrigeon Sconday ticart frteetirr ccrelpaltter- ..Oer 500 tture hockey stasthaeceegtttcedrithre OkaterandDstictriireitckey pî-cgcem . .Eddie Bushsbtreyrcaeh ofte Gcueph Erimerer Jeirc-A-ihceyrtcluhbristtd hritriteetccMeciait deenrir' mnLaec-y Sheiter. Sitcke hocirig crie cea efiti Junirick eyh ccghttiiiertc'hrritheOGeltphkmercceritcritigtee detenceerianattretest Fiday oghtc hemitietrig t6-2 deteat Oc Petroucg ietinrGelph. Bshtmasrepetted tochae eee incSiouratteirtulook herry er-e Oeecrhpigietcangsthttrctd. A fes o. a dsie srtriri tehctravelling tueWeoe rBeach tucto a litttc fishicg i tOc NottiracrasRivr fortee tc art eekerido orIone atmwered wricithte lady ti inte remd eeeed i e tS'tceh center Octet-te Mic-et'IfMil S. soed atdhttcherc Dec Me- Feehero cand OtoSyercari ort i 10 doncr mien sr casectie rulerd thecOetcfrerthe renk.Theaccup epreettciegterclyeerrn'ri cottageenitherie...Aspae eri-deof nea20ttcc ntonite OcOciie-Wrcdtech garcetit Fecdcy ... Srhedaîeri tee ait Meriarit gieearcc ta c drcO-chtrd tua mweckithc the hoasatctintcgrhe riceitcte in eorgr'etnTaettt.candritetroig frte ome deict FticayNeeemheca7cit Oeccgc-tctn arorchrg thcerpostionec An Oakvafle srieh rttrd thte srir c eesrfcae (t70 x 70c et Mitoriacre ari sdeteiriet ti te Oekertte Dako S -S.. t disns rierc ta hiridretite Ocastst Fridoy eig able tocnet rirer geatri agaiit Wedtck . .. Aecouple otlads rntcttcn prtd $20.0t forcatarir te go Otte gerce ci t tottcttta Toriodornigt . .The Oerelaslayreey FcidoyriightostorttigNccerrier 7tttFeraey 6Omisingny FedayDeeme 2etm tritireeidte . ..Keep Fridse nicha pees foc rIntermedrate krckey i Mitonr. - - A former Junior "A" hackey ptoyer Ed Raret iasoi roted ir i itret in pay- ing hockey i Miton i a dicussioniitit clb ofticiaisreceritty. SlOW ABOUT THAT: Dfetrition ot a harigvrir-Witer tite breemf terigt racota tke cotd oat henday. Rural Softball Champs ?j Feted at Banquet, Danlce t~ Haltcc n cual tcf hallctaratgatheeed ia Tafatgar Memcccal halon ceFrday t gOh occ orthe charapicns ritthe boys' arind r- cils teacaeri Abece eage e ietdent Joihn c MDouaca rre a5 L MORE SPORTS Minor Hockey Plans QNPAENI Xo tihfrr r theMeokAcihtnb eer e alieos crrNerN ISU sigrnd to ptce OiGlnt Raterts repcred Tuerrday tikto f tae. itica- ttetrmihcddathrtndr ietctiodmcOob edeA R E N A At ce preos yacs teur teainOc ti tic rats cn thea dan iý rebrs-i Mtcc POceae ri plarcetfMitonHardwre),Kii.hir. MI1 NO0R uedait Delpimet Ste.I therh.r ivirstinsix aa Ctevelacd. Pitthcegh. Bettci1ro. Sec ctatld. Cariadiensriand R;.cccr. H OC KEY ci g n te- ced ltettire cemeca ram IVAN SLESSOR Tecmtiirm cttýpnsoge ecttracghaeceittcfinteteettinrAcdu ttat<ccttor tetlrw ithe erc t rit r*aclr"tcthcacir -pr inc titi'i.rttcl-c'tactt f Nrcc-mttr-- Ace tldr che haea cccipc-Od ep thr raregrecsti'tinficras ci cet theer heom MilOctPhcrtcnaca. itrh cr hallrt th iren atap or, et Bec Erirgircs en'ccc WeaThe cgc Oj*crIbet ci-(!, ite Kseer peo rer-a cc p ttee rý ierccettlgrte; int ihattccgirccc c the 10 t tte3iecar oeust ikeovrc. and inirtte mdget iri 'incethe' 13 tri r eeoThelttrer tare gi aapc eceea hie Roara clubi. Aftretht - mince thoche tir e trer trier avtace Ut(cp ccccctriitic meacut rothaerit andhCcle- ocecrhe'atri te Cand.r Ta'*eJuirscander-gitotce iccta hrMetcire inrthre tecair ect hockey teteto tidate. pst rsgIslered for misor hoslsey may oblato Iheir forms fesse MILTON PNARMACY BUS KNIONT MEN'S WEAR ME. HERE MARSHALL (asrea noffeshop) PFinal daIs for rgistraston NOyEMBER S Hockey - Skating r-l A &a iii flflfll HE Y KIDS! IT'S HINT DROPPING TIME Ad timeo tiop icat MilocHardwar o e terii e leho o f oyt on ha fanchce Milton Hardware TOYLAND I Arik aboteca rFron G ftCataogeanhen yoc Visn thri Boemari Taylarid Sacs o WMILTOcNmHRDWA'LLUE ýi 227 ainSt.East MILON R 823e PRtfl3RM Pet., Oct. 31 ROTARY CLUB HALLOWE'EN. PARTY - ROADS ARE SAFER - BUT NOT SAPE ENOUGH t geririerreti tick hot Fer kyppcd on satrty .-.-.ccd tIetc cO aid thot l'Ilhaver ta pirad geclttc'Thiveîrisirtt c lot otfera 1cfr -- tcpramtc..itifa tcriiry peopleOae kictt r ce ced cri.c a reticf caccaeidenits. .utetthetaiir dyfmIas readrogeaee- ccie r tacrathe Nationalt Satety Coanciri the US. Theyrepret thet Feaitececaca te ftconcratie rirnth shemece earectiorio hie ceicher cf dectts h-ra ntr'atic acciudentscicthe US. nte irsl a-twcc ocrtisfta tiis yeae. Atbritis areeetsssiseid hat the moee peosplerabs beari' and pestire safefy entes. the leu, accidens anami lhe less tatalities. And pris ransosansthe afety rates sp Isîrto tn short sntences. Donst lobe ehassees. Ansd oale sare psnr ecr lamebhasîeaîîy sate. Whec ee r-dr irncloaise te tire cor hccd-. rktp cet to ari mowhnto tirmci athit, ceci arc aihica ticce. Iinetty Wýicî'c cc puteoffthattecechtck-.aseriececrk, yo a- tchecg e.atu..iraril tacae. httcg yee carci egîciar-y teeit accmplote ateiy ceckOnret'ot-a-srruactrid- eriîd tire teia-ac;tid rifireat accid.rendt'cct ca usete. Crîcrin r Saf., Nov. 1 PUBLIC SKATING SHOWROOM CONDITION: AFTERNOON & EVENINO 1954 ('11EV BlI.- it ra-trrdie. lias ta bc sers ta flttttitti Ie apperiatrd. Tues., Nov. 4 15 'THIS VOUR SECOND CAR? FIGURE SKATING 11m5 MORRIS MSOD - 110.00soies. Classes 4 -6.30 p.m. 195f NASII ansrastîr trsnsmisonaedio. Rl ig.rad cor. Ino)l (1EV 2 000E rodi. This bs a sharp ose. 1955 PONTIACU t DOOR neil lobes rare nI- Wsd., Nov.5 1957 PiytOoUTîî astamnatte, V-aendios, 2 tose. 16,00a ADULT & PRE-SCHOOL milesi - original. White moîls. This cerscased Iry Stan CHIIOREN 2-4 P.M. Rosdetî. PUBLIC SKATING See Back, Tam, or Nors,. snl-svsslsg. FIRST INTERMEDIATE J "% PJt B LI HOME GAME :D Pet., Nov. 7 Milton Merchants Georgetown Raiders The Canadan Champion, Thursday, Octobk 30, 1958 5 New Entry Four Indlustrials to Stant 559League Nexi Week The Miltanfrdaateri f-fHockey fard mith tosing Rmith ansI atone Lerigue is fistsity going tri stnrt af Georetown, fast year's champs, aporotionsnaent crerh rith the nn- for the rî'nîng teesa. nnrenrrnt that arr rntey ban bren A rapy cf thr tragar nebedota frîcord ta cake ajr thc foueth traa itt ho bepabihtintristOo per toc tire 0><>c-The t1958-59o rear tcnir rvt , 1 > t t i t'i r-rccc îcr-rtccc - - Thce c-w rt i a t t in tire grccp ,y' , ce tire rrrr- 7,30 atndr Il'('t t iont rrrrrr trrt tirirerareot ot Oghcacyo ,ale eterantiiror tre Dc-teerct tertthrbctkrg teplaceof Smrith c T ffgirorystutkrng otOrtricrrrand kt(rr. Tire pinynrt an t1n Sýtri Pe.dcrithe ibrgitrap. sniaad arr bees itb bighmoy 40f Tire teaga l'ad aert'Y sacrera- consrctfirnon deripecfta bain fui rst eariirrr t atrcbut tarer tam icoupreirof ynara. HALTON PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE ASSOCIATION ANNUAL MEETING and Election of Officers TUES., NOVEMBER 4th 0.30 sharp MILTON TOWN HALL SPEAKER THE HON. LOUIS P. CECILE, Otarie Mietiter of Welfore Mr. Hait, MPP. anriM. Bert, MP. wiIl aise ripeak lretfly. RBE F R E S M E - . 1 1

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