Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 21 Aug 1958, p. 8

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te fais lime ic Ontariof Btwuuu mid- Auguet Lsd mid-October almost anury city, tome aed illage lu hu pravincc iii tage au aucuaf faff fait sud thie tome le ce ec- ceptios. Eeybcdp lu Ontario eheufd attend t leacetoneeal fait, if ccly ta gelt ta baam and nienithe tiraii îpeuple chu arr tir' barkbcrre cf agi iciiir. Etrtaisimuat aad itaruaf la ail faire are cas jut ou the midmay. 'iheru are the emaiug incidents that amas ur nthe ehoicg sud dieplayiug cf lietock and pets by the boys sud girsinlathis pride lu icicg, la thir eau uthoeicem t sociug. Thre ara the ararfe cf aId friande mha muet pushape anually t the feul fai, the ecjoymuct cf those hct dogesud soft drinke, the ight ccd ecued of ide ce thu marry- go-rounds, ic theirsira cra emearud face. These are the uarnust affampte cf ycug Originel souce cf tha thcaght acpre- sud balwioc lncabome bot a scanbar cf cemepaperas hane reprictadi i. Ila is molil cf rshing andl rcging, theu Cran matiosed hre, if tabac fa huart, cigbt peeibiy prucant the appaliiig ise sn meuh- end ftcity taistîce. Prbape, tbe, hay might sicw thinga dclnta churetehava- usage man le able ta seauhimsefinlethe pro- pur persective, scys the Elmisa Signaf. ' Junt for todcp I iii try to lice thracgh thie day ceiy, anC set tarbie cy chois lifu probleer ef once. I cas Ce sonrchiag for f2 hacra bhar mccid appaif ce if I thecght i baC ta eeap if cp fer alifoîiras. klostfofr teday I ciii bu bappp. Ibis essomes to be trca chat Abraham Licoln sail, that mot folhs ru as bappy as thep maheucp their creda fa b.' 'Juaf for trcdap 1i ciiiadjcsftaochat s, andl sot trp fo ad1cnr eaerytbing fa cg emu deines. 1 i ciiaLe nry loch usii caorn andl fit cyseif te if. 'Jast for todaop1I iii trap ote rngre my mc. i miii tnpta stadp. I1mil rp ta luar ose ctbiog oefai. rJust for fodoy I ciii eecise my sac1 lu thrau sucys: I ciii do scmebody a gacd The " Ex " is Canadas National Bxbbition le uder- cay for enothrar ancd tis acpuctad 3,000,000 ciii isif the marlil facon shora thaf le effarail alacat ce cas daorstep. T6e famoon gransltacil shom afse t- fracts aboot 25,000 uourp aferaronasn d eaeicg ccd the silmape andl huserarua spaciel ratas and coacabes t etgathaelias- drede froc this district ta tha groands. If's a gruar shaw. la a cannage bhis meuk gacurel manager Hira MCalîca noetilthe gaseralimraseert cf tha greuds, the beactîfol foustalas and tha floral diaploa on tire caterfrout, bobnind the bacislli, as epeciel feer res. The sua foutele sie aacccipthe sae location as tha aid ace but thi onea l e su sud recircoicte B,000gallons ci mater aeap c inute mitb filchanes cf lghrrag KNOX PRESETTERIAN CNURCN 11EV, E. ORCI8OSRN, Mielute Br.ZnohP. '/nohaM.A.I,L, C M., Onganrfail Choir MasSa-, ICanaiou at is andocil cana do) 16cr>,,cd," Nacibirs 10: 20ý atINDAY, Aitt UST 20i,1h. ia T -Ilnra ra ne n asort. h' GRACE CHURCH ANGLICAN Milton.,Onîlan t SiNGhY, AtF;iTtCF24ih,1r l 12111 ittO iAY AFTER "fItN 'FN 110 on, Morfias IGHWAY GOSPEL CHURCH Alocaul Asserbir cf 16e PINTE<OSTAL AS9EMBLIES OSF CANADA Pastoer Ban. M. Clîisîsînse IUNDAN, AUUStT 241hi, ic51: 10.00 a auios al con1 Il 110os. .Mîrnu Wirisbip. 6.00 n'c. Yongu errt" auduysacasa hs ruin 100.F, Glf, Mai St.Maic-cenb as- vctis aulrrsio-(, 183 ibp CAL VARY Partascol Taberacte 123 BHachiSBItre A Fo]Gospel Cbarb Ban. RoclilHoll. Poctura OUNOAY, AUGUtIT 241h, 1n58 2.30 p..Oaedaa Bebnl hf5 017 7.00 os.t Wr)rsubr Brrice. Afittedtp matraîuu amila oua. ST. PAULS UNITED CI4URCH Mîcîies RIca J. Lor'Gr.atoiR A,. HO .genauL ,Mc rl i dMuet-c A.T.CM. S5NIiA'l AuratTsaiS1, 1nain 11ansMasaieWatdce arr- ,non sîrhcs "NoirTlhkYý-o lirahaTmtuIlii' Bt .1 rît L au,-ntir ai-t EMMANUEL BAPTISI CHURCH Crrir'a slt-IMiton K.. tit L1 L'r....r1rIr tr rB Ni r6, MIt-rit I r;22t11 tOIJNluYAi. uItcts-li t41,. ,Ra rJîcrîn AIcs,,MrC ira, mli, tir, ný -BiI,- i 11 iii Mîrrîîrg Wirtaitu a,3 triu Thrt elI, Liiiri's b rup r 7MiIaO riaist cacn. Ms r s , Bil- sIn' 5i, mî,hrîu Iin, Acaos..it22-YuafllroeuCsrtr A,,cvcnmofrîîlrsc rai nul flrrrd,rrcuCthrsiri 'irrirh. Ait -ctnte LOWVILLE - NASSAGAWEYA (ANGLICAN) iRetas; Bis B, P. E. Jethaet, 1'aabicrt ILseu4-2f)77 mUNISAY. AttofT 24r5, Inca TItNITY XII ni. CubainsCîrnnet 9.55 ioct Ibdc YCommnioanan r'înrnrsln ba min aî. Garecan Chrrn I115cas, Bain Commniuon and Cbrrrrb bnhrrr. ALL SAINTS' ANGLICAN CNURCN Milteu Betuhls, Ontario Bertor. A. PoellG SUNGAN, AUGUOT 241h, 1c58 121h SONGAY AFTEO TBtNITY 9.30ciarr -Murlîrua THE GOOD OLD DAYS= 50 YEARS AGO 20 YEARS AGO huekie tering tIse bell aith a mighty swing cf thue leilgu hammer. There are the meake cf pruparaticu tht go lto the au- hibite hat ie fartotp heccre lu the hue- drede cf classes. There are hu badepreade, the cakes, the ccabre, pruseurneand embrcidury, the kritiîrg andl rIe afghans, the lace ad thu p ios, thirrnsind oralafIaIrs cf cuesr 011119S cf l.eocfy. A fali fait te mode of thasu dîspiapa, the prodacu and the aimele, the cromdes and friaudileesa, the laaghtur acd the ad- miration. Feil faire are e part af a ccmmucity. Thuy ru a ccmmcc meeting grcacid of tome ced country aed thats chat makes rhum so impoctat. Tbis ypacte accoal fait lu Milton miii bu ce Frday and Satardcp, Saplumbas 26 sud 27. Plac cam co attend and meut ycar frede. torc ccd sot get foosil oot; if oepbedp hanoti, il cill sot couac. i miii do cf lecertac m ortby thiaga I do cetwasat ta do -ajst for errsu. f iii cor ebom cep- cne that my feeltngs ara bort; tbap ccy ha burt, bot jast fer tcdcp I iii cor remualil. 'Jant for tcdcy I iii bu agruechia. I cii leoo as mail os I cas, dres bccciugfp, tclh lom, art ceastaoosiy, citrizuect ana bit, set fisil fouît il6 cepfbitg, and cart tp ta, impree r et ulate apbody uccept apseif. -jont fer radap I mill banc c prcgac. i cap caf ffoc wif eacr u10bt I cl bave if. 1 iciiiaccu apsaîf froc fmo pesta: Hcrrrp andI nducrniac. 'Jaat for rcdap I dili have a qoiat baar ta apseuf ail relax. Ortng thie baîf hor, samtîca, I ciii trp t ela cbtter perspea- tise cf mp ie rroagbhaheelp cf tha Mstar oc ifLu. Jant fartotdap I ciii ha asafrard.IEs- pecasdip il sot bu afrard ta unjap chut ibecutflcancd to beliecu bat an1 i gîe ta ha corlil, se the marid miii grue to me." sn thase brrîrd, renstesape cf scia mer, me faul thasa rhaaghrs are part rcurip api. Tbap gica to aunspace a code cflira- ing thar, pa ii Ps, 5 haec anarta i u Here Again coatpIwomntes. The shom ta Ico Caps lnger thîn pear giaing choal cga chidraniandil hart parants a goad oppostcnrtp ta gar thaClap aithtir Fa in. A lot cf rbrngn sridac nsa rta change aith haxFaThre in alcapa ihe sactecant of eeîcg nem thînga drnpiopad anCbasres aicapa bar feeling cf esatoîlafatar con- airenng ocsuheh bcrn creosî.athaîn cwhat caban tha bond shah asîn an papîular acd tbasa rentahle chairs na attraction. But tdiaEFa n cih as agoot and oaa miii haeauerp trang feeling cf acrog misseil sorrbraig ime doa't gel fers Thate the cap a lot cf peopleailatha cira trct fuel anC ther's cbp eacb pcar farthfli pant 80,tha Ecxlias fi ana saaba papuar show. The Electronic Eye The use af radar equipment by palmce ta ta use as a hiddes speed trap. But mcst check car speedars tas ot, as might he courts coudama that practicer la principle supposed, usaurmosly approacd. Appar- rlfeuls ta the same categcry as a a of eatly there lu suspicion of the unfaihsng ficer permittisg or eecocraiiag sOme rîfegal accuracy cf auy mecfiaeicaf cent r iance. acf la rder ta maheana artesr. Soe drcers fear thar the se of the ita If probabfy has ta bu accepteci as a fact cosspicuooo èlctrcuic uye ctll mean the f lde titat if Ift on aur oms, me are sot ircrease sof urirarkad speed traps. Othersalafays goreg ta drive safely. Strict safare- are sure rhey are soc h gouil dricers ment cf the lawe shcctd rulth1e accdent that rhey aeed se added police supervisicn. rate. Ou that basis, more aed better radar eqcrpmeet la the thicg ceedail. For as is But te alec f the moatiag cot of ac- said cf crime, il s the rertaictp andilsot ha cidents le trms f death, injuries ndildol- seueritp cf puiastent tbat in ha claînrent. lar, aetbing that improues police efficieacp aa qims a cusc u fm seemu ta matit osgaalified support. Last cafl aeu mt ecrycereand knamutrimas pear la Canada there mre B,572 persansa tlhere e vccod sae arelnes c lot ne kilfud or ijured te traffir accidents;, 3,694 hr wecudsv orelsaltnt persans died; prapertp damnage uoceuded asfaris deathsancd inures, but le dollars, $73 mlin n lcnhrl edulc toc. That $73 million sn prcpertp camnage that accusasina spesd lsa amajor cucs e o c or t adb msrne opnes cidents. pair1ouco f teaurasce premicas, and is- tuac atua iii increase ifthea cainant Radar agcrpmarrt, cf racine, fends itsnff rate dans. The Canadia'n Champion Pahlîsed euay Chuuduy et Mare Ct., Milton, Ous. Mer- ber f hu Audit Bureau ut Circulatiouu, hu CW.N.A. and hu Outîo-Qubsn Driuson C.W.N.A. Adnatlîarug salece raes.Bbucituruocs payablu ru advacur, $2.00 ru Cunada, easusA<Waua.,, $400 rintheUSA. Acîboiard as Scund Cteus Mail, Pus Otfisa Dearusese, Otuawa ot G. A. OI, Eise-îa-Chîet s* , "c~ JamcusGils, Mauogreg Erartes 'flflUDuvrdB.OItes, ProucionaMaager PubllshedIn lathe Heauts utHaltes Publluhed by the fillm Prlutiug and Publluhiug C. LimIted BUSINESS AND EDITORIAL OFFICE TELEPHONE TE 8-2341 Frririhl ris tms "Autumn Fore casi" r-d rasi ad s;biCaoutmu' ti r'irn rît sai rit'r tirira ii ilr' hirrti' rd., îr" r aia 'Ia rrîri bîr'c t inira1 iii TiiiiTh int lr.t , 'lii ar t l una,'a, tu'irrrirtirsaTre i'ihtt .rhrt i hn inn id i Reset i fraîcar, use eeradl tau . le eilss htrr asil rathn, ruta.Tr me ub a cu-nrelccdOr thbs Iri ir'.'Iaie Iha l , -w',- iii . rcît r n rît in ievtr1 ia rir i rît i tri r, .5 i lr , arr Ii,rtc l titi i Minrrartri'h fif, . trI'v a asII.n iv - Oh I, ii ' 1r 1: rit 1Id 'II, lii 'I 'iii e i as a meansiu rit iiet Ini the atrtliai 't('ai emi A fii lo Tini - Itririt' sanal i t o %iiian IaIiii i -e .-e i Ia hrt h , , g t, Ie vr -, de,-riîr tr ii ii ,r 'lar ' o i - ut IIi i1 inn1crtri :1 k, - titi , ' irrii. A II a ( ' looutrib hî i.tit nn nt iniuitiaP ROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY * * AND TRAVELLERS' GUIDE pisseurasle prînidlau the maieu- lai feu thea e ala editieîî t itie t'hampionîî%%*!tb ormeiliua lihe 15141 euaiaWltin luceol'. As article liu a acreirimagainece- piect. Iliaur Saalieneul ainut is the 19. ilg a yau. isse 1irîrîduait sulliaîî lieitres le a lut tiffilier fh ai'.ai err u le rnbanb'« tb slinai. isirisan a r 'ii sr u alihniv.antc' cai rirýaicuaiqgj iîrhneu ima, tub digglug iltaler le politirrles dug teliea ei'ith e puni hait diggau, Wlithoutthe diggeu I rau tll yoce tiese etiand meut prouive teo ue h lne anduill'e% fieemahhîu liha a traeio. 5ettec euhl, deu't ilupost hlira in, .trtohony, birrt lil r,' rîris frc or a b Irroari i i -kti i, ,Ilrr tn Il ifcl i hasurilthea lenrîl tîrara, mn.rli r,;itri afluarurintrîiatiroeun 'i M'ica oiuti ldcriard dir a amas a I i clid Ii, 'Vttili tIlrirrl o s' Theaiiuest laihaauginluthe ]lba n raimeassîsaîtlit thtra le. ha,, OTh,,siri mrr, laconit1 i io l' ici itrts r'fi an i, i al l'yrrti ho0lditiig trrii , il if Irae trrat'irai rithecacsa itat capeterccingiceaielleoe NO C(ONShOLATIONd Il 1ob r of ,elr'iia orrtiaIt' tit i i rîrr oir e,' tîrrr n îta tIir rira ci 25 n cure a1girThis aie can r Ol usacar ta tce nacra a îsbrrvI.aoader rrlrrd abelir auenatiai ngilclroce ihi uncrcrni Bal, piula'calthbaOct- irlatm cirînLacurrae, diarati; s ail oriiseliirln oei uenecearln bieh, oeil the ati Iboilbas lerarnai te et lirîls ariaucitnilratIthe rolal races andl hrila aith1e 120f0 n'b tria kitildarrtirtiliy tri rîltario ruoa. DENTAL DR. C.AXKlNG Ontl ulrgeon OffieinsRBlutaiBilrdring, Miltan X-BRav Se-air Tsf .TB t-9I6C DR. H. F. OALLOWAY Huas 9te B ta. Canana 6e aaobarci X-Bac Serviae Tai.Gfile TB 8-9201 LEGAL KFNNETH Y. OICK Pairrina, rîtîcrare-, Nînlra Public 190 Marc bircet Tairobîrne TB 8-4491 T. A. HUICHINSON, Q.C. iristrc. oicito,CEtc. 131 Thoasn 0rr5 Milton TeiacbarreTB t-6551 GORGE E. ELLIOTI, QOC, Boarisav, Solititor, NeoaryPubtic Officea-207 MorySOtreet TriatboerTB 8-4l202 SHARPE 'ced NICHOi.S W. .OHABPC A. J.NICHOLO BucristrnSaliir andei Noatii'sPublic 146 Main01St..i'auo Tnetbaoe TB a-ansi HOWABD M. HINOS Bot*it, atend Oclîcitr 298 Mun SI,.Milton Pbr,TB 8-97t2 F. DAVID THOMPSON Bîcntaid SoriCiir ic9 aoit Otree FItNERAL DIRE('TOR9 MaKEBS lE FUNERAL HOME 50ustot Home, Ambuloncetervisce PHONE TB a-4ait NIGiOT et OAY Ocnere, Crtamne Saice CI5IR<5PRACTOR Doreo! Chicrproclt WM. G. RIOOBLL, O.C. 4 Court St. N. .tIMan PHtONC TO t-irai X-BAY OPTOMETRBSTS WILLIAM C. MILLIGAN Ai Marctî,d'n ai Mandons PhouneaTB 8-6541 forat coitaente ARTHUR A, JOHNSON f00 Mole Bt, MilIce ICteloonDai' Jeietniry Pha Tir a-972 Blet. TO a-cita Teesilc ndilriiac moiing Esacictit byapoeictirît COOl. t. HAMILTON, 0.0, îysa'toatphit bcau.luis itutrirO Aida Nîra 16 Guelphr St., Grcicrocs Oltrea Hnrarc Buiarri x ucilrnd Eneu. bc orsi. Phone TO 7-3971 PUBLIC LIORARY HOURS FOR ADULTO Menaor .70 teS Pmr.. Tarsdas . 1301 m. and 7-9 pgm. NaieaedaY. 930 ue..- 12 accu Theudan .. tac0-a pue. and 7-9 pe. Fridos .. 1.30-a pe.and 7-9 pe. Boierdao .fi .- 1.7-5 pu. PubliacHaidayn cluduil Ortîcel ubicrcurhavesepcapet MEDICAL THE STEVENSON CLINIC Mltonr Auuulutmuute TE t-C323 Or t. K.tasan Ru l'l8-4410 hDr iK. Arbcît,o.d'FiO c-9m45 1),% BLiswti ia 8-919c I), O W DougrlasTII 0-6004 OfficenHausibnorporuimeetaenly A.M as - -P2M. - 1-4; t-9 Wdnuilun, 2-4 per., Babn C!ille* Socduî aidWed cuiaunlon uucg cîn nestîaet- MILTON PBtVATE HOOPITAO X-BAY Casanes, CPR. ond 001 o- u7ea OR. G. E. SYR Pbvcaaod udrgue Gifîra iase, Onces Phone No. TO 0-6931 Otfirs ouarar 9 e ta; t-a s ccc per, Carner OR. J. W. MaCOTCHEON tOtficeenua 2- 4 pg.,t8- 9P.M 157 MurenOrees Teictbcne TO 8-9223 On, id,' ce TB e-9298a OR. C. W. HILIZ PbxcrauandOtSugao 14 Mutti c Si, TO 0-0793 Berrilaca, TO 8-9161 Conriliurr haAtpoinrtsaet ACCOUNTINO LEVER & HOSKIN Cîrtirel Atteaulouir Pbnnsr L 1-4824 BM 4-9131 51 MaiS N. 2t2 Krng St. W. HB ramptun Torno EABL O, BLACK B. Comm, BI.A., C.A. CitAIITEOFO ACCOUNTANT Fît 1,crtsBide., 103 More St. M Onct.ai TO 8-6542 NEVILLE SIOLLER & CO. Acrooctoatu & Aodrtaae Ttusteesin Bccbcopttn fcrrrr ,aeora catbis 225 SrSi t. t(crerof Mcartin) (E. B r.'iaairts suacu MItoe TO e- 953 Bauýd Office: 530 BiarSt0. W., Terento Aaid at Gergetown, Bramptn, SURVEYOR9 BOMMAN, BLACK AND SHOEMAKER Gnaris Landl Orvesyori oti lliucrr Marc Office: rr'acbOlfficar 30t Garolca si. li3 MinîOt. CrellrrboGril Milcton, Ger. TA 2-4031 TO B-t983 ARCI5ITFCTS H. WYNNR DAVIES Asabirect t2tnecoad AceTor'onit Tleltrrt WA 4-2302 lIcîarînca NO 2-8009 TRAVELLERSi GUIDE CANAOI&N PACCFIC BAILWAY Standosrd Time Gersu Erast-7.12 u.ur4; 1.40 per.; 905 cm. idn Garuu WanI 9c04 oc.; 6.40 tsm.; darla. CANAGIAN NATIONAL BACLWAY Galu Boah--8.17 .m, Gerrrg ouisth-.îa uer 77.r' r, ' Hi, Ho! Corne to the Fair Jusi For Today THIS SUNDAYuS CHURCH CALENDAR Chumpîsu, Auguut 20, 1908. The coustytoeil'ilml trmcl aoat Tuedoy aI Cc.3c pm.'la seau- Thacorrai-ae sup frtashe ara îtinruusedlbebirrilthbaRBaal Hal- ead acdo igh borrrdril taure c bîcl rrralr'd brîcresitbr Irritandt bray ra,rralrrm ilcst arcirad brtcra hace amail erualirs cr01 cf cuIr Iht le tl l tlne 1eldri. Lus alablborseuthrcee silîd the tarerofcDucan Rrid, the aId Commrrg lasr,Traefalgrlc, authe Houe Liner ceesMlton. Thun ob ea nluchis hots cm thetil, o bucsy, beareseanraacsfaim ths bore, hthîlarilus randldranea oaoy Ms.Rida a a rmtîas aI the Ual- to PaocacîrarAssciainicubcb s cra owcth ttiraIbidn l A Ira rccr.boa tmersODei of Omcuh hbdail cuolloahaanaadi- aici abwhcb coard aIf adbccl c pbyeiiacubarngc soud. A Ira drys ao aoaîbr atosarb rcseasr morb aoco -Shir lIr Ir 1 i Hedridaralun cparasiau 10cr r- lcrcd tIrarthab acrtient nus srarabul batrr caysterar. Ilahbu On Tuacy ncr0610 gasg cf boas colietrilabuct tira rtranca aI the broc hcall daouct 12 i c r c'i'sh bîccil hathoe Ibavcamea01drico- rag cltac c I on aubrchil tothi1e dricu n foiaircuboc] bacc brabru sff1 Und trua c rabtIba ar- Ca-oft fibafira cf lucb Campa 1iii il,tcîr ircriTarif rit'!r rt cglia . v i ' i l. riirac,o h- arai tira lia rira îtfiraar ratla orr- rvnirarTi, Afsrurcrrllar -1,forsn rs tra i$.0 icirirucrra to ir- il,i'rii rira iii ii M'Ito iratio iris u.,;ha". liii,' Chempîmi, Augeat 18, 1938. Businessmenu unoysahasu l acuibu leohiau toraamd so galîlua amewa ra.Ore hot caoil dbeeuh- eseandaeadaufoia itt long quit cent lu the trial attira. Joba bocîl c f Bila, 92, sfeîca brurautathe t rbt h-oiladilat- cisai, M 1,rarîcad rigbt r'sias 1,iî- uri 'isutky6a ru ýhidi ira' ,asigi...itir' l,eirtr ita a son abuacscsltlal ha otauctoaso cuias the joactice o! Nia t HUruboyandoelthuesce bîuhwaenNa. 27 laern the lokushusu ta Basit. The ara latualsat ml mîlriaerreseat oWcBabtonland A bicncle con tolerinhe il- age nt ash, ru in aet ste tae crrctrmadeilthuratauail la aider oa apatil ta ba strlsu aailrubcdbc ata sa a r Tracte arc ucc utotiaurdi o ail ibra ar net hocruu ouy tobl nac cr adlya adth mail an tht ,- cdcrlas, balut raolcr ce aod tir b aintu asac ns oa nib sambclicas tb a i soc t tiig icanorasa ib al a ra- tahetahdaabîcu or ow wayu ar Caru dias ana aIsbe adcccy fratdaa'r aucîbsbd oy an Toitauactouc frincan oucl ma c 6ie a briacat cf ioa rotsiaitfrot amgpou na th-,a miilhc narcataemcaof na- fîia vpr; si 5 ti ýyarr braca .lrira 62hc. r6 ' Irisasicheadoiraa c armais osa rois, vith tbhebcaaaet anC auiy ut cruhi iraela'ra couyacbarat the o cr iibncf,,cdans.ail ai th ccc aai, tbrcornebach stebuehdanlcd tri n a a'e5ri pa=994 11 ý 1

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