HalIton Guernsey Cow Cham pion For Butter Fat and MiIk Production Aeooodotg tocoo odgît total of tmcc 147,000 tht. of eik* -t eotr*voft'.eitC.ottOo tcillerta - .tttdt7,700ll, BF. dorig he, i D o. 1c o y H * 1, nt'ooptoH it C.,todi.re ChamttPlo.foi ohhOt- cai 15 Yesof ie,ad inthe ect lt'r tot ccd nit-oihlotoce iiihtoe S hbutter fatBI L At tht e ofo.ooîoteo of looierjst productionchoe the 8t000 PoaedBI L lactation, "Beetto" hcd proced oaitr. Resuîts Show Brucellosis Tests Simain Filed Nearly Completed oo.tttott t tt '.ed BPotot ngunertthAe oot Gotot.in tootootto ivetttOopttoro ams cmltd sae r of [Fiotd Of uhbanodry. OAC, wht'o The ' Ototrtptort vinh vill v, oddoooog th Tight mtit I tlod ioo t otiît1 the tofttFottd Wtocon e. 0 0otttttetmtddleoof JoîO topott Aliogotý,otn000Wedcdy evctttg thbtt oto 92 ottio ct t cf atotalofti oflt ttoto. t985t0 0herds haveoo Oted tuc Siman i, he clilizl [he tot The [2 httd c'hioh otot-, uioototo thioopooto [toIgto0ctotoh Dethe ' h sottf totltotittop-tti ou ýt 1t9tdrtttt tsattt a pre- nlt> on,[ 0the. peoootoge raoopttt gotooo t,tp ifott corn'. The Woo c'et'vorkot t oitghtiy toto than ottto ste.o'ooototttttdtte onMy t9- hallf une poeret.,ootttoh qot- anodthttto ol-ig dtt'tot t- ce 'of thctiottocttoothodotogted a tioth wd tooteto,tod ho Proft. Boooottoc Certotood Aoot. 1 Jttttoe Ttto' pototttto of SOtotOOt Sixo Pcr Cent. Affected 1 ýt lit30 gris. oootoooootttpPttod t{oeer. tot'reogittoasoa lt the atoeo Cettttod Atoot. the cpectageoftt E-eri-al Wo tt[ofetod hoods rntotteadditttnottt Eottototto.ot.tt tt.th toth thto t etou h opot otoedttotod f..tttoooattttt oood 00Il 1ti! t. tio t edimoot el of toot ag ornttt'ttht tO ho ttto"Ag o it" etop cttto. ttt ototion hat lote t tota - ttte tcooet fiotd of octoc ehodj evrs enad thatI got he o te thoettiefolttot. ood te hoecIhe Pt th.tt Tfi Brai thoit sdtoo'oioo rtests hav'.oo oohdH h toto'.sthot 00ot., apparent toto oc[in ttttt on 'o dod eot r- c"M.op'otoot to"tntto, 'o io!o thin1i oe -A FifL tt'teeded Piot Sooto50 toltk '.r000in ttoodecoo 676 foot' t he Tot oght et ogooto ehooh Poto oot'.ototootodod anocnsc'.tionc o! the vote. repototooplots pofte et sixottctoctt- A teso tothety oand sooooreicottef hed te et! o it atotaliof152 ptotsc mooovote' invooteod. ando those, thocho te Mo. avai Wioc.ot, w0000in oceollont con- tnt ditioe. Hoti Attloin t. it oo'o osotoitetot oct' in isusonoe rca rins.tlitst ttopliîott'oandted oi cot o htoh fteo .0' titto troti topProf. Jfot. ottt o f o te Actontt4-H F'.000r-.o ri 'o" Ctoh. tý ito oto4-H toraogo 1 C'toototheo ['ottittt4-[i Hotte Ctub t 000 ooft 1[tooc4-H I'teoto Cth. toto plus a ood tii tooîmlooo tot od roit c ngpooti'ctieo ttheo'tlutoon o t o 1 tOto toirt o' 00 v,,r00 ottt o. anttot Mot. Wtotooto for t t o[t t.hin tst . tt Halion County Herds In CRNE. Competition Oc ltmi! tootoepoooeitt tit rooi to hotot. otinhoth Holti an totriOtoe Cateotia Nationae oItlottiottoEcttoclool d oc Atte- t! 2-1totn toOhoetttoop tttoodo e1 teop vn otootti thtetoCotitom n Autioot andtot29. ltttl ototp loooot.Hoitoot mou bcoottoo[tt'teopo[tire tOo h bi- oroooMac'dtotOto.andertioov O! C. Být otoMittlto; Fotthoiýt 0000 oto HohottoandOM. W. Stctoto Blacok and Wite The'Mto"ti.oandtotWhite'" and Stitoot'o. sooit th ai [too l. "oot iliot., 1aB h e f't. totootofrootEotueoocg r SEPTIC TANKS CampetCSpiTank BACK HOE SERVICE WellTile F eCatSdewak ConcreSteps Phono Rockweed ULser 64398 ROCK WOOD CONCRETE PRODUCTS R.R. 2, Rockwoed, ont, The o e'td-toodo Bihbo'oooding oottootoftho Bthto Soonttohatt tettetood otn ttototd o'ot o r fttictt paîtt 14 pootot Oneo on ot rtthis t. oooldotootetdtp th itt' atwood re- protductotttottthe' oo.don c oooo'ottt i fli elgonstoandooott.o to.". 1..tci oto. Soottttto otîop'.tti' t8 toto t.otgooog'ot it ot tl tt So'oopttooo' ooareti lte oooti.ot'd [n127 t.otgot.goc totndoottot,. Ot,, daiot.oce'ooppt it fdootOoîtodltt- 00000 ot lt.oiptott tot Sel'ttttto dotto ted to t'o.d bhomttudeostot peope. Bibht' D.to tnBta.oot tt.oo oott gifiato.tventt tht. nSo Pootot toast Deopottt intoaotBohto Donis mteetngOti0,0t0 pootlto looohd pat tt[thett git-t.tttothototogitioto toto' otto tht eogh ftito ott ýr veje,^cnt ftheiott.o untaîn Cave mie edad on tho e 0irs Unal Halto,>s IsrsDver ho tOi m t'I hp 'l'b 30 doy 1 tt r coopeed Hlonshud it-For Farm Stuff ts ficd Aooqa. ya Bue LILLOOEt'.BC ' N'I;,, tt1, eoCotfhmtd Vacito p ro -Choiaut hasono t hi,' toam log entha erotiy paid off andttti' otottt d dettH T h, IOtte c ttieo tocersntoy mou htbc P tot c delth otf a Jl Dd ofe [hhgh health otatec o ut hohted the 76-yv'o-tttd Lori.' Àcatto oto shomeoaeoa gltiot tgtoo Acvhbotm'd oot. tt ooooto tain by Mo . Chenomtt 24 yz, g iog P-roducers ct.tulooilInoan ie t'ttg.ti :Ilt pprove Plan On rhor' day of t ' .0 to . ttIl tt il.,tto -1v odtmaiktt Oowteo ham ttIt l.0It , nott p'ot tat...to1 do1- eto > theoo got',td ttoo ,o, " l,1- ' ,,l ot ooot ofh o ooted c op ta Y, Ir nt he cave tt.ooot.t to 1- ,te fo ttot il, thtlt hoooo ho le il, ho cn tog otterod as ottgibto dogoes te and of thto [tom ho,3.573t aild thomootoot o! ftheoptpot - np ofootng on theOnDtario ýPodueooMarehtngPlane In Polloc k and 00.o 296 votes vereoc' sttandoo tIl oh i ilbt ttt OotL tttto t '. thao t tttogoo tpee tîo ' HIGH GRADE MEMORIALS tOtoe vtoto o diod cttot coýt thoot MEMORIAL ENGRAVING 'sttod ttn a more dopsi t idtto 6tttttto-S., North GALT 1 o oth Hog Produers'o h TELEPIIONE 20148 IF YOU- HOLD' VICTORY BONDS DUE 1959-1966 YOU NOW HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY 0F REINVESTING IN THE NEW Cainaida Conversion Loan Bonds AT A HIGHER INTEREST RATE, AND RECEIVE N ADDITION A CASH ADJUSTMENT Surplus fends mey be invested at an interest rate et 41/2%n Comple teiformation woill gladly be gtoen on oqest HJALTON & PEEL TRUST & SAVINGS COMPANY OAXKVILLE BRAMPTON BURLINGION 97 Coîberne St. 11t Oceen St. E. 451 Brant St. Phene VI 4-3216 Phoene GI. 1-3365 Phone HE 4-1028 Installation of a new Pellet-Maker Doubles Our Capacity FOR PRODUCING PELLETED POULTRY RATIONS AND ASSURES YOU OF HARO, UNIFORM PELLETS Why use pelleted feed? *IMPROVED FEED CONVERSION *INCREASED ENERGY *INCREASED CONSUMPTION * 115 WASTAGE Count on Quality and Order Today f rom Milton Milling Milton COMPANY LIMITED TE 8.2311 Il 10 The Canadien Chamipion, Thursday, August 7thi, 1958 O N T ARi O ONTARIO HOSPITAL UNSURANCE effective January 1, 1959 YOU MUST BE REGISTERED TO BENEFIT On and after january 1, 1959, the Ontario Hospital Services Commission wull bc the only agcncy offcring standard ward hospital insurance in Ontario. No private insurance company or prepaymcnt plan mili offer becfits covcring standard ward hospital sevices aftcr Dccmbcr 31, 1958. ÀEL RESIDENT.S 0F ONTARIO PIRENI1IUMS AIRE ELIGIIILE iRe lîtît'proelîcto cq f $2.10 c mon[th for t cingle LErolment io epen toecvcry ocoidecf of Onle-rie-ri'- poroon aoeil.20S it ettth ftorlthe fiily (ltiîlcnd, gcrdo.to(ittf [to[r phictitc iti toIt cîiter (ilîeagli soife ccd chîldron andor cgc 19) aretiade poosible a groep, or îedîoiduclly en a Piy-Dirocf hosto. ftrt[igl[ extnsive fîcîcoitIcontribuations byflie Not-rcoideteof Otî[c rîe c îof elîgîhle. I oderof and I'rcytîtial (.overnticcts. WHICN 0F THESE CLASSIFICATIONS ARE YOU IN?' PAYMENT 0P PREMIUMS CROUP PRENIIU'RIS wilIlibc payable mnnlin one rrmiîîaeee to flic Cometission liegnning in Decenmber, 1958. INIIVIDUAILS rcmiîtieg ta fthc Commission on s Pay-Dirccf bcois miii pay oat foflows: One menîhs prec[iiim c the lime of application otn or belore Seplettîlcr 30, 1958 - aned tfer fircf paycble oenci q[ico[ory preaîicm basis begin- ringtin Jcacry, 1959. PIREPAID t(;USIIItSN' - Thee Ersl peya[eel or one moticlis pceentini[[l loy up'. eed idividuals regicîoocd prier l inte chie ateso02 t[c[ o htî', wili cover a beatfit period of threc nfls from Jotnuary I la Morcli31, f959.TItis %viii col ap a 'prepa.id' periîtd lto mitiO[l lcfis dering fioles soien o person îty c lidit off, cltcnging jolie, or feetporîly oautaiflîe provine. i&TE RtEGISTIRATIOîN MAY PROVE COSTLY Grocancd icîliciduas otis lregoolcrcd iy lt[e clooieg datles sloîfed aoeve ueder givoîn c loîoifit,'iios îlI sol oely fai o o oîitfy for the tSo[ iot[lio frec cîeeroîge bl iai c ereqait-cd leovoit tee tc tiooh fotiiotoicg applica.tion bcftore honcfis coimocîvi- ie. Fîo eSotiipio, c groap or reoitbcai oppiyieg ia f'elicrit.y col snollhaoe protection ClfcuLve unI il Maly . VOU MUST BE REOISTERED TO BENEFIT ONTARIO HOSPITAL SERVICES COMMISSION 1403PITAL. INBURANCE civisIoN - ToRoNTro 7. ONTARIO Toîsphone WAInut 4-3301 ----- - --- ----- --- OT TET HALON COUTYBlamne Mask in Boy's Drowning d ooTh,.. weton cstoy anenct ca ctof aIddit et 10e aide. Sud- WEED CONTROL NEWS Ask Township Pool Lifeguard ccl.temto ecched and the 59' A fececmendoloon that coin- InspecorHao o Wttson cf the "That's facco," ccid the pouce VE.McARTHUR, COUNTY WEED INSPECTOR Iteteot lftegoardc hc oc dottp tai lTrafalgar poltce.,toho tcoOottgated man, "f coccder coiat that Snack- 11 toctes at pohitie cc'toctotcg pooto, the tottto, catd to t th ot e'occh t00 mcct HOWIDO WE RATE ___cod. W ape weiltsupptood woth and thet tho pootlsho otcoopped mon hthe chtdmcccton;ootomp "Weltt 1 ca0tel ot ott ethtca, consderng te mny vr- ast nd ffiient macines fors 'tcc Br o tel*," the gal occmered icip. Whenc ichcode alesandcefeboycyvas r-ed[othtnsccdtintorics .nt"t wtn'ehoccoi*tftto. ietctfoottc dsfttand in Halton thorocgh cutttionc. A chotte otphooodootooomo codotoct'ototttt o t Hmtttoîoîct. Cotitt. and rettcottg u o ttattcoed llttco icottlttfor ceotpcmtde hootjury ottottoodeo'Coi- camh and eo'omo mocie to,' o cttevery stuattion. and theo teoooic- too Dr. Kotth Phois iTtîtt loot- l p tttt o'oo'i.ooo , c'.oo che. t 000h- to o' 0,' t-o ît toot tir, ttt ttttt the o obtt M C. ot 1,,to, to tttti ttt pltnto i i to'oio-ttp. [t o [ ' t ot ot itu 'to i o ' . ,tOt oo TOP SERVICE ttt tOon ttct nttttttO'[ttope'ttp Bytctotd Mec oCotot BliI- ,ts plarace[or tecIps ee towe o'ire letoot il. ho ,ne eren Cmpnys at ART HATTON'S thtp c't'o'ot t oo[OtOd ahot one00Coocccocttffcot'îcg ftootemoc oocteot' h litl we! haevrth sor omettin rsutnginderasd U 1Mila o ul 1.SUNOCO SERVICE STATION toopd. ! rne - ho tto h e tts.t.toot octteg ' Tin, ott oiMtoe O t 'h. t onoto 'îotoe ,oo ldo,tttd acn 0000 000000000 tttory [toood thot dotth - oo u t csthtohd andino itof th et iuittto etttt oftttt.todoeîttoare tttlotg rfoatt[ .ntttt c a(nttd miu futtof ourtoo'tto'o tor o' do '00 ,,lt ay ttto *,[000ctottiof t ttoeg the oyt'o mo Jri Check this List of Motoring Needs ttheo Oooot"A [tot opcood ,t tttd t'tto't'0 oîottototot ottREPAIES -1 TIRE AND BATTERY SERVICE il BLUE SUNOCO ttt O.oooN to . o't000tttptutent dtio' . Ht [[ Bjçjo'tt O ittot t tot t'.oloti GASOIINE 4 SUNOCO BATTERIES J GOOD VEAR TIRES mît lusnotttt ' t it s otro o otIttîttto,tch t oottoot'toeîoo ot tooor' otîo tt'oltt J CAR APPEARANCE MATERIALS SUCH AS WAX - R8- octgt.ood.ttt tttt d otohotoott ood otc ti it' itto toOtotot 0000Ot iot , bWAX CLEANER, AND CHROME CLEANER. toott, Ildtotottthtttta'd ,intruotg tht', otthpoot ' 'o[p tooooo. 1it - , Aooovo'oo 1uo abt t cnthein.00 topo ate cott ootgh to a- 30 ,iei- ttttttd tto'Ototo ,,i Ot - Free Pickep and Delieery - aottd to oto t tra dd ootteîtist [he totoh. ab,ttoPt .tthtd Ot i tto ttttttlot Ail tero fully ioooreol bile je 000 0400 ttt uc I dditoot. t'.th at e ryt'o oot- toc tc tttntoo an ott o vui ezl.nt n..t tt00000 ttmottthiofth ito toto [[ o'f ttthi o ttoc ou t A R T too ttt'd ootîp. tootoopto 'A theootottttotoghtthae" ,,oodttlOtMLTN T 892 totia 1gou ' -rtonts itntaoSt mle Ptd"ooto.oo'i'n ottotheai-rn, o coted. and ottuggvd aott .ttttM LTNt -92 in hotpoooiotti.to ,,tottototoInthr ui o- h laev crI or .o od aototoh ll.ottot htoo . to oito 6 M I S o t tth too ot to t Hco totoot' to vraslas *CenieRise t o or to 'gto- ti [out tir ortt too o Ot cin t H A T C N23MAN S quiort adainaniton .,con bors ndtttootttttoocttteootytp Ioitodo totogo 3. Are yotn a ini-nber of a professionel assoiation, u-dirai co-operativc, ereft unitn, cri-dit union, retail federetiots, or like group? If nunther I or 2 dttc Bolapply f0 you, chteck Sifh your organizafion fa determine if it is acting as a colîeccor for ifs menibers. Grooîp applications ust b in by Augast 31, 1958. Il yeta are not rtigitile uncler 1, 2, or 3, yose ieiay -arcil as ai ndciiual andclpny pi-e- cintaci irerdîy ta theCommnission. Imdii. dalsaopplying for I'ay-l)iricîi ericc, inoai iakc' applirntiant by Sepiii toe30, 1958., Appicatian foraoie are neîîc aitale ai publlie Ioiejîie!and btiksîL(or the Pont Ofli-e il thure ie no bank in yoor coin- aiuaiiîy.) Do noi delay. 1. Are yon cmployed wIecrc îlicre arc 15 or more iîîcludisg lihe enmployer? If so, you are subject fa compulsory enroti- ment [11000gh yocr place of employnîcnî. Yîtur employer mu st enrol you by Augoot 31, 1958, and begin paymenls in Dccembcr 1958. Your employer will register you. 2. Are ynie em1tioyed whisre tiscre arc 6 Io 14 iîîcludig tihe emîployer? If sa, you mocy bc enrolled os one of a grooîp, if fhe, employcr applie for approvol as a "Mandafory Grocp" and if ail employce, inclcding te employer, agrecef a prficipafe. Group application must lbec[made by August 31, 1958. Nom- lmmý mam- mmý %mmý m»mý Immm- mmqmý lomm- mmý amom- mmmý imau- mmwý au- au- au- mý do-