Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 16 Oct 1958, p. 10

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The Saurday Evening Post, the largest magazine cf ils kind i he United States, an- noueced recenlly that il miii begin accepling alcohelij beverage advertising immediately. The atstouncement was made bry Rbert Mac- Neal, prestieni ut tire Crrtis Publlcltitg Corn panttty. Altiruglitil rtrupte anun rrnown tact te mary tenders, there are stili a tomber of large magazines, daily nemspapert ted meekiies that do sol accept liquor adverfis- ing. Dues tht average Canadian cnrethem weli (or hom badlyl his or ber oommueily is goreroed? If interest in local goenment elecfions orer the yenrs is any critetioe, tht ensmer must be n resounding no. Hardly mort than fhirty pet cent, cf those eligible lu vote in such etectiene useaily de su, agaiest frty le tioly pet cenf. in provrnc- iel eletfions, nnd sereely fo eighty pet cent. ie federel enes. And yet, as has so effet been obseroti, of nil fhree levais of gurere- ment, thef cf tht monicipnlify touches os recel clostly. Wafer, semage disposai, gerbage collec- tion, streef constfrucfion and repeir, lighîrng, police, firt, parirs-sclrservices ns fthst are ail vital to life as me bnom il. They may nul be fhe lest mord in rrcifemet, but mn mould be irs a pretly pour state mthoot fhem. Thirirprovisiorn ire trusinessocf mon- A Wise A With commreity actrrrty shrfîing irto tennisg gent foraneother mrnler teasn t migirî be mel lu oremind enci r uranrzeîree cf tire importance cf elecîing press rrprn- sen ta t r Os. No ormopuper rntire crut try, meekip or deily, iras n staff large enougir to rurer ail tht trente le tire re, enif tit em ut fhin e dvorce. Havre3 a good press represenltatrve s fer more assuraece of irning meeting reports eppear in nem o uoteies mirthn our croît s courted on tocovflrthIem frcmn merners et tht grocp. A ceescleetirors press represerttire te an rgueizet, nc cn heip iretp rtc or ber Other Pec Canadiets hart but rp a large mronrv et spending pomer, pcints out tht Saint John Teegraph.JOunsal. 'Munirout mincie ouil lut chaeineied relu goods andi sprrcrs rintire foreseebte trîrre.- Soumet' Peseger serrice iii contine f0 sirinir, tiinirs tire Kilarney (Man.) Guide, mincir pornts out:' 'tifs qurte eppareet that mie caneot hart our ceake and eet it, toc. We carreof hart higirmepo and cars as meli ns psseger traies, ted me dobt tf nepone meets te ire up tire se ot hrs cr.' ripitest eroromrc nmmc for Britisth Coi- ombre's Cenîennerilptor, declares tire Van- couver Sun, is tiret thi,5s"tire greattot sel- mon yeer this province hes erer ceer. BesI nems ut ail is tiret tris lobks 1,0e Otiy tire beginrring ct n rastly expended aimon ite dustry. As James Snclair, preerdeet ut tire isireries Association ut B.C., sept."Thirs is tire oely area rn tht morld mirere th iresir catchirs going op. Ererymirere tise il is gcitgcdomn. Concert orer riiep ling rosIs, parti. crlerly toods, points ouItirhe Winnipeg Trll. une, sirold eut ire nliomed lu obscure rire tact tiretlire average Cathadtae s enlie3 more ted e greater earirry ut grade toods thon erer betore." Steps lu prtserre old buidingt are huart- ily eedorsed bp tire Kingston Whig-Strandard. "For n cIp mirose attracton esearour isî ceerre s based ce ite historicel associations, il mooid be siiy fo eer cdomn buildingsomicir are ail part and parcel utfreht hirstory. This dots tut mean lu say tiret ebuildngmus it may lue obvious tIraI ite number who stili refuse tris type cf adrertising is dwind- ling as se many fhiegs de as ime pestes and ont tlinks courdit ions arr changing. The Pool hes lways been a preîîp gord tattet. t cui mrp rof lhilIFl..tr1borrr corrco'oooly wmn'tuet p tlrrrkinqrp il llIrbe e ltlfe "cieeper". Homerer, mere nul cons idering aey change in our poiicy. e icipat, or local, goreremeef, ted is, flsert- fore, our business. Nor eirouid me torget lirat municipal business lodap os big business. Tht enplosive post mur gromlh ut cor cilles, tomrrs ted vil- lages ires meurt an teormors expansion ut tirese local goreromet tutrvices. And mirere elst hart tire hope tomscnnressary lu tinance Ibisexpansioncouet rore tftrot tror noes? Trot, tire mupors, reeves, coeîroiters and cocecillors miro serre tireir cummcniî rus bear a treary luni. Or their sirouiders recto tire re- sponsibiliîy lu sperd tire ten milis 0bt misely and melI. Ail tire mort teuton, tiren, mhy me slreuid 'ail seetuo il tiret tire bort qualtfrtd and mosf able cittzens become candidates aed scoute etecîlue. Irn tiremeebo irneedretety aheead me cen cdo murse rît n remets ibrthti r locaiiy, poile ,as etro ras it mrler curr' m e getlte goret tritrtt m tit',rot &,ppoin tment ) grerp on firtir collective tces bp meietrreieg tpublic rnterest tirroopit rttmy ectrrrrp te' 1ports. Sucir ter est is hoted t0 roi off on - members cf tire rrcrr trntrrrturnirrpteir morale ut aod jced o. Tis ntmspapr s irappypIo rereie rt ports o ocalbruittes by ptocpt or in'd uat and tht appoiermetrof a press tt1srt. teetatrot le a gîctîp pistes tier0 tsponsrhrity tor tire wmc, tf yo'eattrrttriy upprrnerd pressrs prseetrstrrteed maybe sîrirhtît'bemtîdered, air tir e rrs rltttrtmtrit octhtis palet tut t ome heurD. Thltt'it Irapetsotte oft,r o getions. DpIe's Views bore hoosecia aroos man te order 10 goal- 1 pf for prrýseîretree bot rstir tht ilt froulr uttrepresetatrrtrofaeeerirretmore sItar,- ors rauwittt utilrttigs waure toril l t as taost rmpcrtuatint Mi. Diteenbairs air deteece staremeeft is tr e nnooecreg pro- ductrot-si ere9au irtirte United Stetes, as- serfs tire Ottama Joernal: "le tis e momod ut co-operurton me unill be drsuppoineerlit fhe Amercaes atm nrt preparedt o go tire mirole mep, ie turrtitîatinp the production antd ioaiiabrity cf aillautapret utlomic arr oi cerý mrsr Socirablurue coluaboration iste trredaîroe u ctrnentali detence and onut tire nations tan bonld tomurd s secorrrp otirer- mmwie impcssible." No one can accu-e tht Canedian natin ut btrng rj rioos, caps tire Peterbonoughe Examiner. "If anpffrrrp Canadiens err on tire srde ot prenrrp ted, me must cadiy admit, a bred ut pompcsitp ubecomie Io a vrl country." Our propocet tinuecial ard lutirte West ledres can irardip ire consrriered muniicent, tires tire Montreal Star. "Caradtaes rare a distincrtterrce strie3 gtiroî tire Wrtst lntes Frderetroe pets on tifstnttr os qtrckip as possible. Tire prohlemrs, bot ecoecmic and soci, are marp ond nt c irusrterabtt le oizt. Ard titre is ae od dlolfutnocsense bent rlied about rte impossrbititp of their solutiot. Bot boti r tîcerautradîtionul uard peopropirol staedprrnîi, Cuarla iras a role 10 play te brtnginp tire derelopreent ci tir letesi reember ci tire Commonwtette uom- trieofruitiers." The Canadian Champion Publrshed eery Th.,sdoy at1Maittt, Mtt.OtntMIt- berorf the Audit Buearuuof Crelttres. the C W.N A. and the Ottrtt-Quebec DvisnC.W.N.A. Atttrtisng raies o requrst. Subutriptiotte payabin adt rce3.$00Ouin Canada, -$430 in theUS.A. Authstrtred us Sectond CIres Mail. Posts Offuc Departatrnt, Otsaa G. A. Ditte, Edtor-rst-Chirf ct p'Jamts Drlt, Matagmng Edtort David Et.Gis, Prodluctiott Manager Ptsblmed In the Heart ot Haltan Publithed by the Oils Prnting ad Publiabtng Ce. LlasIted BUSINESS AND EDITORIAI. OFFICE TELEPHONE 18 8-2341 "October Pattern" t 'cw v u 11 ý - a , r--tnt .î I tr-1- I- ti-\"-- A ' î,, ." 0e tSLFrt TS OF','îîrh,-rm,-- trrî ETnoA trt,,' , iit, li rrr . t t l, . ,- --n a Il' MUST cBc lîrritrior-t rcrrrsrrd uit rt irtir.-ur ht 1t)it nt Wtrtgtli, .tlety httd ea urrmtfui inittilmrt'eg rin Orîîh ' t- lt a IAN ONYONE tilt rît tht t'r- 'r- a tîrlrrirlnrr, iOp t t r, tlytio 1 t ,t * i'(.,Ioffr N -v.X f p-t .ir -'it l 1tr , rt , t tiah',, ortrt. rrt1 ,,, "'i rlo ti , t r,--,n i-t t, th ti, trrr' ir,,', su 1 rhum , i fr-r -r i , ,, I- , tt ti' , rie. e' rut.i.r,,. 'it. lit.. t lit... -. ýIille rp herrpi. ynlt-i ,, he t ,r *ýe$t appetnrerdh aurid -rr"Tis s , 1 rh . î w hl, a"ri k ,- ir, àla f IttoO',,r,'r' t't hiv, lit ' i,,trr i tytt ' rt i... W-, Ii d , rrit r, r -0t i ., i i', r -rt' tt .1, r- HIGHWAY GOSPEL CNURCH A 1met Asst»mbte ufthlie PE?4TECOSTAL ARFSEMBLIES OF CANADA Puar S e.M. Chisteeeen SIINDAY. OCTOBrîcnorrtnrtt5i filM a m Srrndrrr Sr-tr,, 7.00 r, Eotgritr Sor Tti'u,-dy. e, r.tutPray- ictisg Itrier. c8p.Il-to Yrrrtg Ptîrîrlî Surrsiry erîcrt' irîinteIODE F Hallt.MrîrS lt. Miii -r,-ti c- ri- tc îrrricrrtro,-,cr183 or AttArr- W,'trîme ST, PAULS UNITED CHURCH Ministre Rie .J. Lure Graam. BA..B.D. O-aoro, Mrs Haotld Meget, A.T.C.M. SttNDAY. 0"tOcrr 19l1ti. I15,1 IlW -m M,rîrrer ,Wý,,-sl,. 9.45 l15.e t ie ;d tnit Dtprrtetnls. Ani titi are trîrnPatad. B,-1,ne'rs EMMANUEL BAPTIST CI4URCH t',riitrial itt.mriltri 1,r-irr t Car,,rt . I Nor,6 Miltinti -290i SIINDAY. Of'-lOttt ttîOt.1tit8 t 50il o,, ttîflît 0îitr .A titi, ' iti atirn i Wî'îltîrsîirry P irer.lIibi sîrrir 7.15 prne., YrîrîIirIl rt Tirnticitto Il r).m.. W.M . Il rie.. Cirristititi Vîtrti5-,,,- GRACE CHURCH ANGLICAN Milttoe, Ontariu Reeer Rnv. G, A. Poell SftMDAY. OCTOIdER 119h, 1950 20t BUMDAY AFTER TRfMTTY .00 u m -Hof y Commrrnion, 9.4.9 a.Sutday Seitout. tI.00 ar..Matite. 7.00 t.tt.- ecesant. ALL SAINTS' ANGLICAN CHURCH m'Itorn terht. Itntrrr, titr-D A. Pcmtl SUlNt'AY. Oi(itto:t i tri, lpi-ý 2ti IJNS)r), îFR TtîîRrrî KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH REV. FE, (SesOlu-a, Tdste Der- larehoP. Z,tii. MA L C:M.,Oî anstlanduColircMrrt,-r 'Coretîtonmlt Ic and toýI-1oi doîthrrgaoi.' Nmttirtr1029. StriO titinJnttitIr-r1 t-tit M,1o-10 tilt t it',n i ni r ,ILiti. N t hrnr Tire N,'n ,r, rt tIti Si.('liAt,' rtKrrît ndrAt M LOWVILE -NASSA-11 Y (ANGLICAN) Rrettr: , ,fit-e .t t'E. Jrf-,, Oiiitrttrl' D,sîîý-4a2.577 T'ItttStt"XX G'IjIi R,trE ri'î'StttiCrn, 11 t00 i;Ltnttr t l'n ,t BOSTON AND OMAGH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES Mieisirrt TOe. B. A. Nvi. BA. TeIrthlsrrTtiirogle o-4926 OtIMDAY, OCToncR 1tIlt, 1t5t tii0 OimttiOrhrir WolsirtSvi- 1ots5 ar.-BottiierStni cimiitr 11.30 ar..Boston, Wîîîstîîî,Si-- TMr ier,-t Win. BfttofetAtîtrett Ptrtry-îti Curi tii =- THE GOO OLD DAYS. 20 VEARS AGO 56 YEARS AGO Takm anrein trth s Set tse Chamanhoas ctobar U, lm3. Lat Thusaraday nightt at 7.30 p.m., the tome of Miton made ls att- pittates debut rat the air, via CKOC te Hamiltont. attd tray me fet sure r tertghbors is Onturiro ted toto York, Prerortoaror artdOhio> hrr,,ma lrttlr' ,, aboui,,rt l dure ofttheNiagaratesterlmnrt. Tht hsttnry ut Miltonemade ie- terestrttg iteningeeetto ta tttr atha etailtfairry mett and e farta gatheeed hy tht pahtishert ut tIse Cutedran Chamtpionantd Goa. E. Ettiott, former Mayor, atsfulded a hrght torture of Mrtottt future. Mr. Ettiott enohe ut hehatf futMuty- or Chrambers on tht ment airant- ate Mittoires tu offrr, buth us e hume tisete ad etan lrtduetrrat eentre, twhite o gimese ut Milttn't cultturat deveetpmett ts provrded hy Mite Marjorre Dawontastd Mr. tout Betty, both of mhom ofler- ed exrettlet suoetlsumhers ontthe, festgrattt. J. W. Hrggiets ib beeteuant addit- ron Suit tutu hrr servicestatiorn ut Murn St. A. oromue, miro tulfered a ttrght irrur't rttacb trot Saturday, io. mc are trtrrsed tor cry. rrnlrorreu. ort rot Sro. 25 Hrghu'ey-wes slrhttty rrrrtrtted hrthe trrp ut tht roui u,riorovrtthe surfae.A cuplte moretrps ad sornne rf tht graer r.ttirrred to, tiere oud wnuluti br A FreCre Prest. trr thet irt otf attret utintet- lrrthscrhrrrr rugby gaetroOtweten Miltrrt rtnrlGergtetrorn, plaed i Milt (itn rThrrrsdee eltrrnro cf LMt-t 'rk. Miltore trrh onrrrrrs'th ri 6-2 rrrtory Thr, octy truthdomtr Strrrrt kiroir r'the bulr-ver the Olt)rzlt'rr finirtr.cThtebutllm'es lrrrirtrsIl hb Orrrotrmn ,ke t,,l antrdr T.trrý,i. 'Miltonr, guru- r I trrrs'sorrr t,,,-rr'Miltons tht *akon tgam Me oua 5e tfhanPiaiossaeMm Tht fareeers aeoatîy of the CaetPbeîliit e neihèae1aed have Put uP nuto eatotaines tan uSnt peopet'ty tu Ptotettthte-atttlei grouse and euttr'dgeThet kerrm tt. Il rrrrgh tri, llrrrn th, tuir s î1,'rr-trrlrrtr'rt tir, Y,--?'. t iro ort suleto t,, tr coor erar thero. The annuel meetrng of tht Mintu Curting Club mrtt tc ee td et tht enurilhambrtamorrem eveer- ina. tfthrany rin dee'ttcornemun, Mirltonts tin for a mater tamine. At tl s, tire mater e s ery tom le the ttserroi and itizeee areeneshort uttamence, ttertsupplies berng sht offteyerngt and Pt ofetrn ery day. The maeutuctcriea wtsrtb use ted drped oe thetotn e ater are sirut doren. P. L. Robhrtsaun Co. e machine tmop it entutt uperatrot nw, tare- ing octhire patet erremted thee Eteone FuibriurHelper as meti us doeg rePaire fore loct al utmare. A spenrli 32 lump aetyter ges Irirhtre ptlrntis in operetion, mrth. tutti, sroutsidr the trust ofthtie huilding, hih roirilliestty rttumrn- ts tht' trond.Wotbmts are husy us thtelrrusditrn rut tht lousdry in terrtJtthtenmachinethop, mhrth rerît bc trerrd aast aetthtetoto- tir e rts. 'Thre nscet tairc utthe Manette- meyu Agrrrutture Socety se Tues- dlay mus fuvrrrd reti beutrfut mettir ancd mrroa eet scrent le rrrty ro'y. thr attedanre brieg excttrionrrty lurge. .1 C. Witsone. rornty rond euprr- rntr'nrtnt. mus io tome yrstrrdrry. tir' rprrrtr- ttirthtie mntrcf tord rmlr"trrcrtin Haltrn mus ubrrut cvrrftrr lhrs ytat. E. Pyr res egurn eensce trrt ut the t rlfeirrt mth bre singte trrnr White Leghonse. At Othertît, irt mrr emecdrd tItrer firt,un scertri andae irtlrrne Miltone, two frrsts tsd u second: Cemphrttnlltr, PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY AND TRAVELLERS' GUIDE lri,,trtyi'rr o, r ,,DENTAL 24 etrc DR. G. ii KING DeentlSurton Offrce is Royul Building, Milton 0 E.VtWtONtDER ),it CanadteattHours 9-5.. ) r, rIt ,rrt...rr.g t sret'. tl,t X Rue ee-rrtt TrI. TR 8-9762 b r', ,'rrrîtt i,, r t 4',,r,3 t DR. H. P. GALLOWAY r, ,,, tranrr, fh',a"- GentautSrgte i..irrrr,.,15MainSt. cori srtttoor TrI. Otfice TR 8-9201 0 SOrT I"MESt Il1'l' ttt o thtirtLEGAL tac r.rrr ll g1 , t . . . KENNETH Y. DICK t r.trrtrr lrrr lt-o rsttr, S,,trtot. Mtery Public, 196 Min Strteet Ttlcrirre TS 8-4491 i;,,,t,,,,t,, r lot ,r T. A. HUTCHINSON, QOC. htttrr,,,î 1956îaiî- Batrrter. Saltr. Et. . 661.rîrr,r u,'îî,,, r, 131t,,,î ltThomt as Street tridtititîtti ,t:r cal],.17 ît i trI f Tttephose TR 8-t551 t --i 4i t .rti,,rr te t ril, GEORGE E. ELLIOTT, Q.C. tittttttitlx-, BSurrstet. Solrcrtor, ttotary Publie r 0t "t tlt1i tt~ttOffite - 207 Mar'y Street Trîrehute TR 8-9202 a -WA.TCII TttE IihtO.P,i, SHARPE ted NICHOI.S rttt0t"torti, artît ail W. S.SHARPE -th,',tA. J. NICHOLS -n-i,.î [tr rirî r,'r rît a,' Barritrrtrs. Solitrtors ted ,,,rrii'ti r,l , , Roter-ras Publit f4 airsSt.. Miyan Tetepirone TR 8-6071 a TItO t'tHAN50SIVINC, 'i'- HOMARD M. HINES rtirîrrîirr thei iatt ,itt rtit 29u Macn St.. urt.t rît,, ir i, u, trîri inîrrîr iti o irr Phrint Tti0-9772 hirrtltrr.i us îtr, 'îr MrIirre .rti .,rîrit ir ,,,,thîîiî't F. DAVID THOMPSON r..t r.i th-,o rirîr , errtt.r, of tturstertaed Solicitor i,'îîî rrrr.t'atut189Ma ie Street TR 8-9351 FSINERAL DIRECTORS a "'l'BErc ttstos'r, tr, ý oiel 'r ItIlt îttI f iti r, aMcKERSIE fi. -l'poîrîrîi i rtîtho,' FUNERAI. HOME tz t.. ll, le ir.î r îrr ,,, I r, rc,n,tr. Fcneret Home, Amblancse Service t 'r ,'tttr îitr trI o lh l srrlIlut PHONoE TR 8-4452 NIGHT or DAY M 1 and i,îîr,t Ill ,îî,~,v (o SnereCoutearrtService ,,,tcailInio ,,i. ,r the CIIIOPRACTOR t. in ]ttt,, tr(" tit r Iti Dortua. of Ciirrprettic i îrîtl r a'trs.l'rtr M. O. RIDDELI.,DDC. trrt it tIr.rt 'i tî,al in.,t rrtf rît' 381 Kiîîgsttiir Crort tir, r' il t. tti"î'r.rit.By A csistrueir PHONtE TF( -I23 X-RAY hîriirri rc'tiîr r, iri'r i)tint OPTOMETRISTS Mo, :w-rt. 'rîî',î rr'tir IIl WILLIAM C. MILLIGAN Yý,...Doetoe of Optometîtt t""' tttAt Murchtiafs oe Mondues v:Irl,rr'-. ti' rirngg Phte-THO 8-6541 tuorîînrintttîents ARTHUR A. JOHNSON tnt Mare St.. Miltoe S ()NE TIît abutilti tsirte it,tted Dseis'Jemelteryt rir tlo- rorîrirthti.înretr, ry Phonte TP,-9972 tons. TR 8-9678 iirirrrtirrîfotrtrr,,ri ,re, , Tursd.îr atd Fridar- mureings -iii', o-',- rir iiirirt tisr cetrieus by apporelteet t,tir-rt it tiltipI'.l, r-tr ROBP. R. HAMILTON, O.D. Optotetrisf tRAIN 5(ttCES yîglrise Hstuing noue Moto tut Guelph St., Georetotwn r, Stirirt- Ottit, ,rrîîus'.Duit' xcttrtjr inrrîs rain a"" ifso EPc-a hn erpt. Phone TR 7-371 lYoeocuidfie,,, lutrîitrerk- PUBLIC LIBRARY HOURS Ilf h ianthn ii îtMantobaîirandrî FOR ADULTS Alre rrrta eoitii'i and r, rîtîl;tît Mosday ... ...................... .30 te5 pm.. tbrttii,il loi (ilrirtitg Tauiunày..t1.30-5 p.m.nand7-9 p.m, Wednersies... 9.30 s.m. - 12 nouse ocirrt. Qrr,îtt ,t tIr crrairie - Thusay .. 1.30-t p.m. aned 7-9 p.m. trv' rer-itilt Illi tfart thut the Frides,.. 1.30-t e.m. ansd 7-9 p.m. irttiitt Sehlsrthildreobalee eparate iii heturs. MEDICAL THE STEVENSON CLINIC Miltose Apptistments TE 8-2323 Dr. C. E. Steeson TB 8-441u Dr. D.K. Arbcnerai TR 8-1545 Dr. D.Lestre TR o-9ien Dr. R. W. Douglus TR 8n-Met Oftfite Hours, by u. ittment onety A.M -9-12 aP.M.- 1-4- 7-9 Wadottday. 2-4 p.m., Baby Ctirrc Soîrdur atd Wednertdut entge Emrrgenetaoev. MILTON PRIVATE HOSpITA!L X-toAY CornerCPtoiand aol Su7geon DR. G. E. SYER Phttrcius aed Barteon Otfice-Jaes Sîrnot Phone Mo. TRB8-64J31 Oficeror uats 9 ar.,'; 1-3 7-8.30 p.m. Coroner DR. J. W. MoCUTCHEON Office Houes, 2 - 4e.m., 8- 9p.m 157 MulenStress Tttephose TB 8-9223 Residtrt TSB8-9298 DR. C. W. VfiLPZ Pirysielue utd Surgt-se 14 Merlin St,. TR 8-a793 truiece, TR B-9161 Consuttiton by Appuetrumnet ACCOUNTING LEVER & HOSKIN Cirarterni Aceoutt Phones:DL 1-4824 EM 4-9131 5t Maini St. . 212 King St. W. BrampotontuTarunto EARL G. BLACK B. Comm..R1A CA CHARTESE]D ACC5OÙMTAMT carmer-tstitd., 162 Main Bt. Milton. Ont. TR 8-6542 NEVILLE STOLLER & CO. Arroostensa& Aadilos Trustes is Snkraptry Comrerssreeers for Dathe 225 Main St. (trttne ot Mrtin) (E. B. Cttmentetetraner Miltot TS B- 9523 Head Offite: 530 Blusa St. W. Toroetuo - Asd et Georgetomn, Brumptone Lrinsay, Ete. SURVEYOR9 BOWMAN, BLACK< AND SHOEMAKER Ontario Land. Ssrtnyars oui Esgrtrera Mors Offrte: BretteS Otfire: 30 Doîrutlas St. 163 Mars St. Drîl-ItiOtt. Miltoe. Get. TA 2-4031 TP. 8-6983 ASCRITFCTS H. WYNNE DAVIES Archtet 32 Aisente Ruai, Toroeto 1l Trîiratoe BE 3-6461 troirsuce RD 2-f609 TRAVELLERS' GUIDE CAMADIAN PACDtIC RAILWAY Standard Tîme Gorng -Ert7.12 ar,; 1.40 t.m.; 9.05 pro. deits. Oorng Wect let n-am.; 64f p.m.; dot le. CANADIA14 NATIONAL RA1LWAY Galet Mrtlt-8.13 arn, Gait% Sath-7.10 p. Business. as Usual Our Business THIS SUNDAY'S CHURCH CALENDAR -- - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - dommumffim

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