Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 23 Oct 1958, p. 5

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5 SDooney Shifts, Shuffles s WIth Bruces Bud NOWADAYS hcoc arc tocr maoy yboegsters dreomiog of 9100108 tbasc- hao iT 08 080toM ndhockey hn the sommer. TOte oeootitiog ofOcoti. shooo i igloo locco 0'n0Miltont tohere heeaeoonearly 200 lds redy tu play lockeyntheyruiner e Ri' TiOot b tooOcttbakt doototieotquoi- me o ir l:, d(iîtoctoot are o't' ila.toîtolayTlhall. '1t otO o l 001, 0 .00 t,,0.totiret arf 0.oo'iý' .100000 lîl 000 0.0 Ioît ni zi. flCo nd ttitio il, ont108 tooofor . 0000 tîtorttocO angle buai.,l'forct 108-31ltt8ltbczaottlis tirec'a.oOt oetlcol hcoltoy body 8 tOtOactve tite. We o- oodcr o' t o00c0y hbos 'oi.ooî tooOoooll r3o xtra fcocpushctitor trooot 'cooootheclckch)00080 Toondoop oro'bcot itkoIaohoy stc nd a tritlointhe ck yardoin n fOort inppcl'etmscI00cSfotohe comog scoiOon? Aciîolly 'the boys and girls thootd bhon1sport012 TSmonthso f thc yeao0 wkoiher t shoolor elsewthere ad, with tant, oottd neer or000 aouott tt flccy feeliog tohicto l000000'0 ocorthe t00008fic 000er DOUG VAUIGHAN, yoothfool coaofotoothe Joosenilehockehy club in t00e, bos he ottOiog i charges theoîogh 0saine cogotou oto 8'0000 f0 date. Cloe for25 hvtucc edto ont 11 cto y otttith fictMiltont Sport inti Cycle-sosococd 008. Thc juvcoolto lcogue gel toole aounoodhoiddl of Nocomhooand ManagerArt Star fn linelood 00p0an00exh0i000biti oo oongm ih Dixie-nlothefmi oetiooc. THE MERCHANTS îccoc 0ery s8tooisetod ije tcday's goomeor at 0l1c000 if cppoooocod tkct ooy. cs ikoy oTIc ao 001001nd081 iguotoolthon cottlol pull ca ioowinweco'ocithcy igotcodohey watcc0tcdOc Tke ploccot ut a woofcIlacol hootlec ith theoece0ption0ofaI ofeocoho toototo tot dic. Stoioît'lonliflic tc 01100 hcd 0038 tighi 0on1the it a trescr the for'iood offtlicfuo,lc fo'owartî 81t 01'ti'08 iy ime Toedoog 0he M'houotnet. HOCKEY NIGHTI N CANADA kco long heco c ocyoog olîiok 880have inclutd in000evcocdco tf. Whoo Foseoo Hoocit 001000881 hai ccingo playby play desciposoftith Le o' gaine oycino193 no on0e ecco hotoglt Ihai i ooood hcce come thos fti-. The o hco' yLeots have hcd ecmo erractto lubho epcctty i lic TctToOwycco'ocandootr'coha atîe ltghtly onethe homeofont0,0 althouglto ocolc stc pprcocoo hoooig ale 10 0sit oinholo Octvorite chair ani 'tc theocgaines ton TV. Thi sesooooaoo Otangle fhon hocn orktthoo îîiih Fcose's on00Boilhc00dling the o 00000000y ando Fuseoo iloooog clitootdo oith higlghtt onuthe aclicl WOODSTOCK ma3r0s fOc opposoitioo o o ih theOovlle RotyalotD.h.' in an exhihiton tlt *,il Mîilto Acoco omorooco cghi. Butol orthasht Toldoi)theOoAthlltito i cth trc thouîghote nlool Okot h00 8001la 001000 000000000t00)0iouSenorc-B' ocol oholdt OkoooOtc ag,,.d081,,0ii0- tender and giv coach HotthGlbrath a chan0cetose oitthtoo,îIl are goingt8 scdthepressure.00cLstyeooithe Oakht'coccttmiotert ho Meaototl cou ccittonto 1008ethe tIle. THEEIND17STRIAL Hockhoy Locgooc kcs clldcageneril ooctoo.,Toto this Sotcy ai200 p.m. ctthocootto. Attthockey playercoOo'10088cc lot play inthleizIcco t' ce8pect'81 torii000ou00. The ootoooolotoc t'ig O fero a outttectonlovnocotoithspot vcatodhby Smth and Stoc.Gorgowon, o didd ty did nt wantcote down e îoo'cthto 0080. FOOTBALL FORECASTo Wilh thec00onod 8100 in0 a co. otothe Argost hy arcu ous one si000 ododore0000008tohi ho Argoso cre latîc or o the pItofotts althocgh it o oopotod Hamilto0 onwlore or 0 00 diocp ScooOi'y' cAootitooiishhoutk othe oueloc.tc Tîoco- fore we me'oin o gitOo iot and pi heOAltote oOt00ai0home ovrthc Tothict coondOh'ikhe Ottcawa Ro0ghriders wltout 001000k t the Tcortoto qud hhccdin tireur, a toîhin etbaooh TOPIS: Bttlitgton'o 0Juni0 orothall oqtiad io Olotho-d fo, hekoa yrar'00 t.ptcctooo. . . Traalagas Gelfsand Ctuntiol'Clcubcoootood oecoo00ly 10 the Trafaltgar.oo 000080000 000and gclt heokayhtor f0the0 clubht to ocoocot ad loqttor inooheiroluthou;e.Thetotcours, Olot cn a llonTo- om Mot F T. . Rohbinooesent1 tuc oori'tl ontheoistuoo. in eighteen oler and is expccted Oco0000tll t chconeofthe ko'o Bill1 ushttio iot chîte ni the hoih sohoot, has lofo oho00 chooltitk a0jobka300he P. L. Robertson tompey. Boiwonof 0thc big 000088 on0 the tothalclTub'lohihoh bs ili 00008100000. . .The lndustrial Leaguoooo8Tlhll filbtpoove.d toc h hcoodou0 s opa poo Toom tt'ookc cbsl8hoiottt'081 Glott"hCooci ws te ih-T tobgo and theLegion hacksoptt'.t8off work oiTta spilttitkcancOhTctOtOOuy.DonCMiOI0 PLR 0000il101r is 0011 ltohlt0g around wotlo .a 0301 on his acîtto00s a reu0t(oin injury 100100f0'd dug th hctly ontestid8o.Otto Theto8o.c.l Ocanquet f to idop Ith 10000inte IoOodstial Loogot takhs pI:01000aothOcLegioco Hall Fooday 800ht .. . Tee brether otolcl0- atosaein tho practioc0080sessi o th the juv'ele hockhey clubh and will proohcly hc playottg with h00. They are the Peddnet acd the esons008 . . . Oakville rna is latool 80 hogootoperoof t tho - g00000000 oT 00000 onoth calter the installati0 on f hti ieur0008 Otocot. Brîsiptunsa Juorc"B" hhocoits have s0t081 dthoirto botfacoo w0IllhaveeiOiclubho'cady agin a weehco a .. WithBurling- ton and Okolo-ooo.ooccotlltot" the loaliinoo ooo'otcieg 0an ddd008000 f loTusiness00. . . The lUnese haoe hoco pcoted onthe i0eatth. r oa i radnescor Ttheiho 1000 0000 00bcho piopodtheco HOW ABOO'T TItAT: They laco Yul BOtnner kaoisheo .0000 t oc ancer coldirff. MILTON HIGH SCHOOL NEWS By Fred Baywaord t hoc boc 5800quietc0', mochy hococoeof the lhctak of footbahl gomoo and1810i1380toie, ddcys, huf f00o lbsthoohogoît lguntoke sitopo. TOte Drama Club, ohoook o-ots evooy Wod.isday 0in Boot onue t 11 45. kld cao otokoTO o!toooancd the resul00 'tll beo contcd cI thcoo' OotThco'ooloy candlFriday tîtdoocto 00,00 Grade 12 and8113 omet 0a3di0- 0000 the prtodutont o ayecc bouk. We Pcd t do) a fair cooc of 8 00080180 OOuund tc gei the Toco hat did showoo hopbt %ooti loohavec couple ofT pots til pe -ese ootTc the postof tT dto. TIfooohody is nioeretod pic oooreot tu ,oott two t 12.4onooFodaytomiorrowot Your Sfodenf Go8onooî oopresee- foltivs khave acfewt Okooortoslo ifpo cOostlI have.00 5800 00n00 tT. We haveoqtte ewTooshotot cîhhon lefTI fer the îmaloIT OofuT50e aed theosale of Stodoof Cardshas otoo efoofod Thoy costt 0800 oly 50e and sve ou a large amoot of mooey at oOeOchoo dtotco aed aofoome fhootcoo. (Oneot o u fIomer tod- ents hos trid'ood b oy one sc ehe 000i Pop the sudeet price in the Homil- ton heofoes.t On Satocdoy the 250h, wr are holding 000 Sadito Hawkies Dance. Ofestarfe at eoghO'td oe cohaege 35e wîth tdeet tootd, 50eaouplo, ,v'thi O8o lt c.T oîI ho o t poooenTt ut dog"C hlpe ono sage. Jeosco lT hc otooed ci thoo donce. Il 0000 havecc dte cTooodar o uo t 0181 Id eeroc Decemho'o 1208nd Jinua , y23 forour 000e00t000.O(lanes Dont get1exoc-to'd. te Boys' AthIof- io Stociety i ponorinîgothe Noto- emhoo Daco. TstOheoco8nyo800in0M.H.S. ohot wou Id volunteer fote wriiî0g or thos weeklo o-ootîooooODur ormeroo ocotoos hoave ooogne o ro0'difcooiot eo'00000an0d thOtOOOoOOCaymut bcth T Ilool Ton't oget f0 keep i fouco ootk tho e 108100 oto oo l Bulletn Board Otof oi iynwto 1vt100108If 80 have ccp queosor00prooler, cosl ou oooo o-po'050001c 000. Lostochance orto he Ghriotmaso cords ie Friday. See ot Y00t th, dance' on SaOne- dap. -The heavp og ohoeh seeod ose, the district 0es0 eoghf mode drictng hazucdous. Qely minoro n- -St. Pau1e United ehocch moi hest f0 the membeos of Breeoh 136, CanadieLegioe Miltoe, o Sonday morelng foc f8e annual church parade. Merchant. A poealty 'tutdded eyhibitoe game toeI Miton aoeo ueda o tho elocal tTtoid dop lthe cîlolo O 11T-5 Pinyin.th lejc 110119gaine sitce tu resurning 080 detlies Too lte 1959-519 00000 Onte Meochtocoto ckcd tsuffi- tu cien000 drive cotîteStouOttt8llo cl l, 1 l3-0lt co ltoo lloc 000 t toro dot ""t 0110 l , i000 I.00 I0 00 l ' lb bt 'i t 10 00 .oîoot .and100, olo l' îlo 1'o 10, inO 00tth ti'whlt he Wttlootgltt oo0 facescinlthetoone. op coa1ch Dcoioicy Evans wa1t8000il 1cneîioîooîolin8ortico to Tiodthe Ot co gti t Oombiktoltc Tloc Clipperscilt Wkoo et Miltono muore tittoo0 1080 0030 thloît 000aiolie],cluok c't'cttt SI fcorblo,ootoloand okioot o th(" Toot Il wh1,otle 0 uoîotetd, 000lLlî'd andoTI otlkîootc tte cit. A total of 251 Pcnttoioo 1.-15 o SlOotîftotlc 1Od 1 1 to Milton-t 000c otloldkv 0.0.0 îccc ac k108Cloccy wthtO Tocintoo- üootductc koloto loce1d. fot.i o'kich 000000 o Stouofttoolle. Dace s tar1 ienotDa "ce P llooing kotk fur- ocood ocd oci'fenoc0008 tke otttod- ont 1foothtkc Milton00cause80 codti- iloogk 00000000 of the Olotb0108 lo'y.oog Oc cl gaooog tkhcollât000oui serra000in 0 000'uiOaked and l.yetoo lo a lîtllo Oloo thetOc 10000ilîtît 1. Se80e0001 eufflIt'ckt'okcooot lter COOOOOtoftttt, gcauleoloch îîîoocctd i op on0 tt0'tt c800000000At the tart1101 tOe to 000 fViollcclook 8,00 ou'ît0000 0000000l00 ndt he08 gaine 0000 100001- si ablc1e tooat utll 8000o'coh oand , thnthe Clippoo'o os dcdd000 change It -i -old naciottdco'wet8tinte Othet GbI1)e ntoeît anoolctkougk olloooooîg z [on, oo tI to o Sf o Mltc0on olt 000 coo in0 c goncdteffiort a,00the0 ..ts olo dovtochkrder0too I ' lt- endol , the ogooîîî. Gt tcitto 001,000 00000 Ooîoo..n"O th- k t. C.tikthnneotootl toc kookeaIgt in l1ooî part1.00101the Wide Open TOi m O.club loohi,00i.00ttO t8open 01 giooctoe oo 'I.c,tytk -tho st.0101000ll 00l!,o,,,ngt100000VI 001081 tO,' .0net.okooooo. Iv'as 88000w'O1okin StooofiI,ý n of îtorik cnd iotheguN ty( 00000008001 oIiIcooo.d ho o 81 ýý. 000.00 11lo0akt nenonotooiool c Lever, hIototv1o t,o'o s Drop Exl teMoltooctnet d 080repkioced tth, -nldOIîof totSeondtt ol coby Don Rose, l trote e tcltondr'in Miltonto ltolo uoter toochoot ton iglOî and1Stottdco 1ai1th ilan tn «tnInilto1tIl t'ct hevc ,hibition Opener 11 -5 Miltoti-Lrver, Gîtoe ,,Wîloî, Huîghes, . Polock. Mclaoî0u. Prceston. t tîitoot.i Pnico-. Danîoc,UBel, F848s, Ohttoçýto, lit. lohoolo. SUNI2 ARY 100580 Perloil 7. S: tC c'y .............................. 1415 TS: Tloooioololo R. O- GCwinor000 ................................ 18.1 9. S: VandolrpoT .................... 9.:35 1. M: Bell (Dace)o ...............19.514 Pt oooicso McIcco,0Guyt, Okot- oir TOoI. Alio'Occoo (2t. Fotti c Tise Cndise Champion, Thursday, October 23, 1958 Team Heads f But Coach Wc playofOt buot toolo oodet c Sic010 woclctomt il... y t. 'Il lotok. it Twv.iloto cO oe t hoot 1Oi dontat ta s 0hto 038t 000y,, tkoooo'ty Rotos tlotooo M r Spors 2S del.oO tlotoot.12 î 4.23 Local W inners 3.S O 12,ioo.ktotGy St:loot OD'G80000', 881- .O n Page 16 Pi1)îo0 ..............71 So'04,OtGy. f'o, "'B1 1.. M Hotilho (Palloh At Dairy Show P lc.AhlOote.i' i co ho .... ......... 02 1307 S'car oîoocGîoo c10 tr,08'el la Stouoffilo Toto'oolcy 8Ochi 14. S: Rosso tO'Cononor)........13.5 6.o3o-oTd Hfotinihoall ooo'd Ooo TLooooîo'til s: touOTclle -Willoiril. Secondt î'erîod t 1 ri.M: Hutghes tMelc00sonoî . 15lSHow -d Ocowl of Miltono tnd otuclt c oy Votottooýptl. Lctttoocto. 4, M: Prive ooooo'.oo r.. ,,,, 6.ToM: tt' t - t' Mo't00n , Sheffield Famoroo T St. Getogc, Uioilgott. t, O'GQtooo Elto-to d . 1S;: ooo'job Gt2oîc OIltt'oc . . . 07.30 ýitoO.ooock t Too' o nnis080 ta O theo lThoîcoo tonooo. icyOo00 ooloo00 toytiooiob . . . .... 71.4 Po o Pl,'oo oooh, Fdwaodt c- h',,ootc 0000OtO0tt Carecy, AliiiooOci, .Ftc .t. 6. S: ThOttotttO C urryt ) _ 00 247 barn.00Dolio how intGlohicgo. - - . - . - hoco.oooîmod oocot'o' gotod champoon in tht',f, uto ioî- Milton faoir a Toto' oohosoagi, cno Set Up Eight Team Hockey LooplsYarim,> eodprz m Titi, oob. ottChie. o hico nd R - Intermediate Opener Here Frid ay Itrainla el tl 00000 Tzi ttoitt'toot Ltot'tt' oti f. onoî..Jarn 12 -Mlto t oiAllito80000 htttght îlot' Pl*"""""'o ttlthtttor I00 lOtO ck the cil, liotî 0,01- Fo .Dt't 'o tîooî ttt'll'cI'fllto. t ., Jan. 161 Allio t 0Militon olttot'lot Jothno 1-1.Malcolm, 000001 a Idollion bIt o'iithe hovt'otlioio ' 'toc .13-o 00.tooig 'cllo'outlMi]- Fr.. Jan.23-Brad-o ttOot Molfîoi-lototh Premier Btcod,'o'otot'c 003 Mdo'cttt. . l'lit Il.lT.... ...0 Mont ,îîor. 26 ,-Mollo0 cu t e o. :H. MOoKa00,'oI Getogetown't. cgIthý It l, Blo. oo.I(fooo'l tooît ("loo' D'.gI'oilc. Fr.,fJn C.to tt GtltîOoctOd t Ml i îlet'seniorî'yearoling haol 810800. oooootoo Il* anoolive D , 16- l i llfo îlo t s , 1 tonand 0,00.008 f Frsoft' o I'îotolt T" clool , .010- 0 I, lI toI FIoDol 1 aloo"oo 'it lb- otoo.....00'. vIa-lII lo, 0 0'totbt O 001 îl,,-t'a)00 to..'t, 3- Bodford :l tMilton. clow îlort 7ooollttOlloît Sth' ' , D2 fId( Fi oo13SOtOt'lco~ are YOU beyond 000000 c ItoF, t o, lIt fmttoo' ('a "' *I 0th,0' t":0', f.t1 2 T3 t O 0a . 1lt o f 0i.010 fc,'in looo 0f oot R iag l, sud the g s M I S NI, 4 00 bl . 't o ' [ti,, Jun (; Sfo l...o.00 OSlo 1,000 t lob 'l!to :tIl thoot', tt' t ot g s h IZ _ '0 't, !,. F"tttl.îc. Not ,, 7 (,'.oolo O i o. N.oo' IlM! oO, C-1,î tot i- F- No. Il- c Il . -.,.' lOt fTl ,o l ,'o" on the ALLEYS AI nBoigt tootko.of Rztcp.oVt'o'8hou Itîtrifl,-of t,80oî'k 8.1k nifty739ttOOO.h1Otttt00.Oa294 ad.at253,00but Sju'k fRio ooly o-,oo olc o kod 'h o738. Otho , 1 I slo Reg"*oti (ocCo732 inF.a'l, 3 ; Gibert 721 m 11TR Moc. ,oocod7 12 ooinE ic, O ootl I I 1'io,ycto. 710 inPLR GQ1,. In H l..04M I,-,dofo0îo1.oa'0 345o.i.for tv cl1 u!o c'ck. chilç Toi Koccoiho ,0;,1, anIcîd SI,,,o k fiocatnd lH. g ' 1., , n. 1,,c or otîko.d hock colO3.1 Commercial * Olt.14--H fo. -oO 'th o o-1 0008 cool Sotin Nadd,oo 0h.. onoottthootcoOett'tu'al o698 1272-24-111t rilooîlo' o t .. t 52 '4010000000 dlocwc the o'ithioo ttok Flyt 0.020, Moit 11'... .t .t Jets aodtit (itoo 15 , Roocotb,* l3i_.. AOcorne0000n, tOfeia. Wloy ooo. Moto's ,' th ';, too.o-.o ooo'il ol . 3,295 00,0h' ho the Iko t Milton Ratepayers Oct. 14- T6cglt'i ,oo ad A-t' oloî lortota pinsin ot 000 cont c c,'hcocl800 ltocu,000and0 HowoardolSýich ooot-b,,wolo'o Voie K0880 to i' topo 000h, 23Oîtol E3808000, Rockt0t'and 0oWnitOOOtt8o'tar .011 sccood ithO19. Ne.t il'o Ao., Hot Sktotand BoctoOtocot cIl totool 0,00 16, conO Thoîoderiho, do 12. Stoogo hool10hi 0pintotoal ocolO2,910 2929. Fcor ootfn nio . o to aýGbocct Bo,8h 608 andcaî G, tlMcoGolloo '01 225. Pogoty (bottli bolool .a212. TI, the c-1 oc otoonc. Aibtot roocýto.ohc 739d1 tololo Ro ci('o 'toc lta o6132 andot loitillot 'hao5777. Foo-t'hOi otnioco. A Toooooh hooa o294 Moo,oo 2410, co' Go'80247, Aloo Mon o240,1.Donaotldt lt'k Octhi o, 226s . O ri (ot217 and Gorgàt,ooMot- ton0 206. RAI LWAY TIME TABLE CHANGES Effetie. SUNDAY, OCT. 26 Ceons eit ufTcetsiAgent lo uhinfeomtiun 24 Club Oct. T5 Footto Oîtc oc-200srl Olîo'I'olo't;,, ,,,tko tooo1t' ,ot h21 Fl't ooctO217. 0III to' nl 200 ool d'Potky Toto.d,,l 202. Potky an00,t1 o ith 'ok 1990 oîdl!07 It 001l"tt oo 0 'top t ooph- o'001î 0010 000 7 ,oot i 't 0. 4 10 1;. 1 .0' 0 l'.14, 1 1' .l,,o, 10 otol ltoooooo I 4, P. L. Robertson Men clli s Ah'ko 100l"",ofolt .0 Il.00l1 "' oO lO 10 ,000 3l, 0t t.000 in0000 'lr 1 0000 loTtt aood I't .8 lotol 'Okot 50001,8l Oc twoer, int Ocl, 1400s1. Top I 00000 0-- T.3cttooRolv's 2910a ol Tîcco.y Sotot' 98tolo 7.'l 25oii-216- 247,. Ilooccy Ototto719,. (Oc Coo0,o o;ntid ooShoooocoo 1118, .ooool Mooco'oTI. lo'o'î673. otoo Moc'bolt 22, Ocootto 22, n a00 nd0 F001 Fltokco -l. Sîococt00 Coootol Oti i 'tolo l T2oo 1.5 lSoîo o nt 000PoorSt.'Oco Cn iriud o00 ge000 xem P Mme nrffrj - r j/ao SOMM 'Armed Forces Drivers Take Part in Roadeo 0 ..t.OtltotO.to ootlo 100 '0 l'0 . ittot'ltb 1.ti' I'. MC00,, 'to i 1 oo'l 0,' th.". $1.t0o0 M .îl.ooo 'l' 03000 008t'tOt'OW0l1t 'O t, 00, t . oj.. . doot t Itt'o lot ,'toi th i dt lto v, t 1oo.,' .,î c E loto o, tOto' i ci.oottI tolo y c O t, h',itt j -10,00 il! h toI . 1000 .010th' toliotcooto Mo mw Il amot o 8 tot toto- o o t Cfb,00 'l u, wd ot a 0100. the Crts eotoain tO toi MINOR HOCKEY REGISTRATION a*' It . MILTON ARENA SATURDAY MORNING OCTOBER 25TH 10 arn. TO 12 O'CLOCK Aillkoys sovc-n yccrof o1ge prior to Auguslt st, 1958, aond 813 la 15 years of age as of AugustI st, 1958, ineised i playing hockey are eligible. Registra- icicr aet ecompleted and mailed to G. Roberts, Box 4k5, Milton, Otario, aloog wth $1 .00 covering ok3urance, before Novemkor 1sf, 1958. WE'VE GOT IT WHEEL ALIGNMENT FOR ONE WEEK FREE CHECK FOR ALIGNMENT PLEASE PHONE FOR APPOINTMENT veoiees. of go$, for 0oo0 bru ýtng clog.' selon Ohen cel o ,eutoduoo oed have u, tellyeuabot 'Pysoou " su., the mud- urn fule,o suds oslie- De smart Bemodern Use DISTRIBUTOR Carter 'Gas Service 186 liote,' Si. E. Hailton, Ont. Trleoge 8-9898 Jbîcseu 2-1364 TR 8-6651 [h for CWOSSA on't Admit it p1080010 of tke OTyoog fOldmeo Frit the Rite ShouTd Milton toto nexO Tum- doyos gooe ogoonet Acton Red v s10.Deil ttcylI 00emre hamopionso 1 WodofaýI.cctd col tofhtONorthBlT- lo.'oio 'o o ooo o'lîo 52-0 andoo 24-6. and tArfooloto cli Octh kli-tod-te bi lt t othLune1000 o z, 27-6 okrîoîool. Ttoctlcy, Milton iddcd 000of000 Soie 100n to tpiettito the 24-6 olottkhttg of Georgtown 0"Olcidct'o." Wilson Stars Glennt Wlon ttt toooo for Tte 000 rsasho 'ce two iotttolttoîoot L, lon otooOtig Mctoitcoot. ORoger P2 ko tttto'ithe Ot 00c0108fc0. olkel 0it,0a Gorge'town Ofumkle Thol cocTly oct Milton it a tOot'00g position, 'IcToce tram e"cLicd 6-6 nt ha]£ lime. ..TOIooldoottgh Tooc Miltono kilt îlt-'y Ooilcd 80 Ote sooko 1i, the lat totoI," 0c000000ed the coach. "Tto'y pt'tthcly 000000081Brush." (Bill Bock kha eto bO toool oand the ttam 8801t01000ly Iccls tkc lo.% oof tlIc sOttîto 0000000100088 r. 1100 page8 oIot or tootito toooopaer Toto 'l T)ituicO't'atlOTîto unitketo1cam. PUBLIC SKATING AND HOCKEY AT MILTON ARENA Fri., Oct. 24 SR. "B" HOCKEY Oakvjîll vs Woodsîock Sat., Oct. 25 PUBLIC SKATING Afiernoon & Evening Mon., Oct. 27 PUBLIC SKATING ln Ithe Evsning Wed., Oct. 29 Adîlt and Pre-School Child- ren 2-4 p.m. PUBLIC SKATING IN THE EVENING IVAN SIESSOR WIAT DO0 YOU MENN BY DARGAIN? 1"00 slookinto ooever othesd crt'sdeino il, i gC oooc tO ht'i dy. Tkh e -toocîn c801'or ly 010 T ifietoc8yle..No c'o ayni t'"Fc-Teiooc.« Look, Orcly $2., Wkcolie*Cl'108 ose we111810 T ato Ik' oOthe co tey overoc, logta h0urOe peopl intthei use carlots, Ycîc'ooot otc othoogccî'cckoothe'lcar det . coli ta ofor. Cood 10,000 000 0sonne'. tifothecoolalersooale tiooc tetot t ktotîlo Bu t o'o.do fopt hen 1 see'l oa'lho f lî tîtool s ovocf'. Poocoto' P.ockar.000 Oo'ooo.payaMent o t loct c have lottIl TtoovoTtooo oototttîî in Otheciooooooo'oooypM.'STho TîoodNll pobbl d eryIT TODAvit h agnby.I

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