THE GOOD QLD OAYS _ A Sensible Celebration The eerie souudn, the black cals, the S brtuzým-ridling wfîchun, the nhroudud ghonln, L thte jck-o-lanternn, antd frighlening manks will be making Ihoin appearance on Fitiay r 'Tiîick uitrenat' hashbeeîîa lung unent tnp au yuungnîern pant mou flhouse lu huune gulh- eing thit Ieats. The Rutany club in sponsorng otheoannual carnoual in te unna Ihis yean lu prouitie children wilh a heallby opporlunily lu lel off nleam in a conîrolleti nort of way.1 Town wonkmen haue cunîîieti clown the cannon in Victoia Par k, the putbicondt higli Friendly Cautuda is winning fientis. Nul Ibat Iis country bau iu the pant been paticulanly Irientilens, but at leant one mono bus ncontly been atitedt 10 Ioso wbo hane bon welfane ai huant. Belione il on not, Ibat now Iion i s none otben than Premier Kbunbtben, of tbe Uniou of Soviut Socialist Rupublicn. Mn. Khrunbcben bas iemeti milb nunuuw the gnumth of Canadas iniwauy wîtb the Unitd SIates of Amenica anti bas boun mouedt 1 fien fienti. py aduicu lu us on thte danger uf beepittg bati company. Fioud K unun on on eoanîple the way in wbicb the US. s isîdiuusly usng lufth columu lactins iu acquiing dumination ovor non nonlbuly aeas, nspecîally lunte Rights 'and ls beon saiti belote but me coul buelp agnueing mitb il again. Secontiary school sta- dents wbu "milil n'taunot learnu" boulti bu put ouIt 0ouanu a living, a leating Toton' lu educator sai i n Hamilton ecuully. J. W. Singleton, t Norlbniew Higbts Collogiale, Willomtialu, tbld more thon 200 chool trustees Ibat n stutiont "hos tbu rigbt to impoîlu tbe pnugnens of olhiots lu tIse clans.", Undoubtedly as Canadianme hune talk- edt luthe sky of tbe untolti otinntagos, anti tbe greutunsuf Iis country mitb partînulan stresun thbo uality tof allu nthe mean- time, bumuner, tl sonly common sonne thol mu are nul ail elfual iu out abilitios. Mitb bue sronq loundaîlon mu houe laidî onnrightn iîbasuoen asîîmeti neyneban a "ighl" lu udunton mîsether lbey mont it or nul. Research The buman facton is lu blame tît the vaut mjorîty of traflit accidntns. The rate a hc a motrneltînle tunnels i n utîînly dupetnl. cul upun the ndrver mho nueclulu nournîsu jotigment a wau i a sasoe s1ned unnion urioos cincuwstannus. Thene lu tieiiniloly o reltionnulip bemeun speeti anti ighmay ccidents, but jot mhal Ibat elaîîonsbîp i s nyetl lucebu nineti. A sîudy o o lot nebicle spentin bau been matie by H. M. Etimants, assstntulpnuisson oI civil engineering ut Oneens Unversity, lu co'openaîiun mitb tbe Ontario Ouponîmeul uf Higbmays. His sudy buseti on tbe ubserva- tion of 8499 motrnubicle speudu un major Ontanio runal bîgbmuys rusulted lu Ibuse findings: Ontario possengon cors Ianllut i oîau avenage speuti ut 49.4 milus au boun. Fasseugun cons ltuw utben pruvncens anti fnnm tbe Unled Sateu moneti along tbu igmays utioan eragu speeti ai 49.9 miles an houn. Ligbllrunchs anerageti 46.t miles au bout. Sugle-unit bnuny Irucks, 44.1 miles un bouc. What Qi Fali Firu miii sorvie undti tîe, de- clanus the Fredericton Gleaner. "Nuw iduau. num flulunen, uer*,prugnamu may bu nuduti ion somu of thew, but lboy mili enduru bu- cause lbuy lolfîli a bosit homan instinct, putbaps an ltiaautbu hum an rate, lu goîbun and celebuatu ai harnust imeý." k- nuhcols mili bu guanded and nu doubl other uniiormed pernonnel il be in eidence. Halloween can bu a lot of fun foc chilti- renons'lhey fighlen frieîîds'anti ujuy Ihe corio ainioplîu-u' lttalwa ys s nultlu yen iii,-1 l ' 1 11i ,1 V0 I fi s hlnynthe buaul luwuîîlhoue ony- thing lu du and ti blthune bulmoon the cunninlat go ond the age of commun sense mue't ollempt ou ungy of detrîuction and uandalimwaon busbeun nidenced iun ome yean neut 100 long ugo. Denîruction oul nneut sîgnanti othen pub- lic on prînato pnopenty tioenn't corne unden "lîauiuc funt" ou) Halloween. LuIs kuup il a sncueand seusible epnut. Adviser openatiun Nonai. NORAO is unlennibly a plan wherein Cauada andth ie U.S. are c-opecat- ing fon mutual deleuce. lu reality, nayn Kbruuhcheu, il is an aîîack threaî agaînsl peacelul Runia, anti Canada is eally laying lienself open tu aîîock frou that country by allowîng lînnuel lu bu fooleti by Wanhington. Wbile oun Muucuw aduisen dons eut nay su il migbt be inlenînul bat bu tbinbn il would bu nîcun lut Cauad t lubu fiendly witb tho U.S.S.R., tlîuugh bu efraind luow puintinog ouI hou lhappy Polanul, Hungary, anti tant Grwîny are hasking in bu sun of sncb frnienn fsip. tu ujuie lu liane riontis willing luocînvisu us for Our uwu gootl. )pportunities Mn. Singleton couinuedt Iat 'We belienu tbaî the cil i s entîtteti tu educaion. But wo houe gone beyond Ibat for sentimental ea- son ondinow nuy enery ubilt is entitiedt l odlucotion nu wallon wbaî ho îbinkn or dus. The law thot sayu a chîlti musI attend subocul untîl hbu s lb bau ils pnoblows. Tîtere are those ubo, because ni Ibîs law, fînti ilînwselvos inctiosrnoumu long beyond tlîn tiwe when tbuy ore benelîlting thomsoluos antilong ,aler îbey houe startudtelu bnde, ut bons. Thene appeois lu be a guuwing inlonesi on the pont of parents iunlOie nalue of eduta- ion andtilis, lu îwe, will bave ils efecî winnund ntuhIe ubîlulnen andtichin nesîru te oltain adleuuat inistruction. Peebapu Ibene wmît hoa olution tlutho prublnw Ibot will uistinguiubi the opputun- ins hum buhîrgts. on Speed Tnaicîuu raimu une, hînalonus tuonnlleul at ant .iuunauju spnuuof .l43 miles an bout. Siu_s wenî- lasîtetmlli an aangu synuti oi 55.2 mitles an lionr tl was nuteul by Pnof. Eduatls taI trucks anti buses îannlleul at mrun uîorw spendstis lin passongen tans. The woutu ange of spentis mas assotiateti witb pausen- gnu tans. The syetis of ail nebîcles ubset-unt angeti luuw 20 luo 85miles an heut Rlatinuly le-o uuigspuodu. buwnnnn, mute nulet in the stuuly.Oîîly 5.4i putcenn. ofl ucîtinls obsereitiannleti laster tban 60 miles anboun, wbile only .7 perncnt.unuuul- eti 70 miles on bour. A surpnîsing numbur of slow spuetis wnne nuteti Suo tl 13 percent. ofuebitlus tnannlluu lelss thon 40 miles an bour and 3.6 pen cunt. us ban 35 miles an bout. Ilfis lu bu bopod lits esearch prngnaw wîll mati lu a butterun udertanding onitho cuusns ofhibgbmoy accidents su bhal unwedial stnps tan bu tabun lu pnenent thow tu the otent that is buwanly possibule. --Ktcbnner- Woaterloo Rcotti. iers Say Thone is nuîbing wunb lu wonny about, soutbns tbe Edmonton Journal wbicb points out: "Canada bas soun n ewndoun todostulal expansioun stuc e the wau anti, ot a tirnu wbun Ibuee s a tewpurany 'brnaîbun', tl15 mise tlu nnntho pîclutu in tbu pnuponpeu- spective. The situatitn lu laîgely lriqbt andi bue Ionng rungnoulluub s hbi iuliter sill." ,th The Canadian, Champion Puhlinheti onony TS'nsday at Main St. Milton, Ont. Mena- ber of the Audit, Bureau of Ci lulioîn the C W.N.A. and _jjj0jý. the Ontario-Queb,,u iinun C.W.NA. Adven g ane nOu mouut. Subsrptiona payable n n dvance, $300 in Canada, ~au~N aan,. $400 in the US8A. Authorized as Seond Class Mai], Post Office Deparînuent, Ottauaa * G. A. Din, Edito-tn-Chlef .. ... Dvid R . DiIta. Production Manager Published in the Hert of Halton Publighed by the DiII, Printing and ubIIahint Ce, Llmlited BUSINESS AND EOITORIAL OFFICE TELEPýHONE TR 8-2341 "October Maid" r -' - - - 50 YEARS AGO Taknen lOes the file% <of the lassaS- hit, Champion, Onnfsher 29, 1908. Accurdiug lu rlocti un uttutns ru- cevdonu Muindun nigbt, Mu. Hun- ni 2,z, oi otttuui. f73f-1 tha mu uluunli lie'i îuitfMi,.Dmuiumi un 1904. Mr. Ots-udu,scu nnutiv huru frnturtheu uutb pet, Gran Tuunh ut 8. 35 pun., wun met by a hogo crourd nuf rthusianufo sup- porturs, ptueed i nua euiuge and soeîd t, nhe luubantand nunt the turn hall. Tbu ball unît uuuupied hy the Luhorotu, ubtu ueumedt' u rout tbu na p1uui. mutflte ttuophal prsionund tbhe hnuu-ng, andt we Mu. Huudnunun n muntu-tithe badsandd ml tluunîtî-d tut spnub. his nn-lmuwasdrnrndtmybiiuiung luronithe mppcmu muudoms outIhe hal. nt atse ndidgnatioun utnuul and il-mus p,p.îosu-d lui tîuunil,, -o ount nduntibis chus abut to iluli I rrlapuivnt a iotiund svthe ptcpnuly mif tbhe lo, MyrArml,-,*su unit Chunt Con- stbeChtupron en -nl pstirstalu iluni atth,- umduutumo'u Au iby uf anun lufmîanî fn i u-,o ,nnani abuns ayn, uîh.tht-m invasin wa t-s un- t .Thuin lt-as wmîfaltfh. huI weeshubuýn amd ut tî,îuud tube hi tugîmu iîttht- huitlt.huit lîmppuy the - untut toii gn,1 ahen'uug lut- tutuun-uo uftmuaii owhttuitlu, uat. tht- nidluitf a lin s an h.liot mias,titI T,1,1 îmilu n lf un thu tut.- .i , -ii tut IinsSt i. n tir uethe l'y tiTam i ntr ,llupnofl.l W .tfiiiIIt, KO u nt Sî-.,în'u.- ,u' u t.îîungutint, bad-pw.IYýtI-vi outmitit tint ]lad utfuît y tutu tut,,hk pi it,;iu- t M -11 t t i l t l mut.,b' tutuid uIII 20 YEAP-S AGM Talcen #rom Une RmElles 4eCtaad- tann <humpion , lâtebeo Z7. 491. Knox Preaiytunuan Chureh, Vil- toIn, nnnn paeked nt the anoruîng and evnin nng eve n Oumday 1;,, tIn uf t s lu iv chageofRe. Dr.ttîRober tndîuw oft Wentun. n-ht aeen- n tuuing thu 5tnh nnivura'nofuthis ndutin intnothe pntpil of Knnxnchuroh. *Milton nnun Or. Haddnw's fient pa- tral uharge and hin reminisuennen nI the earty hintuny ot the ehureh wrnnv'y innueseting tu the mm beus nfuthelnouongegtn. Ret.nGordon W. Porter,.MMA., B. D., oft Canton, Ont., uhu nnneved an invittiounl nn ocme pnltnof St. l'uul'n United nhnnch, Milttun, hun onnî'pted the nuIt and wudt bc indnnýtnd nutu n in elumbun. Firu Miltoun Truup ut Boy Scoutn held ils unuuut Apple Ouy on Sut- Uîduy and, uthough the runthen usnit uuny favoranble, the Scouts n..ld mre an pplen than i luvou nuonu P.unnîdu uare I.,bcusend fur nutîingtolys ftu-Christuuan gitn t,, needy nhitdnnn. Wmu Ferussimu basun upnuund the ofunonu t lb,. ntunun uthin eîînuy tore by huuîng tl tunutua t,, un atractinve noutt fpuint. Mr. Fnnruîn isluone ut Mttunu up-tu- date andti tît-uninubusinssmenn Nu dîtutt runnoînnuphuusn n~ uîuuy Outario tuwushipsu are er rainuuînulîu Ithenu, nngaining thuîî upoise. a ntol-.urnu lut.Ond 1ih the' îlomîn-. itmnuiîburdn uftnhe Pt îfî.-en neunt Munîluy night. D'i tunogî-fthe buyu oudtirlsnt u-hen tiey-ainuIt ynun homue tun Wîu On, gununu. enunun, pinhnda hinîîiffut nf ipen noupbeunnîn nhin A locomotîive un unîltuatîn tmited ttsl I.iic u,C îtilui.itian tu a 100 mile un Noaîî- hii1 g,,Iuiol muitant,tiiltf f1- t i.saIldthn.t-omann-ho dui ba-lonnnuyitiil hdii lt -tith ak sealtuo n ar :ln, l 1 i ),fit bii f- un.n I , 1 iiun thun the n -nu n-S, -il fa Iliîu.,f'Inldtutîn,' ndidtînth'.ohîn -t tîun util bltii-n...igl i ni iift vet î f i aut n dt. il.îb"IfII, M I Tii iiii, i2.-1 ,1 iii liihiI f.P O F S IO A D R C T R 0 TItI-Ti t5't..îîî.îî,îît I, a ,tof I'Ittn- tu t I titi titi nu I,,z.k - ,î t t t., n tii-f t-, lili ii l huf iti tii lîtl sitttI I, i hit vithtit a1110 .111 il- tii i , t f Il ai 111,11 fit t-. , ii.n a.tfii fafi ils butlî 0 t . if;.-, a tt, "lit t. THIS SUNDÀYrS CHURCH CALENDAR HIGHWAY GOSPEL CHURCH PFA ]lnufhuinltuuofthe PNTIEOSTAL ASSENIBLFS OF CANADA Pasto-.:Hen M. Clîîiruenon EIIJNDAY. NOVEMIOFIO Sit. 10511 1000 un, Sindas Suhîtul. 11 00 an- Mîînuînig Wîîruhîp. 7,00 pi,, Enungelîufo î'uîî' i'tl ly. t plu-Puonci rnoî'uîug. tmif lu -- Il,îî Vtug P',îtr-v Sîîîîîlnpeunînî-s- hcii-d ,, 00F. Halt. Moit iSIMut uînhaun,- AIl Anc Wulnnomu ST, PAULS IJNITED CI4URCH Mieisior Ren. J. Lornen Gnaham. BA., B.D. Optanitt.MomIHarald Mugee, A.T.CM. tIINIOAY. NDVEMPER 2uI. 195t 1ithtlANNIVIfISAIIV SERVtES 11.00iaîîî -Mîîîîîîung Wîîîslîî Sîtîtîay Sntîîîî, 9,45, am. b- Ilt m. and SnitînDI'tiinnutu. 11.00 ar.. Ntusunu, Iliginers, Kindeig.,ttt,-îtitEnd Pinlary D-- pariunis. is îfplaenfo Il-r nl-nu ull tl ut u ilsS,înd,îu Suhlîîî 1100 .u nduit7.01-,,,Oil plah i tIi-t .1. t.U fl-uni, t.A ntîu.Mr,. tIti, - AWr Wcn.î, Aullîlui, gAîîoîlîl,,y. 4 t ni-i- titi ci homehof M-it N. L. li-,t. 177 iftivi b St. EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH Comrcunial St., Miftîn Pi lui It K. iCaiitaî-II. E..Nul , i,,,, T 8-silo SIINDAY. NOVIfMIER 2nît, 19520 0.50 a.w-Bîhlî' ScIî,îî, 11.00 aurn MorianîîtW,,îstî. .00 prn.-Enaingnturn. Wenenduy, Pnuyut, Pruinu, Bihle Slody-7.10 p.n., Yîiîih; 8 p.. Church. Thurdy-0 pun., W.M.S. Fidun 7 pum., YoutîI Choral Club; 8 p.rn., Chritant Yutb Train- itg Union. KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHIJRCH NF.V. F. ORSoHORS. Milstre Onr.',.uubuP. Zt,,ou. MA.. 1, L. M. rens n Chair Munt-n dîî lune Moud." Numbers 10: 29. SINDAV' NDVITMETO2-1î, 1l5f1 ll Opi-nHý,uîun hr,t 7 i5 î.u Wî- -lit ii 1ou itns andtt ut- astti i, Nunîmit ,- ii, 0- W""Itîgi-thu ntti Ilums. Mi l1MMI.u ltuti vi , Min C. ltiIftf.tllst.I LOWVILLE - NASSAGAWEYA (ANGOLICAN) REnton Enu. E. P IE..Initunut, t'.î,,uî,buttnuffo ULuqtur 4-257 SONDAi'. NOVEMRER 2-1,.1tut TIIINITY XXII Ni00tai,, ,,ninn tiiiuu SI t t ii liif l n l'0 i.ft alu, BOSTON AND OMAGH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES MI,.iîtun, En, B. A. Ncnltn, BA. TeIneihtinu E: IRngle n9-q926 SONDAY. NOVEMEIE 71,,t. tO5it 11.15 oiOnguSuuîlly Sntîuuul GRACE CIIURCH ANGLICAN Milton, Ontario Rector, ru. D. A. Por-cl SUNOAY. NOVIIMBEE 2nd. 1058 22ud SONDAY AFTEE TEINITY 8000aoun Huty Comuînuion. 9.45 aun,-RuledayShoubuut and BiSte cltases. 11.00 tutu Hule Communion. 4.0011put,. ttîuy Bilti.în. 7.00 imu. uiîu g l Ii, l.îîin ilî tiltb lin. itt.,tiiu.,t,-u liz.îIlmon f i - i ' . . i .,In-, t. i l, , I * 'inî- IINct v III- Io i l. ni 'f l titi iPa, t ii tîuI-nin 11, l t C;Ii i, n fmi;ut It. f, ti- c fik î, îî .ci, 1 i 111,, i Il1,, 11orno0O to e MORECIGlAtRETTEtîinkeni lt-lit litilti n theîn i -t u on t-f 1 lî , u, tuf - , fi ' i. t u utvv un ],V 0 WDMAN TETVINGontii ein t, il - .îîî fî,' il.,îî If .vou p oil tlislut o 0ItUST IN CASE e..u' be si lti ti fiil Itîl(iî. uitiu t n-but lual is iith Aontî,liu. infn gîuîfu- luulî î,îîîlîîu that ht ldîîîîtîl tluîl- lu il 1,111 lt-if tf II hIt simril il etî, i-i.îîîîi iy rg lat nulIm- nillv l'yi, unuun I î tIlf lni il- f tlt- tîîît-.t in I i, nui.tfunltinltnoluiiiII'nt ipl-,tu n-titi vs o ,,i i 11 ,, il u litg ni ,, îtîlnîîîîit ltit( blîîîIthe plt-fît, l, I iri î--îtîî'that Ithe' i.,i rI-tît îv îîst ns n-ny lc I ofnuîll *I opoREsnin tg lfhrceio. lî.k uduaîîlof î wil t tît ller,î lleîîîg ;i finiaie ih u iomt I X'E.îu Su ulue Tuf. TE 8-9762 OR. H. F. GALLOWAY Denutauren 155 Miii Sit.în trrt ffuor 1ltursuu9 bo pm. Euuiiingu hy oppuîutment X-Rau Suîic Tuf. OlieTE 8-9201 LEGýAL KENNEIH Y. DICK ttuili .fnlî.N.tay Publfic f96 Main Street Tnt uîîfî,îîîn'l'fil -4491 T. A. HUICHINSON, O.C. Eunu.Soinitat. Etc. tif Tbiimt Srcet ilfton TutephonTIO 0-0551 GEPORGE .FEFI [OIT,QOC. 1.3arnîster, Solicitor, Nulury Publie Offiue - 207 Mary Street Tuleuhatîr TE 8-902 SHARPE anti NICHOLS W. O.SHAOOPE A . J.NICHOLO Brirnsteru, Solinîluru and Nulaninu Puhlie 146 Main SI.. Mlun Tefuntionu TR 8-foot HOWARD M. HINES Banrisînu ind Sîîlicitorn 29u Main S. Milton PhoneîuTE 0-0772 F. DAVID THOMPSON Pliutetnord Sutlicitor 1O9 MuainStruet TE 8-9:lu1 FUNERAL DIRECTOIO McKE RhtE FUNERAL HOME Otînurat Hume. Amunuce Service PHONdE TIR 8-4452 NIONT un DAY Sinueru.Cauramit Service CIROPRACTOR Docuorn ut Chiropractie WM. GO RIODELL.O.C. 381 Kînglrigh Cotunt By Aîountmnt PIIONE TE 8-f923 X-RAY OPTOMETRISTS WILLIAM C. MILLIGAN Dorntîr ut Optumeuny A, Mii«.îînîdn nMiiitas Plumerî-TII 8-6541 forîu ainuments ARTHUR A. JOHNSON 1814 Muin Sf., Mîtlton itlunvd Davis' Jewrftury) Plîîop TE 8-9072 REut TE 8-9678 Tîîrudau înd Frîd uv naiugu IFucuindu hy appointaientt ROBT. R. HAMILTON, 0,0, Opiounelninl (Fornnurulyaf Guelph)l Pynuttunu Heî-ing Aitin NOur 181 OGulph St, Gorugetaown Office' HttiinnlDaîly ItlMoîday licou.Su upi. Ponr TE 7-3971 PUBLIC LIBRARY HOURS FOR ADULTS Moudun - 1.30 ta 5 Pm.. Tnpenaýy -'.u-p..àknd 7-9 n.m. W.dnedy-9.30 arn. - 12 mo Thursday .. 1.30-O p.m. aud 7-9 put, Frîdue 1.30-5 prIt. and 7-9 p.m. Otturdue- - -t.. Oi......... 13-O pun. Pubhlie Hîsidayn not iuetudo Ouhoul chiltiren hune soparule huours, 2,000 ;no Du. C. K. Sipunun TE 0-4410 lOiý D. K. Aîkuuhnud TE 8-9545 D.Du . Lt-nf,,-TE 8-9196 D,. REW. DouasTE 8-6664 Officînuranubu appumutrnent only ASt 0- -12 P.M. - 1-4; 7-9 W,'die.dun. 2-4 pun., Boby Ctinu2 Suudny and Wednudun enenings, F.tnznguuesnont,, MILTON PEIVATE HOSPITAL~ X-EAY Corounr .CEE. adîti onl ugoon DR. O. E. SYFR Eh usîcnnund Surgeon Dîtînu J1aîttor Str, ua PahotnNu. TE 869.1 Officeflaunu, i .m.,' 1-3 708.?0 p.m. Couonîer OR. J. W. MuCUTCHEON Office Hour 2 - pm, - 9p.m 157 MainStreet Tetuphune TR 8-9223 Ennîdoncu TE 8-9298 OR, C. W. HILTZ Pltyiiunnd Surgeon 14 Matiln Si., TR 8-6793 Etuidutîre. TR 8-9011 Consultation hy Appinîmunt ACCORINTINEO LEVFR & HOSKIN Cburtuued Aeeuutanln Phonen: OL f-4824 EM 4-9131 5t Mît,, Si. N. 212 Kîog St. W. B. nîntun oTonn EARL O. BLACK B3. Commu.. R.f.A., C.A. CHASTUISPO SCCOUNTANT Finuinnu BIdg.. 163 Muin St. Milton. Ont. TE f-6542 NEVILLE STOLLER & CO. Accutntanun & Anditurs T uîruesin Baunupley Cuîîîîrîîsuîuneru fou Outhn 225 Main St. (corner tf Murtin) tF. E.ttrîunfttsînuuneI Milton TE 8- 0523 Head Offic 530 Bloun St. W., Toronto And aI Gorgelouro, Bramptun, Lindsay, Ec. SURVETORCS BOMMAN, BLACK AND SH OFMAKER OuLautu tLandl Sîuunyoun and IEîgîîîru Mainl ficettnu, î-uuh Offîcet 3it Dolalusst. 163 Malt, St. Onntîtt01. Mîitîon. Dt. TA 2-40,11 TE 0-6983 ARCIIEC'IS H. WYNNE DAVIES Architeet 32 Aduoncr Roud, Tornto 18 Tetuphonti BE 0-0461 Renîduer E O 2-86u9 TRAVELLERS' GUIDE CANADIAN PACIFIC EAILWAY Standard Timo Goiiiglftt-4 .lOuîît.; 144 pun.;- 0.27 put. daîfy. Duinu Went-i.25 aum.; 6.24 pm.; daily. CANADf AN tNATIONIAL RAILWAY Going Nurth-8.1O arn, Goinv SOuînh-71III Dm. Datl,,,uug* Suîdîty, c