WALLS ARE ALMOST ERECTERO-on the ne, $40,000 Hghway Gospel church ai the corner of Wakefield Road and Highmay 25 and morkmen are hurrying along to gel the ne0w ehurch erecteci Thte builbing is a 30 by 32 foou brik vnneer and TAKE OUT SERVICE S ON FOUNTAIN TREATS S TO FULL COURSE MEALS from Charles Hotel Restaurant 270 MAIN ST.'IR 8-9]952 A variety of containers for 'Farmt ALSERVIS Plastic Coated Containers to protect tihe troe flavor 24 - 20 o. Containers $198 SEALRIGHT PROZEN F000 CONTAINERS Package ot 12 -.$129 Plastic Freezer Boxes - Freezer Tape 99c -1 Thre right container is important. Dont gamble witF SEE THST AY AT use the service to converi VICTORY B CANAD, CONVERS BONDkl " Cash Adjustment a Longer Il " Higher Return e Quick Si e No New Payment CONSULT AMY 0F THE 775 BR THE CANAC BANK 0F COMI Milton Branchr C. 00818. Mai iun rm Vlm 9-N 1.MILTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST -14th 15 Second Section. Expects Decres TForHyrCon Lcsmersb. ummer Construction Booms hydre rates for Trafalgar Ton stoppc aueibncoetecd ineSpteier acodn riteTaala on Throug h Mlton and District . shpPu l. rrc t 'ct r's r'e Cruo-,, brîri.r taîtru e cSOuSthce '- "eu' hr u brjstuntrut, C' 'Alumais anr', iontrere t eOd- c sr,'acnutt ,'e tto ecttctt ont bc - a 6: ~"*' 7'"'. rCd h'c' y tht e rniirrure 1 ulitroOr arInc'utiCetd olu ter' rt- a"" ttttttttruh I re or ' odcie crdy. The' 1'UC. liac 4624 cnurteer ' mtllI feature a maile ancuary snatieg 200 peuple, ancl o lownî Ati îhîr tut ac !ýt year r t had 3787. auditorium for mtdweek servics. The proet'ttrlut orlenfu f ,ttith- i-zcrueîcciutr hune many currerîty undermuy ie and arouoebMltont burieg the ti ,r'rd ttctt range J current building boom. ýt tc yr'uî Fktion, Fantasy Good Reading in New Library Books INEUF F TRUCKS at the weighing scle ije st ne of many sighs m otorists -aong Hgha 2ar eigthese bays as muchins tear the old road apart for the wîdening and repue- ,ifhe prejeci saeopectedeluebe completeheeTsclior seeneeweeks oospokesman bilWo'tpGbMi ce tchab e lm e e n M îltoni sa nd11P a le rm o.* P e e l Coa stru c tiFi el ,ra m p tu e Hteid o rn q Hthe.jo b cd: rtrout5 îîîîîîThunde Cr't'r'O manger;"tht' Scheoer; Fitc'Y, w trr't' Oryt .Th DoublecMan alM rhl.TIttiri Acîtît t'tiur Mary Botwik She'ry.Tc'Orcfoi, Ttilght fS*thet o cil WhIC.T hettiSi'titi' rît' o rt ýeCLil rît frCic ttiLioe, Tth,'CatlSot. Voss; eCn;r, t3h T he 'ttc 'and T' r a-t ; ' ic ,iit t' aoi- , T )D iint'd mCii huit triO rîttlid t îî rt.il,; k t ctrrmLadyttd 'tr '41 t5'tti i ti Ottrr But tiir in l utuîîîî'i tir r t' hui ~ ri ri tert rît Fresh Freezng t't tu'î îî C Mun andiît -iiirt" c ri' A Gl' A ttharît t udit ' e EZE FREEZE Ttî, \ Tiii' t itt' v it'T t Pacaesh F 25 inte $159 it tVutýýl ',-Co:A(,ýA Dahin 1- itti M te Wrp 3cI li iy aby r". tutti 1ti flic IG dil Ie. i i t hrritri St nom CO netw NTsf Nd.ERtS S tuiri'ti iiti'tirîtr St'm , il,, rii!, NEAIINICuMrETON o th coner0f te N. 5sîdroadandtheSeunlh ee rafl0a rPteckmagec ofrypulic0coolmhrh I see9pupVsfro am;doaea eorrer Traatarrumrlîp1o,-me.ue almstb emuM'r,'.d A thee bay reabiiiglIte choolfor Sp m thNOEOSANO HOUANO oS eecporooao.thir-îrrajalto l SIe jo faing hes Sm e tthe t'cw ujrc e trulctob frool C oort sruertu lse rebuarjd h noe s bai mno ts thesetda îtret ointH'he ay 25 frincemrIehîh'rr oualto egnafnyeboao ?IsoNDfoDE jI NToCtrs Men wtt't t îbcncrlteifrotrPel snsfucson oMiddid ch fttesotteir Paleîrncrlay Miîtîcon Hr'flj 2ictsl yhe tlt'ty'ttenosajoit bof a Sw ti itn-o t T~~~~~~~Irîl tod to MoleyofpiltntadoAvrtfuyofiitcenerarelii.roiCrlhthetosttli dtteî '40tothe oltrrcrvcr grors in tLeistdeot arst orn Income Period large p'art off1 lieUnited Nation Emergcncy Force PERHAPS 100 NEW HOMES will lic i'trcto ir uiti l 1its ypil aidrdrinthte~le menth of us ltCeGaou sfripandtscintai ;'etitsuitt. Iti UNEF Atî1u t, 'ti'iît'r o lti fo ii r itîilî leo. Tîroso hcmncs jruvercoorly beni' coitsi cfedo n i impie Procedurs lit- le rcfcrrcdt) i'y ibis coinradirt of oti'tr CU n'clIt 'î'm r inii lttboe ubbivectuti andbmobS h ao aIre aby bco sold, ut tries as "theral backhontcof UNEF". . rc aouî1d$10.0 atl cl 1ij s therrd thi Cfts our ssîocits iclt iChange for Eskimo RANCHS 0FArt'~ isoh tseriitgootrt aya n hr'altcy utoot BRUNO'S BEAUTY SALON Sliould bc Graduai 1ANirfoetis vaciof y anti oprr migefor adtvancivnSi'tt. (bv eii li)%INII(.«t h MANte sgroaeCistifc ofSf Itowevec rSstîfroisfChe Att. LINL'tOFBf LfI/rlY CULTURE loI 'mui tr rS e'rît Stn, ij r rtiomicdgetflsttl i i ts't'srrtantrolin tetytaittrirtI-Iiil ndOî ref uit', IM R Egoigrcsponsibiitiesof aad.OPEN '4tttcral"itutttiitttlit otcato aîd M ERCE gromino of Canada. ~~THURSDAY AND PRIDAY EVENINGS AND Otnt ttl it e tr' rtS. f4taer _____SATURDAY MORNING rîciîaro loroth ehclputticnt Clcsed Ail Day Monday -fritl li i rstttt, cird inoCE-. kun"r'ir a t havel br' tiutîbee