KOBSA IGIICROFT JASS " VeyGnod" founr-yea-old Holstein cow nconnigned by Toneli Bos., Palermo, brougbt $1,300 on the bid of C. S. Smith, Williotoston, Micb., aItbe Ai-Canadian Hol- stein ale held at Oaknille. Lft lu igbt, Franks Pfster, Oakville, C. S. Smith, William Toneil and Lloyd Toneli. Halton Bred Jersey Cow Wins Grand Champion- at Columbus' Lindate fleacoo Gladys. bned and bnnn dontnnnd grnnd chatmpion O-' non by tihe LiodaOn bord forn Dat- sod by MauriceC. BentyofMitnsmanl athenConnectie; nd ent - to,,,,nty. as a tbnne - year _ nd to Pionerl,,nby Stoteowsbnunand tbe Eastoern Panesa of Connaectinuot, ons tonde Stntes Exposition. grand cbampion fInaleat nhebnAO Il u,lb o ooonlod tbnt M. C.'C u isB r bon Oat nonni. prenoer boondor aothebo 95il CNE.\ /.. T is san trnmennoun obonn-nand bnn',oodn ircofi t, tndu noli YY 111n Hou1 ment and io it tbenacrenno.neor- bc deligbtod athIS n 0Urtbe o o,,, ACTON -n tlb,.aneno o,upibil, tby on en' nfthe faclt dut Glodys' woin onb,oo .t,,o ,t,,, gave sire,.Londle Bnnnnon as,'nnntlo1 utht bbygirls, bned t Lindale Ena. H lo -H M m es Mon Ji. Dbnn- tunformer WnAt Rayali tn - em es Ena Jormngu nd1rslito. eth(rIl It tony bc e onoaîd tînt Dîndyn o xhbt oyl tmnnn,'d ,'-theo t,rerEdo,, Jeo- lon rt ain las oi-toPioneer o Ehbtai t Royal ho h-, ,,o Frmsnatîb th197 Royal, nnd in Acodng to inf"ormon ttt 0 1 ringOtttt.b ec, havtnd,nnt si, addition toabno nobînoonoont t i'uuod l, J. Allen Fra,on. .;n"'e0On,' ,,tnt ,asbn t 12.3,., Coumbs,bliitp,'nvionly tbnyonr ,,ter ugnottui n"ci)nu-nIt:tti:u' fi*t ,111 'h, I,, t ,30 Sut1m. O-OIt,,,and Pee or,I o l thnn 19 4-tO nmrolnfr',,n OO.ltn 1960 Critical Year tbe Quoon'n D,,ino,, Clasnoaith For Canadian Hogmen Th jdgig f uey'sGunc Wb iîn support prino prngnnms n anoont yoooubasbu, nn ounid sony nbnogn tbe pictoon nigîtîy ,olb nmoreglntoio and thiiI o tn e1seoae nscoo nevetinînon ntb the US. mktonntuy othen sn i ungl -0,,rI, lasnn ,, aiIikEr ou0a0-A oonîy maior otînt for snrplus tie Roynî so ifOyo, u rn*t n=0 US. pori nmnrket bns n nory deî,n- luy. Norombon 20. Q6N ite-reItonhip totha nCanada. PoOthe.oy bnoo , ite Anrlinilo U.S. autbnrity sotton îîo,oon 0,,îbn ni,.,:C ned the itonlion deveoing for the îOn, scesjoitoo AOorr D ontongynoloba qtntmIo tCo,,llr' Eugnn Co,,lt,',. rln tiot of60955. n nbont, tbe buid-op; ud phaeof othe cycle io tatng to CadoI W G org ) cne,T h- Jo Icbirnl, nS:ndy 50ieFOR TTED Acoording 1u Iis ntbnntty, US. T,o H,,ter, .Ciloirt ,i n, *FO oETTER prionss nt sprong n'Iill oomouI 1lY" MnKu. Pt MoK.RBo 'M .io I*L in9rha bu 2.inî,nlin the Gîr,,hty ,.M.t,, 1,o,-t And R labie Aul 1nlIn.Ti 'w, o n average00060 ,n sWn. .R- obilnson t, ounan' prier ,,nor tomnlih in he ngeofnIDano Sanclers,n. o o $1550 n',tb s,,n' n'oninluooer.____ April Reeaneep LARGEST PRODUCTION ApniO, tbny sto. nowillIecso ano Grnat Slave Lui,'. oored on nnonry btolloIotbcrnptd or ommercialofing in 1945,,aslth of gnootnmagnitude-lin m,,nli of nontionn n' agestlpoductionofu May wnl,OO.tino ndd. nonoannong Inho trolnand ,uitrî'b' nia trend nitb onto oismmntobooI oouto 1,t2t. o,,n. montbniti pnicenn nogong nno O9 fircen. ofthecatchis -Id in' $06. and lion in July, pnoos ni linth Unted States. aeaben. The SoptomberniNe State lin Croîo Reorot ginon podonor inent- ions fon foononinga in tlnonobor, Jannnry -cd $'nbrnnry. ifogmon i tiese sîntes neonted tbny n'ould farw20 ion nsowsan n-~ Low ln Deeember The Ion' pricof 1O 959in fhe US. n'ill oo,,o ,latc, oobablyin Dn*,o- Thesn U.S. nthoriisarenof thei opinion tlinîforthe rnindeof , 1958, the profit situation 'a Oorly bright. Movng throogh 1959, the profit piclorn looks grayor, but they odd it wnot be lnged oti black ontil late 1959. Io, olhnn nords, in tbcir opinion 1060 shape op as the nitcal year for hognn, and thny n, omnnd imponng n 00presntonpean,-u rathn thonnopoondno, FINEST WORK AND MATERIALS Youre esonnd of gond matorinis handled by experts, union you pan yohoe o.y ctruc-. ion oith Ray 0Oln. ,0 Itcreation Reoms 0 Ktchen Cabnets 0 Tile Floors *0 New Homes RAY OLAN Building Qontractors limited UL 4-2263 ,»X "96 *ILTON Farm Accidents Show Increas..e ln Reoent Years Farm ancident snnnoyo nnonal lbnt betnoenn fin ages of 10 and 35 scr.mr eoledie Inoto sooid'- r ns tban Innes disesse. Infaen oas s menbanization innoonnos n nos inntnOe, anbnloio hen nioh of Inrn accidents. ioon d,noî yt iiongi,,t,nyhn ia brdone obigabu.n On the US.. onder the leadnrsbip of the Ntional SaOoly C,,nnniî,a lnrge noninrofnIStntnshanenonn dnoted ans nnn,,,1lnrm ancident Must Gel Faels In sbort, nfrnan dol Recently wenon nd dntonowhin ronnnln 180,1in unn ngbt yoonnp00 l,,orioooethir fi',noacoident sr noon nnnoo tna. n Ono-up in eduootinnno,,prgonnonhou nonltil in a dnonooseofnI nl lihe wy l,', 20 t oS0' 00er0en. 00 lttenun,,nIof brinnaccidents. So if yoo 00rconnooolodltion nom- ing yenr lono-opo,'Oto nin eOnt- beo n n tond tint if oditonl pogonn nnb, o ll,,o unil ond,,n the nnmbeiof ntlaccinodents i evn25 on 30 per oInt., i n a ol nnll woonl ing. Two Rabid Foxes KilIed in Orlon North, of Acton ACTON -Two, nbd 6,o, u'nert.'ou, toit ons non theni 0Orton nîoo OS 15 mlesnrtIt of An- lton, ho Do.F. G. O:io,, Aco,, onto,,rnry. Dr. Uknio n,,1nt0 iioxIt attidt o,,otgnon the fO,, of Prîn Waton. t, R.f02, Ot'to.The, doms kblied *the' fox. On ftheItrnofnI Oforo Ntol nnrlI. 9R . R. 1,Drlo,n lo,Nod\,nIl Oidr noon l,,oll,,nnd byamox î'nting ,1 th m.uti. The niId. rcnra nometon ,n,,tyto tir lotion. Tir fnx Illo,r th, hiltîn n1ttir lî,thousnr d wasn, ,o thyMn odvttnell Tir nu,,ou, sinnntft',tt, IIo-iy ,,r A-,l,,î un 00 USED CARS tomotive Repoirs Go Wrong d'aim Beef Pr ices Board Plans Revew WiII Rise Hîiher Of Malicon'Situation ,,eef prines are going\ highee" Serions nonoderation 60 somnea Os thse prediesion nf neliable US.slotion On nelteve thte Malton sit- O farin ecnoomists. Acnording 60otonnnoo recommnended by octingg tOese U.S. nothorltieo, tihe ynooîy charman J. Horst. Acton, wn e onerage fnd gottOn oaoe n thOe U.S.the bNrth HoOOoo UntoonBoard ont b 5 frl1999attnldrn bot $2.0 a-nn-lMilon Wenosdlay evnnlof nI er eni sof 1958. 0001 000k. A Inthnir opinion, nolues during Atra engflsy discussion on the tIse finat qatrofnx er ein ftor aclsdwno h OOnorOnr b nt ntq a .d saynur nertoos plant a closheon Ac-th iralir.tun, Gnorgetownnand Miltun on,n- I- - oI , i,,"< dlti, g ,0,,:l l t* May ,, ' t,' I 1i andJunof195, "ll I_ýas tettotu pt. tolhtty ttLrtrvnguQI as,,,Yeut 00ir el,0u't no t sone soluhion ,o ruomndatun. nit toiu' the lont halfofut1959, y '- np markets in the U.S. sOnoId bo $1080OuOninnt$20 orcn Ou te5$.00 bgheo than in 19508. foinfninu n t $32, per t.. - llghrrPel Primeno finitsed cattle ontli an e if Thesn predictios. ony noptnin duy wnon tlnto ouod lin$26110 nohy ninesofnIfeeder niel stucker or $2700 mark. i nfintnsalesnin Nothnntaro u The uofnnattl iatn 'ntons a.nd Wenton Cananda are ing o,,itnotyo,,oootnnnn. potdnat nnnderabOybigher prie- tuiog-'onhavennOways bnonder' ,'n thuoobcon inolnfisbrnging un theimpuressionntOat Leuoon rfeeder bh lhTomatennmakt. must snourntnis fecndonn n IsOnt - On goodnuthority o nn o- nr threncentsunde the fin-' -trtod tbot gond.Y nonOlrfnà 'n ,Iodn btponOoh oped toi dn cerls of85dur oeouthh rgtseo h nrtl Chinonunoutket dger. DUSTLESS CONCRE!FOORS PLAIN AND COCI HARDENED MACHINE TRQWELLED NEW CONSTRUCTION & IESIRFACING WORK FOR ESTIMAIES A. McCARTHY -- TR 8-6167 - -I The Ceesedien Cinmpieon, Thursday, Cýtteher 30, 1,958 il Dispense wlth Tols keard and lt -sagneed the snly Seerotany J. MeGeanhie nepnnted possible wsy tn conserve 'souer reentnconversation nith C. S. wassthe useaofmetes. iKeith, Bell Tetephnne manager, ne- 66 anas Buggetdt itn60 garding dispensing noitb tnoOnchang- mntnrng ooutd prneta ossiret es bntnnen bthe tounnento.posibl board agroed tOn nquestfMn. Knith innnonnn innonten nates. tn attend an Uban Badmrnntig.,The board setthe date forntee OpinionssnegandlaObmnnrognnnaObanquet tp be beld an lof vr for nd 6000Noonoober 28 FEED RIGHT FEED 'Sti=44'i- 4c CALV GRGWER BUIM DELIVERY PELIETS AND CRUMBSE FROM MILTON MILLING COMPANY LIMITED TR. 8-2311 MILTON, ONT. n'LL _______________________________________ You get Ioads . a * c. ee * OSOOCandse**C .eeeeu ee.e. andIloads of hot water A with an nuH.*y yt>U CANADA SAVINOS BONDS the tasy way ... on the BNS instalment plan B uy Canada Savoags honds thraagh Timn Bank of Nova Scosa'n coovosient instliment plion. PutaO ooy a fooo dllars each payday nnd in aiînost no ojono at ail yonr bond is paid in fu. Yoînr noresO BNS manager iii ho giladta hoijiyou inveît in Cand't-and ynur-future the eaoy way. Corne in and see him today. BuyY ouR CANADA SAVINGS BONDS AT The 13ANK of NOVA SCýOTIA MORE THAN 500 BRANCHES ACROSS CANADA Meenatger; 'Miltion Branch, Harold W. Keissan. IL -CTRIC WATIIlBUTER And an electric -water heater is so efficient, it costs only a few cents a day to operate. With the proper size and heating capacity you can depend on plenty of hot water for ail your household needs. An electric water heater is safe, édean, and economical. It's the modem choice of families who "live better electrically". electricity does so much. .. costs so ùtle ----------------------------