Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 23 Oct 1958, p. 2

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Barrett, Milton; special subjects, 2 h- Caiedian Chamrplan, Thursday, Otober 23, 1958 I4onor L. L. Skuce Clace Wilson, Burlboaton. i liii A I ~ .Honocory rismeilent, J. M. Dese- Lt... IL I~~I~I .e~I.u.% ( e ys. B.A., Toronto; public selant ridlvil I h rs H l A n lCnent.[V ~ I~J~ NIIU I~.ÇJI~Iion in spectons, L. L. Stsucc. B.A., B. Theralluai convetiron lOtihe c niques lm Social Stssdies". population duriasg the past tew Premident, Miss Mrgaret Rob- Pr.odW .Assro.H. .1 ' }s~HalutoTeachrs. i hto e ltcd 1 The interorediite dhvitious, grades ycatrs, te esunty la som, divicd cris, Dakvcile; past r~do, M t (ltFio.Otbr17.loTemorno an 9.metai rah 7a Pbîloeito twoc îopectituîces, filton Nu. Frooblyn Conolliy, BHA., Troau- Prctiîc,,î. W rf' n ic-rs o, ne.uess owu ti d t lo-Maurguct iberi, of Oubo;il,,lire- teoton muked the close of an cru Georgiown; sccretury, Mc,. RuthW.sib;rcocMc.. in ,lntosdin. of ut eimcotary Edution in Hlt- Wrigutroworth. Georgetown and Acreareitenesstives. sortb, C. llie ricry division.licdeegoe- Cssducts levollol ton County. Prosidnt F. G Con-treusurer, F.V. Brow, Olcstille. Castelos, soutl-wet. Miss E. tro und urades i tu,, 3.met t- a ic-, Rrr. M. Wters, B.A. B.D., ut ooly, BA. ut Trafalgar gare ansin- 1Hodgsoss, south-east. B. Anderars. ud publie urborl i th Gey E. Purt Neison Untctiir h on u- terrotingsetcb ut tbe istory out ost rpreu ilstand Miss ld Wttte I f BIlotulîtotr, ll,eýill,,ùAr trd tc deotioale xit e re s. ec itonoTeachersr lottute. I cgnruu iiis d c M s MA Il A. t tDItrrtitltttîrt.ttti L. oe i h. i .îîîîîdtfiî,ýd ror ltMILTONS îleil I t it.1 b l t ittittiieitttlie ii îytert fervce asthteîfigîîîy Bb aOî tiî-Berîd T enDl . Il o ol t rte etecord iscoetot utftHatouCoun- Neioo os til, ruc iýI o r, ï t.?M.Watson, HO. B.Paed. teet bytetuhrL Z 1 pti-chpalofW. H.oBlHard tooui wiohHourd . - n f au isto bt. Leonîrd Kuy, Buritoin n Miltont Town MaUR l dttrai),s ,trodrd o serî,, r c oplo .H B lod sbot et eeeht ot hattlMes Bres oi s ,Milto. 7 E Y F I A ~ < Hamsettee. ttsiton, gave u dcsntstratouc tck. Ms. Shcecs the rciiet VR FIttNI lu th visiing tachei. 1ieson i itettec. RW. MtLeat,ofta bouquset ot roses. Mc. Sbure e Hpratetchooto. Miss Margirc MisNuî,uuArbies, Hl-ton 1 B.c A, MEd, inpctttofrut liepottuuwasumes the position oftsuper- Tce'Clitugaeuattderaotschouls in Kitchner, hall cht~oftc lstesssict ut publioe shouis in Tra -________________________ MainCross,.MA. R.Puttcl upert- ies Meaniictili'MosMargaret S. Deomeli, woTElA d~ ,rrrofspeh, husot' VirciThe etalse trrbers,.underrthechald compiehed 22 yeuofotseervcTEN RH ALO ooSbjct, ,eehoec toc tri lieshtosMSt.Cathaine s. cretory otf Raion Teacbtrh .-.rP'lF 1~ iurthC,,tttOl ttvisoîdhoo tCtuoc.isiuc eupertdsti HIGH SCHOOL BOARD teCa i omirrire irdoîttial arstancihonteeoî,c- per flgae J uior Sîdiles ,,tcs tc u,i. coctctrd iy Misuser Itntiat c -cprto th heC m uiyP ga msBan , Th ivision, gtadeso44 i t Lydia Snooce. t ut Luseete Smith Met. M. Beaumontt, chobsretied c-pstncti h omcîyPorme tsb hetptht ruisht.trttr atuGtnWiisc Ontarto Deparîseent of Edocattos, offers - staf P 1 ithChalesM. MtheonoftPal- Tht altecttc sessito ws e britioohusin June, Wu- pectedlscîth MORE THAN 2000 uitteof Millos andf distrtct on Sunday durinq the Telegrati spuncured culot i rin rsdtstg. ai Feudhomce',r.Vuinci, sehenSilvesr toseer hochket. resBAIC.enu tour Ihul coveero cudsin the dtrit.t Shows eres sone ut tire 17 irusesc liraI oppeciuttirhe ilvl.i M.Mcntfid, BA.. L.Th., t628ttetheru,tiercat a ution- cttteecciected ftue the ceuseo À COURSE N AI C tNGIilH Fise Hall cnAMilton for a shusetsg f sides by TeIy staffer Harod Wiryte.Meectersi uttire Firee ndcd the decotiocut totrtues. dtybnue st.K. Harrtison, A.H CT, ycur serre as tsitse Brigade ascsted in dtectcg the traffito sele sembers of the Lalits' Aucîl, u setueci rt.irestr M. M. toiontuo,. chirutse.oI Rit- hM.T,-test u siun,u. uerîettt allon No. 1FO NE A DI S menti 10 the îourcl sn tire fire ali auditorium.e huard nf Elirtuioto, rît- id hy MetJ. Evaos. A.T.C.M. Rttsutury trecotirsi. J.M. Den- VîrII.-o ,,u t iitintsututter. Te u t srl eakerbt. C. Austeni, ec. BHA. Tortîcis,; sublite ,rho,îîi The course w il consstol f 20 - Ise hour laessons W. itore. FETC.., ATCM., Jttttetti thte Ittitte oti d Fussiiy inspectis. R. F îrohoiît .HA,a esternCollierttrinecrieSt, utu, ait,. Cuotti ttise Coitc IfWetlingîtotn. M.Ed.. E. F. Jordun.BHA., M.Ecd commeucêrs Wedeesday, Novomaber S, et 8.00 gav e einsrti e,, Itr,,, ttt- ,Id 'clds etthte lîi e n île tii,- uand W.L. MeNeil. H.A. iPurd, pm. sin theMilon Hgh School. rirsr r ail nveniory HICollîdet.ins. lloaMito;Corner shol n Horse Show 0f ShoolÀims Damnages Tota -. $ee325i M titW metîiouWiih ther etiîtit (of ler- uetîr. Guelph diviso,. FH. Tife tesa $200, une dollar of ehîir must lue for- I A rI, iee eitt u ltit, t,,Moudat L.aiti anti tu s t r V pti ,ti theit, eteuce ft ehooi Huit H A. u, ad..Guelpsh.warded ir tire application for. A sinîseuse largte rousduttesdeides tfutiiiFîLîeîN,îîtilliit to mber of 15 applicanitsemust be secuced for tire jut',d the irt tWeserunflotseroga opic ureyu cdNu10 lac,.ilIIgh Shuw poutoed ut' Crdur Vlley -ra a, tutti tl$32,i, angtO irt,- Ite titi, Ridicu Club ut reezy Cornet, oO Ther Dtoher sereting ut thteutarsiijlerd, G 1'P. eMAL. ~ a. ION.I:T"MILTON Hucday. Getîbr n9. tHomte and Shboîti Aiaertiton ut titlititJItgemir Itii ti C ut Thîrt' boisesc o ee t ered su held ut tht Toun HallI si T,edîî belirtleeetIitl $1.pits.. lt, t h1-e*ý eirurclasestuith r toli cctt' tiericu o ibtis eb tîi i Fih- t r tito itiW,ttttt, Ki. it ril Ni-- i ti i Iutti l 11.Wl 55 1 H! Rt IlU110R ROAI> OCT. 22 - 23 ist if 1311 etiiNight. raîd tteîreeliîîu l'asr ltttt titi$200 i iiifo, Iliii., obthL.in, S, t , ývt, DFNE RAYMGOD AND JEANNE COOPER APPLICATION FORM Result are a .IOitOO . ie3 ireli attestied.rih aio titdtitt SîtTHEtIdît i i (ec. Loden PPliutîre horne, Sehaorner tîtîsbe rî t h,, .1iii,dtttte tilt THLIAVI EOLDS.ATS- DTOMI.AD MRICope admiBEO CTE 3,15 seul, Jean ,Totcresi; retond Koogo Ale, tiresinuging tut G C itt, titei't,;- i forît i - - t .uli c I dtutitAll 0i1IinXi OMNO A OCA VT. INCte Pipieeadsa EFR COE 3,15 Jewecl. Eduu Ncholsoun op:i Ibid presieri ob MIehrt I titte roi, -iiti ,, ritî, ut the Brbertîci t i -l......11snt 1 - ' . T A1 ' IH F RLF Tech.t) - 25 u lr ricpl Coldrc Lidyi t i Jo-Acre Hery t inrlîg ih ,îan tttttirt tett l ShIti titi t thetctotti -1 i ilkt i t t A ZA1,FGH OR:11 - fo iMilton Higir Sohaoc, Mltou, Outario. o. (hlettrîro t th-eer setet îîîî,îeîîîîîrpubilcaitisrirt.te flRt, M itti îîtîî l tt li, l îeî,îf GRDOiN SC'tii iAND EVE HHENT ud heî,îî ittitt.ttt,,iit1tt t t lIlos, cIIesed ShorcSlslerl und Carteons OpenuBareîl Race- Bay Lad aviii.bietir imile and__________ada___________Ir_____oPus_____ Woj VLri-I (f te, I 1an-tI,,ý he 'I- nd Il va lor A to l, M N I.OC . 1 -10 'il . OVa. 16 5AYtS'A cddier loy Jî-Atur Henry:oseond, seeseltS, otta ui ir ra ,1 l r oi tirdt hen M MIt lit dWAti r INEY'S NAME:IO............. Zoet, rîddn byonîclt tirhîd. îîbectî. Thtetintoiiul ii,.î i tia itrtIl I,dko Id it i f TTHE LIGHT IN THE FOREST - (Tech. MisuGeue Jcetiddu by Lorraine meetnto crpeai hîitvreotIt .e tttitti.tt. * ltiOiEi50 CAN 3 Ber,t i2lrtrîro t-, IDLfe .d dpied. ki-vsvhl rong C r Ado ,15c7irPlusC arIsos Chldres tc 25eR.O Ect1tiitatn 12 yrsdurnddr- Mt MeGeoasiottctied asr Inhtttl ett A tt, tri,1,a,;- ltStNv n v-ySt a rliCrsms h Shoocere. TodiTow ir a; p.Kicus the eo' ieurrîeîîîon Ite e ripsi . b smo pn ilssa-sa ss Os N r il estl i a s om alBo ree'îl Csrls........l..........tIse... Jeorrî.BaHuera, Nchoison I t:t o tofMrslHopkinsur diii r.d ber T i., fotiti, t, ...os..r -.i Iia, letonTHIS b d Kit otîl E 1115.00IrNlsTHE JC KPOTr FN L SE Opeu.rhop SlrttKctKtly A lettere luisetht e >:,I.îr,'Iî itlteeîîttititîI iti ,d:,rît ito , _______g________________ Me upo; Goden Lady. Jobhn tîttceî o ,et-t to d ;I n i o e tt~ i i tiii t O. u itteitiMltr th R ye u Zorîti.Don etlt ap îttort o acoerercettri HPrioIl- r. titi ti-y i rie tIri tipat ii ;t I ti tt ,ptrtt o .î oitotr a Rutt 011 Oi tic titi O eobr 29 eau. etnitttlttttt i .l to ii. tilit tîle itltonT heît d h Gîtes lag Godru Ludy, John Ful lsnesnry Mt tý , ý' lntri uttr Reele îîpt Tpîti.Gorge Coitrduie M. Rbinonîtintiodtend te , tm i bti O..rtl o rI ti t lI.l %i.Bne cpi hrrdy,. litror i H.ttruet. 22 guet spak. Rt.RRttiibttd. an nti- ( -jysuIt int tiWttt.ltiirk, sabewtitir dtit fe.it tt H.. enrttîttl1Ipetsr tuer firltîo Coutc i . X l ,ilc ld I -)llýssp l iîbi aoo gblc newt Junirritrc e-Ltte Chitri1 Bruhli guveis l o t ritre ti 'ie uie 1 uiioteo ,otlo i u uttsiutiii tt et clinsAnneKueztig:Schooner, u sitiut u nciil Doit Tusrrup; Suti', Diasse tlird "Afultinturtintedtri it îpen ittuurt -mchctitiHerb'19 5 9 F O R Tusers apt Bocisou, Ed Lsen ,,p, chuo. fHe desred hotte tiloreu Tîppy. George Clouerdale 13 roI- are taught sot uuty threottideselo risiulbjecrfi.butl.t h... ,,,e tThe M ost Popular E1IN EV ERV Y W AY Open pole beniîg-Zoccs. ocr hel, oe o gra ot-r Iteseit top; Goden lait'. Johhn ascrtraning o urstnqoo ndFull Three-PIow Tractor: S E U I U L 1G - Ryeup; Fusanto, Ed Hues top1lu aceptasce oit prest daySO EAU IFU LY IGH tntroesî trati oitrytt. F M U Huntt; Lees Lica, Dacce llecocr. . lu0 etrieset________________ ~ [LSt lieeh Toortrs opt flot'Luit. Jîr THEirn cOA1 ,,U and JoseHunttfil etruesr Open trait torse-Kisgs Jeser, DI I fl Edsa Nicholcso; Schooer, HerhI IUIU U Toseces, Bat' Lee, Dlor Bailet'f2 lit - SY T Teualruncrose y aseaed II iresito Jobs Rot'te seul 15 points.a Ttc al] roun' cucgil serd PLU wrt tsJI>Anne Hentrywtbi19 / ' points. Estriecs errereeued trusu Kil- as o rosu fel rse , bride. Guelph, Arbel. Cdr i M u rtitos e l. uts olthllueuh, Sprhns, Cosrpbw reii, Ham-cu e, thug yoc sy uture slluu HOW CO T eoutp gos ostosfthe hts l2:1.% Wuecdose, Bantford, Botte ton aloeld youu reuuusoaosin euaslns.tesseFsuo00TesVtr ond fGait, ut oysue l pserueasuuulluri T eIt;ch ormer udas t ls .C10 ollue midele Thittri ecIlthanld Dorat garable, replaceetrat raieru D ESLbP W E SIX or V- by Mns. Fred Auckland adhler wnsil orwt contintlser PloesharlutaBO IIsAPtanTf 05 PLITheS sags are greatt uni Jo Anp Store rose St. Cash- tgOse, hf«.1 il ,..k«suas .5 are.Lee Koîsk r aiKt c ,hener W.11 a*555*Od IIIi. pl«-ro«ts i or, tuser. Jot Heurt'. Klhelir. ctrdr.scring orater. B1ILL' S AUTO -Priler reporird tol damage atO 0DY S5H O P $50 iu o twoc eu colliion ut tbe interection rteeodMarc Body Repaies aed Refie ohieg Stereto, Striat', Grivers serr Spocialits Altred Freeorcof t Miii St. und Maie St. Milton TR 8-2348 Thurclîr skrer ut 76 Kng St, _______________ HALTON PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE FEROUSON 3 DIESEL _________________ Thslusthoe rdessosed tu meet onory isd ot ASSO IATON ~f-cd iin susi todot. And il dos. Ouatitsty. sASSOCIATION~ Coseplutely co-cylrd for 59, Fard tias grutrgsn ytu tc... eIr-c-a cea risrp lookwils digoity oaod good ANNUAL MEETING trie cotis ...t..JI~hst e incvery liste. Standard etsgiîtr, lio doc g n odma d ..se ilaso . SSx andV-S, rues on cegur gois. Tise andIfotsec Psert àstandard touit fltrrstrcteioec ou iîohages nowIts os avaiaesofDise Pwe!op tnt4tH00smiles. r, , »FRGSO A îermiaceoft s rar ehoinet- -iNese Fordosîcatic is ligiter, more cero- Election of Officers bMAS..d th.RGUSONg y1 se- arsfre-ci oiil a e i ttFg..oSyl.SHOT LOOO I iendu re heter hel e s rse etandcoul TUES., NOVEMBER 4th 11555 15555asrtn eutisn e usr eletr 8.30 sharp TEST WORK THEM SOON AT Short St aoOesgtrats fric- Thse bprosssnelekunai- atd takle o dircvecry drive. tionfor loger egsnelire th faols od V8udelves MILTON TWN HALLLAI M ilingsoa uoptten%.Focd fuel tue abr yisdee by thae~ SPEAEl V- UI Oflshots1 se. s sCaede1-1-hls-e -tbtahsnut

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