Princess' Stopover Royal Glance is Reward for Lamne Scots IEDITORS NOTE - Bill Dente, managlea edita. aifte Brampton Coservator and pub- lireatons afier iar h.. i.ttne Scots Peel,.frinIatnd Blallon Regtlaent, has set atsttg thts Interetitng acoun id hts ad thce rgttacnis te- ation .ahen the a.gtecnt ws'a on a.nd ifor I'.intes. sa.'gar'.t' rctt arrivi.,,> a ,ittt» Skir- ton 'ct'c amnt h., Mal- lonotan <ai evenieg, both Ln te bands and the guard.l By L. W. E. Dole Thc ppuaiaity of tht L,,aa. Sots waantttttttmore ta eit- Ine haa. i Oaa.ha.a.tht teii- mtnt ttaa.ati att ta.bellittptttdt ata tiliy guaad frlateHa BitaI Htaha...s, Pinatta M.,att*i Malta,, Aitptonlir t rial Ans for thtealîtatta. atdtm.the a.agitamometnt ttf tht Royal glanc a.ttamatpl tt'aitafotttanY .îtay haethttttita.dydtessigtit intful ttttîa.toal dres o aa. latta.tiy tatmnltidtitttttttt at It Iaah ht a .momeatnt fat tht Rayal mtattada ta gîin ganst tht that.a.aadn aI paglatas, aen- roatît .-ttplane tItatan. But lhtt stttttty aa.tgiaetsa.gang tlfitata.and tilhtt .aht aith tht fllaci antagt nI lî'",*-ta. pasitians Than stlatitath uo.a- tmttes At Att The tatiantît hta.ttttl Pt ta' t.-... a.tmed t ttu ml irtiy ut au it otusas ththi, hlathlio' ous.intttconetihle totpî hy,ad thtt.-pmthahly ' na'l a. a.ldit." ortaiitiaa. ha dda't atat Lîetî-Gan. Klitt Maahay, ha.r AnstthePaa.att î',ad g.,dhy' f.o tht plalta. I ftht Baya I.rain Ppo Maot lat htliaal Ipttrs anti tuintoott itingl> playttd "Bannît Latit." The efltifll.'galia t,! th( Ltnt hcotta, it a., ag,,a. a.a.tofnbhuesandaagtin.., givnnthatpactttait hy tht ca 1et-t Iînita. oftht Bayai Caadar Ma.,ntad Polic. Buttthata. it a. quca.tttn thal tht gtatttt hîl af 2 Haty Watha.t, a Btamaptnt do andt hta the t tlttth buh- he eta.nng wa thtPetl, Dttt pritelt, woaaniellais, lithta ga with cath soliertttttYtu fttia anti Halta otilia untt. aI oany thttn in the, tes- .,a.ttiatht tha.t otth h... 'pat- Th tsta' mitlatyhbandt,îttihby tifietu thettgi..t's v attatta soa1lattok' ltt.atht Ptinttta.. Lt. E. G. Calttt tf Bolinglto, otititita in vaat..- thtalta. tof As nea.tatile t he. .tnanaio aa.dth pesthttttdltheat'aowd Watd WatîILtta wata.inter- 'tiiart wtta tht igah and a.litttti thit hîtoti taith tatt, tc, in.the.tfattliat h.. latin a.aha atet Ia.g the tiaamlet maratiait da.tttthe tlttg atgntttlt's tsat ent.1 ath toatt ttitttghthitte ttt W ,tltiW tt ttt, 'hitat , battiflt. Shti, atîai tata.t tal a. îta.ath thi ,l uS,"'l c l,, .11-1c hI'h,, aa iit , ttty lt, ittttan tti t tttaandhhctu ,"I'tF ta ut , c,', atta. a. td , lîlî'a.o ntk ' t,,,d a tnt inthta.tddtaofaa'vaatn ta Ott.dahtuidig, we joiad ter yttth tt'ta.ttg totwl. trepttt fet Bayai guattidutty. tatttaht.nfthe Totrtotn ttot -"Wti1l yttî"tlttttttitttîit iAmnMîTttebriattaht- ,ithtan esfo>atttdtttttit bitt ta .., butigdamti t at' io-t,.-aa. Tot ai llitt'Sec' of ty tinîael andtg lte t thtast,,,î Mii, Can htîttîttt' ,, adActig Oflice Cotin- tttt ,to ie tin.. Aiexandinelttl ,t h;. a-itttiîllrd ttaa.ding hth paradaes a ltaur h aIt b ffit' Tttt'ttt, Daily Shi, va',îtn,'t i,,d titta. tiatly Lattta Scotsî. ahtt, at htttt attuiitti i) t'ry inh Kcpt thc Date t a l si.ttRtt lî i itisea. l TLt. ,.d Mtlitt ttt ofBt'ittgtta. . îî oit leaî, l itt eratt y ,,tg.[ attdiltia' a Malint t Biapthe d Oat.ttne n t- At ,ttsttrict,,ii-aSay , ti at t,,,,, ii ti D. G H.d Millear , att .of,,,,Br,,atmpton;,,t ta t ,,ahfileta ata.taai Ina,,t httt Ha.,ChMTigg, -tBampnant- L Aitt t,ta,.,tt, uttttthiati 1ttttatttfl,1lat' ,tt.tildly t tqtttnaat Mi.JahKhîatt atBaaîMa.gtantta "Jahaa.iatt.ti.t LtformerilStat i t iti h,' aw î,,,,tths Sttlt a.eeo E a a haa 'tl t .,,fil,- ays pitale V- l ,'î,,,,If Il ,t l '"intatat ,ih,.gc twnt Mh ltoni- t tat"ittaa.ptttnyiilt "'icîcstnIi.h" v rtco%,l*ii(,. ut u en A t fiond lantt- ttti tt- it, ',I t.ti ' iý T - td ., - 't' t i t't dt' ht ;a' i , I -t' Int,,,t SWIMMING i gelta.g la betIhe faaart pt ofIhildhltlaa.t ala. tîatj ,umi- oanrl hitalyt nIo baîîhheI-taI hShtaaabaaaragraptoflhe 200 Oakilletislatait ilîttî atetndiri a day caamp,woa ttappad lang a.a.agh lta.îajy tha. îa.l rtltj watrsnola n i ta narka. , i7 B..idns hildrca. a laI ai atllîtîtart ta.iy ta. hae laii,îaa ai the path la.- pîtîtîta, rtti tata a.d twîooia.g otngs., ttl .t'a For LOWVILI.E ' ,ttlt I t REPAIES AND INSTALLATION _____ t tîtit t-t1," 0OCOMMERCIAL Mission adU Baby B n incad t-g EIETA S lan tttttit "t ta' inlithhatlt a atttahttatFltatttt luaph tor ht ttit tl. HaO Ttita the a oait tI ttil pci O laudy oncta t 28, iîtatît. ttthe',,, al , t Il, Misn and aan a yaiBh an at ,,,,dain heag i *, nt tda itt-ta.tha I chti h t an he ladtt' a. la hyntTIth Iv-atifttttt R,,aaa atta MU.n ..iCed taittta., ,,aa,tde unhttondeahitit a adltua .Tta.1II;c,, JIdTIyllo -3 8 M L O Mît. Jaet Haaad aa.d i;Mt ha atad a-s t a- MSytaCtîtt.ttpi ver Ista-,lanudhrcthy set the chu'ta.,ol,,t' ty nIm Wy,,,,.alattuta .,,di FaotltattytaH IG H E R EGG ahatat a',of . tathati itand 1 gat Vctritd Haer flantni.ath ttorty Oa tt, PilAngels,thesart fthon Zaaahaaa., tht Iitîlt Oa.' ît.ti. aThay itti Yal i e AIterthypia.t.-th ladis hd Prk ad wetttaothttihy rio rlhtt'ttattuttomeaitng ohitea lh..iyhtarstihtttotaal att toic thriltitta. layeaineasa. nal aata aIftaat tntI.FK O F IT IN PEETMY iCARai i pe BSlT Iop IN AT GARAGE FOR BETTER USED CARS AdReliable Automotive Repairs You Can't Go Wrong at OMAGI4 The Canadien Champion, Thursday, Augos) ltith, 1958 3 Misson M e t Miss Eva Croze.. ccompaninti by prescrit wtt.. Mr. anti, Mr.nROI£t Plan Closing M sin eting Mis Jean Botta. anti ther frînd eta tahnrtoane, Mr. anti Mr. Carlyle. 1.-t on FrHday forci thrneha Fns Pattae.-tancanti Donald, Mr'. anti ri nPa1cilitcnatWn isah Mrs. Willar a.t esoeM iTea for Children and Mot tn th-ma tejybetm. adFacsadM.adMs The fitth meetting of the Sunshint Recovecteg WeIt Uta..Douaglas Oa. guta 'taiiatt, Chea.str MDotll. Mission. Bandi oat htld in the W.- ae gladt tre-portlthat Oa.agh tastI ahbath anti gante ,tttt.-tyapathy ta the Cranss S.ntay 'î,,oa.awithaarge itMl.-neça.-tis i dong nittly of- atfi a .. In thtnet.tot tanly ttn thtttttttnt ht'catt- attttilanat. Tht' Bbe 'tading wt er tth .ree t accident. Sht oa. a .tteks thta'a oil bc no matsha.t ment, thet tnt of lbirti ahttanti gvn aby Ma,grt tClakadaflta"i'ta'g hmttaitta'to a to ek rSandayathaol in Omagh Prtn- g.aadtathe', P. Crons. ,k, hy CthyDoalby. holita ian t.t'h laa.dt ai Gr'imsby byt'tian churth, loatt lortvaca- Names n itcd Mt'a. Wtt. MFaddt'n t,ld thte an Sandan, A,,tant 3,a.ah.'n thetiont. .a yhtth oa .n I thtitrn a. iatt'ttating Bihb , le ty car the wat a el',altin.g ta.h,,it,. At inartythe .a . tn' at tend atyeanti Al th lta u a tia littltyna.. latt ait lfai Ia n,.-,ccl opie . ten ini ud e trs ad N nc n i i,,l' y J,,at p lt,, 1o,. H'l, -d atllttradg ,,alsnnîu (ito e Ke n eaok ec o it(d i 1.111 b'h' ,îd t l, gdtît ,l ' a ""'.d,,,d,:y I, Ma. ,,,,tld, lt Onag . ,MronJh . Ma C. M tht, 1.- ora'. to huia,'] II,,,,,, h-tii,ý 1 a,' a , t, tti ,,h. il, Rst RI VISnia à. AUG. 14-111-16 17 ut ta iv h dne BBlaad anM. Mll, and l, . Jintt daILT<ONdceITO h"IETS ILE 17 hadd n n t,, onAt M<>a..iHUR-t'UIS. A G. 1115-16 F/Ni ,,,j'y bate tttt C,,,ndPARIS H LIDAY I Wt tttt,,;.lAESHARKERSad ELIZABTH SELLARS 14Oit u~l -t' l~tttt t a, a,,- lod M: ,,,,, . h , , n d EIS ION1,AIST iMdEn 5 Att, Stetvlttt'Ctin t att,. . . . . .Idn , .d- Dn e A N JONES2.0 P .- Ad lt 60eMITCHiEL 15 It t tta I tan 1h us 4 o . h fl y t LI F NES AND DR >i BINK...n ERANE moWHOSOEVER DRINKEIH T CF Tci WA.TIn TosiAalT hi SHlorG iE a SALo HVE TR "Thirstyn; Corn11UI.. eCIaINd Din k!"IM an tatthWI dII'f Be thergi Eveig(7p -. Msae ofonthe Pat ogra mmaulBat- "ý...t e- mD hF".I1-G hGh Church dr Commerciý aNlEt, Itan A 111UM1119 nt i EAINki9i ig kl n EN JNSadT O.MTH L 393EVRVOE l CRIAL1 ......O CMETO EA TitSTîMLYnYE TME Gere îee ES ESAE Miï,pan d t oltn _____________________th____village.________ MARGARINE 2 49e (iOVIIt Ct I - FI St IA) 11 SOC'kEYE SALMON i 47c I'N TIMAiI> XAU ' I - i tOKI) HE1NZ SPAGHETTI 3 47c CHIAMPtIIO OCa 11. FOI ) - REUC (1 DR. BALLARD'S 4 'î49c Id.,l for Cod 1lt- . '-II IEREFUC I IIL%11 Nl) CORNED BEEF 2 ' a75c "August Is Sandwich Month" Il A.t' II SINI I~ I11S Kam Pork Loaf 2 89C DOtMINIO PEANUT BUTTER 35e CHEESE SLICES 29c BOLOGNA 'i 37c MARMALADE 'î 35C BIG 29e SALE ,SXISIM ER(I1CilnI D)ICED BEETS 3 2() "'-29c CSXN A.LLEîY SICCOC KERNEL CORN 3 it29c ALLANSS VX.uI>>,, i'hý ddmtî Orange Drink t'29C IYN XXXSLLC V T-fît P EA S 3 ltt29c CII Ct 11111 ,SS - I 551 Cohoe Salmon - i, 29c AYLNIERi - I 'NSi APPýLESAUCE 2 at29c DOG FOOD 4 T,29c i. Dominion Stores Ltd. ON,II G1>iRD'.S' - T,ne.a Mittîn KtcnelI- Corn on Cob 10 Fa45ç. ONTX I t ,%I ASIIl No. 1- Greecn Iaoal CELERY STALKS 2 V'19e ONaTRIO Na.1 i iSlXt (ROWNa CARROTS h3/t23c C R D, RIPtC - ONTARC)IO 1WW S I-111h TOMATOES Baski 99e GRAPES 2 îi29e i SXAICSN >1l'a. COOKED HAM 1 $1.49 WAX YPAPER 2 ii/I55C IXIl- BISCUIT FEATURE tRCII/ RAISIN COOKIES lt35c At a~CANDY FEATURE- POPSUCKERS 29e ENSURE TOP PRODUCTION WITH "STAR- LIGHT" AND TAKE ADVANTAGE 0F THE CURRENT HIGH EGG PRICES * Starliglît 161/% Ail Masit Lay- ing ration * Stcrlight 18% Lay Concentrate * Stcirlight 20% Loy Concentrate MASH OR PELLETS - OYSTER SHEIL - GRIT Count on Quality and Order Today from Milton. Milling 1 Mlton, COMPANY LIMITED TE 8.2311