Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 23 Oct 1958, p. 12

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HORNBY MAIL CARRIERS foc the paît t1S pears are Mr. and Mo. George Initie. taho deliner mail ia days a meeli te 247 families on the tira Hocahy canal routes. Thein rot is 40 miles oach ttipad takas avec imo boans ta crer. Celebrate Rural Mail Delivery Started in Canada 50 Years Agc iCantinorti tram Pane Ntno r now toment ly 5500 rtoc country pope>Fromllie entioairouenandti at oar 37 taitîr steloi a w oson Ccooli .OC.. a mis areitanîitoti anatalyinr th trrrtiaîtaonmy tiiroa wmoi0rralatroute coarier.He alnaatate liingn tine miman vr9000 mies tat aner 40000 grooti mai bont ta WterHomse wthat1ait sura osr roammoatai40.000 patrotn. mai ot1e Yakon, Gronp Buon Heatsatrenstheonertinof rîgint Thergroauliboxes arc an itetr PantlOficesenraouatanistopala tnatirroltotofa rral ie numer of lo-Pont Office points, viceioan'taocntalitrWoctti Wt talirorpapo anatrannool Past II. At oae ntop, actoc ermaystrot Office bins niatlithlicoauro.At 1 10 2050or ttîo ratron s uith1 Wite Horseltaoanneting ser- dtiriîof tsofitoxestrretii ï vicenlioaniinof,aone toia'tather oentrl poinîts t inoheiattioctîn Aaska HiglimytlitheoAlaskatibor- araoonincatitonandtruca i i dier -300 tatlîn - a'hitetin otinro icri. 'The ystnitaa hoan tar tîns vro400mtilesto DaannY.T. ticlralîinta arr itorloot reoc 25 Milen 10ai in tain0coitaitionareotti 10 Aitinouglitheino tircrat rauteiole tc t lro caratlniait otaii about 250mileton tglootas a cir-torcarorirteittoy. cuit andi icres 10or more 0a- Altlittgh thercstylîfthemi a ronniloalicondtiotsaart rqauireinoxias cngrti somiainat v ocertantrraiiîati noaoo te efetheiboyerinan titi tine modet otte.taspîrtattiotta. eino tr-irt'atta Vicoona,. . Na. 2,on Oancoîttif tttinoPostiOficeroDopotarni r vrlandtinaBritish Coltmtta ita maits ao.>inugtrr gattnpot; aer 90 ilesonditriplo*'ruassrvice t IlCaaianraîtiali tailyOsicept Sonaia servtng 441thincisounsty arci attoir ilt lion ioîntoonantifoirRvenuear arvatoftheliî untut a itttinh Post Offices, Tino argesi suttainof aihligîgifttheincto lion hliern araenoroti s ontverer tien Prairies, R. . Na. t, tn Qaeir Paronen orrc t2500lenoatiaîaBronte Refinery Porvne. Ontinta,100 htîr tiati titost Oficestrlonta RrorGets Crude Cil t4 Dirietn OROItTE-Th ir lt ot iîry Te proorie Canatitani n'itligoati Western'Canitia rudotil at ii t pistal i oticthtecotnooîtry n ito-i, 0000Ctlten Service'Oi Cttmpaî iotditnto 14 Ponsi tal itrictota inrelary ai Brouir. wasadetatir, chargoftDistrt Duorltrs.Some theIneatrîcoîotît.îtrLtnc Cir tdaor thelinolititon poarttirthtlio OiO rualtpotons oftevoronsnPoustai Tino il i ît.îsnîaatirnatat Districît isgara tain ttttiittaig ttit-at-i-qttittel iletattiv it of rotsinaahoftin s - tito. ofil16-tarin pipc itina i taci toitl. nîîtd tte S'tîtît-Pot îL'ra Netataîrtlanti 5; Saîni Jola. NOB. etiiontoilf Itfli t i'ttt' tici 5560 tîneritio 18ta PEt.; Haitax Pie Laîti Theît' tilatto toitt 341; Qirint.i779, Motrai 71. Ot- t() iteri' 0'ttttntt t ititttt' tatai 715; NothliBay 179; Torttnltîotaioto pie attaits olttdiatt195 594: Lontion 820; Wanipeg01toi;CtoastrutiofîtaaI tir Oit totor Saskatooan 94; Cagary 118; Edmotn- tahain passcsnetaatinhiceQuel tua 170; Vnouvor 174 Eitabthti igitaiy antiin, Cý In reoaaiagîo ptri¶amrnt tht adtia.n Nationatltittltaysnigitto irar. line HonaraleilotliaRaa- ai men rt toeCtties Serai itan. PonlmaaleroGearral. intirat- ptîrrt naaBcot, aiii':tittai pdtilait sottae 600000 huhoaalttiitaont.incietotainti ------------- là LW.El .n~ ELECI i * Ore Contract he and Serv PHONE MILTON ny iii OUl 157, WEST END MKT Where Quality is Higher than the Price WE SERVE THE EAST END, TOO ROSS HOLMES, Proprietor DIAL TR 8-6501 MMS RIC cting vicing N TR 8-9731 Don't miss the POWER TOOL CLINIC Friday and Saturday ON THE FAMOUS BLACK< & DECKER LINE Gel preseat tools alchced or serotaad an MILTON HARDWARE 227 Main St. E. Milton FALGRE j'-U lb Tulip Bulbs i$ Hyacinths 0 Daffodils' Ny. Bulbs1 PLANT SPRING BEAUTY *0 Crocus I l . ubsqbBon, Meal any type THIS FALI.j & Fertilizer R. S. ADAMS STORES LTD. 264 Main St. E. Milton, Ont. Ontario CCF Leader S ABTIE CU1Etri Open Meeting of the Hal- ton CCF Riding Asnociation TUESDAY, OCT. 28 8.15 p. m. Union Steelmnrlnern Hall 3 1 IlLII KINtVW C31U CALE ÏK SERVING MILTON AND DISTRICT il The public Is invited te attend this meeting. jI Iitroduciig for '51 M ER C URY LIGHT DUTY SIX OR V-8-Nevpayff-proood Mercury Light Dutico are here with many nota improvemonto, new advanoemento. Both Six and V-8 enginea non best on lower- S prioed, regular gasoline. Handsome new tyling combines with Mercury'n big capacitien to give you trucks that lok like a million, yet work for pennies. An industry.new neat covering weara twice as long an former fabrian. New Moiti-Drive Merc-O Matic providen two automatic driving rangea for al - conditions. New piower tranafer differential helpa prevent bog- ging dowo in mud. anota or on ice. Your Mercury Truck dealer hao the full tory. MEDIUM DUTY SIX OR V-8--'59 Mercory Medium flutien offer you paye/f praved economy, power and comnfoet in conventional. tilt cab and nehool bos models. But '59sa tory doenot end there. They're new from modern grille te far more durable neat covering noaterialo. Newa improvementa in both Six and V-S8 enginen give you fuît nhort-atroke power frore lower-prict'd, regular gaooline. A otta internaI nhoe park- .4 n ay %sgadrdoln alitcuy hMaejmoot a ew of ng rake,0ortandrhdn abIl ecuy eediu Dutie ivf the payoff-poed featureo that make Mcrcory Trucks Canadans beot buya for pîrofitable mnediunm duty trurking. HEAVY AND SUPER DUTY V-8 -'59 Mercury Trucks give you more of what you mant for Heavy and Super Duty t operalionn. Theoe payoff-proved giants in conventional, tilt rab and tandem modela feature Mercory'o rugged V-S enginen. And tlney run beat on lower-priced, regular ganoline. A wide range of transmissions includro the fully automnatie Tranm- * matie and the 8-Speed Roadraogor. Newa rear axleo and lomer rear axle ratios give you top caîîacity and economy. Cabs a feature trongnr conatruction, bouvier aheet metal reinforce- monta and longer wearing aeat fabrion. Get the fuîl tory fromn * your Mercury Truck dealer. Certain butra itttatatetor meotionedaretandnaronnaome mtodlt aptianal at extra coa n theno. See themn todav at pour M.rcury Truck dealer REED MOTOR SALES ONTARIO ST. S. MILTON TR 8-2393 f No es Report 400 Maies F.G " o"Rednar hane dl Theniait oniee SuprsePaty Horticult I U îd H.tG. Unoc eed LcMotors mîth Roynry cniu Surprse PGaraigeraOLcallyan partnmanae andJim Fard an 8 hBrhdyFor the Month of October OFobr 1lite fues donate loGarag wekH . Dc"Rndersi MnWmalLondnayo Mltan hii Prnpared by the Miltolln and District Hrticultarai Soieiy g O layment situatio areaon toi- talinon nt he Ownoohip of Rted hood 0tio t e tionaft on nales- los:Mato a estio omeroy oieat'ten an m,111n anIliprine dinner parly for lier Fernn and pain moy reqotre ro- dpaOtuotncli aroondth le lier tu Natta Gid Mota.,Ltd., t ma b Bok 01pattitng. Centerosb eo u'gUnroipiorotimoles. 400: femolles n n. l eron Me Charliioe oin n Oonbhcmt lyo o - nmovi rd. a oinnaile ditanoronooot Hoonliy, thoIloielitd linsOlli inga aporiot ecar mliand 00- tram the toonin of the torir. Tisin264. Unfiii o b tain ctancies,.mate, J C lirthday onGItlie15i. Tlie dinner piane, irenli noil in pains Olie nm ii.-0 ii oto t oi iM toa 40. Nocot' Guitti Mtira Lt tainfl tain hl n nMondai ai ncnn it i nie oton ool t.iinueorbl Ootaintno.myb aio, onno thtt m ~îtnOatiie itîc îM'CONREa, INoN, L 17 fai .ocatýksnicros ndaep- sieooger ot.moed withthelio treio. ictmittitti tac,> nt ttigont i ttrti'd_ od. Oiidtitilsp'osncattar.titttit A N SI L lie s prst'at. Thrt e're8rieotn 'nd tîsa rîiiîtîoitt ii' tiiatti i ucp"totd îatî.t.oir .in tttt,.t,îx ,i ittt t. t'nto'întentaMt'Ot'iakil cî irintt raini an tti titiinst u fie I)e z t ritttale , tttttttio ti ,(.t 3:oot . t u.iot'tt .IttorGtSg'ANDioSILOi A o M i. .and M i . n m . o m ey m otle o m a n t ySto tino ;pa n ta oboot t h oe l ui tng a oo iant Ci itsi t y ea r gha r en N EJ4 .7 76K meecoaol attta ettatng in Ne-'titetaîndoaand liraithelirnntiviloecaEngle or 0me attavnd astbeoNot-76 gaaFaits an Ontibeo IL. maderateiy maintboit natrt Fnd De Spprt-mOttle wocin as a a port lime salon- EVENING8 Me. John E. Wilsnn ta apatient Leane tine geranittantain nthe ml ind e p S p o t M o letme r e anfraSresil ele o itnT.866 n Miltin Private Hosnpit. We inh antilthtle yong groamh ornhotsn f' i-"e ttniotm n ar c-mihooSotatriiirtc MîtnT.835 intta pel tiyoety. liane made tinre rittor O G f Church in Yukon tt'atinahan ainfiroiaatitn ie tast toutr irit Coratations ta Mr. ant .Iln.l n te urjotinn ts ftheilroit MONTREAIl -iC t rnit Ken Hearaesoan th in othh leto nstms. Wta l tar t iitot piants pouatioitt i l ta i ititlu ai ngt- t,auhter una FcidaOo. Qunn 17. may lie patted nîngty in a mixtarec ilit tri tîtt di îa o t ha , Ctnnrh anpper of haiinonntand hait pttttnen aît tain y Rt 0r. Tttta ee Ttaa hîtnto ont etglity people atin tlreciaotin.iltan- Anltcan io ft hett Yukonli attiril and oaiiîed tinoe îtcoey aro'ttOri y Foit'ttni. Ta'ttmttthn "tt' tîi iîilil unsiîiaa .a. supper on l~~aier e-pttln good naif ta pots ttittlllo hît t in tai lcn teri 16 ai tino Hoany Unit .s ' agL. t.t .neat,,tiin /an aoucntlhaTaiers oteprovent 'Iltnhepin iulloptatttînttaliuiolict'otttra eR . Cluitîlieat Tn otn ai t i s ie ei ivesirn the mmo er tato ttr tiliout," saittt isot. a.- the food.ion iowngatttiie ro a ong tttas. 'ttttt'i i ti atttt ai Mr." and Mc,. ThomasnCio ai o îtaitnnla nti otîgrpn t oisrt i ntet iîtlrlitnanthepp MiHwr alyo n u 'ta tta l oreeaîty Norominro Mitiy 1i.oitt, ai tttrtrtîtr a Theiniant Oooohtern afIlMoanti aas tiai einîng i imo wt ou 3 pi cn.f*)l 9 Mt's.M.' oîtlisoodadtiMi, atdtt ai on ldritî n tttntlime.îIl rtt Mts. DC.Cagadeifantthî t wee h fadithe.I. t'stiîangîî'..îî foi.tt son O Mr.and rs. ack a ofmay plants, Apply air sainint noatMoaniM ,eh-li ac lime allthe o gooaant l o n t. %tIt' iitr n 'il) tii tarte iaptinent ly theo rs'. thrtquarts to cali 1tOit tort ft J. Hi at the mnoîgnsevcenîat tort BI tll Cînl Senenn aha alcnti sstta nn o t arîr Pollock and 15 PLEASED TO oni Sneyo str'a otra tti n a li s aroi c rouerst nda as alis.ti na Srent liiflc, Hornlii Gti13 B ail taîiul as intotaiabut utuakls. a pb l ed Citution Ocolir 14 autflic taou'iO o ttlittnauîtutt.oîiuut a ndlIittîttut it.Manuatciîuî stof ciMca. Stella Partoa aras thente- Th ino to move latrge ittf HIGH GRADE MEMORtALS CONGRATULATE mnttra. SirOaantaucitd u a ay Otnt ts artoy otttintebt Tuttt0-' MEMORIAL ENGRAVING Oai ant ipi tesmn-trit' ilrl t uct t piartuta i n itbc traitetiti ît'ît' 62 Wntmr St., Nnrth, GALT , tine tator.tes .anl rsaîotii tttn tt lr o'rîîtî i ittt TILEPIIONE t2t48 va iirti.îy' Oir tiiataMc,. GCanti h oadnonasth in of ai O rian neErrnailleroyot.' intrlittro Donadve REED M OTOR SALES i- lere t. wimbcsue by on ld C ONTARIO ST. S. MILTON TR 8-2393 v- fllfU~l 1A C T U 1D LI C WI9C T IN à 19 Q ... . . . . . . . -------------------- a El ri Icti rvi 't

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