7777 7,7-> 77,7 THE THREE PRESIDENTS of Mitoeeeaeecessful Credit Unioes The Robertson Credit Union secs formed eariy ent1955, Gntario pause wth tien dsplay of Credit Unioe literatu re sehief i te'l în empinynes began their projcT ie Marefi et 1957, ced Hoiy be home lhies eeekeed t Cetral Radio ced TV stor. 'r.e ca ry o grop tlis secerf marks ils frel aeeccersaîy. Tcday tien left, lien are George Gilbert of P. iL. Rbertsoe's, Jie' irieu recicyl s Inerrational Credît Union Day. Hurkice of Hly Rosary ced George MaDeugali cf Gntario Steel. k re Volume 99-No. 22. MILTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY COE 16th,1 Three Local Credit Unions 1958Second Secton. to Celebrate International Credit Union Day Here Tîîday iThtireday i c Iicern'iccciiii al CreeittUioniceDay and iis n trnsting te note that Aiphîcen Des- jardihd Ioundnd th ien tiCredit Un- on et Levis, QuebennThnynnn'as 1900. Teday thene are one 22,50 l9ed!t Uenions wth e totalci m cetship appeeimeling 11,000,000 Milton has three Credît Uniees ii'eanized et P. L. Robeetsocc'i, fintacco SBiel n1 d Hein itsary -hannh, e'iih membenehipa et 4O0. Fouder of Unian A. Dejaedie oece boen t Lenie en 1854. Hie fther 'ccean inentid a4fethie mether tonie ne the nain cof iread inne. Young Aiphone ne- mand at neheet ceticihe mas 1 andiihennnrecmon tîme e'ih te milcha. Hie irt Job on disceterge mas as îaiamenicyrepnorter aed ai i25 he becffn pabiioher ci theQuen- bceLegietatueodebce.A tee' yecasiter 'ce esicieicahnd c dciy î,oîe-thn 'Canadien Unione. CREDIT UNION PRESIDENT Geerge McDacgail of tienteario GRIAND1L tliLRAOKNlO~S ccocrew irriothi niger speeserea oy theeTre eMilton Creoit Unione miii marclInteernaticnal C.UG Day locally. aîeerdccîg to tien presideMst. Ontarie Steels Credît Steel Prodarte C.G., right, lookis on as eedit commtten ee' Unio ecectîce inccides ccc durer Gecre Ycrke ceci presîdent George MeDougali, seateel; ber George Presiab faeds ocer a meebersflip card tc ithe redît cemmtiec e sesers Mci. Jean) HaslcLIdi, George Preneab andi Marîc Frian aed .S.P. grcup's 100th menbec, Fayc Arpa. ceerre. Tis Creiit aucdtocs Hen cfiGsicie Ici .rîd Georgc Hasselfeleli Absent for tien picicre mere sicenpresi- Unicn mas foised nelnMatch of last year. dentDonJoce ad rcr ding ecr i elay a,9 ieci9fllu 'e4i ýi,7 THREE CREDIT UNIONS in Milton, comprising a totai membership of arocnd 400, ace marking Creeit Union Day tcday. Aboce are the eecutice members oIfie Holy Roiiy Crecit Union, e'hich fas enrolled 103 members since obtaining charter in Gtober, 1957. Seated inj front are secretary Bob Branigan, president Jim Harkie andi tre ascrer Dan Joncs,, 'he sanding aeCharles Cairnsof thsupevsory commitne, Ms. Bnie Boyd ofih credi commitne and irdecoe J e' Mallon. MTON tBOY SCO UT APPLE DAY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY OCTOBER 17 AND 18 Your Support for This Annual Apple Day Wili Be Appreciated. P. L. ROBERTSON CREDIT UNION, Miltoccsoldccii action grocp, i GUionsmfluchu s celebrating enternational Credit Union Day te lic 400 meebersflcp af Miltee's thee groope coestantly mcci membeus. Aboce, eecativen sembers seated in front are dut Gecorge Gilbcert ced seeretary Jack Charlton. Standing, ieft To rno Elwocd Gclliîs, Syci Chiids, Franki Shannon ced A. P. Galiama, IT'S GOOD INSURANCE FOR SAFE WINTER DRIVING TG CONSULI OUR MODERN SERVICE DEPARTMENT FOR YOUR WINTER CAR CHECK-UP eîirc,.Aiphîînn Deeiidie, the ci othmeeice bginning, denctnd ieeeh o e ti tutiuse the pres " ce the interest of ail hoie cnduend gocc toe Canaidc and ils pecople. te- d,,d tir irttan induihlriipreee- r' ion ce iecee poliejcanl iif hie time. A. Dijardii etiied aceoffiii i reporterot deiccrs ai Ottaseajein 1917ind ced tr ih eratlr, t He e'îilatocys bu e rc'rervd i cesehhe Canadîce wo,, îîcîdei the tiret Crdîl GUnioin n ihiî centi,- net. He e'cs isc instrumentl i i t the invitatioiof Ed A. Fue. ,Bcs- toneestore'wer, ie theetahlish- mccii iii Ceedil Unionsîeie Bosccn. $26 Capital A> Gusiicl«ie gaiuîcrh sicdY tu ccueativie aing asercincedin yni(cleiîforinti ctrieadei- tece ii bcifouriie tcheehc ototd besi erne ithr dollcararc.Hce tiret Credeit Union brgce 'ih O0 meeibur ced $26. capitl.i Fiee yrcîee lter. Gsjreiniii suceniet. deciii,,e tciieg oppitii- intic CredcttUGnionîsi the passage ci a Lbi]ti t h,' Proîvicieal iegia- rr gecetlcirg cicharter ced Ili- day ecyi ccrCrdIt Uneon.,ar ciecire ccîerie'et chare Tii,, cocere ofthis c riI iign izationIiic itiliid i ccir ici iomiic'iieCiccidiaiiie'iiie, tîcîchts 201t tn ciosw-'l I cric,,,, lic 1Cr MEMBER te aoie the P. L.Robertson Manufactuning Co. ienii,'iee i ihri e Nofi,t, ehiity. Lîd. Credît Unioe mas Reg. Tnasdei, .King Street, sflcen sian- icit.,,rpoiii, i.but fiin* ci-sie Cig up e'itflpresîdeet George Gilbiert, standina, ced C.G. utaneau Vote sncrrtary Jacki Charlton, snatnd et ight. The oldnst Credit Beciîiîg a 'iir Ihfitiiiii UnioneccineMilice, the grocp e'ae formed inceJaary, 1955. cciiiiii cl, 211ceci,. hhuir 'iini nuliis, i ei$5 il.iedy cc ashioia iiceaahaiili u r ,iiirsonner:32 nirenihrinctien i, i. iiiiii, ie iiiaii,, ny Loan., Greeed Piansiihlllheei aienrii of ,and liii c".h,, hic iiicijuscuit i'cLiiic île giceird aci liii'ptre îanc ail prescrietotai $17,87.00, Gtfiîeeec tire icecci ofiî Ille -nt, cp îet- ifi îlentin- impacilici miii, ciccrounccîcd $19,555.00. Tel- t ,-c ieîIi'iicIlliit',cîiiimthil,'iicc1,1 nici...ieiciiicfciiicicanoindicationieofiehatcnebe ci.,aIiiiiei'iyii llh' ý,-i'iil.iiiii iieciilyilieiciiec'wilircosia icicce Thiiplntiietfaeiced teneby Tiiudirc'iicic'rciiiliiice'he $6,50. TheIr c anoat!hue fchckof sagcnndbce- ,ciy l i diiiîeici.iiThe Cir i'oce'deicci n aliii chiser cîcilime',ic'eencmanagemieet aed unonl. cciivdi tCcciicliii',' iiciig.- Il(i- gcenfinecechrgcces ciietc ce'.The ticîd MiltoneCredît Geion Cîcciitcîiiii'cîcîiliitceîiiicy ad- iccueîd A dercieiderumer'eehan:,Hicy tcecey PaicCieorh.Tey it.,. ie'rliiii e aid cclf Ce Ceea Mctaai.ihaincd a charter. Ontoben, 1957 ltciesnibte' ciicens aie lied- Iteciece. Thne c-oerctiice Ytitnn i ec nered ciment 50 applications end dailnoii ccîc rcc eposieidie cf ececegs make iti hepsil.t eefr amhreehip. le ninenmenthe a binciîhan-ial, ,a Mne'ei'e'ocy'crienfi, murm- eheeeehinhcasinened 9nadiiy e'ceî,ccccccccfît2,000 perci eerr ce ad pently etands cait10.Ther l'itsiîiiiaeitclhi'erct il death CrriitGUnioniceiinir'i' oule itiniiericcipositiione tienend et te iiîpaysi toi'iîiiee anidhciricr . t«it cîcIlch ecieiher showeed shares of$6,500. balanîîîce. if t $2.ii00i. ',i.no", viied casiert iiiiiîcirolYtforii ciitiiiliand Iiieececceherieg 14 e'clh a fîiontiii 1-iiii,-iî cicîccîccelcantb ,teciiciicet a ic.iceîct.OO Tic P I,'îriiiicc'r cccii"eîrrîe.îicreg mnctanerd ie 'c, i orha ic c1 ' icr r il ii tîisntl l ii lii ccclii acd e'îîet Unici itccc sltiîiîîî sc' 'nc ci ci- ,' contiy ',îinuîîe ilic e hencît pci iîc'î ccr l c 'LI t ',,oîioîî i ni , 'f it lok 'il icrî'îîhr t, iiiiiiii.iiiciilrcdillUinceDay 19.54. and ee'îccî a c, ce, .iiiiî ii cci,, ce t t ihcse l ccir c.r te5. , cci \iI, ie 'lot yi c i cîecîchere ta gel c c eiiîi'ciiiiiecl; lc cl ,I ý . îî;jo iiîciti.iiitîcci i ccii CirditlUnioen oi- ',Lcredîhi dii îUn e cion i cciseandii, ici seeinformîcationco ci195i.7. seiie, for il- iiPenti1cci clerc Canadamwl chdo- sc 'ri tcciii cîtt1 cci. ilof i'il I n7. cc cl i diii icici'ic i clii. iiicY ciii ciii " o i$7.49527 cîci c ulpleans b c eit.îîîiorîîî tile teriede baa ciB12,H8,05,D ivcudecîi,nclioilfitherlticetic iiicyrci hy the chru 'qri ;liiftoin*i cr("liiit. ir- erh' î)I" nlin.îîîîtîcicc w, 10c cir Miiîîcîe populatîionliinece'aend *1 l AltIiîgrtiîe c cca c ahh nd'iii c iî 5,i00i l ue, hile hc *Intu cifsccere Meiirciciiiciyicrciieccicee cre il a Ceedit 'c cicr. he1201marke. GUeon iliiijic'cgauss. Accrce- 1ccc c ,hci cI'îcîîiye"C' 'rdiiiiitiiei400;lieececihrc'ciciMciltn'e a~ îieecricdnicMorc.1957 Iiitec CGc Acîcliieire' c Iii lisc .dhyci, lu c c î.c-i Aiioti. c her "J -.' Urge Citizens HeIp ta Boost Industrial Appreciation Day BGHLINGTON-icianccc ri t 1 icsi ee and ccilie Chicî er ci Donc- boicc nidîiîic' i, Ociîccgiîîîî lc- cc, 1, c c,îduc hai Geiîchn e-staff le ir.ýe'ritiivîics ofindosiîilr and ccciii asiiihchc IIsigiiatedasc"Inu- is noe e 1 r en lc ai Crcdit icrc', ciii tiliuid lic ife cccii'dîi c cce ii fle" i Cae- day. This grccp hoicis haif lio Grci-ri241lic aiti 'c I iLacciiTuewn king en the cnernsts cf their t1cB i-iiglaIitstiiCon ocnm re nd nutyt ted ceector Andly Caves, presîdeet ucdiceOierogrammecîîcî lii d iîdîe c c ciec htarcmitemembecece cs 1ei ciiiie fit, arecommîtte t iii cccg aIis our lic he iOeditrict retition Liquor ilti l 'lal lais ciiiy ii o e aiIlic i' nit liiii ccclh Reveal Increase Store for Town g ct ,-I iad .i dî.i,cice ai ACTON - A îîcîîino i iîrîî,îîîîî îc u cli ii(, ,le guet ileo c havcî e ccii ic I iî or Cicil iîii iiici ic l, 1 cccii icr cc acîtîicîne 0f 25 Per Cent. , a iltn At *Ii;i"' ut'n In Population ci(cieîullc riifi, heuycur gise on ion Dii cic i', g'ilr nLisii Mh iîci iiilfai ii i c îîîîî'lîîcý1td vt I' -liiandc Gt;GIIGh'CGWN--A 25inq-liu eii i ccacoiiirii ci icul cal ihetcîîboa,îddîuîîc îîîciu'îiî.î ic thie lu - ibbnsrciclaussme , cii',cci' 'Ciad l wicieceii ,1,1 li isîîio,îr iiciei fBrig CiciiuieiieceîccuiiGiiiccce cii' îe cuecîucccuiîcthsger foi' il),uc ldeei1cccil, , t iiii Oiampaig- Gc'iccrgui uc,',, 'î uucuic1i ic sccci i e c't 1 i"î iiicg i e'u'i .icuuui j i i 't u i c ilI i. iy îuu'uucuuuîug ilii,, tîl 'cuI'uuu lii 30,i mli 1122, M ii i- o it te'PAG.I cucnl Admincitrai'vle' ceuî'î'ee ' uy go. 1-n, ui ci, ,( Aryvil eieclc.('uimaieititofccuucinci muiWsuI-e -"W,, ,(,',d.iiiugc"i.cccrcuispiit 11cr tîcuccu, , 6578.Tiecncuec'idei i lu, ouîîi hu Iit iii u- n t f ',uuiîcg tfor îîci' t e t Ais'ues il has icreased ,,iiui a- u'eiti'bc 1)liii' cicuiuîfi)" h c"11119 c r'i ci: ucîîidi u la lice aie- ,i' uic i,c proportuc ion ici iiiiiciieteuciiti clui, uci î'î'e uî." lu oiM"G1L.C.cîand uic i ac e oua ittiinc,,,rt ilyciocommccu'ision. Pollock and lic 115,tIie COEceriitiiii Population 111 957 laor noie i Caada Armai's Puatlen Jumprd <n- Ca p el ec arecoi d iglecc(if 14li,_ Or the 4,10e mark thIle ear, <'Irrl 000,000; hueis ciiai'nd mui ci 4.921- J. Mct;vi re r t ed lest neerk, Manufciceeet or tMo0 noni 945 ancd g$L,568,o00.0 i tlo iîuete lne aaeent HIG GRDEMEMRIL t 9n. incer1945tdihic nihur (utol mIl eeetlue. Tudate, Use pop- HIHAEMEMORIAL S GRVIG Ccniaceo'ih juchs ce grieciccu "onlofehe t liertlew 4,0le iepr- MEMORAL EGRAVIG liedceaed roid 13400 . a ,tiseot ee.lidtiaîl n upad trrnd 62 Water S., North, GALT 692,000 miue tie nuncehre tne-u necireuldenta ta the tamis TELEPIIONE Zou agriciienrat joie hoicimre bas ici- ,'.rl.,,wh, past near, whe the recsed rd Iee3,277,000 te 4,7f61,00a. population ceeu tiNt persues. a . i il 1 ançi ýssi.,ted by th, plant Loc al. te .u-nlbýrs el'ewhele.