Io Th Canadien ChamTpioncThltf5day, -Aligt5t 21 st, 1958 C nu e rc ne D~iry P incess andcosttnulng untit Augast 8t lu- Idcss3% ôDedline Th semi-til~aaesechedated tue Betuceen Juns and JulystIi a 1epebe and 2 The cmptt- yuae. Candasé consumer pine in- To A ppear a Ex lons cc"itbuib hetd d uE inte an dncltnud . per cent. trucu 125.1 Frtyfv sn aisto sring outheClsubt nthe to 124., D.B.S. reporte. Mot ut thin atives un anddisrinont-shuars ut6.00 and 7900 pm decresse renattent rucu odrap ut may cute addNretiO atons Priucuss, Mes. Hanel 1.1 peu ceut. In the fuod Inden, as maemdletyI heDiyth the îhur touar grouauindenes hven moadetin tluthe Da958 Reid is scheuda ucompte ne- rdnt Itte se nu change. Canslsn attuat Ehihiion. aint the princesseceut Perth, Yack, r CanaienNatonalExhbiton. Northumberland and Preorott un Pnieu decreeses ccrred tue a They camte froEssex in hu Fidsay, Augasl 29 oucher ut resh negetabtes sud a west ta Renrewin the estand as _____ break inubuef pnieus hibh lait tar nucthasnCochrane and Thunder hcn rioing sleadity. Park pecces Bay lu uuth-mcueren Onario. Flue Ncaly 2taituucs that aruse ud lgblly us did Ibusu toc nag- yoang ladces urer pilîrd agant ouebamoe hr elicred lo be importacct a, coffre aud fats. Egg pines ou auuhc on uoch of ncue ightu,lutacuuacit4cCbing hure hicccthe othec haccd ro encents ücccucectccacThzitcai, Accastc21tl',tocleeadc,)ettd, e 1o 60,000 new reasons every day for mechanized farming! Iu these days of mon-maude ptanets wu tend te, overloo h Is olOdc but titt miuacuouao, arth tht Perdu und pro- vides for os ait, That over 60,000 babies ure r u t this morld euch day-more thon enough lu repopulole lthe mhole af Cunada in tuas thon a yeoc-goes unnoticed. Thal thear 60,000 newm ~ouths cull bu fed on the produce of Ihis scull ernh dors not moke huadlue numu! Yet, chen me conider ttis ustosih- ing groth in the words poputation, me mut onder bacc il io lIctour standard of living-meaaured in termes of food conaumaption-remaina au, high Hum o it possible chen theru hou heem liti tuappreciabtu increrar in the moctd focs acreagu and a decline in the an- tut faroing population?' The unumer ies in farm meubaniza- lion in a nientilln opproach ou food cultivation and the deetopmunt of modern machane methods to inerae output pr acre und pur mon-bouc worked. In thia duvntopcuunt Massey-Ferguson ploysa o euding rote lhcuughout LIe wrd-in Canada, lu the United States' in France, Southa Americu. Great Bitin, Southa Africu, Ormany and Autratia. Ait the wortd aer, cuerever frming is mechunined ta met our ever-granu- ing needu, theru me tind MasseY- Furgusoan machines hard t work in the tields. Massey-Ferguson Liniited TO0RO0NTO0 I ALTON COUNTY WED ONROb NW Deal With 23,262 Halton Cattie V E MeARTHUR,1 COUNTY WEED INSPECTOR lUnder Brucellosis Control Act On Weunesday, Augut 6, 195t, "Encourage specuatve land ocun- H aiton County man host to Grant ers ta trace narh propurtien to fuccu According to, the most reet ru- fines are tocatud in Brampton, isurd by an atcredited veterinar- Anderson, ecrtary ut the Nation- operatoro cho citt keup the firtds port rrceived trocu the Heath uf Hamittun and Guetph. * ian or an insp.etur In the ensptny al Wrrdçommsitt erof Canada. Inunodrrraltivatio and in ceuropro Aniols Brunch in Turonto, 93 Ente Withst Tsl o theuHealth ofAnimaituBranch. thr short tm lie h ubre, hie wan durtions." He frtt thio ucactiru Halton herdn inrotving a total of Heifur ralven onder eight J.onthn Att othur clanses of ruttle are not ohonun thcough soooc cf our farico- wold fratly rrdore thr uprrod ot 23,262 cttlr houe nom brrn deaît of age, tuern and offiate vahcinate..ligiblee b enter ontean they have ingucreas, farmo iu thcusoutheco a'ceds a ell au prodoce aefUtmcithuder the BrocrllosiuCoutralapt36uoths qy enecd t. p nengatehtlood test with- potoof thecouty biof brld utalca. Aruant mchothblood trst-animuatnhâVing ithe previoas 30 days. Noticen lor tpeccclatcon pcuoes, oohdivco- Of the nocohe of catle cucul- a hrallh sobtus eqoaltutoor hiuher utingnthu culuations have heun ios crd'tcct'tLta d built Nanes Weeds ioced abcocc. aria 1 .688 ciloe erelhao thaaa mthco chu Cntaol Acea coorted cin the couty presa and aaacettcaa ti, 1ca Ila Oe vtud nt he, Saffinc M' actly tcctcdtt,,cbalancltctauc.cyalo enter ucaided they aenotcs oucccttclcct,Oc ints inut Oakocllu. FOct tus av, tccclIp,tt iAndton ac ulty tua cct,t y ecthccc clora arde ighi moottt ccuccatuued Ici a hccltl c etfci te the Ccuany. sichs lst vict. arooedlss tu erdtWhrcin dabt abot aorag or ficitai acinates andI ay,hcfcfondcuauy chauges. ac,e imcudael cuod comrund,, 36ccoutts. Inthis umsbr of uap ilh bth the cauccon and bot- caIlle thure mere 117 ruactors aud As ncrtary ut the National auc cal racme ut a merd. Nearly ail 83 questonuhie lu the 64 iulrctrdScre To Wcd Comm ille, humwas iutuero- cedhaehbecn imporled feacu heeclu. cre To ed esecllly in Hall ou routy Euopcaud scvrtal ohecparts ot tram theustundpoint utfceed cou- thecmorld. EPnuthe Dolch Elmcu One PeCenet.RErauttun W o k rs Ba k n trt n dl ars ndsbdviiosdiseoe epraeldyrcame hene fram Thi ooehouton the basic ut r ho s i ac n Style lu the stage of devetccpcuut, Whfcn Hottord in Dulch Vrueuc'. Tisc, by caille acluslly tested, a rructcau af Ca me ashecl fu hcuopiiou as la tethe may. sleccs lu bu iucceaucng aotceuimatly une pur cent, or in aado*s mocOhorse it egiiu0 coudction, there wli atmayn bu wrud crorisolution ou ibis type cyie eupidiy in HatluCauty aud thr case ut the ttal Icatîr popu- cocue ut the peocucuuce it tot couuderabtc dumand tue deaughl- of pecpety. the uepty ruais hcc, tayaaubeaoseriosthrcat tuaurata, uu-af otuue peecett.7 ducuueaot-wue yecce. typecharebcaheusrld. catuce populationu. peu enrt.f the 933 herdo ttold AI preeceut thererlua scuectyuOf The toderal erueret ouliurd had tue or more ruactors. tOto type ccl hoese, accediua ta De. threcmaiu rcaoous o te deastte Inuregard tu medccc ouctta ou Tle figues qoted diduuot lae F..Lectce, Liveutoc and Pooltry declcuccuuocumbectc tcttmt ccteclty ia Cauada, Me. iota acuoutlited heedu or heds Productcou Dcviicon. Canada De- 1. Necbauicutiau. Atdecuan lutta the cot fcoe yuars io the peaecou af hecacutut listed. euetcucutoftAgriulture, aud ticet 2 Siefclhosa fat lulicle - te oauaicuuo eut deai of icu- NciuHiocsNa2ltrholucuctcubeutucdt - pStcce oue cdattWtt euccecntt,tOarel uet d, ta uaot'CauteciAeruHaitn furcuuperat- teeotcin bcuduO WarIl. dcspcayceot ctoaucoul ecicta ttleuuoutctctoutd thec uctcf Thet iceu, le suid, haurly 3. Farm lahoe ubuetagu. Fieed ctecc ocf cyccn cau nd . ottelceecugtuD r.tîeelifeacu aotucdrataeeao u ty cccclccimtuctg ua p 'culdct iccemth the health renolatcuus. aiye ets.c.Lgeutfcucdin tc bre t. A. 1T. M OORE liead mt cletailhc'ac, a act acthauudtcuuofdAnim i acc d te fCaaiwl th1cohraecors rocut INSURANCE hl ufcarst bd hotd bciecun- cifce-cu Tccrcccnato t slccaed t aluuays uc.-tttcceee. gcaeapcc tic r leucetaue agaic breecdîcg derd imly n idtu on cl-36 Kele St.-cooddtauahof- Du tuctcmatia aud gorah theccownumaeiahoers. CAMPBEILLVILLE Itcccul prcicers. It tc ice wrds, ed. Phone ULster 4-2271 ccutcm ttust tc ee c-n auce,--- coc e c PERFORMANCE ÂtutAD~ PRO VEN DAIRY FEEDS TO SUPPLEMENT TIRED PASTURES ~STARLIGHT 16%u DAIRY RATION STARLIGHT 24q. DAIRY CONCENTRATE 'STARLIGHT 32o" DAIRY CONCENTRATE 0 CONTROLLED PRODUCTION AT THE MILL MEANS HIGHER PRODUCTION ON THE FARM. Count on Ouality and Order Today from Milton Milling Milton COMPANY LtMITED TR 8-2311 cuee .ca-uctt..c -c.c y~ ,~. r lof Pi l& W 0f course, the car isr:ght Bick's sleek perfection cf I F~ you proud iu any company. Wheîher you take ista a verses a constructionl job or no a dinner engagement at the club ycu'tl knocu hat your Buick belongs. And the price ioright! Right nouyou'Ilfindittheeasieltiein ever to iecome aeother ie the legion uJ Bnjckccproad uwnero. cAnd, no moter cubas series yoa choose-SPCIAL, CENTURY, SUPER,.RoADMASTER c75.c or thu incomparable LeMîT'Et- this is chu ime ta boy Buick. 0155100 MaToitS e ordar-on VALUE B ite C NTu11y 4 Dor RiveaSu yO r ea r-l5 ! 1 / 1 J/f f15 111/J UIfTIUC - SEE YOUR LOCAL BUICK DEALER a-mac MILTON MOTOR SALES LIMITED Milton, Ontario Phone Tr. 8-2355 MEET VOUR NEWSDEALER. Tit wuek the Champion preseets Aucilards Ornerai Storie ai Lactacille, oaeo f setrouroalouetsche re ridets af the Milice dstrict can puechatu Iheir Cicomponr tcady alîtraacc. F. J. Aucklarcd, accoroth to îre, royr thece ruiducîs af the dis trict oppteccote gettiog thct pupeo Ticardayr. Mt. Aucklandl hou brun sclling Choaoponr for otove aycutno Suggest Prices An Invitation and an Opportunify . . . FrI l S LU forae ed cof fait reudud ceapu curer YOUNG E lU oa the Seud Marketing conouui Y O U N G M E N fthe Otario Suit and Ceop lot- in bsines $35 peu huchet. Ceeccîccd Na. t cintre nueat - $210 pur huchet. Our CommecilCoutte opers the dcar ta soccrurfol cotuer Cccmciacl No. 1 cintere cheat inc brus ie TeColrge hat co place for ticclerand 1loafer Si.90p rc-chcshut. baiticar opeocugs fat o few mate aubiticaus yaog mecuica I yr iPtto Pethoni -$1.75 per or lr g o wak hod for ado nemeno hacoht. Thue uagcuted peicus ire for trectcd serd in urm bats aut the [dÔA N F UN D A VA 1LA Bif Elfeecctoloal shcppiug pacnt. yongm n roiateni g b cus:c O s ci-eIls wp oss, fo a ildnuie iu(l'ivsudns etir al int(ýemtt JACK HALL f Cous.For rhic oroatin rrag tant - CONCRETEc CFNDRE, SLAO o e ANDS SILO FALL TERM OPENS SEPT. 2 B LOC KS - rail - C. R.Lennan, B.Com .B. Sc. tRonI ,Principal J. COOKE tConcrote Blocks) BRAMPTON BUSINESSS COLLEGE NE 4-7763 21 Moin StruetSouathBrampto Phone OL 13033 MtoE. 04365 YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO HEAR Rev. James A. Reese YOUTHFUL PASTOR 0F MOLINE BAPTIST CHURCH NEAR Grand Rapids, Michigan - TALENTEIS TROMBONtST - GIFTED BASS SOLOIST at the morning (11.00 a.m.) and evening (7.00 p.m.) SERVICES 0F EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH, MILTON SUNDAY, AUGUST 24th Also ut FIRESUDE Youth RaIIy (8.30 p.m.) FEATURING ccMISSIONARY TO WALKER'S GARAGE" SOUND MOTION PICTURE FOR ALL THE FAMILY mi