h auîpuu MILTON, ONTARIO, THURSDÂY, OCTOBER 23rd, 1958 Sixteen Pages-Seven Cents. ~ Council eviewsDeaconsReport Seeks More Figures on Expansion ____________________________Miltoncuet hld thuelog e go euthe OntrioWtuRe- awaoued opundicuseonpusn-sousCemmess t ellus? Posbe Industry for Milton oakad tsteusPADetseJhsuThyeey Possible ~Moe thte loetk bouS is sSat- Psr n exto t ue OMesdeye s in ourp ees seeds ilDI Patudy ngt ortuIf yustele imeetng. Atte enduo treehou ot uneosttcDeteedie:t.Ttis ce- * Q P4eeds jomneone t1 uUld Pla t 2eus. Sutdy eee'tg. This 1 diseustsio, Cotncjtdeded tutek etsc he'th eeohss 1UN1> 1A ermn idurrywhih anu 1puatet ectted toc thce, us a tuse- the metS ysu gelthtbt esteas Suse the uudttecs it o sttdy ot supptieg 10,000 hy 19t2. Wu muse paneftee t. TO - AGcm.eutedestc mt h usert l seesi us Mittongses oefth e coe mtec te thetotees.andtuct- Stesur:Wh an't e m e se tee-tuORF% fatu'.es teett c uns etinterc- beekheetstersltemt et's0ese- cuseto coutd beottucded. tetusdtosetth 4 -s ~~~~~~CouctueteetAt Dej.edtse, 1,- c-et etdeegosu ytc - ' eeuce-' Nlonsoudsi lonan ryt jeeCteecunetudisutcue mewth Ken duo mCe ter secvce. Sut timeeoetstatdard tisses Cttht eetedtoc usýe tht egreesn ettehttdtdtosde Gcuan tfthet HamiltoneeDsteittIn- FeiowTe r o ieugis cesness buckeaySei usday esses- ighu, the Ostario Wtter eRsouoceetteuce thes eut cjght sow. We iho belevt posseseetoe of t eus gives thee,-- -duetri.ctCoemison, scid the te- Couetuhappy' ttu ecte"of thc issu, Comm thti o m lb e ttcumotet mttldlo ti noe TO DISMAYED t egnse mcntng le HuNt PHlcece reqo ed" ti top cglta RASIIYS os'Vê "hunters' htve peppered the To ~ dm jtt ete oîsi THIS OWNSýme.Tomrsehtp reiets ea urirc chld or animaol, uceeder whetý Shotng-,ofMailboxes Is Sore byResidents Huntrs ractsin wih gus o, gpingop tcurm the- hat.eShe-tte matosesesote tre s d potes 'tutu teesd ectusd the puaceuhee- inetheeNuneutueya'twshtds- thteeueastttgtedese-imteu ttrct e utocmeeg toumuesthtes becuvethemetete ht tuece doue aseeegesof et dst uc-utthetuceortandinguhusede t. ton etpec utmect dujy. Otet ecebeeescin thtet reu hae httn apte-ced eth hetu'.. eand Mus ecteupceed t w cecc- s e e'peeettc ythoeet mettc e 3car etd muht oeth RR. th.teutetesgtlieneanddteeehed Meft tarioec, tJette Kng cddtcd den mi etegehae't hce eet.ttcld' s tuul hysheetu e lettt t he hu ,uth btue tea' tet th.cghttu's mett il haeutee rutae tbc - htuc. foreemttt Cter ttetthe Cee.tans Le Gees Aeeucdcsg tee R. J. Lechcgeeof DOntarioe t'eeecteue.ct PetIte ccl Campheelvea. e eghteec - hu tut jt hooettteng a gels tm e eeeo ce the mesntein eu ca cecet the rote ud i tht.c t.eda' e, eutjct tto ea teem tht muctttuuct.et8au«dey ht--tefieetanttttotcatt fthe afttccette Lte nte h t..'Mc ee Leeheeucaeutese-'tht. e oad gamlolPiet ttcesandgane reushe C desteeettubi Jtes etttmtsllwig ate-0 cejelih) b cetecsetttîte btew teeeoee. hbut euds thtetleed aed1 Nced 1t Acres - Thcc eed tle eechtuc e cres si,ed eeteteeee7,500eeuhre teutS Council Queries Solicitor ta Stu< etetIl andOah St-eute me' Ce Me IItLeC.' unetîee ceuIctietMees- te eh e. thc tel. C.ensa p re i AuCteeedCtt tee tue rteeeeuseeeCee, Aeede.eeeee .eend Mes. Eeizebeth Het- Iltteeeed teemeeting, ie for eeeteMe'. Hctceeeeen 1952 fiffeillit lt ee e.tieeen, i jt-eet ureceejeth,eee'.ueoeeetThy' d et tecCtour .iets greed te C.... ..... It.tbutCthteucueeceein- "no hceteeg" ted tomnship 'eee t' eecetceLt e and louer lut. the brucl ees At 'e, ecceetCee.the ceetet gee whieh teste ct jtthees .cefeee gre rteicuee thte ouehte whjch feil prea' te the marke- cetht te cc g the seot tueget muy be a T- oreeJobs cn the tupedeta' l tep. The 'et.wee u, t, -gî,v ei,- on ttc $tt1,3()() Mett st Sandy's ouying leiivday1,gr t 1 C.. eil 'l,, Itc rcte ted tte e - Il -tee e ttee ,,tc t h ct thceedsuet Pigs O ere s .t h Ilco ,fledin At thtetee a tee- Cet ., Ct "Ë,tcn- ttthe c iette'. loec tceet btee lu , u htee.eete t - ltO -'etc 'eheceet jCettie-d LCet.u e ecteeC,, teeeeeCC *CtC 117tt 1 utee.ctt tttintad- $343.50 tee, .eth 1,et 1t 1eeueu et Vee.eeCuye. e t *te .; . e Ileet,,,15 eh,0 tue naCtt te ct Ilatee tu eeT et tteteC, e r e $600 ,e e.,,, teceejete 1 - "e t , h c dý Sceethet tIl e" teeee tectee C ee t tCte- te." e-t ttehe uCet$e92.06 it ,ettebCdgh t Wtt,.. te'. Ice lte tt' 1C.P. M e - e etl, e-csti oteas Sol Stanley Hall Places First Test CaîlcA ) MuCDoeeuttml T co iia einn iteM l BelR prescnettivse i, îe. ceu Ji- e,, tA . e 1Ce je, ceetu1 e,noctf tt cd tee te F c Bute-clduets et ti-e un tcct ucet tItOu t-etheeBell Cte et, Cîuceeco tt)eetc.teî 'et e clLe, t tc ce t h et boyeeu rce.i,. aetl erLrigyteect..c.autrimetouh ckCee mterc l-cmanager'tDog Oliv- so.atd Me'. l'etu,e.MIlCeC. t1,et Tc.dayet.uuc. ttt tt e e-t.wen ofiias cCer . eeesal e ttgtesetsupeiteeeBetofi-- e,-ttke Ni o:teieta- 0*A i.cpu tcion,, Municipae.l gtt ecet te1 iltttLte.M A- eltc e'pceeceecu BttDlte ee futt e-tchIe t Pe-et lShaewc .end , -,ce-e ccc 0 ý,, h .tjlaCeu cee tetet StanleycL. liaithprt '.thetttî cteeta'nt ihstalaOctetorBe tGor.n hho -ccu ececeet teore,.rgh ancd- 1tetdc wa opth Fie.. Cet'. ety hfMecetray w.,ft.d emtuhtcd e thueî ole'. alov cth e -t cccý, ottt îcetr i i,' St., ch 2wh Ceumul ee'tîcdutt te-t ot mttttC, tteIleado hi t c glt seme mc0cf4 etcteh secdtheutet ct wt in 0 econs C ofItbe ies th Thet gyuca-CegOnt tu ns- j th tLetm'. tue e c ett heme ut c ete .rings ec Dî Pnethec t. hett measecc o theîs,c .ee.eeieed ee'ee -,,ceI-e t et tc fBrc Tl-etc-te'-oC" o'-e ehwtCeeu M.e ist.c 'ceeu Pa tee , hje'cae -c e ut haeueo eth el TelCL M . CItte - et t cee' ut. :It , t j, i tigblo Sepaueute' Rtd ed eeIe, ett.eceettIeel- sepu t-te Cctheotm t e s nteonCal countryca'il).tt t iet ht e mjttt t S eeoi-tcehocso tutht tttt W,1t deemeeplace.orttc ýictCandhuoie e P. L. CehCCoeoht. e Otitiats aethte e peeg tcer etd Itepeesce ceeu thtMiltoneesc FjreeCemmttu0 mgeatchu,.""cm ACe Phi]tIs tTeoeto. , FIRST OFFICIAL CALL oser tht Miles Frt Brigodes eem lertjnig system mte pluced Tuesday ServiceetoNassageumaec. teesro eventsg te Haltors MILA. Staney CL. Hall lftsd the resejeer ted set 31 tslsphoneeje firamenes Laing o Bucttegt.es. Gerge' tete homes resgjsg. Wtchieg tt lsft je trea maneger Doteglas R. Oliver of the BelIl Tlephone whish itetfEquesg, CtaeseWilsons of ntalled thte ystem. mhle et tlght Fre Area coeettee chairmen F. Alec Phillipsaund fiee chiaI Mttteo aodsecretacy Joto Cuetgas A. E.Baba" Clament match. tttch contact ]t)cult huetce. eett itf tce tno elcalt ceetd utteeeet te huttd tht tiettuta'fttc th ee em. Ft- jeu thes, te je te muhe arrcue- menets thcuugh a Torototu tecu mhiheecuctoeetheeduetceetpltst ht bet tposhte empee e-ct etoe teetottu thet muth. eSurvey Error dy Problem 0*Mr.Pg fCuj ýrLf n tteetcte eeeeeCe ed eeeueaeee tern geed te tedet. ueeite 0 Progeeuttmi teejeOntaerieeStt wamet n jte. .o us eperetd. Acessets PaId * Ttec tlteetesu min rr eectecueud ftrc tyeeeet: SIc cts, Wuthc- - 2.4ee6tW Pttceejeg. Wtecu . 5922.3h Stu'cts. Stcetet 2,ee23,au Peerctc. Ceneeeee u S ut 1tut00 ttuht, Peete c2.733 C Fiaeot1. .74378 C.eCatl .. 2015.00t Plannes Refse oU Pettt ed oCt the poieervcic to ntth Nlo Plnnr Rfue descustion:Ct eeett taeek or tmt uhe t aueeet. yerstoi du a tomplete test outhu Slessuce If w have the peuperta' LadcSpraitswte und me shouetd tudy the an ued e tut elthe mter. AnsapplcattusCtioei-tead seup- custsof ut et tut. We'CCneetd mter Dejudine: The 0.W.R.C. eue get arutiouee ms rcuted Thursday oo uad 1thjhin tusmtsuymutt themute n eul tCtothetown. eeght ha' eemhee etifthe Miltons peet.' We av n cno urver Cunningham:e t thje the 0W. Planningboued. C. E.Putere utP- mhestttthete utttymtttlend. RC. will huve tu suppty Milten, pltetoe foteesaleeoftwtutlots in C.uncjtt,,eChuetus Weehud Atnuenderuetowneenetuutty. wucet Gebermuenotsed dusaettdy the tests un everythisu we Fte, Labe IHuron mhe eeteettc ue ttudu hetoee mudu tl. Otjuedie: t theuh they'tt hove eeeutd ltcuPt if ethtthe lokst- o Metes tutcrme dee'n frueLaeHuront. Aswll hetcdo sl wud Couetlttt Johnson: The fiuet Red: t theh me uhouud baue the Au muCtt. tht Ciim-tetandtemeutd thiet te de ju mete. Waeut. Reseutce Comsmisson tet u,teteteC. e eth eut.ppli ction Sonnecuetttloseunu ctt-te ttom. hue uucccd te thttm menth heeel t Jo thnson. Ytu'tt eeeh tht tuetoyer subtdvision mtdmhceuttustt RetcCunninghamWemrustjira- sttrutjtthhe h u tulie tt uy '.udece.eeettteut. ouetthe dstiuton in tome terst. hjetuxus. What de mu muet mtet Re-Appty on Apst, ens hete hc ehc tcf-.,e W. J. Hegeee etifMrtnStreet meedeu pot eecmet intowoe Detedeuc Wiltedittfu in- tttyeu tee heeed ane etretmtint tctcin'ethte st ftjtt rs- 'duete'. atH3zo,et mue ehetto muhe tt- CouelueteteSteettue tugutu eC, th Chuttten: Lufu etc the uudjtuc. elcttu tu ethe teueettuetut ad- PteteL tettuhotme uuth ,eyt-t jut eeet te ndürtht eeeeu hgy-tum JeehtsiteYeud hetohetteo WC musttdhae te mhy fiustt Hickicet huee otae mue. uteeuC tsue. tstatyo'e t eut ueeecto tDhc hjs telheet theetutteot IOthers rcceed hem tthertc ttmee ccmentioe? ttme nte odt tetee.thtet mcc.1.(ueegeu tuherutc'Vte e. 'KIt5y" cueet thet thtetueannieg heurd' u Wby Worey? StCeeete Whte theS fteu- yuur liue(itf lanetdtur et .uthee - Charttteee.We have erogh m.ec Pt.etatcoeeeteenthe report? c e Etated teebeieision, thtdue- teeorthetotume eeemWhy eheutd mC ChartttteThuts te moht t httty' ta Rthnan (theStreeedshelduetreteu r2 C, t tt2. ur te ftue. 1uttetoh t theeh ite tedetuoeeoe vote eoneatj ut-ytutcapittlec,,ett - MaoetChitds e aWc ecd tuor ccr- i eDcemhc. -Mr, MacetJohson iemetl ctt oreet in aueeeoteesAt ttee ottthtce noetd I n Hospital ce es t Miltonte ght cheet. Tmee hese*t annextdet]snet1918t. I euh. Meuhecu eecced t, houe bjm e, Ceec eeet ate stedtd t tu CeussettseRceid: Cee mu ettutd'eviCtmthe finaciatsituation weth ACettoset Meset 5 Crl hutnt ilon tihs CugotheLeue fouterec.shu . te ne oueensttee. ,tjfertegsu aseratiose t u tet- tsseusessa ohs'- ~ " ~ ~ eoohtee tet tcmeeng us acident eonOntaoe% Street Fuduyeetsee.a Polece eced William Leeece- -adheeec te etrou C ceern ltiu t, e. 1ce. eetlto~ e cee tcc det e-o h va ts b, eeD I. Kt e Ci CCSve Ci Meteee I .e te et But Car Burns bs et I Rtt. t. MeeCtt ceectSueeday~ tee' Il eh eeCe CeIlseet eC e eeuee thu ceCct e 't1ee1 l I r1-d. ie- -dth etcn atCe 2.30 Ct.W . b.1ttceCd Chu. BOY SCOUTS AND CUBS coeueosed the tome ted jedustrtes Frtdey ted Sturdey for the aouul eCseeeeýril hidCe uCeeeCy hue -sepl elleg opteseud tssordteg Ct reporte, about $250 uts realjzed frore tht toit. About 50 'et C ;deet cbtehels of opples meres old, te thsy vjsted jndustrces Frtdoy tfternotte ted homes Stturdty TCe Cetetee C eme tt ec- moreico. ted eold thee, ou hu street Friday eetung ted Studot otersoos. Cubs Lindsay COt otrt',oing? MoL, 12, ond tErcPhlleps. 11, autstees withth Chetr job eut out fer he,. At County Level To Advance Money for Hospital A tey-ht eetct'tt.ettte'Li ee ,- eete tOf cetir ek,. and ttt, i,- cecede eeeett f oc-tteda'. ceel eCtcall eredent,tt y the ceet IldecIýtceoeete t$332, . tttra Cee tothI, tet.,td ,,d l- Pureletse Residence HeeCtC. Untit tChatt Ceedare'. Ofttett-'.eettl)ehe Miltoneetd Distrct duCtrld.cCe-,t vm, r ee.ctd eteceu AhbawmueeeCeeettteC eeehchu "tlie betmeeof.Ce utstee'.ies a Heeutee1tas teCL)etttfurteethe rveetCtutct,,,, l lt.eeeeteececac. eetutdenecit40cKinguStee.tetocetttyhtttcdteCtteuaeeport cet fonds te.mtd tht etIiettu.oCe Metietu t'. eet'd ecrus^ le'. ,e, oot..focrueuestathometfot the cr.uce bCutfreetheteprtteetetot cete ht-et ee'edceut Cy e nsueers jtlu ,,, ca "ceu tece.u' tt a ti jCeet e.tetto. weute teu ,t hreee Retuce, IntiteCctuto on ea'r t "',tet et.cy ceeee tCtt 1ltte , tc tcuet teeectuaendt 'cg- 1reudeege. Purchae pr teu sje$12.0mt. sheuets tu ecenined d h etuuDe- OucleeecueceeIg Teueda' ett - .cActe,,, teeeedeetth-tce, Acteety-t.em toit jte iectetu putneet. At,', e nIl i tllV O V u h o 'Cw s li gvi v et, A pti;ir t ep iteee taet se c atl- e et-t tc tee' h tetl.. ete I L ttt cui lteet.....ePetie'ettt ttlcnA a '*Is- eut eed ceedo te -IcetuCtfi teI rbaeete;Ityt e-'oCends tht tsOakilTutu. 0eeroia lop M e nlr,o LuOfcttutu t siss vr alamlindolastee hailtdetsis.Fottw n o in M (ýItN ii.HCetCeuPueesg ut Atoetttuorsttticco .ctetd test yva% seee.or oeFrankuhMuet,. v teilrsue mctjt tutu ytu's figures:t ,Ouhulee tccu(te teu'nedcceto Coestc Ceeeoceute etteu ttttteCth(,De- tc mekcMiene Oh'et-197 911 $.5 OVrtonfabideWs LI arteettofTransepoert teutet cctt,trv, et(I ce,, eejuta Lutetende d t$.8:17.465re$t839,765ttOfeedu eue ,'ther wmg -mt Ignaiseoreeutor- r"t heCteutut cetgof ut7.561.641. t 4.5ta5a,65 0:4.833 et MeeCCeu ig nw êi deepast ou hu MainS treet tSc(-eeeet Toe ,taaehtc' eeeIeteeu n e ildings .435,3 .2.20 ACcterutttetct'r t CN.. umectu .t ctet. uhee c.t~uts. Cees ..tteu 04t,420t 74,8a4tt3 o rueeetetdecu tet etttue Lieu ...t sag a, co. w 1clI)9 tax toneee e l th,'d, . Deprteett of.tMunicipalut Atteets teese Bill Wjilsneoptetescd aCt t jt ovol.e ,355,tttttt Ctnd eue ed-Reuhet.soat etamuAtestcetce-dee. tent ftttjan td tht hjddcu tieut deueeeeeut$1,100,100tin s jterty te £etepbeta. toA4,6 .ta7.86At wsgvnt -c edn ve ofm utoeeejts sueued tee mre p rn aato. Ecp ,5115 I.7ý5 rust fjesmudjote acton. Tteeefigurecees ey h% sehttit - --A neuesbrcdge etC tden Meits MuretTraffte stuht uCureiaece, dcpuesu us thteTto. a.... ttt li1t t mbthe ttttctttly spestd Tusday A ett,hs petsted outtthtttuac t ofatutmsg tosesometoap- 1The 196 teuohtatonssmtsotesssstsoftet eejwth vai- nee, isdustey mas spesing suasn peut heucesu. $7.58,637. tes County offitiats ttendiotg. 'Volume 99.-No. 23. 1 si v îný 9n