Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 23 Oct 1958, p. 7

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Blast Gas pipeline Through Wilderness 1 i m-w-',',nîa-i ~ 'ar "a' .Acrain the ram-erd iidaess ot bomeftin taia andi inder ita amitrinini,' throughtuisOit resania and bo:lii-up reaa, eaura ioapal thc aiteOfai teplat tpradoriag Phe dynamýitee oaaWtatatalis path, the latitneof aiTrons-Catnodo aie- Uneia bring tlai. tsoneair avor construction Isioariiof an 11i îrlic'l aîoinlv iii, v iisvlut " withoi the ffifar sllali nrd- ng maoh orrompfiihamaai Pipliae conatruction, la Canada artualdatesdoia ck ta tae hbuiding af the iraaacont:nniioi nootma y i the lut caantory - aahievemorato tiiemanives mode piblehfr y the deveetpmeît af dynamite, a tan- mare efficient explosiva thon the bark iaawder it reptaced. Bt if waî flt antafithe dnravery, oar- cade aoa.ofai ot raaenra ai ofoaif titrkat 0i wetera Canoda tat if gined major sattO. Py f95, a Year whiah nom mare thon 2000 gatheriag and traanmiasion hn tlad, a criaii-raanatry ytem ai Pipelines a mn ei aadea mon. Giap s8h11 Open Ai the reid ofthe ycrn, the Traap- Canada- pitteline wmab oout 60par éent aoMpfete: 1f283 miei trom thr Alberat, harder ad the 300 mitai from Toronto la Motres]. The nirthr Ontario gap remoiaad to b, ctoied. Preparatioa ,of the t.250-milr pathmay tram 0the Lakhhr'd ta Ta- ranla - cearlng ai ian rit-af- moy and latiag ai ait aîght-ioot deeap treorh laIn h.rh the topa la ta ha laid - la haîag dace an 'nreoda" or sectoas ai appraaim- atefy 1f ilesra y a doarît daller- aitct rainig aamtaaîr. Whlîe thairispreodi arr loaad u at aiui fait, Ohe Traio-Cani'aapipelneiovli h a raaltîy ad eseran gaaa ani fltth 0e lOirindîttrial raai. The litai amoutoaf aipaoasieo beiîoîaaedlaaaîriî in a aissoftha 2,750.0000 aondî aird la aiminatoî Ripaofa tock as a naaraatiî,toai meaceabut nova ofitheaahaosven the andarmater aval, is sv e ioapirna. Aid asilaiRitrir RoaS. there are trahi ama tInhacavron - n arage oiahotîona mt;l ovar tha avala or ahouît 1.25,1inait. Triaky Opeartlone Mlalitgifaithe treaah ia tohe bd ai aoah Ontario rineri aa saieKat- aahaîiog, Frnchaid Crotvd tivog. riaen00-600 fart mîdoad u050v 30ifeeideep, aaaonaafthertîaharat Opation a aotractaa Or explos- ivesaenigaee- caon bhe aaitd uat toacarry out. The het eidrnaa ai thniaattta ormaaît thear ara- ia raghtoirtairdata. rnrnineB5il5,iaivraimI But itthea ratirLItiai traiectnt or the farman hame .uoftheo1ninoiivvsbntliîiiavd tiilastilii ha la lvhnao.1 ay oo10 kivraaîtîpiî a Ciia re nnh.At Sain lîo. th, piat ainanaioiitîîaios. Nar r-NhBay andithernaaitioagh theailt f190-ddrivpiîyarinald hear the eth o aataan, Mrîaihivana tfipîuaiig morka. a Du Fant aidistatibaomaflthedyvaaviitliaav Lamilird, niarrd a nigt-iii-vianCanada riait mhieh trodacrd thn Sud tornrd000t am wdays hntaîn. . ACROSS THlE RUGGED COUNTRYSIDE ai Na thern Ontariaaver hila and aeder tvars 1 ti* TrinsCanada pipeliva shbeeglaidannana aaay in a nvmher ai tethea h erFou-0is: This phaograph showsa aying ai tha 30inch pp nea Narth Bay. THIS BLAST ai 18e Grauad Hog river ased abhaut 14d000 pcunda ai a type ai dynamita i(Hi-Velaaiiy 60 par acnt gniatial ih spacial andermaier daranating qualifies la pravide a d60-ioai long trench, ighi iei deep avd eight liai ide, ie tha had ai the river, E 9 FOR BETTER -USED CARS And Reliable Automotive Repairs You Can't Go Wrong Tha Grooad Hag river aoil a a Faqîier, Ont., arar Kapuskiasiiai. isa an roaoiffiaA 402 1,a,0tatrlia. capoable of aiatmiang the pp, hoat ao ha lasatoal in tae rive'-bed. The ditling aîboraatotrs. OiraG O. aI, Dalli,> t ,eiiad lvii ta or- aratera derlatilif iaoitiiiat(Hi- Vriîaiy 60 Parr antalaat*ntoir oavrrd craîtidira 80 rartidgr iatv taira ihoes drilird inotol h-, vahr hbollaea, 20 irifretam owai md- tîaam. Ifa omattrr ot enavada tha )aat ptiv'ide a ttria aimnne46) i o_-,agil i raitîdvep avd iaha lot ire. Ileuad Thete Wirk fIdirect rotraîl mai tharcrass- ag ai the Dan rinerrarar Toranto. The urohiam thare ai ta arearoot ha ai ghtrit damoga10ehauidings in tha u ht-ua rea, ta explosinv mgnenLiîîad the mi'tiarcntd dr- ay ta ahîlalar 0vterivra haeavaria maeaniîing vnyOma an thra amil îîadorwa'te ahosata a aima, THE LATEST IN EOUIPMENT as meil ai technique la emplayed in cleariag and hlanîîng the pipe-line righi ah way. This .1îaad" di ai, fan noample, iv capable ai drilling faur halan simalanraasiy. The halas miii ha loaded miih explasive and lird to pravîdean aiaghi uv tdeap tanch far he ppe. Don't miss thse J IA POWER TOOL BAILEY'S CLINIC Friday and Saturday Ontarin Si. ai Base Lien OFF ERS & BA ON THE FAMOUS BLACK & DECKER UNE Get preseni bools checked or serviced aI MILTON HARDWARE 227 Main St.E. Milon Oakville and District Labor Counicil D ANC E SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1958 STEELWORKERaS HALL Pine Street, Milon - REFRESHMENTS - Admission -$ 2.00 Couple TOWN 0F MILTON CLERKS NOTICE 0F FIRST POSTING 0F VOTERS' LIST Vater' Lit, 1958, Town of Milton, Caunty of Malien NO ICEI S HEREBY GIVEN thai 1 havir vomplird witi Sectioir 9 ai the Votera' Liai Act, 1951, and ihal i have posîrd ap ai my affice invtha Muniripal Building, Miltan, ca the 23rd dyoyfai Qalaer, 1958, the liai af ail persans vitied ta vote la the said Muniipaiy ai municipai alealiairs, ond ihai svah lîsi remaino thora iar inspecriian. And 1 herahy ralilapan ail Vaiers tv iaka immadiate pro- caalingo to have any amissiaosar ara rs crreaiad aa- aardiag t lawb, tha lasi day iar appeai being the 7th day ai Navembar, 1958. Daird ai Milon thîs 23rd day ai Oataer, 1958. J. COSTIGAN, Clerk, Town of Milon PERMANENT TYPE ANTI- FREEZE $2.79 PeGallon Don't Be Caught CoId WINTERIZE' NOWI The Canadian.Chamnplon, 1,aesday, Otto4,er 23, 19 58 - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Se. Stronig, Exhibit Juior hpon teIntentin Of Jerseys at Roya1al airly Show, Chicago, in the 4-11 Junior show anddsccfand in open The Jersey breeders nntiniton OetOoainaioryntr,,as raa*nty are getting on their Jaeey Their tother, Ma Alexander, i omar fer the coming Royal Wina- aiao ahowing. te'r Pair. The exhibit wili he head- ad bY the Weil taîown herd Of -Tataldcarnage waunesimatcda Maurire Braty, Lindair Pora, Mi]- $0 hnonrdian yLw ton.renre CorgîiiOf 82 King St., Milton. fi aisOepetrd thatoaisrong "t fftieadad !ntthe dich 1 oh'ivifrn Fono rthervian Br- on Ilt ia 'Oili tîîahiv nîad cnana Williiaal i avtd anod E,, o'L, t Ainaat.der ai N-Ioral imliao oc, in ratcPetiaa Ernst ho aona of Lernandobsehrive the Rcda the grnai heifars on the rontinent ICaaro"les of mater aaity. ALLEN'S Apple Juice 2 SMALL TINS 25C GOOD LUCK - - - 29e SO LO -» -» - - 28c LUX BEAUTY SOAP 3 BATH SIZE BARS * 43c. YOU SAVE 8c MOTHER PARKER'S COFFEE 89 i FOOD MARKET lu YOU ARE INVITED TO TrAKE ADVANTAÀGE 0F THESE SERVICES DEPOSITS 31/% iniereatisl paid ae Depaîin and yau may miih- dram yaar manay unylime. $5.00 depaittd meehly in fine yaara amaaansla $1,417.75. Ourorfficen are apen tram 9-d.30 and Fridaya tram 9-6.30. INVESTMENTS 4!/z% inicreatisl paid an Gaaranieed Invealmeni Certifiiaaeiassued ian t ar 2 yeara. - 43/% inieraîl la paid an Cartiticatea iaaaad ton 3, d ar 5 yaara. laauad in amaania iram $100. ta $25.000. Iniercati a paid hy cheqae hait yearly. PENSION PLANS WILL PLANNING AGENCY SERVICE Acramalalive aerîtiaateî alia avaiiahia $709.79 le 5 yearsacaaumalataa la $1.000. Jairo the aloa & Peel Trust & Savings Campany Pan- alan Plan Ianrthe Saii'empiayed and save an yaur Incoma Tao. Ash tan Polder, Yaa are inviiad la ase or Wiil Planning Service. Oar Ofiiaas miii he pieaaed la estimale yaur Succeassian Duas and may auggesi haw hasi la heap tham tlaa minimum, If yau waald lihe la fre pursali tnam the warry at lookivg allen yaur lavealmanîs, manigagai nic., yau may do ta under an Agenay agreement with te Truat Company. Tha iae la madarate and la aliamad ai o dadoatian n aayaurlnaame Taa, FURTHER INFORMATION ON REQUEST HALTON & PEEL TRUST & SAVINGS COMPANY 112 Charah Si. Oahvi le VI 4-3216 11 'Qaean Si. E, Bramptan GI 1-3365 451 Brant St. Bolingian NE 4-1028 J sin PrtESIucrasW. T. .Capptng aifunOnairca Unrira(lieft matahan as Llayd Rane\t, Du Pont ai Canada explosives an- gineel-, lamersa n 5-patud aartridge ai eaplasivaa inia a haie dnilaed in the had ai the Graund Hag river ai aapoiar, naar Kapaahaing. ON LAND AND UNDER WATER mark gant an. A dr.g ine opeaalaion the hanh af the Graaad Hag rivern igth 68 horge la the backgroand cdillieg six-inch halai ai iive-taal iniervais la the hed ai the river, 20 feel deep ai mid-îieeam.

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